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Terrain Generation With Deep Learning | Two Minute Papers #208

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-22

The paper "Interactive Example-Based Terrain Authoring with
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks" is available here:

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Andrew Melnychuk, Brian Gilman, Christian Ahlin, Christoph Jadanowski, Dave Rushton-Smith, Dennis Abts, Eric Haddad, Esa Turkulainen, Evan Breznyik, Kaben Gabriel Nanlohy, Malek Cellier, Marten Rauschenberg, Michael Albrecht, Michael Jensen, Michael Orenstein, Raul Araújo da Silva, Robin Graham, Steef, Steve Messina, Sunil Kim, Torsten Reil.

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Music: Antarctica by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/ 

Splash screen/thumbnail design: Felícia Fehér - http://felicia.hu

Károly Zsolnai-Fehér's links:
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Louis Cyfear - 2017-11-22

2min Papers... The only channel in the World were the news is always positive.

omni scient - 2017-11-23

There goes the terrain guy's job

Alen Milanovic - 2017-11-23

well, i work as a terrain guy..

Armitage - 2017-11-25

Miloslav Číž

There is no such thing as a "terrain guy" although some environmental artists may be more proficient at it and get asked to do the job more frequently, but this kind of design is only good on paper and for filler backgrounds, actual game terrain requires game design into account, it's not just looks or realism, it has to fit the game and except for cheap-ass "survival simulator" that usually have terrains that seem made by a 13yo doing playing for first time with Unity, I don't see many studios picking an AI to do this job, at least not within the next 10 years.

Yt3912487 - 2017-11-25

and i never will

komakaze komakaze - 2017-11-27

This might make environmental artists jobs easier so they can produce more terrains with greater diversity and greater beauty. They could possibly use this to generate a base terrain that they further customise and add further detail or realism to.

Сергей Наврожин - 2017-12-07

And what exactly stops the guys that researc this stuff from adding more tools that replace the standard ones for terrain editing? This is features generator, the creative control is still in operator's hands. AAA guys will adopt this stuff in no time (unless they already did), because speed of development is ALWAYS a problem (especially with big ass games like we have today). And with another network learning how to output a photogrammetry level textures and details (leaves, stones, etc) there will be no need for all the expensive "not cheap-ass" hand crafted stuff. Good riddance actually. A tedious and boring job like that deserves to get automated.

Cory Marshall - 2017-11-22

@2:46 Half Life 3 confirmed :)

It would be great if valve actually used this for there maps in HL3, if it ever comes out.

MWorks08 - 2017-11-22

Happy 100k paper-versary!

Will - 2017-11-22

From me too ;) Greetings from Salzburg btw :)

Miloslav Číž - 2017-11-23

Are there even any non-neural-network-based methods emerging nowadays? :)

Yen Vu - 2017-11-23

Miloslav Číž 2an

Mexx mexx - 2017-12-01

I think bayesian optimization is really promising aswell

Firefox Metzger - 2017-11-22

I love the new presentation style, I find it much more clear than the previous one.
Also I really like that you guys listen to feedback from the comments. Keep up the great work!

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-22

Thank you so much for the feedback, happy to have you in our growing club of Fellow Scholars!

Okto Putsch - 2018-05-24

There is clearly a reinforcement learning technique used from the comments section.

Huntracony - 2017-11-22

I leave your videos amazed every time.

Jethro Kleinig - 2017-11-23

I'm working on creating a D&D map at the moment and this would be amazing at creating easy mountain ranges. I assume there is no way that the public can access this software yet?

CF NB - 2017-11-23

Don't worry; there are already plenty of algorithms for creating mountain ranges!

Thomas Folbrecht - 2017-11-23

You are so awesome dude, going to sign up for patreon just for this channel!

dlindeman - 2017-11-23

You need to trademark “I’ll see you next time “ I’ve watched some videos just to get to that phrase.

funkiyoyo - 2017-11-22

Great videos ! Thank you

Marc Marc - 2017-11-23

Amazing channel! Everyone tell everyone!

Mario D. Zmaj - 2017-11-23

star citizen?

jjjota - 2017-11-22

Hey Károly, what would you recommend to do to a person that would like to work on neural networks but only knows the basics of coding and computer science in general?

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-22

Have a look at this! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4h0uC9FPVMQ

Making Games - 2017-11-23

Keep up the good work. Learning every time!

PopcornColonelx - 2017-11-23

Congrats on 100k! Keep it up Karoly.

Marek Rosa - 2017-11-23

Someone should do a mod for this in Space Engineers / Medieval Engineers

Jaka Dirnbek - 2017-11-22

The next step should be for someone to find a way of AI-augmenting the relief with vegetation. Add in the Unreal Engine 4 stuning graphics.. now that would be outstanding.

imaytag - 2018-02-10

0:27 nightmare fuel at the top right

Carlos Cerrato - 2017-11-23

Powerful stuff!!!

Petruschko Ukropovich - 2017-12-01

Very informative,thank you. I think you could make your videos even more fascinating, if you add some background music. Guys , vote me up if you agree.

Alen - 2017-11-23

Now do style transfer and use it in a cartoony game.

Rama krishna Rachakonda - 2017-11-23

Best YouTube channel

Juan Paulo Mardonez - 2019-05-28

This possible NOW with Quadspinner GAEA!!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Charles Li - 2017-12-22

Congrats on 100K subscribers! (now 108k).

ArnoldVeeman - 2017-11-30

I sees somebody drawing lines with an interactive output. Can someone tell us where the software can be obtained?

BinaryReader - 2017-11-26

congratulations !

ProCactus - 2017-11-23


Austin Crane - 2019-03-07

Maybe one day we can all stop using World Machine :0

Louis Gatland - 2018-05-29

So can you get this software yet?

Matthew Ames - 2017-11-22

Congratulations on reaching 100K subscribers! You deserve it!

Chris Summers - 2019-09-19

3 model to populate a virtual world
A thought to
Computational cost

MES - 2017-11-22

I just stoped my terrain generation to watch this :)

m ・ ́ω・ - 2017-11-23

Our universe was generated in a future version of a GAN.

ehfo0777 - 2017-11-24

what was new here? I didn't get ?

Renate vd Bent - 2017-11-22

Congratulations on the 100k subs!

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-22

Thank you so much! :)

Siyuan Ma - 2017-11-22

Congrats on 100k subscribers!

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-22

Thank you very much for your support! :)

Ginsu131 - 2017-11-23

So what is this useful for?

Neil Forbes-Richardson - 2017-11-23

Would be amazing for knocking up the terrain for a game world. Draw out some vague features, get a really nice starting point to build on.

xernobyl - 2017-11-22

Does it fit on 4k?

TheSmileyFacedPizza - 2017-11-22

What are you trying to ask? Will game maps made by this be able to run at 4k resolution? Of course. Is the map itself 4k? Maybe, but it doesn't have to have that kind of resolution due to the smooth, gradual nature of terrain. Can you build a map at 4k? Yeah, why not?

Vander 'imerso' Nunes - 2017-11-22

I don't think that that is what he means. He is probably asking if the code will compile into a 4kb executable. I would say that it is definitely possible to create an actual neural network demo that fits in 4kb, but the problem will be the trained data, which won't fit in 4kb -- unless you let it train again every time you run the 4kb (something that might take many runtime hours). Hope that this makes sense.

BlastForward - 2017-11-23

Vander 'imerso' Nunes I hope that's irony.

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-29

Someone, somewhere surely just went: "challenge accepted". :)

xernobyl - 2017-11-29

It's just a matter of finding the correct random seed to create the neuronal network weights and hope it generates a terrain somehow :D
That or have a genetic algorithm that iteratively improves some given weights for compression.

Angelo Boshiki - 2017-11-22

Congratulations on 100k!

Disgracia Lasengga Poe-Ta - 2017-11-22

Cities Skylines has this. Sort of...

Mohammad Reza Taesiri - 2017-11-21

You channel deserves 100 million subscribers!

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-21

That is very generous. Thank you very much for the kind words! :)

Matthew Jones - 2017-12-01

Is this a big deal?  Age of empires have been able to generate random map for decades.  Admittedly not as realistically.

tangent - 2017-11-22

Very cool channel. You need a Bitcoin Wallet for people to donate you conveniently. Keep up good work!

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-29

Dear Namai,
this haven't even occurred to me yet. We can give it a try. Let me know how this went and thanks very much for your support! :) BTC: 13hhmJnLEzwXgmgJN7RB6bWVdT7WkrFAHh

tangent - 2017-11-30

bitref.com said it's a wrong address. Right now Bitcoin might not be the best option since people treat it as gold, but you can try.

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-30

You are indeed right, thank you. Updated the original comment with the new address that should work. Not sure what the difference is because I generated both the same way. :)

tangent - 2017-12-02

Your address 13hhmJnLEzwXgmgJN7RB6bWVdT7WkrFAHh is not valid. Pls check again.

M. Sierra - 2017-11-23

"Lambda Sketch" - Really???

Jared Blackburn - 2018-05-17

Its interesting, and perhaps some aspects could be integrated into procedural generation. However, I don't see this as a replacement for traditional methods of PCG just yet -- it does apparently require human input into each map, which is good in some situations but would make it unusuable in others. I have toyed a lot with the idea of combing traditional PCG with and AI components, though, with the allowing AI to refine a procedural content of various kinds -- though processing time would have to be considered for online generation.

Collin Mayrand - 2017-11-22

Happy 100k paper-versary!

B Touw - 2017-11-22

happy 100K birthday

Paul Mclaughlin - 2017-11-22

Congratulations on 100k subscribers!! Where do you find these papers?

Will Dean - 2017-11-22

Half-life 3 confirmed!

Two Minute Papers - 2017-11-22

Finally, someone! :)

BlastForward - 2017-11-23


Miloslav Číž - 2017-11-23

Can we train a neural network to learn the previous half-life games and make a new one?

uv10100 - 2017-11-23

You sir are a genius. please don't teach neural networks to make DLC schemes!

Nova Verse - 2017-11-23

and lootboxes and Micro transactions then were good..