> chemistry > métaux-alcalins > making-potassium-metal-cody-slab

Making Potassium Metal

Cody'sLab - 2016-12-04

I react sodium metal with potassium chloride at high temperatures to obtain potassium metal.

NightHawk's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ21jQiOv2E

Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab

mpk 666 - 2018-01-04

"Age restricted,"

YouTube - "Chemistry is scary, oh no!"

Burks - 2018-08-31

Probably because of the pipe....looking....device.....

Blim The Toolman - 2019-01-19

lets be honest they dont want 13-15 year olds attempting anything cody does

TheEmeraldMachine - 2019-04-24

mpk 666 it’s because potassium is volatile and dangerous and he wants to make sure the young don’t attempt this

emtbrat21 - 2019-07-29

I know right for I know enough to get me in trouble

Shona O'Neill - 2019-11-16

@Blim The Toolman no, they don't want to be red flagged by higher powers

AkwadTypo YT - 2016-12-05

A scientist did an experiment. He combined oxygen and potassium. It went OK

Thomas Van Dommelen - 2017-01-19


wyte.co - 2017-05-02


Cynthia Brogan - 2018-01-22

AkwadTypo YT kiss me.

Marijan C - 2018-08-06

AkwadTypo YT ist probably would be KO2 which is a hyperoxide

Marcia Osullivan - 2019-12-16

@dos54 or KO2 super oxide and K2O2 for peroxide

NightHawkInLight - 2016-12-04

You've done what I could not. Great job! Very cool to see a positive result.

Easy HowtoVids - 2016-12-05

SixTough maybe buy catalytic decomposition of potassium chloride is better

David Edward - 2018-02-02

I just subscribed to you. HARD.

Lachlan Martin - 2018-06-08

Nightlife_Rolf potassium has a net positive charge! LOL

rando prior - 2019-02-23

@Redstone the check symbol is to show that he has basically been approved as a channel by YouTube. It's a way for everyone to see that you are the REAL tuber, not just some random. Like alot of people make accounts like "Barack Obama real" or something even though it isn't truly them. It's just a way to make sure people aren't stealing your content for the most part. Unfortunately to get this you have to meet certain criteria. For example I Hate Everything's channel couldn't get the check mark since he has been copyright strike'd (or some bullshit like that).

Grandfather_Din_Racket - 2019-07-11

@NightHawkInLight You could go around the block with some Magnesium strippers. But that only usually works out well if you start with a big cylinder.

The Iguana - 2016-12-04

Cody VS. Grant thompson


Very Legit science. "Underdog" production quality. Always corrects his mistakes in post with annotations. Innovative experiments.
NO CLICK-BAIT WHATSOEVER. Humble. Lots of hands on, self made stuffs.


Fun. Poring chocolate in to chicken mold. Sometimes clickbait. Lots of self promo. Great production quality. Sometimes says acid is high on PH scale. Mostly content for younger audiences.

Bill Howitzer - 2020-02-11

@N3KOS are life can I have the source of your pfp

N3KOS are life - 2020-02-11

@Bill Howitzer
kizuna ai

Bill Howitzer - 2020-02-11

@N3KOS are life thank you

N3KOS are life - 2020-02-11

@Bill Howitzer

Bill Howitzer - 2020-02-12

@N3KOS are life alright

Lehtaan - 2016-12-04

Can you try to cold weld in your Vacuum Chamber? I already asked this but I just want to make sure this has a bigger probability of reaching you.

Lehtaan - 2016-12-04

oh cool

Luis Beaucage - 2016-12-04

Lehtaan check his Q&A je said he'll do it

frogbear02 - 2017-03-04

in case you never heard, he recently made a video of him trying to ^^

Braca Ganon - 2019-05-29

How do you manipulate the objects to test for strength of the bond inside a vacuum chamber

Braca Ganon - 2019-05-29

You can cold weld in regular atmosphere with a high quality set of metal standards... They literally stick together like they are magnetized but it's just because they are perfectly flat so the metal cold welds to its sibling

RonJohn63 - 2016-12-04

I'm glad you show your failures. It's very instructive, too.

milkbox - 2016-12-04


Nah, just kidding. chemistry is freaking cool.

Ian Sundahl - 2017-02-12

GalaxyOfWaffles # please stop. not all of us are religious.

Alyssa Wilson - 2017-08-13

why are you so proud to be unreligious?......is that stellar to you or what?.....i just think you're all overthinking faggots with a science complex from never excelling in any form of curriculum....i mean.....at least the unreligious people who think its commonplace to brag about being unreligious....

louis tournas - 2017-10-24

Ancient people were silly and had silly ideas. Silly ideas should be ridiculed and eliminated. Otherwise, society would never progress beyond being cavemen.

The Crude Lab - 2018-05-02

but he's a male so dosnt that mean he's a wizard??

Eddie Van Horn - 2018-11-21


Hex - 2016-12-04

Sodium to potassium. Honestly i though i was about to see some alchemy.

gesus44 - 2017-08-10

He did.

Wei Zhao - 2018-05-17

"He did see some alchemy."

daxtron2 - 2016-12-04

Nice pipe bomb ya got there cody.

Zeenath Subair - 2019-03-24

daxtron2 daxtron

Desmond Bagley - 2019-07-24

.......you probably set off the scorpion algorithm with those words.

Walter Clements - 2016-12-04

Hey Cody, can you do a video on scandium? Nobody ever talks about it :)

Coleman Christy - 2016-12-07

+Hosseini Maryam I know.

Philip Polkovnikov - 2016-12-10

Surprisingly it's just 15 USD/gram. I've thought it's much more pricey.

Shreyas Misra - 2016-12-10

@Philip Polkovnikov Scandium oxide is around $5000/kg. Pure is much more.
Other than price, availibility is also a big factor. It's not so easy to obtain.

Stephen Sullivan - 2017-08-27

Scandium is available on eBay and the Patreon account could easily pay for it. I say go for it.

Johnnie Ray Shepard - 2018-01-18

Never eat out of a bowl at Cody's house just saying or drink out of a pint glass haha

Ethan Knight - 2016-12-04

For some reason this whole thing screams "Pipe Bomb" to me haha

Kieran James - 2016-12-04

Cody'sLab savage

lee key bum - 2016-12-05

anonymous you can get argon gas from a welding supply store

David Luppjno - 2016-12-05

Ethan Knight so true

Job91 - 2016-12-05

luckily there is still people that can do stuff without feeling the need to destroy or kill others properties or beings. In europe this has become a real problem. Who is the terrorist? it's like the new mccarthyism without being allowed to point to the places of worship with the pointy bits screaming prayer 5 times a day.

JonsLife - 2017-11-11

GalaxyOfWaffles # English ?
Oh by the way , that isn't a pipe bomb , it's wayyy too small

max bramwell. - 2016-12-04

why do you look more like a viking in every video?

Jackiplier -1,000 - 2016-12-04

FARTS FOR EYES JUNIOR. Because he is badass

Jamie Stephenson - 2017-12-27

What's wrong with looking like a badass viking?

Phoenix2079x - 2016-12-04

you have a random plate of pure magnesium? or am i the only who finds it odd

Ethan Heffernan - 2016-12-04

Ferrocerium rods are only 4% magnesium, what you want is something purer

TheKnaeckebrot - 2016-12-04

He's the guy who has a Box full of uranium & other radioactive stuff, so a piece of magnesium is nothing special :D :D

Gareth Fare - 2016-12-04

Knaks G which is a magnesium/aluminium alloy isn't it? I was wondering of the reaction didn't happen because the magnesium content isn't high enough.

Skop Craft - 2016-12-06

I have the radioactive stuff i.e. Uranium ore, and Columbite from my mining claim, but sadly no magnesium sheets yet.
Its kinda weird actually. . .

Ernests Aizkalns - 2016-12-18

I even have a ~60x20x5cm almost pure magnesium rod from some old soviet plane.

Tom Salmon - 2016-12-04

Cody:"What do you think of potassium?"
Me:"It's K."

Chris - 2016-12-04

you know, i've not taken chemistry yet and don't fully understand everything you do; however it's still extremely entertaining to learn from.

CatholicKavanagh - 2019-08-03

"What's in the oven?"
Just some Potassium Chloride...

FrostedJr - 2016-12-04

When will you be starting the "Cody's mine" video's again Cody? :) Still loving the videos.

Stefan Reich - 2016-12-05

4:00 "OK, it exploded" - I love it when things work out well

Stoowee Gerfuon - 2016-12-05

I have no clue about chemistry... but I Iove it!

Olegh - 2016-12-04

Took me a while to recall that sodium = natrium and (even longer) potassium = kalium

Sam Firth - 2016-12-04

"There you have it:
Sodium metal, turned into Potassium metal."

...vintage Cody :)

Red_Jacket - 2016-12-06

3:56 Yep okay it exploded.... I'm like "O-o and that's normal to you?"

aniruddha nayak - 2018-03-11

Why is this video age restricted

Tom Francis - 2016-12-05

8:23 when he pulls out the container and says 'K' it made me laugh

The Golden Chariot - 2016-12-04

put a bath bomb in water, in the vacuum chamber

Big Moist - 2016-12-04

do itttt! <3

The Golden Chariot - 2016-12-04

Cody'sLab sounds good!!! 👍

Shmashing2123 - 2016-12-04

Do it. Also, are you using a cold trap bud?

planit MC - 2016-12-04

what was the magnesium plate like thing you where cutting up?

Kristofer James - 2017-02-18

Cody'sLab yes for sure definatly 😀😀😀😀

imago - 2016-12-05

"Hey cody, what are you baking?"
"Ooohhh, is it some sort of chocolate cake?"
"No it's salt. I'm baking salt."

I can only imagine the amount of dissapointment when you're cooking stuff in the kitchen

Simon MacLean - 2016-12-04

6:12 cody just stuck it in the toaster oven and was like "Boi"

MrGuvEuroman - 2017-05-03

The amount of random chemicals you purchase, you've got to be on some government watch list 😬

Iron Bridge - 2016-12-04

What the hell is that magnesium sheet from?

Iron Bridge - 2016-12-04

No, what.
I want to know what it was he got it from.

Tom Bombadil - 2016-12-04

Masonry supply store

nunya bisnass - 2016-12-04

You can get pure enough magnesium metal from a variety of sources. One is from camp fire starter kits that you can get at almost any outdoor supply shop, even at a walmart and sometimes a hardware store that sells camping equipment.

Online you can also get magnesium powder. This last suggestion is far less reliable, but a CNC shop may be able to get you some magnesium filings, or scrap left over from milling magnesium parts.

Nemozoli - 2016-12-05

Fire starter kits (the "sparking" kind) are usually made of ferrocerium, which contains a low percentage of magnesium. There are some kits which contain a magnesium bar, which you can shave down with a knife and ignite the shavings with a ferrocerium rod, but they are harder to find.

MephistoRolling - 2017-04-16

the pencil sharpeners we used at school were magnesium. quite surprising how much stuff is made from it.

Pride A. - 2016-12-06

"Yep, OK, it exploded."

Lol. So nonchalant.

Matthew Serres - 2016-12-04

How can we help you get a better chance of getting to Mars on Mars One?

bp - 2016-12-05

Loving the recent increase in the frequency of videos :D

WGG25 - 2016-12-05

6:07 "i made an AK" haha

Hejty Skočdopole - 2016-12-06

"Yeah, ok, it exploded." -Cody 2016

Garrison LeRock - 2016-12-09

"it's all melty" - Cody you crack me up.

Myles Daske - 2016-12-05

2:40 thats not how you double wrench, try turning channel locks around <3

Dave B - 2016-12-05

isnt NaK a liquid at room temp? Never mind I thought I was smart. I remember when I was a kid finding a use for those pipes. Dont have any around now though.

nunya bisnass - 2016-12-04

Hey Cody, I was always curious about this, Al-Mag alloy rims ground into a powder as a thermite ingredient.

How would such a thing like that react?


Hey cody u should do a reaction of KOH with Mg to form K and MgO

Dan Mitchell - 2016-12-05

I swear he's gonna build a working fusion reactor one of these days. All this stuff is just a prelude. lol

Lord Kek - 2016-12-04

Didn't look like magnesium looked more like zinc

Wesley Pang - 2016-12-04

3:00 happened is spelled incorrectly

Pmen333 - 2016-12-04

I just learned about single replacement reactions in chemistry, cool example!!

VeronV - 2016-12-04

Your problem is not the synthesis, it is the temperature. It probably forms NaK inside the reaction vessel, and then the NaK is distilled out. Potassium boils at 759 deg C, while NaK, depending on the ratio, boils at around 785 deg C. So it should theoretically be possible to get pure potassium, but you need active temperature control. You could see if your university has any inert gas furnaces, and do the experiment in that.

markymark - 2016-12-04

once you started to explain how you will make it react the backnoise from my tv played the starwars song,gotta say that was very epic on itself hehe

Ok - 2016-12-04

Cody, can you make a video on cesium?

Shalala - 2016-12-04

Yeah, it would definately hurt. Just not blow your hand off. and the cesium is'nt contained the same way a firecracker is.

Sonac - 2016-12-04

@Lucas Jonsson Yeah because cesium will start reacting with the moisture in the air unlike potassium and sodium which react with water. So as soon as you take it out of the oil or glass vessel or whatever its stored in then it will go bang.

Pedro Henrique - 2016-12-04

I saw thunderf00t's video last night, about the fake video, and he made cesium by using cesium chloride and lithium. Fairly cheap i guess

RyuDarragh - 2016-12-06

Not really. You need to flood the alkali metals with water to get them to explode. Has nothing whatsoever to do with Hydrogen. It's a Coulombic expansion. Cesium, Potassium and Sodium all go black in moist air, they oxidize very quickly in the presence of water.

Anticonny - 2016-12-06

Cesium and rubidium are melting because of the reaction heat and are self igniting in air.

Neerio - 2016-12-04

Would grinding up the magnesium into filings or shavings have helped its reactivity?

Randomroutine - 2016-12-04

"Nighthalk's Video" TYPO
It's NightHawk :)

Rian Mach - 2016-12-04

Haha, I was about to ask"could you make NaK with this same process" and it turns out you made NaK anyways

Cora Connors - 2016-12-06

Thank you for explaining your theory and hypothesis! I totally get how it is all supposed to work. Thanks again!