> chemistry > explosifs > nitrotetrazoles > cyanamide-testing-tetrazoles-part-3-extractions-ire

Cyanamide testing - Tetrazoles Part 3

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-10

Episode three-  The Choke Point.  
I'm uploading this now so you can point out any flaws in the testing. Bit annoying that I don't have as much cyanamide as thought, but hey that's why we start big scale!

Rik - 2019-10-11

Getting really weird feedback/white noise on my speakers from this vid for some reason.

Camroc37 - 2015-11-17

Hate I when cannot words.

Paul Pyro - 2015-11-13

Not bad, 50% yield is actually pretty decent! :D

Changwei Hsu - 2020-02-02

Nice video