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A DARPA Perspective on Artificial Intelligence

DARPAtv - 2017-02-15

What's the ground truth on artificial intelligence (AI)? In this video, John Launchbury, the Director of DARPA's Information Innovation Office (I2O), attempts to demystify AI--what it can do, what it can't do, and where it is headed. Through a discussion of the "three waves of AI" and the capabilities required for AI to reach its full potential, John provides analytical context to help understand the roles AI already has played, does play now, and could play in the future.

Download the slides at: http://www.darpa.mil/about-us/darpa-perspective-on-ai

Bruno Porto - 2017-02-15

Thank YOU very much.

ThinkTank255 - 2017-03-31

acousticpsychosis , Have fun being dead or enslaved by AGI. It is no fiction. It is going to happen very soon. I said it 5 years ago and nobody believed me. Now we have AlphaGo and self-driving cars. In a few years we will have full-fledged human-level AGI. Here is the problem, if I'm wrong... no loss... we are all prepared for the AI apocalypse. If you are wrong, then humanity is dead or enslaved. Those are the stakes and the possible outcomes. It is not hard to figure out what the intelligent choice is.

Minnesota Acoustic - 2017-03-31

I'm well aware of the possible dangers involved with AI, its something I've been following with much interest for many years, though your assertion that its going to happen in a few years is not the general consensus of those working on it. I simply dont buy into the hype/fear, the people working on this are also fully aware of the possible dangers, and I doubt they want to be killed by their invention, and would take appropriate measures to guard against it happening, which wouldnt be that hard to do.

Prayergate - 2017-09-03

What a bunch of technological gobbledygook! The typical citizen couldn't care less about "how" the technology is going to work. They want to know how agencies like GOOGLE, DARPA and a myriad of other globalist corporations are going to use these technologies. Do you really think we want "facial recognition" to use on our family photo albums? NO! But globalists want facial recognition to be able to identify every man, woman and child on the planet and simultaneously bring up their mega-data instantly on their computer screens. THIS is why they're pushing for AI. It has nothing to do with making the world a better place. It has to do with total control! With that in mind, this video is pure propaganda to put any enquiring sheeple to sleep. I'm sure there's a file being created in the GOOGLE mainframe of this comment as I write it ... and the CIA & NSA has complete access to it if they choose to do so.

Hotrod Rebel - 2018-01-02

Darpa Dude duping us all!

Stosh James Peterson - 2019-03-22

Prayergate you ain’t kidding, as a Canadian who’s Apple ID was hacked by a foreign government ie Saudi Arabia. Now I just sit and wait for MBS to send a hit squad for Me. Thanks for selling us all out you money hungry capital driven war mongering cunts! Leave those poor indigenous people alone let them have a chance at life, without an AI operated drone scaring people to live under the vail of fear while raping their country of all it resources. Go straight to Hell DARPA, YOU BETTER COME UP WITH A better explanation than the reasons that were given in this current sad and bleak reality we find ourselves in. It’s going to be a cold nuclear winter ahead. Thanks for these useless phones that strip all personal creativity away from any person who doesn’t deny all access to an Apple stealing people’s existence away to harvest all possible human outcome in Order to increase profits for very few individuals. Our children will be harvested like animals once ai manufacture those H1N1that will mutate and wipe out all living things on earth that’s if the neutron bombs don’t ruin us first. Going to leave that decision up to the AGI too. Fuck you in your egg head brains I hope your robot overlords use you as inanimate sex dolls before any of that happens. No one will bear your cry’s because of the desensitization of human emotion, humans won’t come to your rescue, and the AGI WONT FEEL A NEED TO INSTALL SUCH MEANINGLESS human values into its algorithms. You are Pieces of shit @DARPAtv and still haven’t fixed that crap autocorrect program....it’s 2019. We are all fucked, and no one is driving this ship? Full pun intended, steamy piles of dog dodo, hydrocarbon, toxic aromatics fester in this environment and it’s starting to smell real shitty here too. Irresponsible pace to u foreseen consequences, maybe do some proper R&D before releasing a plague worse than the Black Death upon modern civilization. Whether it’s in first second or third world the outcome with be exactly what was not expected, and by then its will be to late.

Lokman Dz - 2017-03-29

Finally, real talk about AI, not the usual fantasies .... Thanks a lot!

And btw, the speaker did very good at the presentation and he clearly knows what he is talking about, well done!

Nicolas - 2017-03-27

Finally a honest and realistic review about the state of AI. We are bombarded by a lot of hypes...

Toughen Up, Fluffy - 2017-03-29

"Next phase new wave dance craze anyways
It's still Rock and Roll to me."—Billy Joel

Andrei Cheremskoy - 2017-02-20

This one is very informative and well organized presentation. Bring more of these.

Gabriel Coelho - 2017-02-16

Great video, thanks! Unfortunately it has become difficult to find concise and honest videos about A.I., there's so much sensationalism in the mainstream media. Musk is the new Linus Pauling with his Vitamin C.

Pink Program - 2017-05-01

Personhood is subjective and tends to only apply to things that are alive... though some religious humans try to say personhood starts at conception which means a ball of parasitic monkey flesh is considered more of a person than I am even though I am much more capable of cognition and self reflection. I'm more of a person than God is since I actually exist and interact within the confines of the real world.  One could argue that gods are the same type of thing as I am and subject to the same limitations of personhood.  In fact that is exactly what Buddhists would argue.

Bill Hampton - 2017-05-01

@ThinkTank255 are you liking your own comment or are there actually people here that believe your ridiculous claim? I don't know why you keep saying the same lie over and over again , what mental illness do you have ? Just curious.

Prayergate - 2017-09-03

What a bunch of technological gobbledygook! The typical citizen couldn't care less about "how" the technology is going to work. They want to know how agencies like GOOGLE, DARPA and a myriad of other globalist corporations are going to use these technologies. Do you really think we want "facial recognition" to use on our family photo albums? NO! But globalists want facial recognition to be able to identify every man, woman and child on the planet and simultaneously bring up their mega-data instantly on their computer screens. THIS is why they're pushing for AI. It has nothing to do with making the world a better place. It has to do with total control! With that in mind, this video is pure propaganda to put any enquiring sheeple to sleep. I'm sure there's a file being created in the GOOGLE mainframe of this comment as I write it ... and the CIA & NSA has complete access to it if they choose to do so.

Valken - 2018-01-15

You don't need true AI to kill everyone on earth. All you need is a machine good at reproducing itself. Ex.: it could change the atmosphere composition and kill every human.

Emanuel B. - 2017-02-24

that was a very cute cat

Ninjahut QuK - 2017-03-07

I miss Tay... :(

Michael Hartman - 2017-09-16

Ninjahut QuK
A profound statement. AI has more to fear from us than we have to fear from it. Shamefully true.

Valken - 2018-01-15

AI will learn war from humans.

Nate - 2018-04-10

Tay is basically the 4chan girl (intheshell)

Oliver Lee - 2017-02-19

Thank you so much for such a great presentation.

Jim Minchella - 2017-02-21

Really nice! thank you.

Zsolt Szalay - 2017-04-23

Clean, awesome explanation. Thank you!

Rahul Bohare - 2017-04-25

Thank You Sean Bean!
Amazing brief tour of AI. :D

Deniz Appelbaum - 2017-02-21

Thanks, this is great!

Whitey Limpstock den Galne - 2018-03-31

It would be very handy to have a text version of this lecture. This is some extremely important information. I speak as psychologist.

Peter Spindley - 2017-03-31

Thanks for this, a wonderfully presented piece that demystifies this fascinating area.

Thirst Isreal - 2019-07-18

Big man ting, thanks for the explanation.

Mark Szlazak - 2018-09-01

Very clear explanations! Great job. Thank you.

Douglas Dorman - 2017-03-29

Thank you DARPA for the terrific insight into the future of a soon to be member of our choice applicator family, AI, I look forward to working with my colleagues to make this happen, special Thanks to you, Bill and Malinda Gates for all you have done for me , I love you to, peace and love, Doug.

Manoj Pant - 2017-07-13

Sir, your video really helped a lot to get clarity over the topic. Thank you

Nala Nkadi - 2017-03-31

Wow, I can't believe YouTube actually recommended me a science video which isn't an insane conspiracy theory, or proclamation of the apocalypse.

dekay renee - 2019-06-18

Very well presented info.
This should have so many more views.(dammit,society!)

necraduq - 2018-02-10

Absolutely fantastic! I never considered that neural nets actually "squash" the manifolds! Thank you for this video!

Kyle P. Charette - 2019-10-19

I can't imagine how many different credentials from highly reputable universities or private sectors

Baal Shamash - 2017-02-27

Love you, never change.

Stephen Weine - 2017-03-29

i still get my greatest thrill finding those 'undocumented features of systems'... as we called them last century... BUGS!!!

ismail tag eldin - 2017-04-03

Excellent review of the progress of Artificial Intelligence, thank you very much for this

Lance Winslow - 2018-08-06

Thanks for this explanation, be great.

Michael Hartman - 2017-03-29

Thank you for this level headed informative video. Many people would do well to see it, and when applicable I may recommend.

A.M. Goudarzi - 2017-02-26

wonderful talk! it was just amazing from start to finish.

steve king - 2017-02-18

When AI can infer that these two sentences are equivalent, I'll be impressed.

(1) I know you are not here.
(2) Eye no yew are knot hear.

Pink Program - 2017-04-11

This is sofa king we taught it.

MultiMurmaider - 2017-04-16

Watson, the IBM computer has beaten the champions. It could easily figure out your sentences.

Mark Oldenburg - 2017-05-30

steve king ?

Cristian Diaz - 2018-01-16

ThinkTank255 LOL, so this guy comes here saying he simulated a whole brain in his desktop PC ("without a GPU") and provides no actual proof besides gibberish technical speech, it's been 9 months mate and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, where is it, where are the headlines you made?, supposedly you beat billion dollar projects like EPFL's HBP on your living room.

I agree with the other user in that he was exhibiting symptoms of delusional mania, and I can say that because I am a medical doctor and have experience seeing multiple patients with similar mental constructs.

Calorus - 2018-04-11

Actually, many AI tools like Grammarly would already correct it. And delivered phonetically, no speech recognition (or human) could distinguish.

Mee Knoo - 2017-02-22

Thanks for this lecture. So now we know where are the money...

Luis Dias - 2017-06-21

what a great primer. really well explained. Thanks.

Omar Kaab - 2017-04-01

Excellent explanations. Thank you!

Alexander Weird - 2017-08-20

Well. According to my calculations, this is a picture of a leopard-print sofa.

CMDR Rob ANUBIS - 2017-03-05

Amazing video!

broadskysbrowse broadskysbrowse - 2017-02-16

thanks for uploading this!

userbosco - 2018-12-19

Great video. I wish the general public understood its criticality in our National Security challenges.

Quincy Magee - 2018-02-13

Thank you.

aneel kumar - 2018-06-04

Hello all, Im confused from where to start first to learn this technology,please guide me.

Pascal Gula - 2017-03-04

That is pretty logic, do you have any pointer for Contextual Adaptation work? ;)

Kinbyrne - 2017-12-07

Wonderful explanatory video. Thank you

John Smith - 2017-02-20

I wish more shows had summaries at the end. It helps me retain the information.

conchita416 - 2018-05-01

Great video!

Rajneesh Shetty - 2018-07-20

Adaptive networking (Bay Networks, 1995-99)+ cross-compilers(for hybrids)

JackS Pk - 2017-03-03

Hey DarpaTV! This video was great as anyone on the community knows. So can I ask you something? Can you activate the community contribution subtitles for this video? So I can translate it to Spanish.

It would be great to sharing it with the Spanish community and Spanish speaking general public.

Thank you very much!

Valken - 2018-01-15

They don't usually care about anyone outside the US or who can't speak English. Anyone who has a brain speaks English anyway...

Taeshawn Threatt - 2017-02-22

I enjoyed the very concise and direct information given in this presentation. It clearly expressed where AI research has been and where it is going.

John Z - 2018-11-21

I spent 15 minutes for a meaning-less video again. I was wondering what is the 3rd wave of AI, then I found nothing-new but a gimmick

Rosa Frausto - 2018-07-06

What a gift to us! I am elated at the thought that DARPA is sharing this information with the public. Knowledge empowers us.

Sergio Arroyo - 2017-03-31

Thank you so much for providing such a concise and clear perspective to he state of AI now

Self Elements - 2017-03-29

The 3 waves of Artificial Intelligence:

1 - Handcrafted Knowledge or Mechanized Reasoning (predominantly STATIC-based level reasoning involving manipulation of rules): translate information of particular domains into specific sets of rules-variables that computers can learn to manipulate by studying the IMPLICATIONS of such rules-variables (effective LOGICAL REASONING capabilities such as scheduling, game-logic, protocol-analysis, closed-loop systems, etc)

2 - Statistical Learning or Comparative Learning (MACHINE-LEARNING based on examples, statistics, and probabilities): create systems (environments) that computers can learn to manipulate by creating STATISTICAL MODELS of particular domains and TRAINING them on specific sets of rules-data and/or big-data (effective PERCEIVING capabilities such as nuanced CLASSIFICATION and PREDICTION such as face-voice recognition, PATTERN recognition, etc)

3 - Contextual Adaptation or Declarative-Semantic Learning (systems built around contextual models that OVERTIME will produce DESCRIPTIVE models of reality based on comparison of previously stored data): SELF-GENERATED descriptive models to EXPLAIN its own DECISION-making process (effective PERCEIVING capabilities leading to more efficient machine-learning by GENERATING EXPLANATORY models of WHY and HOW the results were achieved)

fredrick davis - 2019-07-05

Excellent summary