> chemistry > explosifs > white-phosphorus-explosions-fire

White Phosphorus - Explosions&Fire

Explosions&Fire - 2018-04-14

In this video we chat about war crimes, light some fires and look at a wholesome side of white phosphorus, all while trying not to be poisoned. It helps to limit exposure if you don't smear the poison onto your skin. Subreddit:https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire
Slightly more serious Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/extractionsire

Shout out to the Patreon fans whose names are here except for some reason i replaced all the Is with Es and all the Os with Is and it didn't work out quite as cool as I thought it would but i'm sticking with it: 

Essac Pacega
Gabreel J
Chrestepher Stellsin
Nele Red
Aussee Chemest
Gregiry Wing
Daneel Cileman

When my video was nearly done I happened to watch Nile Red's video on WP (I haven't since it first came out) and gosh we make similar points, its basically the same video except his cinematography is better and that i'm hotter. But, pls don't say i cheated ok i try to make unique content but i am not creative it seems

i miss u all when i'm gone

i love you


Explosions&Fire - 2020-01-04

Well, we somehow made it to 2020 with this video still up! I guess if you brag about being deleted, Youtube wont give you the satisfaction of doing it. Imagine mispronouncing a word to over 1 million people though, oof

Robert Chase - 2021-03-30

"incendiary" (not "incendinary [sic]")

sabazios thorn - 2021-03-30

Quality! Mad fucking Ozzy bastard 😂😂😂 love ya mate!

Glen McGillivray - 2021-04-02

Clearly: instead of a robot checking this content. one of the rare humans did. And they Liked how it explained all the hazards, so it got the tick.

And With the 2021 change to monetize ALL old videos.
Yes yes this video is monetized.
Aren't you SO glad?

John The Great 934 - 2021-04-07


Sdrrshock 55 - 2021-04-09


Am4teur - 2019-07-23

Not only did this not get deleted, it also got on the recommended page

no - 2021-01-07


Kyle Gardner - 2021-01-30

@leandro chavez I already live here so its Gucci

King Fisher - 2021-03-07

Get Covid19

Am4teur - 2021-03-07

@King Fisher ?

Randall Smith - 2021-03-18

Youtube did that to aid ISIS

Corporal Silver - 2020-10-09

"I live in an area where the Ozone layer is fucked and clouds haven't been invented yet"

I feel your pain.

Jay Carlson - 2021-03-16

@Jack yawn..

Jack - 2021-03-16

@Jay Carlson I guess you fell asleep in science class too.

Jay Carlson - 2021-03-16

@Jack that's cute little guy. You don't really believe in science, do you?

Jay Ashborne - 2021-03-18

The best line all video.

Neirn Bruin - 2021-04-03

@Jay Carlson someone's trying act cool huh

Fidozo15 - 2020-10-10

Is white phosphorus bad?

Walker: nah fam, Conrad is bad

Mark ulysses Tabasan - 2020-11-23

@a random internet person "Conrad killed those men, not me"

ElPinchiBear - 2020-12-01

Haha white phosphorus goes boom

Rush B - 2020-12-05

You needed someone to blame. So you cast it on me: a dead man.

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16


Welcome to Dubai.

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16

To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless.

-Loading Screen

a random internet person - 2020-11-15

"Is white phosphorus really that bad?"

"Do you feel like a hero yet?"

MarineSlayer - 2020-12-29

Welcome to hell Walker. We've been waiting for you.

Santi - 2021-02-27

@MarineSlayer Walker what are you doing?!

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16


Welcome to Dubai.

Eriecartel - 2021-03-17

Howd you survive all this?......Who said i did

Adolf hitler Big penis - 2021-03-21

One of my favorite games I should get back to playing it I was halfway through completing it on FUBAR difficulty

Gage mOglesby - 2020-06-19

Alternate title: Is a warcrime really that bad?

Ghatsby - 2021-02-23

@Walpurgisnacht if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a phosphorus bomb

Stormtrooper - 2021-03-12

Technically most household, commercial and especially industrial cleaners become illegal under the Geneva Convention if mixed correctly, well incorrectly if you want to be technical about it.

Mitch Ddhfacetyy - 2021-03-14

@Stormtrooper that doesn’t say much. Tons of things have chemicals that are dangerous if you mix them correctly

Nils Risch - 2021-03-16

@Stormtrooper pepper spray too I believe

RBooster Man - 2021-03-23

@TheArtikae It’s only a warcrime if you lose. Winners in war are never war criminals, because they win!

PirateDragonTurtle - 2019-07-21

white phosphorus exists and is all sorts of volitile and poisonous
Australian: imma poke it

Hybrid Spektar - 2019-08-06

Call of Duty: Let's use that as a killstreak!
Everyone: Please no...

Iqbal Indaryono - 2019-08-10

I understand that this is a joke, but to all the people that doesn't understand what white phosphorus does to people, look up white phosphorus burns. Understand what it can do to others and understand that you can joke about it but its use isn't one

Jeremy Miles - 2019-08-11

This comment elicited a legit lol from me.

Corrine Stenman - 2020-05-05

Gotta deal with the spiders somehow

Reece Tinsman - 2020-06-14

Going with the Steve Irwin principle of examination. Tried, tested, and effective.

jojolafrite90 - 2020-09-09

"The fire is a very angry" very accurate description, very scientific, professional, and well put.

Billy Andrew - 2021-01-05

Those sciencey folk have a way with words.
I often speak Latin to my girlfriend.
She tells me to stop talking sh*t or she's leaving, but I think it secretly turns her on.
I can tell by the way she tells me I'm sleeping in the spare room tonight.

Tomáš Mačák - 2021-01-25


Tanner Paxton - 2020-06-17

I remember hearing horror stories from some of my instructors when I was in the army. People would get burned down to the bone, then when the doctors would go to clean the wound, it would ignite again

Obama - 2021-03-14

@Gabby N. cry about it

Gabby N. - 2021-03-15

@Obama Its a phase son.

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16

To be fair to the edge lords, the description of "doctor cleans the wound and it catches fire again" DOES sound like something that would happen in a comedy movie, old Looney Tunes, or some such.

Just depends on how you deliver the description.

Just wish that description stayed on the "random idea notebook" of a absurdist comedy writer.

bigroxxor420 - 2021-03-22

@Lasky Labs hawkyeye removed the WP during surgery by having the wounded man submerged in water....

Cauchy Schwarz - 2021-04-04

And yet the US felt it was adequate to drop it on civilian populations.

E Valenic - 2021-01-29

FBI: "Why are you buying industrial size bags of cinnamon."
Me: "Cooking."

Justin Pryce-Reay - 2021-03-16

@Jack Dorsey FBI: "Don't worry about it."

One Decent Machinist - 2021-03-23

Equal parts by weigh aluminum oxide and iron oxide. Thats the recipe for thermite.

You're welcome.

E Valenic - 2021-03-23

@Jack Dorsey you can make WP with urine, cinnamon, and charcoal. Google it. Neato stuff.

Benjamin Lambert - 2021-04-08

@E Valenic what.

E Valenic - 2021-04-08

@Benjamin Lambert you can make WP with urine, cinnamon, and charcoal. Google it. Neato stuff.

PoeallanHD - 2021-01-25

This guy is the R rated version of Bill Nye The Science guy

Thomas Kositzki - 2020-08-27

An Australian talking about explosive chemistry over elevator music - that I call top-notch entertainment! XD
Greetings from Germany, mate.

Extroversion - 2020-12-06

Thomas ist ein Mann von Kultur

Виталий Карнаухов - 2020-08-31

When i was a kid i've made some WP exactly like it was shown from matches and used my fingers to produce smoke. It was fun untin skin from that very plce that was covered in WP peeled off and i lost sensetivity in my indexes fingertips. It wasnt particulaly fun. If you value yuor life dont do this.

Keir - 2021-01-05

@Random Stuff do you really wanna talk shit on the dude with access to white phosphorus tho?

Kyle Oien - 2021-03-14

That's horrifying. That stuff is nasty

Random Stuff - 2021-03-14

@Keir why not lololololol

Random Stuff - 2021-03-14

@Keir he doesn't tell the danger of repeating wht he doin. So,, , idk.

Keir - 2021-03-14

@Random Stuff it was a meant to be a joke, im not too sure what you mean...

Unnamed Visitor - 2020-12-13

"Is white phosphorus really that bad?"
Me, remembering a really messed up picture I saw once: Yes...

a random internet person - 2021-01-03

Your eyes opened for the first time, it hurt didn't it?

Keith Marshall - 2021-03-14

Vietnam girl?

random canadian - 2021-03-17

@Keith Marshall if you're talking about the naked one, I'm pretty sure that was napalm.

Keith Marshall - 2021-03-17

@random canadian yea that one

David Woodard - 2020-08-10

As an American army vet I noticed that you completely glossed over the whole part where WP particles on your skin will continue to burn, straight through your clothes, skin and meat right down to the bone until it burns out or someone picks it off with tweezers. Fun stuff.

Neal B - 2020-01-09

"Disturbed chemist commits war crimes in backyard".

troels saabye - 2020-05-06

@Vojtěch Ptáček did !? PAST sentence :O ?

Kaiser - 2020-06-07

You can’t commit a war crime when you aren’t in war

Sups - 2020-06-11

Sounds like the kids version of Breaking Bad

Snazzy Jovial Wyrm - 2020-06-12

@Kaiser You're not a War Criminal if there's no more military to judge you!

EvanWatcher - 2020-10-22

When you feel like fucking the Geneva conversation

Malakhi Lindsay - 2020-10-16

"It is the most flammable, most toxic and most illegal chemical I currently own."

" n i c e "

Billy Andrew - 2021-01-05

Needs to up his game, the woose!

donny foster - 2021-03-15


jckatz - 2021-01-06

Not only not deleted 2 years later the algorithm sent me to you. Go figure.

Jennifer Andersen - 2021-03-10

"And Hydrogen Cyanide is a nasty fucker of a thing" is my favorite piece of scientific information ever

tehMothMan - 2020-07-11

“Is white phosphorus really bad?”

Me remembering Spec Ops: The Line...

ShellyTheSeal - 2020-10-10

Do you feel like a hero yet?

WandoWander 93 - 2020-10-18

Welcome to Dubai

Rush B - 2020-12-05

You needed someone to blame. So you cast it on me: a dead man.

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16

One detail that I liked from the shelling scene, is that you could see Walker's reflection on the screen, so you could look yourself in the face as you ordered a rain of white phosphorus.

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16

To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless.

-Loading Screen

Colethat1man - 2020-05-07

The term “sticky fire” is one of the most terrifying things I’ve heard

TheMangledTriangle - 2020-09-25

Imagine a sticky fire tornado 0_0

first name last name - 2020-10-05

@CodingCrusader1095 thanks

acester86 - 2020-10-09

Nice try ATF, can't get me.

acester86 - 2020-10-09

I've always wondered how ANFO is made, but I also don't want to be on a list....fucking Timmy ruining everybody's fun, some of us just like blowing shit up in a cow pasture....

Peter King - 2020-10-22

You may have seen the video of a Napalm strike in Vietnam, with the little girl running away after being hit with it. The “restricted” part of the video actually shows the strike, it’s horrific.

Taterz - 2020-11-08

"clouds haven't been invented yet"

that got me good.

Yotta Guns - 2021-03-06

Showed up in my feed with ads. YouTube has granted you amnesty. All hail the algorithm.

Scott Collins - 2020-08-12

"And this is good, because I live in an area where the ozone layer is fucked and clouds haven't been invented yet." Solid gold.

Jck Lng - 2020-08-02

"Where clouds havent been invented yet" subbed.

Arch - 2019-07-28

"This is gonna get deleted" appears randomly on my recommended page in 2019

SCKentrol - 2020-04-26

Youtube Algorithm brouhg me here somehow in 2020

MrShizuohewajema - 2020-05-01

Also 2020

elecrtic puffer63 - 2020-05-04

Doug Vetsch bro we livin in 2020 and I’m now just seeing this

Kiwi King - 2020-05-04

Laughs in 2020

CrackNote - 2021-01-26

No I searched for it

AnrchyXRY - 2021-01-01

You can’t use it as a “weapon”. Meaning you can use it to “destroy equipment”.

Jordan Davis - 2021-03-17

"Yeah we used the white phosphorus to 'destroy some enemy radio equipment', Lord knows why all those enemy soldiers ran into that bunker with it, idk"

ok then - 2021-03-12

oh yeah, that oil that he got on his finger and made smoke is called “hell’s smoke” i think and is a “magic trick”

Chris Ladouceur - 2021-03-03

This is exactly what I was looking for! “How to cook your phone”

Jerry Chastain - 2021-01-08

2 years later and YouTube hasn't taken it down must be a record.

JamesG - 2018-04-14

Yep. Informative, interesting, promotes safety. It's gonna be deleted.

0 bobux - 2020-10-11

We in 2020 and it still isn't deleted

JamesG - 2020-10-11

@0 bobux I'm shocked but hey. Okay! :-)

Ajfi [Kanał Zamknięty] - 2021-01-08

2 0 2 1

Alvian Ekka - 2021-03-07

Comment that didn't aged well

JamesG - 2021-03-08

@Alvian Ekka It's even funnier. ;-)

DreamIsBetter ThenTechno - 2020-10-07

My uncle was in the army and used White Phosphorus grenades he said they were nicknamed Crispy Critter grenades as they, well made everyone in the tanks they were used on into crispy critters.

Joseph Sherman - 2021-02-22

@Hans Moleman Productions that'd do it.

Naforous - 2020-11-24

i just got reccommend this video after playing Spec Ops : The Line

EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16

To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless.

-Loading Screen

RimshotKiller - 2021-03-20

Same, just finished it, went on youtube to get some relief entertainment, and here it is in my reccommended.

Oi, Youtube algorithm, you have a fked up sense of humor. And I respect that.

VINOTOR - 2020-08-02

This never fails to give me PTSD of spec ops the line white phosphorus mission.

Matthew Rossilini - 2020-08-31

"I live in an area where the ozone layer is fucked, and clouds haven't been invented yet". Lmao that line got me

Brandon Scott - 2019-07-27

“Magic is real kids, it’s jus very very poisonous” this had me rolling

Carl Weathers - 2019-08-02

Haven't you hear of a Witcher?

anthony simpson - 2019-08-08

fuck now i can't comment this because then I'll be accused of stealing xD

Brandon Scott - 2019-08-27

Carl Weathers who?

No - 2019-09-17

Brandon Scott The Witcher, it's a game. [Magic] exists in-universe, but to acquire it, you must go through some rituals that use very toxic potions. As such, most never get such [Magic].

anthony shimmin - 2021-03-15

"I live in a place where the ozone layer is fucked and clouds havent been invented yet" that tickled me 😂😂

Time For EU4! - 2020-10-31

I have found the chemical to use when I join the partisan group to resist the yet-to-come Chinese invasion of Australia!

Karmadose - 2021-03-22

I'm glad the algorithm gave you mercy and showed me this. Nice content

stephen prive - 2021-03-15

I love his reaction to dude rubbing phosphorus on his effing gurken grippers. Priceless

cain - 2019-07-28

White Phosphorus:
+200 fire damage
+125 poison damage
+75% status duration
-500 Charisma

Snazzy Jovial Wyrm - 2020-06-12

@Prasun Kumar Would only make sense if the stats read:
+200 Fire Damage
+125 Toxic Damage
+75% Status Duration
+50% Status Chance
-500% Chance that enemies won't hear the gunfire

PSYCHRONIC - 2020-06-21

Everyone hated that ....
You : hmmm load save ? I think not

LaughAtHimAgainJB - 2020-07-05

-10000 honor

vissengek - 2020-11-02

To the top with you

a random internet person - 2020-12-01

@Ligmavirus " -no random crits" completely fair and balanced now

joomanburning - 2020-09-04

“It’s an incindinary grenade Bubs.”
“Ricky, it’s incindi-ARY.”

tasken mikoza - 2021-03-20

Became a fan and immediately subscribed, "I live in a place where the ozone is fucked and clouds haven't been invented"

Kristian Fagerström - 2020-12-31

I remember a chemistry teacher I had. He wrote on the blackboard with a stick of white phosphorous to demonstrate the "afterglow", then passed around a container of red phosphorous powder for us to smell, until someone read the warning label, and the grand finale was setting fire to about 1 dl of red phosphor, we had to evacuate first the classroom, and then the school.

mastergamerjmo - 2021-04-10

If I saw something glowing in our room I wouldn’t think it would be white phosphorus uranium that glows in the dark and then I’ll start running for my life

Sentinel2539 - 2020-06-07

"Is white phosphorus really that bad"
People who played spec ops the line: flashbacks

TRASH PANDA - 2020-12-28

Ah shit dont remind me my warcrimes

The Emperor of Mankind - 2021-01-06

May god forgive us for our sins in Dubai

Matthew Reynolds - 2021-01-15

Flashback to Palestine

Damian Wanne - 2021-01-17


EvilPaladin11 - 2021-03-16

To kill for yourself is murder. To kill for your government is heroic. To kill for entertainment is harmless.

-Loading Screen

Yoshida Saki - 2021-03-01

"I-I didn't mean to hurt anybody"

"No one ever does"


a random internet person - 2021-03-08


"Is this really what you want walker?"

Yoshida Saki - 2021-03-08

@a random internet person *BANG*

"It takes a strong man, to deny what infront of him"

a random internet person - 2021-03-21

@Yoshida Saki "stronger than you were"

A - 2020-08-31

The fact that this can burn through someone top to bottom without extinguishing is truly terrifying

Mr. Magoo éL-éS-De_licious - 2021-03-14

I guess this is the real life version of Sid the science kid... he even had the microphone with the delay just like the TV show....

Weenie - 2021-03-14

Just by watching this video, I'm definitely on a list somewhere now.

Jay Smith - 2021-03-14

This also showed up on my recommended videos today, nice lol