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How Antarctica Froze Over

SciShow - 2019-12-16

Antarctica wasn't always covered in kilometer thick ice sheets, in fact, scientists have spent years figuring out what turned this once lush continent into its current icy state.

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Hosted by: Olivia Gordon

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SciShow - 2019-12-16

Thanks to Brilliant for supporting this episode of SciShow. Go to https://Brilliant.org/SciShow to grab a gift subscription to help your loved one spark a lifelong love of learning.

Silentspeaker3 - 2019-12-16


YetAnotherMartian - 2019-12-17

#bib37 !!!

eSKAone - 2019-12-17

I like the speed she talks in this video, so chill. Makes her voice much more pleasant.

mrjaz666 - 2019-12-18

3:30 - So cave formations like stalactites and stalagmites are the result of natural CO2 scrubbing? That's pretty cool :)

Herbert Miller - 2019-12-17

So Antarctica is isolated cool and dark

The emo continent

Captain Obvious. • 29 years ago - 2019-12-17

This comment was definitely made by someones dad

Pyro1456 - 2019-12-17

Herbert Miller the oil continent

Democracy Dies in Darkness - 2019-12-16

Can you imagine the fossils under that ice sheet?

Ferrets united against soul twisters - 2021-02-26

And all the ancient MEGA diseases .......

Noriel Sylvire - 2021-03-03

No, because sadly they were probably destroyed by the ice

Ferrets united against soul twisters - 2021-03-03

@Noriel Sylvire I think they means the land under the ice like in Antarctica as things will have less access to it especially since there used to be tons of life there

Noriel Sylvire - 2021-03-03

@Ferrets united against soul twisters I know. What I mean is, if I'm not mistaken, ice moves over the land and destroys it, slowly but steadily, at least that's what happens underneath glaciers. So I'm pretty sure a big chunk of the fossil record from antarctica was destroyed by the ice sheets slowly drifting towards shore, and dragging rocks along to erode the surface

Alfred Sutton - 2021-03-18

Can you imagine the artifacts?

kurt engel - 2019-12-17

"The Big Chill"

in my head: Like the big bang, but with way more pot

Mira Myth - 2019-12-17

Lmao! Thank you.

Cody Myhre - 2019-12-19


Macjj173 - 2020-11-22

Or like the Big Bang but funny

aaryan joshy - 2021-02-15

but in my head, I was picturing big chill from ben 10

Dwayno Willi - 2021-02-15

And way less semen...

Andrew Gutmann - 2019-12-17

How Antarctica Froze Over

Family Guy weatherman: IT GOT COLD

Madhijz - 2019-12-17

Thanks Ollie Williams

Franco Franco - 2021-02-28

Wouldn’t you like to know weather boy

Rick Seiden - 2019-12-16

"And lots of organisms lived there, before it was 'cool'." ( ¬_ლ)

ĶĮŁĽŔ-X / X-ÇŁÅŇ - 2019-12-17

@That Man call me troll x.

That Man - 2019-12-17

+ĶĮŁĽŔ-X / X-ÇŁÅŇ; Ok, Troll X. I once again leave you to your studies.

ĶĮŁĽŔ-X / X-ÇŁÅŇ - 2019-12-17

@That Man but thanks tho. My class ends in 10 mins

Astrid B. - 2019-12-17

Haha I was looking for this 😂

Tyler Barton - 2020-01-09

@james yeung spoken with the wisdom of Solomon lol

socially inept spider-man - 2019-12-17

30 years later on this channel.

How Antarctica melted

David Kelly - 2019-12-17

Close to 500 years. It's a lot of ice.

Dieter Gaudlitz - 2019-12-18

@David Kelly And it's melting quite fast.

David Kelly - 2019-12-18

@Dieter Gaudlitz not THAT fast. Temps needed for that and we'd already be dead.

Aftersex HighFives - 2021-02-10

Titanic: 1 Humanity: melts all the icebergs

take that?

Name Here - 2019-12-17

Man. Climate change looooves its positive feedback loops.

Oliver T - 2019-12-17

"[...] and lot's of organisms lived there, before it was cool." 🤣

꧁Peter Griffin꧂ - 2019-12-17

badum tss

Dave Toms - 2019-12-17


Nyt Mare - 2019-12-17

Damn Hipster organisms!

Jordan W - 2019-12-16

Cool to imagine what Antarctica would be like today if it wasn’t frozen somehow (what countries would own it, what kind of people/exotic animals would live there, etc.)

pugkin - 2019-12-17

soon we will find out

William Koch - 2019-12-17

There's a thread on alternate history dot net called Green Antarctica by DValdron that covers this exact topic in detail. You need an account to read it, but you don't have to pay or anything.

Bhoddisatva - 2019-12-17

@William Koch You can find it on Google Drive too. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLnX36YVSCsq-TjqeNErG9lS7jMITHDKXfufM9Vw3DY/edit

Mira Myth - 2019-12-17

@Azael Burr Yeah, I could have. I was just about to go to bed so I figured I'd ask in case they had it on hand. I'm aware that I was and that I am being lazy, so I'm going to save you the trouble of roasting me over it by doing it myself: I'm lazy, super lazy, so lazy that I asked someone else to find the link for me instead of typing it into the search bar myself. I also spent more time writing out this reply than I did in just attempting to find it myself last night. Turns out that yes, all I needed to do was type stuff into the search bar and I'd find it. All my laziness rewarded me with was someone else asking me if I couldn't have just done it myself. But I suppose that I wasn't lazy in my writing this reply because I took the initiative to scold myself for you. Maybe there's hope for me.

Have I learned my lesson well enough to not ask other people in YouTube comments for video links ever again? No, I will probably do it again, because I'm lazy and suck at searching for things even though I was an English major and it was literally part of my degree, so I just shut down and ask other people for it without thinking because all my degree taught me was how to be neurotic about searching for things and how to provide over the top long winded replies to something when all I could have said was "ye". Or "yeah, homie."

I'm lazy. So lazy, yet so willing to put effort into extremely specific things, and no I haven't learned my lesson. I'm sorry to have disappointed you like this. I can only hope that my preemptive roasting will have saved you the need to scold me more, because unfortunately, even if you're really nice or really mean about it, I'm definitely going to do it again. And I am sorry, as much as a person who is aware that they're still going to commit sin again can be sorry. There's regret. But not enough regret to make me not do it again.

Now if you did actually read to the end of this, thank you for taking the time to read this. This is the part where I tell you that my reply was partially written out of spite, because I was hoping to waste your time by making you read an unnecessarily long message. The earlier apology was like, kind of sincere though. Hopefully you at least a little bit enjoyed me being playfully malicious. 🤪

Average gamer Wr - 2019-12-18

They would rule us all

Salvatore Escoti - 2019-12-17

Just imagine what mysteries could be hidden under that 2000 meter thick ice shield.

Shade - 2019-12-20

An alien spaceship...
Or at least a bunch of new fossils.

BingBong Hafu - 2019-12-22

A strip of paper with Obama’s last name

Melon Lord - 2019-12-26

We are about to find out. If we make it that long as a species

acegeek - 2019-12-29

@BingBong Hafu Obama IS his last name. WTF?

BingBong Hafu - 2019-12-29

Someone else do it

XTXMidnightXTX - 2019-12-16

"Referred to as The Big Chill"
Ben 10 Alien Force Intensifies

kammoun zied - 2019-12-16

05:14 albedo XXD same thing

Joltie RL - 2019-12-17

And albedo at 5:14 as well lol

Alex Mercer - 2019-12-17

lol Literally just commented that XD

Emil Andreasson - 2019-12-28

Fellow dasher

Kai Summerall - 2019-12-17

I really wanna know what organisms lived in Antarctica between 65-14 million years ago

Oliver - 2021-01-18

I really want to know. Considering the last forests of southern beech trees and conifers disappeared as little as FOUR million years ago. A modern, mostly marsupial and bird polar fauna entirely seperate and distinct from our present arctic fauna? This is the forbidden knowledge we must acquire

CrankyPants - 2019-12-17

That was very interesting and explained nicely. Well done, Olivia.

hellcat1988 - 2019-12-17

A hipster joke? Really? It was one of the better ones I've ever seen someone pull, but still.

TubaDragoness - 2019-12-18

That sponsorship tie-in was the smoothest I have ever seen.

Merelf - 2019-12-17

“Before it was cool” Ha! Love it!

San dro - 2021-02-05

Imagine all the life forms there struggling to survive the cooling. The trees, animals etc freezing over slowly but safety.

Guilherme Machado - 2019-12-16

It's a really chill topic to approach

Lundqvj RL - 2019-12-16

Aahh, there it is, the soothing cool aid.. all due to CO2 tyty

InvertedNegG - 2019-12-17

Glad she's "pierced" the subject. She "nose" what she's talking about. Her analysis "rings" true.

Kirk Claybrook - 2019-12-17

They look Sh!t

Yevhenii Diomidov - 2019-12-17

5:55 I didn't know SciShow was so anti-cryonics...

Jeffrey Basquial - 2021-02-13

"...before it was cool."


Arthas Menethil - 2020-02-05

1:07 the more things change the more they stay the same: even millions of years ago China and America were in their own little worlds, with America only loosely connected to everyone else and China completely disconnected form the rest of the world.

Tamar Ziri - 2019-12-17

3:30 first ever plankton footage I saw. Thanks!

mediawolf - 2019-12-17

"before it was cool" 😏

razzle dazzle - 2019-12-17

1:00 i thought the tail was the head and i thought it had 4 legs

Line-Marie FORTIER - 2019-12-19

OMG, very interesting. We learn all our life...THANKS!

Thomas Jensen - 2019-12-17

Well.... When it melts i hope we will find Stargate Atlantis <3 !!!

WJohnM - 2019-12-17

It wanted to go South for the winter, and overdid it. (It was weak on geography.)

Andrew Hahn - 2019-12-22

"Before it was cool" Nice

Gyrre - 2019-12-19

There's an interesting suggestion that the Earth's mantle slipped at one point. This supposed slip may have also caused the flash-freezing in Sibera (explaining the frozen mammoths found there).

Flips_Bad - 2019-12-17

The Big Chill sounds like a good name for my new alternative rock band/cult

Vandrefalk - 2019-12-17

'The Big Chill', also known as The Age of Netflix, nowadays.

invidious07 - 2019-12-17

Make Antarctica Great Again, bring on the global warming!

ThatGuyWithTheTripod - 2019-12-20

Makes me wonder what kind of fossils are under those layers of ice. Since no large animals got the chance to live there since the dinosaurs.

Cedric Bani - 2020-01-24

I aspire to be as smooth as Olivia's transition to talk about sponsors.

Javaman92 - 2019-12-19

Wait, so perhaps the reverse is also true. If the ice melts then even more ice could melt.

Naa, that would never happen.

WhatsUpEarth - 2019-12-16

Oops, your antarctic circumpolar current is going backwards 😬 (I study Antarctica in grad school)

krafty777 - 2019-12-17

Lol...I studied meteorology and climatology and was thinking the same thing.

Mike Broome - 2019-12-19

I think you didn't realize that we were looking at it in a mirror.


Geminellie06 - 2019-12-17

Can yall do a show on the concept of "black dont crack" please? As in the reason African-American seem to have more elasticity in skin giving the appearance of being younger? Just curious about this as an African-American myself. I imagine it is either a myth or that there is some scientific reasoning for it that may have to do skin melanin and sun exposure.

Shredphox - 2019-12-16

Yes, this ice is made of ice

Daniel Dulu - 2019-12-17

Hint: It's cold

XSportSeeker - 2019-12-17

Antarctic organisms - the original hipsters. xD

First Name Last Name - 2019-12-20

So what I'm hearing is take plastic garbage and find a great pit to put it in some place and do a carbon sink. Where's my million dollars?

Freedom Of Speech - 2019-12-16

>The big chill
Bruh the internet has gone too far.

Rosiepedia - 2019-12-17

I wonder if there could be a way to use plankton to help us with excess co2 today

Kirk Claybrook - 2019-12-17

Could've put a ring in the other side of your nose too....coz they look so good O.o

Coltafanan Studios - 2020-01-25

Think we’re heading to a greenhouse planet pretty soon

Damion - 2021-03-05

I have a different hypothesis, but who am I to judge...

Ilena Starbreeze - 2019-12-17

i look forward to humans finding out whats under antartica when all the ice melts :P

Christian Augustin - 2019-12-17

It will take a while. Not millions of years, but even with the current rate of warming the majority of Antarctica is going to remain covered in ice for some time. Well, I'm already too old either way (but yes, it would be interesting to see what's covered by all the ice – but chances are that it is crushed and ground so badly that we can't make anything out of it ;-)).