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100% Cotton - India

Journeyman Pictures - 2007-04-17

Jan 2007
From its polluted landscapes to its poisoned workers, India is paying a heavy price for Europe's desire for cheap cotton. Pesticides banned in Europe readily find its way onto the Indian market.

cobracurse - 2016-03-08

Bayer and Monsanto both remind me of the "Umbrella Corporation" in "Resident Evil".

cobracurse - 2016-03-08

Many Europeans like to brag about how the quality of welfare and standard of living in their countries are "higher" than that in America. What these self-important Europeans refuse to acknowledge is that their "high" standards of living are only made possible by the exploitation of poor people all over the world. That is, their exploitative nature is no different from the rampant consumerism that plagues American society. Here are a few examples of products spoiled Europeans enjoy at the expense of others:

-Chocolate (originating from Africa, where child labor/slavery is utilized to pick cacao fruit used to make chocolate)
-cheap children's toys (made in China with child labor and other forms of dirt-cheap labor)
-iPhones (assembled in factories in China where the work environment is so monotonous and dehumanizing that workers are often driven mad to the point of suicide; factory management actually had install SUICIDE NETS under upper-floor windows to prevent workers from jumping to their deaths!)
-Cheap cotton clothes (as explained in this documentary)

Nothing in this world is "free".

Alaina Shariff - 2017-02-19

This is such a wonderful documentary. Thank you for making this and shining light upon these problems.

bhakta peter - 2017-08-18

8:44 How the English are still conquering INdia today, chemical warfare!

Kanishka Jaiswal - 2011-03-02

@fueldbybeans namaste dost, you are always welcome in my country!

A Welch - 2017-07-12

It is so sad that money is more important that the health of workers. I have visited the USA on two occasions and I realise that the food products which the USA export to other countries are of a different quality to what they have for sale in their domestic market.
Europe and the USA are both guilty. The whole thing stinks.

Gunpowder & Lace - 2018-09-05

A Welch US farmer here. It’s not up to the US what produce is exported. It’s up to the importing country to decide what quality grain and produce they want to take in. If they’re only willing to pay for second-rate stock, then that’s all their sold. We have buyers come from countries all over the world. They decide what they want to buy, not us. There are a lot of rules to importing and exporting. You can’t just send over whatever you want. They buy it before it’s sent over, and then it’s inspected once it gets there. There’s no willy- nilly import/export business. Geez. 🙄

Baker Abilene - 2009-08-04

on $30 for 6 months work!

fueldbybeans - 2010-07-26

@acidcrashguy I want to go there! I love your country! namaste!

christian wagener - 2014-01-12

Thanks Bayer executives. I hope you got a new Benz or BMW out of this. When was the last time Bayer execs went to India to check out their deathtraps there. Selling useless chemicals to a impoverished farmer, poisoning all the people along the manufacturing chain. How does this differ from Zyklon B during the Hitler era? Well, not much at all! Same company same morals and same ethics. If Bayer really cared, they would send some of their chemists to India et al and develop a safe
(er) and at least marginally effective insecticide. But Bayer doesn't give a F%$k, didn't then, doesn't now.

Byron McDonald - 2013-11-21

I wish i could get in touch with him

Aura Herbal - 2013-02-22

prices we pay for fashion

saigokun - 2008-04-25

This is a really shocking documentary. Exploitation of farmers and workers alike. Basically it is a problem of education since most of these people have only limited education and can barely read or write. Thanks for posting this.

Akash Bhalla - 2017-01-22

20 euros are you kidding me??????????

Sheri Balakisten - 2018-02-12

So interesting

wilitalia - 2012-04-11

Che paura Dio santo! Tropo lavoro

rob60201 - 2009-05-31

"Globalism is bad for everyone. The US should just use our own cotton" yeah, we all know how that worked out...

Rohit84up - 2012-03-12

@0asian1nvasion0 Oh well one less dark ugly south indian in this world......who cares about them.

Crystl Fire - 2018-09-10

WOW, guess lives from India are worth far less it seems. WHY would they even allow these pesticides to be sold anywhere! Human lives are worth the same no matter were you are so WHY allow these Indian people to use it!

wala lihowa - 2018-07-03

Everything was calculated for population control

electrodes1300 - 2012-11-02

The Bayer company was mentioned repeatedly in this video. This is the same company that has been endlessly sued for restricting the sale of known AIDS tained clotting agents in the U.S. and then dumping them in the European and Asian markets. Killing thousands I believe... Look it up. No morals where the profits lie. This is a shitty company!!!

Tea Durmic - 2011-04-28

@wiskawind:Completely agree!But as long as Western administrations present hemp as marijuana (or a drug) to the public it's gonna be very hard.There is a big surge of hemp now in Hungary.In the bordering country of Slovenia(where I'm from)there's NO way you'll convince my neighbors to grow 'that'...

Shilpusuresh - 2007-07-07

Thank you for posting these. I know about the chemicals in India even for cleaning are horrific. It really is sad. Do you have any postings on alcohol? Due to prohibition I knew many poor people who died of alcohol poisoning by cinthahol? or some such poorly made alcohol.


That's the best strategy to destroy someone's market
Not giving solutions just criticizing someone to make ones place in market

lsanderl - 2009-05-02

i just feel sorry...

alfredunhill - 2008-12-21

Count your blessings, you may not have as much to complain about now that you realize how others live

. Wakeless - 2019-12-16

My guy Tao doing bits in the bat mobile

Pip Wilson - 2007-11-18

This is a good advertisement for Permaculture. If you don't know it, you can google it.

Tamarra James - 2018-10-28

I am 67 years old and spent my childhood on an orchard farm where DDT was the wonder pesticide of its day...declared totally safe for humans. It was open sprayed from the back of a tractor a few times every growing season. I still remember the smell and taste of it. DDT killed my Granther and my Mother through cancer, the first cases in my Family history. It was banned in North America after the book “Silent Spring” proved the danger it caused. Monsanto simply moved sales to India and Africa until they had sold all their stockpiles and after they had invented new “safer” insecticides to replace the DDT. It seems that it is still business as usual for these corporations, and human life is just as cheap as it ever was. They need to be charged with crimes against humanity in a World Court and finally be held accountable anything less is an acceptance by the World that farmers are disposable. I am disgusted to know it has gotten worse instead of better.🖤🇨🇦

salix cerulea - 2017-12-03

There are many plants that grown alongside suppress and control the pests in a natural way. Also those that enrich the soil. Without any harm to health or nature. Ask Permaculturers. PLEASE share and popularize that idea by all means possible and gather some karmic points.

BudG - 2019-01-31

Excellent documentary but why such a low quality upload???

Gracie - 2020-04-02

BudG it’s from 2007

A Welch - 2017-07-12

What about the Pesticides Control Board of the Indian Ministry of Agriculture. Are they not interested in the welfare of their citizens.

Bev Lumb - 2020-02-02

These companies should be ashamed of themselves putting profits before anything else

Beauty Babe - 2019-12-29

India doesn't care about their citizens! Smh! So shameful!

chandramouli s - 2009-07-10

I have a partial reply for that .... Competition from China and Bayer lobbying will stop that. Being anti pesticide will be the same as being an Anti-war in US. And companies like Bayer will continue to market it under a new name anyhow.

Steve P - 2018-06-12

This is why I buy US grown and processed denim. I don't dislike poor third world people willing to work hard for a living but slavery and an ecological disaster elsewhere doesn't alleviate me of responsibility. Nigeria has been destroyed by oil that doesn't benefit the poor. We deserve to frack for gas and oil in the US that we use! Mimby is for pussies. Figure how to do it in your backyard or don't do it.

pokemonptr - 2013-12-03

Farmer suicides are predominant around 2005's. Mainly in the state of Ap. I live here and was a very big issue. We were told the farmers are being educated and useless pesticides have been banned. Now , I dont see the farmers death in news papers any more. Either it went down or the media thought its not worth their attention anymore. Any ways its really sad. And FUCK YS Rajshekar reddy who took so long to react and was busy getting his family rich.

ma sa - 2009-07-31

India has also become the dumping ground for Russian asbestos after the EU ban. Nevertheless, the government is focussing its energies on megalomania projects like moonlanding and nuclear submarines. If the population is disabled day in and day out like this, what will be left to defend? Is there anyway I could share this clip in Facebook?

chetansingh2006 - 2009-06-12

Economic and comsumptive pattern which are usually reckless combined with no social corporate responsibility , is all to be blames in a world of Greed, selffishness and in the name of profits for few , i am afaird this will continue as long as consumers anywhere dont question where there products come from.

Raymond Yau - 2011-12-18

ok this vid is posted on 2007, has anything changed since then? or has it gotten worse?

northofyou33 - 2018-07-22

Worse. Of course. Monsanto just keeps getting bigger.

Jayakumar Gopalakrishnan - 2010-08-06

Totally wrong and misleading. Cotton bashing has become fashionable and every one with no knowledge of the truth is jumping into this to be counted . Please learn the truth before you become judgmental.

electrodes1300 - 2012-11-02

India was supressed for years. The trend clearly has shifted and we are starting to see the results. Every time I enter a building at INTEL I see many Indian Engineers. India actually does have more honor students than the U.S. has students. As America enters into desperation the school funding has been cut, numbers of school days cut, education programs cut. America no longer has an edge. Sit back and enjoy the show....

Dean Baumgartner - 2018-08-09

This is where WalMart and Target get their sheets from????? The USA sleeps on these sheets every night. No wonder they are so limp of mind.

Gunpowder & Lace - 2018-09-05

Dean Baumgartner The cotton in my sheets is from Egypt, are 1200 thread count and 100% organic. Not all of America buys home goods at Walmart and Target you know. You’re very ignorant.

frank car - 2018-09-23

Oh Egypt, that is so much better!

Cherokee Rain - 2018-12-29


Tea Durmic - 2011-04-28

As long as we're buying cheep clothes produced in either India or China, there will also be no push from the governments to apply subsidies and other mechanisms, to encourage farmers to grow hemp.

Jasmine Kaur - 2010-03-15

In the UK, the richest faith groups are: 1. Jews 2. Sikhs 3. Christians 4. Hindus - that is in order, based on BBC stats. Indians are richest in the US, but it is hard to break them down into Hindus/Sikhs/Christians/Muslims, etc. because that is a nationality.

Truth Filter For YouTube - 2018-05-12

The real truth so many don't want to here is....these chemical companies are run not for profit as much as a way to kill as many people as possible. The people who own them...own 95% of the wealth on the planet. These profits are meaningless to them. The huge death toll is what they seek. they want to kill most of us off !

Jasmine Kaur - 2009-10-30

Yes but sadly these Indians in America are a very small percentage of Indian population - the elites and high castes for example, and do not represent the average Indian, 40% of which are Dalits and are not visible even to the Indian.

trailerman - 2014-03-18

This is so sad and enlightening.
These people work hard like a lot.
I feel ashamed.

Raghavendra LV - 2009-08-02

Mind your Comments. They are hard-working ppl with less than $0.50 to survive on per day...working to produce products that you would mostly wait for "Sales" to buy....... Think about the comforts you have.....before you comment on them and the risks they are in. They do so...not because they are ignorant...but there isn't any mechanism to educate them over the proper modicums, as is the case on the EU/USA.