> temp > à-trier > what-is-the-sunday-evening-feeling

What Is the Sunday Evening Feeling?

The School of Life - 2017-12-17

Sunday evenings have a particular atmosphere, where nostalgia mixes with dread. A lot of the emotion is at heart about a background sense that we haven’t found the meaning of our lives – and that time is running out for us. For gifts and more from The School of Life, visit our online shop: https://goo.gl/VwCJuf
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“It descends, normally, between around 5pm and 7.30pm and can be at its height at six, especially when the weather is turning and the last of the daylight has burnished the sky a shade of crimson pink.
The Sunday evening feeling is ordinarily associated with work, and the idea of going back to an office after a pleasant break. But this doesn’t quite cover the complexity of what is going on: it isn’t just that we have some sort of work to do that is dragging down our mood, but that we are going back to the wrong sort of work even while we are in dire ignorance of what the right sort of work might actually be…”

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The School of Life - 2017-12-17

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mary fai - 2017-12-17

Please translate more video into Arabic . It helps us to develop our language.

Aust Ralian - 2017-12-18

Take it to Reddit much better

Joseph Armstrong - 2017-12-18


Vikas Arora - 2017-12-18

How can i buy your products in India?

andy brinks - 2018-01-05

Sometimes I feel I have no perfect career path... That I have no purpose in life....

Lance Andrei Briones - 2017-12-17

Eversince I was a kid, I always feel something weird during Sunday evenings.

F. Teixeira - 2017-12-17

Its was school, then highschool, then college, now job.
I did all these things against my will my whole life. Now i understand it.

stee vo - 2017-12-18

Yep same here, I recall talking to others about this feeling on a sunday in my early school years.

Lance Andrei Briones - 2017-12-20

Winnie coopr hahahah yeah omg

Star - 2019-11-21


PK D - 2017-12-17

I didn't know this was a thing for other people too 😱

Wandile Mtambo - 2019-11-20

Ignore the Tyrant, you are unique just not alone.

Eddie W - 2020-02-10

Wandile Mtambo hi Waldro

9 9 9 juicewrld - 2020-02-17

Ikr at first I thought I just had depression

Wandile Mtambo - 2020-02-17

@Eddie W who?

Eddie W - 2020-02-17

@Wandile Mtambo hehe

Brian - 2017-12-17

"The anticipation of stress causes stress"

alexv0009 - 2017-12-18

The same may go for anxiety.

Surfing On Squarewaves - 2017-12-18

The anticipation of stress causing stress causes stress

Volos Criss - 2018-01-15

+Surfing On Squarewaves Fucking true

Thea Rismyhr - 2018-01-31

The anticipation of stress causing stress causes stress causes stress

OnideusMadHatter - 2019-04-21

Also known as... a nocebic reaction!

Second Demographic - 2017-12-17

Sunday Evening represents the loss of freedom. Once you finish work on Friday, you thrive knowing that you have a full day and a half to do as you please. Sunday evening is the commencement of freedom as you must prepare to return to the rat race.

Kardashev Type III - 2019-07-15

Though I agree with you, I believe you meant to use some other word than "commencement," as in this context, it would mean "the beginning of freedom." Just a little bit of constructive criticism.

Now I am tired of not looking forward to tomorrow so I'm going to sleep. Good night.

Eddie W - 2020-02-10

Kardashev Type III hi kardashian

Faiza Jafar - 2017-12-17

People of the future,
Yes. This video was posted on a Sunday evening.

Keerthana Gurushankar - 2017-12-17

But time zones. :(

Theo_Caro - 2017-12-17

Actually it was posted in the morning. But sundays, even if one is not religious, seem to have a more reflective quality; One isn't working, and the time for partying is Friday and Saturday.

Faiza Jafar - 2017-12-17

Keerthana Gurushankar oh dear :'D didn't think about that !

Faiza Jafar - 2017-12-17

T. H. Caro true. Although some countries do not have Sundays as they're weekend (middle eastern countries mostly) so the equivalent of a Sunday evening feeling for them would be a Saturday evening feeling :)

Dawg Pound - 2017-12-17

Concidering it's 6:30pm ETZ you're full of it

Breanna Thompson - 2017-12-17

Because you're about to subject yourself to another week of suffering.

soslothful - 2018-01-11

"week"? How about a lifetime?

Primal - 2018-02-10

soslothful same

faiz fiderli - 2019-11-13

@soslothful this is big M O O D

Ball is life - 2020-01-06

@soslothful maybe that's why babies cry when they come out of the womb

Lupe Fernandez - 2017-12-17

Me and my sister called it "the crying hour" all our lives. Who knew everybody else experienced this too

alasmi92s - 2017-12-18

Lupe Fernandez strangely enough, we are all the same

Kardashev Type III - 2019-07-15

Sounds like a horror movie, and in fact, could probably be made into one.

"The Crying Hour. This Sunday, there's a new monster in town... and she's coming for your existentialism."

Interesting View - 2017-12-17

I have never experienced the Sunday evening feeling more than I did as a kid. Elementary school and Middle school. I have always recognized this feeling but I thought it was something unique to myself. The sun turning color as it goes down, and illuminating everything in that orange light, is exactly right.

As an adult this feeling has manifested itself when I'm in unfamiliar places, like when I'm backpacking alone in the woods. I have to fight the urge to pack up camp and race home. I think it has to do with a feeling of it being my last chance to get out before dark.

"If I don't go now, I'm stuck here until tomorrow no matter what. Am I in the right place or should I be spending this time with friends or family?"

Eventually the sun sets and the feeling leaves with the arrival of darkness.

Mega Ray - 2017-12-17

Who's else watching this on Sunday 😂😂😂

That Random Guy - 2017-12-17

Mega Ray cuz today is Sunday dumpsy

Mauro - 2017-12-17

Like every fucking one of us, up to now, because this video has been uploaded today, and today is Sunday.

Senpie - 2017-12-17

I'm watching this in 2018 o.o

E D - 2019-04-28

Watching this right now. I'm just nervous for the premiere of AOT

loomi Tube - 2019-11-24

Me it is 840 on Sunday :( help me now

Mr. Creasy - 2017-12-17

It's worse when the Sunday Evening Feeling last all day and everyday

vixan - 2017-12-17

Your days are probably blending together, like mine. It's a problem.

cogtroper - 2019-06-26

True. I am in the car, back from work, on a friday, and I am already getting the sunday evening feeling.

FightingToThePoint 4u - 2020-02-09

I cant even enjoy saturday because tommorow is sunday

Mark duck - 2017-12-17

Regret ... that’s what that Sunday feeling is.

TheVeganWolf - 2017-12-17

I've always had this feeling as a kid, every Sunday. I absolutely hated school because of my social anxiety. As I got older I had the same problem with minimum wage jobs, and I'd end up quitting because I couldn't stand them. Hopefully the day will come when I'm finally looking forward to go to work because it's something I genuinely enjoy doing. I think everyone deserves that.

cold worm - 2017-12-18

TheVeganWolf love and peace

friendlybaby1 - 2017-12-20

I had this in the extreme as a kid as well and would be crying and feel sick with a feeling of dread, emptiness, misery, isolation and hopelessness - not what a 10 year old should be expected to feel over and over and over. It must have been clear that I was in distress and no one did anything to help me.

Shawn Kent - 2017-12-22

I also had that dread during the school years. After the sun went down insomnia would follow. And was there ever a worse day then Labor Day?

Rhianna Williams - 2018-10-18

That's where I'm at right now. I have every desire to pack up basic necessities, sell all my stuff, travel somewhere new, and start over because I keep getting suck in these dead end jobs that I can barely live off of, and they are draining my spirit.

Kevin Hudson - 2019-12-15

friendlybaby1 I could have written this. 🙁

Michele Marchini - 2017-12-17

Work on Sundays and you'll never experience it

Tiny Baby Man - 2018-10-15

Then it would be the Saturday evening feeling

Middy the Mad - 2019-01-14

@Cracked GAMER why is it so horrible to work on a Sunday lol?

jbela - 2019-05-14

@Middy the Mad, I used to work Sundays, all my friends were off so I missed out. And it's crazy busy dealing with people getting ready for the week

Javi Octavia Paulina - 2019-06-02

I actually work from Friday to Monday, best thing ever.

Emmanuel Makoba - 2019-07-09


MrJamesdryable - 2017-12-17

I notice the time that you posted this.

Demet - 2017-12-17

omg i didn't know that this was a THING, i thought i was the only one who felt the sunday sadness

tash - 2017-12-17

this is a seriously amazing video. it's true. we are sad because we are not being ourselves truly, it's like we have 100 years to live but we are not even there

robert h - 2018-01-01

talkshei we have less than two years to live truly with ourselves without others interruption.

Winter Phoenix - 2017-12-17

this channel reads my mind so perfectly I'm startin to feel scared

Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly - 2018-01-08

Helena Mason thats because it covers topics that most people think of

Winter Phoenix - 2018-01-09

i wish i knew more of those people

Risa J - 2017-12-17

This made me even more sad this Sunday evening because all of this hits so hard.... I’ve been going through this for months now since I’ve started my first ever job.

sixty Cats - 2017-12-17

Risa J how old are you?

jimmy5322hk - 2017-12-18

Thirty Cats Never too old to change.

Keshav - 2017-12-17

Harsh truths we all need to hear...

John Doe - 2017-12-17

Educate Society What???

PAMELA TORRES - 2018-08-04

Funny how Sunday begins with the same letter as Suicide.

DiegoDan - 2017-12-17

The proportions of these characters is quite scary

No Face - 2017-12-17

We desire fulfillment out of work. While money is great as temporary motivation, it doesn't suffice in the long run. We need a job that wouldn't necessarily bring us joy and happiness every single day, but, at the end of the day, make us feel like we truly accomplished something. Happiness is not always the ultimate goal when it comes to work - but fulfillment. We strive to feel like we've made a difference, and that is what will make us happy.

Much like TSOL, I discuss philosophical topics on my channel. I would be very grateful if you spared a couple minutes to take a look. Thank you very much!

Lemnaj Cavite - 2017-12-17

This defines the feeling of 'Not Going Anywhere' in life. :D thanks for the video.

Joyce Chua - 2017-12-18

We need a video on that!

fangirlfortheages - 2017-12-17

I get this feeling before school too. I don’t think for me at least the wrong work hypothesis doesn’t apply to me. I think it’s dreading the shift from cognitive ease to cognitive effort.

Petro - 2017-12-17

Had this feeling all the way through school because i hated it so much. God, that feeling was terrible!
Thankfully, for the last 10 years i've been a freelancer/entrepreneur working sundays, and life is so much better.

Cracked GAMER - 2018-10-07

I have school tomorrow and i have that feeling as well... I cannot describe it, i just feel that i don't want to do anything.. That feeling sucks 😞😞 I can't find ANY way to to feel any better.... I feel so lonely and lost...

a Bear - 2017-12-17

Oh this is what I'm currently feeling

SMS - 2017-12-17

I don't know if it's as much about the right job as it as about not being the best version of yourself. I feel when we look at the sky setting on Sunday nights perhaps it's because we are starting over once again but we are still the same person. I believe this feeling is caused from a lack of growth. Find a hobby, read a book on something that puzzles you, start exercising, create art everyday. We feel melancholy on Sundays because we are not who we wanted to be when we were kids.

lH2O * - 2017-12-17

S. M. Salem I love this comment. It's exactly what I'm dealing with in my life right now. I'm trying to do naturally what I should've been allowed to do when I was a kid. Rigid schools system and very strict overprotective parents are to blame for me. It's hard to find your way when you're doing it by yourself as an adult but when you do, you feel like you've met yourself from a very long time and you understand why you're alive : to live freely.

OlivineCityMetal - 2017-12-17

lH2O * This comment is my life in a nutshell. Good luck facing that feeling and becoming more of who you wish to be.

lH2O * - 2017-12-17

OlivineCityMetal Thank you, life isn't easy but we'll make it eventually. Listen to your own voice and let's not let other people makes us feel like our happiness isn't important. It is for us so let's work damn hard for it 😊

FruityUnicorn17 - 2017-12-17

S. M. Salem I agree with this comment.
I don't always get this feeling because I'm either relaxing and enjoying my favorite show, cleaning (which personally gives me peace of mind), reading, listening to music or just knowing that I did something to get out of the house that day. But then again, I don't hate my job... so I think that at some degree your job does affect how you feel on Sunday afternoons.

KarltoonTV - 2017-12-17

I’m 20 and when I was younger, Sunday evenings were very calming and relaxing. I would wake up, have breakfast, go to church, go to Asda with my family to do shopping for family dinner. My parents would make the food, while I went to my bedroom to watch the simpsons on channel 4. Food would be cooked. I would then go upstairs and watch a film on either channel 4, 5 or itv and feel very relaxed. Knowing that the next day, I would have to wake up early for school. There is something calming about Sunday evenings. I guess I didn’t really like school as much. Only a few friends were worth seeing, especially this girl I had a crush on. But apart from that, I never really looked forward to school. Now that I’m in uni doing a course I like, I don’t really get that Sunday evening feel anymore. I guess it’s a good thing because I know what I want to do with my life, but I kinda miss that relaxing feeling.

Ibn Sina - 2017-12-17

What about the monday morning feeling?

Darragh McKane - 2017-12-17

Ibn Sina just a magnified version of the above.

C. XO - 2017-12-17

No, Monday morning you’re so busy to get the bluea

Gamal Elsayed - 2017-12-17

So there IS a name for what I’m feeling..!!!!!

TheAlien Amoeba - 2017-12-17

For me a Sunday evening feeling is when I don’t want to do any work and just want to cuddle and watch tv with someone

Dantick09 - 2017-12-17

Then I realize I don't have anyone :(

GamingGen - 2017-12-17

It is Sunday evening..and I’ve got college tomorrow smh

A R - 2017-12-17

isnt there a break? cmon college isn't that bad anyways

GamingGen - 2017-12-17

Arata Senpai the college I’ve joined is.. the timings, schedules, everything is like that of some army school. I absolutely hate it

Lindsay Curtis - 2017-12-17

I call this the Sunday Night Blues - totally can relate to this feeling. I hope I don't feel it once I'm working for myself, when the day comes!

Armaan - 2017-12-18

I used to feel this way during my job, but since I've started working for myself it doesn't make a difference whether it's Monday or Sunday! I enjoy my work and sometimes end up doing some light work during the weekends too cause I feel like it

Stefan - 2018-07-09

I started feeling this during school very early

Max Gilbert - 2018-09-02

Once you're working for yourself you'll be putting in 70-80 hour weeks for less pay than you're making now. The "Sunday Evening Feeling" will be every evening after 12 hours with almost no pay. You had better absolutely LOVE what you do because it will be all consuming over your life for as long as you are self employed. More pressing than anything at home or anything else you will do. Your entire identity will be wrapped up in that business. Chances are after 2 years you'll close up shop and move on to greener pastures in another business. Don't ever get too attached to walk away. If it's not majorly profitable In the first two years (more than double your current job yearly, after all you're working double hours) don't let it pile up debt on your family, move on and find a better business or better job. Almost no one strikes GOLD on their first business endevor. If it's not raining money in 5 years (over 80k take home pay) it never will. The margins will always stay the same, find a business in an industry with margins that are worth it and work your A$$ off. GOOD LUCK!

K1LL3RB1TCH - 2017-12-17

it's Sunday and I'm sad and anxious. So thanks for this video.

Гералт од Ривиа - 2017-12-17

Why ? I love Sunday evenings and Monday mornings.

Billy Buttlord - 2017-12-17

Malekith the witchking bit smug

Armaan - 2017-12-18

R13mf203 o9234fmf Lol ikr

J Warren - 2017-12-17

The temporary relief starting Friday afternoon which was followed by my only decent night’s sleep of the week mostly free of anxiety was always followed by the dread and doom that was palpable by 3 pm every Sunday. Thank god for retirement. Now what? I’m still clueless as to how to live a meaningful and modestly happy life.

Aa. - 2017-12-17

J Warren interesting, even in retirement? Surely there is lots you can do thats enjoyable and free from time constraints

Das Spargel - 2017-12-17

I thought this would be a video about me hating myself because I procrastinated all of my work and now there's no time left to do them

Charles Joseph - 2017-12-17

How to sum up School of life in one sentence should be a competition. From this I'd say " we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves." I love this channel!

Maya Rae - 2017-12-17

Glad I ain't the only one who feels this way almost every sunday evening!

Jack Tripper - 2017-12-17

the underlying problem is a society where everyone lives through work...find other motivators in life and work will not matter

mswaggydog - 2017-12-18

Jack Tripper lol 40+ hours per week matters

pinkii06 - 2017-12-17

Love that this was uploaded on Sunday evebing

Darlingqueenx - 2017-12-18

pinkii06 you look like Emma Roberts with dark hair😍

pinkii06 - 2017-12-18

Stepoutinfaith oh wow I love her thank you

DynomiteKid65 - 2018-02-06

ah yes the evebing, superior to the evening ofcourse

who gives a shit about this guy - 2017-12-17

timing is perfect

Sten Koning - 2017-12-19

I feel like a lot of videos on this channel come with perfect timing

repawnd - 2017-12-17

This is why I quit my full time job and went freelance....now I get that Sunday evening feeling 2 to 3 times a day 7 days a week :D

mia ama - 2017-12-18

But surely you are happier freelancing?

repawnd - 2017-12-19

Yes I am happier, but only a bit. I have learnt that happiness is not always about what you do or what your situation is, it comes from somewhere else.

Luigi Pati - 2017-12-17

I have always felt this 'the fun has ended' mood on Sunday evening when I was a child too.....this video made me understand that instead of because of work, it was because of school, which always felt wrong too. A place good only to learn to write and read, nothing else.

Obi Wan Kenobi - 2017-12-17

I have a bad feeling about today

ItsRenEDITS - 2017-12-17

In that chase I get this feeling every evening.

Miika Mäentaus - 2017-12-17

This one was too real😳

Shaine MacDonald - 2017-12-17

"Every day is like Sunday." ~Morrissey

Bj Sabum - 2017-12-17

I get this feeling and I'm in grade 6.

Stanly Ivanov - 2017-12-17

That means you're gonna grow up to be a beast ;) Just dont take school too seriously and educate yourself outside of it , it might teach you basic A$$ shit but it wont teach you how to be an independant human being who takes responsibility for his life and destiny , Read books , watch good vids and play with your imagination about what you would like your future to be (dont limit yourself anything is possible if you believe it is !) and then start experimenting with different stuff until something clicks :) Also your biggest enemy in these next years will be PEER PRESURE .. do your best not to let your parents/teachers/peers tell you how to live or what to do , understand that most of these people are clueless :D so think for yourself my friend and you will be crushing life in no time , just my 5 cents xD

Martine Hamman - 2018-02-24

it’s awesome that you’re interested in emotional intelligence at this age.. if you’re in grade 6 and you’re aware enough to know your feelings and courageous enough to share them... you’re doing great. you’re a superstar ..

mingii - 2017-12-17

I’m sad on Sunday’s bc school starts the next day

Pyriphlegeton - 2017-12-17

Try to appreciate school. I didn't and I regret it.

sixty Cats - 2017-12-17

I used to think school was trash and only wanted to hang out, fuck bitches and play video games.

After time, the unimportant temporary sensual pleasures will dissolve, leaving you alone (if you’re lucky) and you begin to grow, realizing that school (especially classes like math) assist in giving a fundamental understanding of learning- ANYTHING.

Repeat until you understand.

Then you truly see how life is, what it is.

JAN JAN - 2017-12-17

James Esteron exactly. im turning 17 this year and all my friends are like: fck school, wtf do i need math for?? the thing is, you dont really need maths. but you need the skill to learn something, even if you dont enjoy it that much. if you learn to learn, you can litterly learn anything.

Radoslav Kostadinov - 2017-12-17

JAN JAN Very well said! Maths is all about problem solving which remains an important skill.

gnorice ricce - 2020-02-04

@Radoslav Kostadinov captain obvious

Lua Veli - 2017-12-17

Friends who want to change their career, here is a list of ideas and examples that could give you the courage and motivation to take that step:

1- In his book " Creatures of a day" , psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, recommends to a patient who is not happy with his profession, the book " Mediations" by Marcus Aurelius. He says that Aurelius being the Roman Emperor, was not happy with his job either! Because he wanted to become a philosopher indeed! I think because it was his real passion, we honour Marcus Aurelius today more as a philosopher than as a ruler!

2- Take Argentina's most beloved psychoanalyst Gabriel Rolon. He first studied guitar and became a tango singer! Later on he realised that what he wanted the most was to become a psychologist indeed. But he was scared to be too old to begin with the studies.... Then his father said to him:

" I will not be ashamed of a son who tries and fails but I will be ashamed of you if you don't do it for fear".

So he went for it and that was the best decision he ever took!

Recently, when he presented his latest book " Cara a Cara" in a stadium in Buenos Aires, 6.000 people were there! He keeps helping and inspiring so many people and he embodies the wisdom he is trying to spread. And it is all because he took that ONE RIGHT DECISION at the right time!

3- Being from Turkey I find it a bit hard to like the police. But recently I have heard an interview with one, who definitely sounded like such a good person. Seth Stoughton was a cop, then he decided to go back to studying and became a law professor! He does a lot of critical thinking about how things work in the police departments nowadays and he is trying to help improve that system, in order to turn it more human and fair. Hopefully....
( You can hear that interview with him on the podcast "7th Avenue Project". )

4- In one of his speeches Ken Robinson gives the example of a famous piano player. Consider that if she could make it as a concert pianist she must have practised literally thousands of hours since her childhood...So this girl was making a great career and all, until one day the conductor of an orchestra told her after a concert:

-You play wonderfully, but you don't seem to enjoy it really, do you?

She said she doesn't. Indeed her passion was reading! So at some point she took that decision, gave up her career as a great musician and became an editor! This is also very interesting: what you can naturally do the best does not necessarily have to be your passion. You may want to do something else with your life!

5- Take Maria Popova. She is the founder of the wonderful website Brainpickings. She used to have a steady , well paid job , but this is what she says about her decision to leave it:

“Do I want to bury myself in a corporate job that I’m going to spent 80% of my waking hours at, be miserable, and hope that the money it gives me will make the other 20% of my life better, even though I’m angry and tired and burned out? Or, do I want to do something that makes me happy to wake up to and happy to go to sleep having done and let the financial part figure itself out?"

She is reading and writing all day and bringing wisdom into people's lives through her website and turns out that it became a huge success and she makes her living out of it!

6- There is a very interesting website called " 80.000 Hours" that gives you excellent career advice. It is founded by the youngest philosophy professor in the world: William MacAskill. He teaches at Oxford. ( Not that I think people's academic titles matter. But I like that guy because he sounds like a very modest and generous person . He donates half of his salary every month! )

I have heard him on the Tim Ferriss podcast. When he was asked, how he managed to get there so young, he said that " he just thought long enough" before choosing his career.

He gave an excellent example:

If you want to go out for a dinner tonight, for a dinner that takes let's say 90 Minutes, you would think at least 5 minutes, right?

In one life time we work around 80.000 hours. So, in order to decide what to do with it, we would indeed need to think for about 2 years! On that website, you will find a lot of very valuable career advice. You can also take a quiz etc, to see what fits you better. They give you a lot of tools ob " how to think clearly" on the subject.

7. I loved the " Getting unstuck" episode by the Hidden Brain podcast. If you think that you have tried it all and still don't know what to do, it will offer you valuable insights and new ways of thinking.

8. Don't miss the podcast " Good Life Project", with Ken Robinson as guest. You may know him from his TED Talks. He is on a wonderful mission, helping people from all around the world to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

9. I am addicted to a podcast called " On Being with Krista Tippet". She is one of the best interviewers in the world. The episode " Choosing Curiosity Over Fear" is exactly on this subject.

It can be very discouraging to hear an advice that only says " find your passion." Because most of us, except a few fortunate ones, don't know it for years and such an advice may make us feel very lonely and clueless. But on this podcast they recommend us to follow our curiosity instead. It makes it all much easier.

10. Of course it is not easy to take that step to change your career. But if it is a " meaningful" step for us, we must definitely go for it. Only then, we can have a fulfilled life.

That's why I think this is the most " motivating and encouraging" quote of all times:

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."

Friedrich Nietzsche

niall o floinn - 2018-09-30

Thank you Lua. It is so encouraging to see how you care to share. So generous and thoughtful

Lua Veli - 2018-10-31

+Niall o floinnHello there! Very sorry for my terribly late reply! Thank you so much for reading all this and for such a kind message. Best wishes :- )

Lua Veli - 2018-10-31

Hello Stefan! It is never too late though :- ) Have a nice evening!

niall o floinn - 2018-11-01

@Lua Veli am double impressed that you reply to so many people. Very few angels like you walking around. May you be blessed x

yellowsparklefish337 - 2019-01-15

Hi, on a completely different topic i just wanted to say that after seeing the way you are able to reach common ground with anyone in these comment sections, simply by coming from a place of love and understanding, i was inspired to try the same thing in a debate on racism and I managed to both calm a tense situation and teach someone what you taught me. Just wanted to thank you and let you know that your pebbles ripple the pond

Edit: Woo i did it again, this time with a self declared troll who ended up thanking me, i feel like wonder woman