> quantum-mech > fonda-interpret > how-the-quantum-eraser-rewrites-the-past-pbs-space-time

How the Quantum Eraser Rewrites the Past | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios

PBS Space Time - 2016-08-10

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Causality is meant to move in one direction: forward. But the Quantum Eraser experiment seems to reverse causality. How and why can this happen and what are the implications of this experiment on how we understand Quantum Mechanics and our greater universe?

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A Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser
Kim, Yu, Kulik, Shih & Scully, 2000, Physical Review Letters v.84 p.1

Previous Episode on Can We Survive the Destruction of the Earth? ft. Neal Stephenson

Previous Episode on The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality 

Gamma Ray Bursts by In a Nutshell

Episode written and hosted by Matt O’Dowd

Made by Kornhaber Brown (www.kornhaberbrown.com)

Comments answered by Matt 



Weapon Valhalla



kaleb tandberg

The deathless face of the unborn mind

Error 404: Hodor Not Found

Parakmi I - 2017-05-01

When you are not looking at it, this comment describes the answer to the quantum eraser problem.

Benjamin Beasley - 2019-12-28

I've been keep trying to read this without looking at it. After 2 years I'm starting to suspect it may have been a joke. You bastard

Saul S - 2020-01-13

haha! nice!

Follow The Logic - 2020-02-18

Mohammad Salman This is a science channel.Your attempts to make a vague quran verse look Like a scientific miracle are not only out of place ,but really disgusting.If you believe in that funny book of superstition,sex and violence is up to you,but don’t bring here your twisted translation and pretend we are gullible enough to swalow it.You look ridiculous and obviously science is not your interest.Keep to the religous Chanel’s and leave us alone.

Madcircle - 2020-03-03

oh no it's gone

Ray2311us - 2020-03-09

Making the past into a mere dream to be forgotten

Z Dee - 2019-12-04

“An entangled pair...”
I had surgery for that in 9th grade...

Gee The 'Bee' - 2020-01-01

I did too...but in 6th grade. Very young for that problem

Steve James - 2020-02-10

Quantum physics also gets my nuts in a twist.....

Janice Alleyne - 2018-09-22

"Physicists hate being outsmarted by the universe." 😂

James Cook - 2019-11-03

Janice Alleyne physic hate being out smarted period

Anees Ahmed - 2019-11-03

@Nickolas Gaspar Wow. Thanks a million for this awesome debunking paper. +1

Nickolas Gaspar - 2019-11-03

@Anees Ahmed you are wlc! Just fighting misinformation!

elwoodzmake - 2019-11-26

Someone here can't take a joke, i let you be the judge of whom :)

B OWEN - 2019-12-03


Dgaf brapman - 2019-08-13

I remember opening and closing a fridge and every time wondering if the light was always on..then i found the button switch and the magic died forever.

joseph prosser - 2020-01-08

Each time I opened the fridge the light was on and Schrödinger’s cat was alive, but I was never sure whether the light was on or whether the cat was dead when I shut the door

Mr. Gang Banger - 2020-01-20

U can just put your smartphone in, recording with camera, close the fridge, reopen the fridge and watch the video

Micas099 - 2020-01-20

@Mr. Gang Banger I was just going to post that exact comment because a friend of mine made a video of just that experiment. Turns out, the light shuts off.. all of which proves that we truly are living in the Matrix.

Alex Doumak - 2020-01-23

Has anyone ever looked in a mirror and was able to see yourself, not making direct eye contact? 😏

Sean Finn - 2020-02-29

​@joseph prosser lf never look at my bank account do l ever spend money

Pain2TheMax - 2019-08-21

“If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.”
- Albert Einstein

Airton Granero - 2019-11-21

Feynman believed something very similar. That anything could be explained in a simple manner. Then someone (I don't remember who) defied him to explain in a simple manner the spin statistics theorem (that proves that fermions obey the Fermi-Dirac statistics and bosons obey Bose-Einstein statistics). Well after thinking a few days he admitted defeat: there was no simple way to explain the spin statistics theorem in a simple manner.

TimberWolfmanV6 - 2019-11-21

Airton Granero “whenever you can’t simply explain something you do know well enough, then you’re allowed to just say “it’s complicated” so that my “explain it simply” theory is still correct”

- Albert Einstein

Airton Granero - 2019-11-21

@TimberWolfmanV6 You don't know Feynman, do you? He could simplify perturbative quantum theory in such a way even a six yo can understand (at least partially, but do the math is another thing). Explain the spin statistics theorem should be a piece of cake to him, but it wasn't.

One of my professors at University gave as an exercise, to explain some complex physics topic (I don't remember which one anymore) to a layperson, like the doorman.

Well, after a while when one student aproached him to explain it, he interrupted and explain it first or just say : Yeah, yeah, I already knew that, didn't you?

I think he did it as a joke with the doorman, as he (the professor) was a well known joker.

But unlike most of basic QM that has a simple math background (In fact the interpretations of QM are much more puzzling) things like QFT or even simpler relativistic QM are much more complex.

It is really not a thing explainable without math. The same with GR, you can explain in analogies, but those analogies can be applied to several similar non equivalent theories.

"The devil ist in te details"

Albert Einstein

Airton Granero - 2019-11-28

@TimberWolfmanV6 The trouble is that there are things that need a mathematical background. QM simplifications on popular books can make you have an illusion of understanding QM with flawed analogies. But you can't really understand QM (by that I mean make previsions) without math. Although QM math is simple, GR math is not, and QFT is much more difficult. That is why there are so many books to popularize QM and no single one whatsoever about Quantum Field Theory. "It is complicated" means: study linear algebra, partial differential equations, tensor calculus and THEN and only then I can explain it to you.
Sorry, but there is no royal road to geometry.

Sean Finn - 2020-02-29

you can explain everything to a six year old. That doesn't mean it makes sense. These physicist that think that their quantum mechanic bullshit makes sense clearly don't understand

Lazergurka - Smerlin - 2016-08-13

Dammit i told you the universe wasn't ready for offical release yet.

Timmy Dirtyrat - 2019-08-09

It's Beta 1.4.7 and the Electron bug still hasn't been fixed yet.

sechy sandro - 2019-10-09

@Tom RhodesRhodes there no free download ser. Tom, We the poor walkers cant read your pure thought?

DJ Lars Peterson - 2019-10-14

Lazergurka - Smerlin 😂

LJ Battlefield - 2019-10-16

I am the 2000th like! I feel so privileged right now 😂😂😂

Alex Kumlin - 2019-10-26

Fucking A, I knew EA and Hello Games (creators of No Man Sky) was behind a Big Project that was predictably going to have flopped. Shit someone "spin the coin" to see if this is reality or the limbo.

Carvalho - 2019-04-08

Damn programmers, trying to make performance optimizations that end up being noticed.

mehdi anis brahmi - 2020-02-06

as a programmer that was exactly how i thought of it, i mean if i had to program a universe i would make two particles created at the same time same point share the same instance XD

Alex Amadori - 2020-02-22

Get out of my head!

Christopher Ludlow - 2020-03-04

I wish I didn't believe that.

J Kimmich - 2020-03-07

@ajcook7777 Simply No. It's speed doesn't change i think it's frequency changes.

J Kimmich - 2020-03-07

@ajcook7777 hey actually i probably shouldn't reply I'm not versed in phyics or the math to really explain anything. I am pretty sure that that's not the solution to the problem. Also I'm pretty sure splitter emits both ways simultaneously allowing things like ligo to work

Alexandru Popescu - 2019-04-29

How is this not a glitch in the Matrix.

gotohell - 2020-02-11

@Stacking Money the bible also says do not wear clothing woven of different materials. The bible also says you may purchase slaves from the foreigners among you.
So do you agree with both those things too
Further more the bible was writen by man and came after the introduction to mathmatics.

Sohan Biswas - 2020-02-17

@gotohell listen, kid. Go learn some maths, and physics, and then tell us how maths is a human invention when models of discovered reality map to things your simple mind wouldn't consider "physical/real", like complex numbers. Without complex numbers quantum mechanics is impossible to describe. Your moronic insistence that maths was invented by humans is laughable to any actual mathematician. Maths is the exploration of true statements arising from axioms. The truths are discovered. Educate yourself, kid, before trying to pretend to be smart on the internet.

gotohell - 2020-02-18

@Ben Winter yes maths are symbolic for what is the ... symbolic system put in place by man to help understand what was already there. Early man use fingers anc toes as symbols for a method of counting even tho fingers and toes was already there too. Humans just added names for a counting method. Hence "invented"
The finger was always there but the method to count those fingers is human invention ..

Ben Winter - 2020-02-18

@gotohell okay let me clarify, what we are describing with the symbol "math", was there, we invented a way to represent it systematically. That's what I mean.

gotohell - 2020-02-18

@Ben Winter exactly my.point -
maths is system of symbols invented by humans ..to help us get a butter understanding of how things work

Sean L - 2019-03-16

Alright then, keep your secrets.

Bethany Udonome - 2019-11-10

@Ben L also by cloning you're not violating any laws of physics. I said a moral dilemma, not a physical law. Morals, Ethics- do you have any?

Ben L - 2019-11-11

@Bethany Udonome yeah alright, but you havent answered my question. Why is it a moral dilemma to split a photon? Nobody gets hurt by doing so....

Ben L - 2019-11-11

@Bethany Udonome like wtf, you are questioning my morals because i dont see a problem with splitting photons?

Bethany Udonome - 2019-11-13

@Ben L I was saying my curiosity was piqued about the philosophical implications that were mentioned in the video, but about splitting photons. I wouldn't know if there were already photon halves floating around naturally in the universe, or are we just messing with the fabric thereof?
Again, I wouldn't know.

e4Bc4Qf3Qf7 - 2019-11-28

Bethany Udonome photon half isnt literal, all it is is taking the energy of one photon and converting it to two photons with half the energy. Its not like splitting an atom into constituent parts, photons have no constituent parts as far as we can tell, they are simply pure energy. There are plenty of varieties of photons energies so there is plenty of “photon halves” in space.

Physicside - 2019-06-30

Proof that universe has a parental control," You're are not that evolved to take this yet".

Yourmomismyepicmount - 2019-09-30

nope its complex variable that doesnt allow to see its properties

Phil Jamieson - 2019-10-28

Excellent comment.

skOsH - 2018-07-12

Step 1: Become a god
Step 2: Allow humanity to stumble upon quantum mechanics
Step 3: Grab popcorn, enjoy

RMGDEV - 2019-11-29

God is a DJ.

adrienne gellman - 2020-01-30

@Sienna We're ALREADY Gods.We're the best we've got

adrienne gellman - 2020-01-30

@Bryan Hensley That's what YOU think.

Michael Jones - 2020-02-20

Casimir effect

Michael Jones - 2020-02-20

Triggson Electronics It’s a fractal, dude. Scope

uilsoum - 2019-03-21

I want to be quantum erased

P.W. - 2019-10-29

@Yourmomismyepicmount careful that's where your going.

Tyler Durden - 2019-11-05

I will launch you through a slit...with my eyes closed.

Albert615 - 2019-11-26

@Tyler Durden He has to have his eyes closed too. who knows where he'll end up

Nirvana Love - 2020-01-29

I'm Erasercidal!

Nirvana Love - 2020-01-29

@FlemDawg1Hunna Erasercide!

that one kid - 2019-08-14

Its like the universe is preventing the existence of a paradox

Tyler Durden - 2019-11-14

Maybe the screen becomes the detector...and influences whether a particle is reflected or passes through.

Voila, no retro-explanation required.

That makes me wonder🤔. What would happen at the eraser end if the Which-Way polarizers are added?

robin wallace - 2019-05-09

doesn't that just prove special relativity? I mean, the entangled pair, moving at the speed of light, experience zero time, so that when one behaves as a particle and then the other does as well, they are not changing retroactively because no time as passed for them, only us.

TheEmmef - 2019-11-08

@DigitalExcel That leaves a lot of interesting ends. Or a "boring" interpretation that the wave functions themselves of particles with mass do not experience time and hence have no causal order in their creation and interaction with an observer events. Even if we perceive them as time-dependent probabilities. That's not a big leap.
But the other possible consequences are way cooler.

San Gouda - 2019-11-24

The most logical explanation is, This has nothing to do with observer, consciousness etc. Light exhibits wave pattern by literally passing through both slits and particles that pass through any one slit don't create wave pattern.
In fact this quantum eraser version of double slit experiment proves it, how? Particles reaching detectors C and D, could have come from either of the slit or BOTH, imagine if a particle went through both slits, If it reaches detector A or B, it proves that it came from only one slit, so it must end up at C or D in case it passed through both.

Omar Raja - 2019-12-28

@DigitalExcel wow, that is an amazing assessment. I completely agree

David Joseph P Crowley - 2019-12-29

I think the causality thing being broken is ok, I mean is there not an accepted observation in other experiments of action at a distance which means there is an instantaneous transfer of info. between the particle/ light beams. I mean this instant info transfer is a known effect in an entangled system which violates special relativity. And of course Einstein's main principle he wanted to respect which led him to there needing to be some speed limit of this info transfer was causality. so it makes sense that this system can send info from its future state back to the past affecting the present. What I mean is that this follows from a known quantum entanglement effect which ''violates" special rel. and although sending info from future->present/past sounds crazy it is a viable occurrence. Quantum mech. is completely not on the scale we evolved in, hence its behaviour is bound to be v v counter intuitive.

Gee The 'Bee' - 2020-01-01

@TheEmmef excellent reply. I having been thinking along those lines..,if I understand your explanation...also

Kid Mohair - 2018-09-30

two particles are having a secret affair
negative particle: meet you on the other side
positive particle: only if no one sees us

Ornessar Hithfaeron - 2020-01-15

The fictional "tachyon" starts sounding more and more plausible to exist

The Neo-Epicurean - 2019-01-26

Wow, this is mind blowing, I always wanted to know what Peter Dicklage would look like if he wasn't a dwarf.

GaunletofDestruction - 2019-02-22

The Neo-Epicurean 🤣

Ansh Luthra - 2019-04-20

Made me laugh out loud

Weston Hettinger - 2019-10-14

Someone should try the quantum eraser experiment with large distances, and see exactly how far they can go to demonstrate non-locality.

Mr. Gang Banger - 2020-01-20

Ofc this raises the question: what happens if an object's observed length drops below Schwarzschild's radius? Will it instantly turn to a black hole? Is space's curvature relative to an observer's speed?

Egil Kvaleberg - 2020-01-27

@rupak rokade The original experiment has a delay of 8 nanoseconds, so plenty of time to be sure about what comes first.

Phil lives! - 2020-01-28

I have a less expensive Idea, Haha, just entangle yourself (lol) and go super weird xD Like make a hologram of your hand, and then try to use the force ;D Try and measure superpositions of macroscopic objects entangled with microsopic superpositions.. Like with LASER, but short distances. Then you can use cheaper lasers ;D I could swear the interferometry experiments i made when i was 18 entangled me with something..

MrStiehl13 - 2020-03-07

@rupak rokade, help me understand, we know light takes time to travel. These particles react instantaneously with no time delay. So the information being exchanged is traveling faster than the speed of light? Or transported some other way?

rupak rokade - 2020-03-10

@MrStiehl13 I don't know the answer. That is what has baffled physicists... In quantum entanglement, how does a particle break the speed of causality??? Very well known as a spooky action at a distance..

oldcowbb - 2018-12-10

The spirituality in the comment section gives me headache

Olu - 2019-03-05

It causes me to laugh instead.

IceyYou - 2020-03-02


H Malik - 2019-08-18

Hello simulation runners. Just a humble request to fix the bug before it gets wider attention.

kyjo72682 - 2019-10-22

Agents have been dispatched.

Red Pill Sunday School - 2020-01-28

Simulation is defined as hypocrisy, meaning your mind is perceptively the only source of any simulation. So fix yourself first, attack the source. Hypocrites at least know they are simulating, but the ignorant simulator is a hypocrite without realizing, without understanding of that which is the correct path. Which is more dangerous? Legalism creates simulators, which are controlled by elite hypocrites.

culwin - 2019-06-11

Houseplants can observe us.
Thanks for letting us know.

MLQ Squad - 2019-06-22

This is very similar to the light in the Fridge it is off unless you're looking at it, or is it?

jorgepeterbarton - 2019-08-07

does no one else's fridge turn off its light like a few inch before the door is actually closed allowing you to see inside? because i don't think i've ever had one that doesnt...

MLQ Squad - 2019-08-08

@jorgepeterbarton but maybe it turns on again when the door closes ... :D

McNugget Fan - 2019-08-28

How stupid, obviously theres a buton that emits light when not pressed. When closeing the door, this presses the button which turns off the light

JackstandJohnny - 2019-09-01

@McNugget Fan Whats stupid is your answer. The switch doesnt emit any light at all. The light bulb emits lights and the switch interrupts the circuit when the door is closed. I only bring this up because of how important it must be for you to feel intellectually superior to others.

JohnVanDerDoe - 2019-12-01

@McNugget Fan No shit, really?

Nitin Singh - 2019-06-14

If (observer.isWatching())

Code of God

Shivang Mudgal - 2019-10-23

Let's try to use real science, okay? Yes you are right! I can confirm that!

Tom Murphy - 2019-10-29

@Let's try to use real science, okay? so to a split, entangled photon particle, because they are both experiencing all time all the time, they are both being interacted with at the same time and in the same way?
And I'm still not clear on why particles make a wave pattern when fired through one at a time? Doesnt a wave pattern require interference with other particles?

Xavinot - 2019-11-03

@Let's try to use real science, okay? Even if they experience time in the same way - We don't. I'm honestly lost. Why do we percieve it to mess with our perception of time, when we know that it isn't constant?

The Incarnation - 2020-02-08


Jakub _ - 2020-02-19

alright so java is the language of God

TootTootMcbumbersnazzle - 2019-02-03


Brian the Lightning Bolt - 2019-08-27

TootTootMcbumbersnazzle 「KINGU KURIMZON」

saberkix - 2020-01-07

Stand User: Todd Howard

Vag McPan - 2018-11-26

Yep, definitely need a patch release for this part of the simulation! For now the creators use a cheat a=b LoL

viewer - 2019-11-27

We only behave when we are being watched .

Hckytwn - 2019-10-18

at 2:08 Matt says "We'll talk about what observation means at a later point". Did that happen? If so, can someone tell what episode please?

Rohan Nampalliwar - 2019-12-24

He talks about it from 9:42

Hckytwn - 2019-12-24

Rohan Nampalliwar haha... yeah, I was actually looking for a more comprehensive look at observation in quantum systems, including the Measurement Problem, the process of Wave Function Collapse, decoherence and the definition/importance of the Observer in that context. Honestly, I took his “perhaps” comments at 9:42 as a teaser for that discussion. It’s a huge and open question in QM and probably would take a few episodes to explore.

Miles Lougheed - 2019-12-15

Schrodinger's window:

It is both snowing and not snowing until you look through the window. It's how I survive the winter.

Joe Duke - 2018-10-05

IF quantum erasure actually occurs, this is the technique that will allow 'blockchain' to be hacked.

kyjo72682 - 2019-10-22

That would be great. Idiots would finally stop heating up the planet with their useless hashing cycles.. But I don't think this phenomenon can have any such applications.

Vialect - 2019-03-08

Quantum Mechanics:
1. Build the experiment from your brain
2. The experiment will now build your brain
3. Blow your brains out

Joakim Siljelind - 2019-08-07

I would like to know more about how the actual detector at the slit actualy meassure the passing of the photon or electron. How does it function? Just saying that it does is not enough here.

Eamonn King - 2019-06-07

Shoot the interference wave pattern back into the slits...
With prior consent, and a courtesy spit.

john tracy - 2020-03-21

It's like the particles/waves know they're being watched.

Casidy Julian - 2019-10-03

But by observing the one of the entangled pair, you are influencing the counterpart..Spooky action at a distance..

S Clouston - 2019-09-29

this is one of those videos that I'll have to watch several times. :/

adrienne gellman - 2020-01-30

"Wild metaphysical interpretations dont seem so wild when you consider that we're living in a physical universe that's expanding into a void that NEVER ENDS.That eternal void breaks the laws of classical physics and anyone or anything that breaks the laws of classical physics is supernatural in nature.

Greg Jacques Lucifer's Jizz Gargler - 2019-08-30

quantum entanglement is my fault. i apologize. carry on.

Cwatface - 2018-11-22

This is literally 50% "superposition," but with waves, HOW CAN WAVES HAVE A PERFECTLY DEFINED POSITION??!!

Kot Timofei - 2019-03-03

And what happens if the chance of 50% to hit C or D is changed to, lets say, 30/70%?

The UnReaL Graffiti - 2019-07-23

Kot Timofei I guess the same observation. Just a difference of intensities.

Leeboy23 Super - 2019-08-29

I think the interference pattern would still form because making the probability 70/30 doesn't completely insure that you know which path EACH particle took at each initiation of the detector.

youtoober2013 - 2019-10-28

He is woke.

Paraplegic octopus - 2019-09-05

What if quantum fields exist outside space-time?

don Fefinho - 2019-05-14

quantum particle entanglement
[laughs in voodoo doll]

Varun Govind - 2019-06-16

"Perhaps, this thing we call observation is just entanglement between the observer and the experiment."

Yourmomismyepicmount - 2019-09-30

nope its entanglemnt with the observer,experiment,particle so that means its reverse results of the outcome it validates through the experiment..

Airton Granero - 2019-11-21

You are close. See this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEaecUuEqfc the title "The Quantum Conspiracy: What Popularizers of QM Don't Want You to Know" is purposely ironic, but the talk is serious. Near the end you will see a good explanation. But not entangled with the observer per se, but the experimental setting. No consciousness is required (no Depak Chopra stuff is needed), for that see this article: https://arxiv.org/abs/1009.2404 "Quantum mechanics needs no consciousness (and the other way around)"

DaEpicAdam - 2018-01-28

"Could it get any weirder? This is quantum mechanics. So, yeah." That made my day.

Adam Heredia - 2019-08-09

The act of using instruments to make a measurement may be influencing the results

GODemon13 - 2020-02-13

So, I'm supposed to go hunt for "the first one"?
I don't think he really wants me to watch it.

ivanhoe chaput - 2020-02-02

For more on the quantum eraser phenomenon, please read, "Infinity, Time, Death and Thought" on Amazon Books.

Farzher - 2020-03-07

nah, just checkout my linked comment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ORLN_KwAgs&lc=UgzBCroBIhnDCZ-EpU54AaABAg

I don't deserve subs - 2019-08-29

Finally a good explanation of King Crimson

Matthew To - 2019-08-31

I didn't expect that, but holy shit did that made me bust out

Tianze Hou - 2019-03-07

"The mind boggles."

VARUN.N RAO - 2019-01-11

does this arrangement itself create these things or switching on and off the detectors has any impact?

Teppo - 2019-08-23

That´s the simplest thing to test. And if that was the answer, they´d tell us. And it´s not a hard thing to test so it´s not in the hands of few who can test this.

Fahim Hossain - 2020-02-09

Switching off : Interference pattern
Switching on : Normal pattern

Sauliux zyziux - 2020-02-19

So if this is true , placing detectors far far away and switching them on/off you can transfer binary information instantly. Breaking causality...
Should not work , just can't figure out why?