> chemistry > metal-refining > make-gold-from-chloroauric-acid-nurdrage

Make Gold from Chloroauric Acid

NurdRage - 2012-10-06

In this video we make gold by reduction of chloroauric acid with sodium metabisulfite.

4 grams of sodium metabisulfite is dissolved in 10mL of water.

About 2mL of water is added to 2.6g chloroauric acid to dissolve it. Now the sodium metabisulfite is added in drop by drop.

The sodium metabisulfite is reacts with the chloroauric acid to produce elemental gold, hydrochloric acid and sodium bisulfate. That brown precipitate you're seeing is actually the gold. It doesn't look like common gold because the particles of gold produced here are so small and rough that they don't reflect light in the way smooth bulk gold does. Just like how very fine sand is dull but glass is clear and shiny. 

The gold dust is filtered and washed with water and then melted down into gold nuggets.

RonJohn63 - 2015-10-11

It's so depressing that (1) you have to crush people's expectations, (2) they don't pay attention, and (3) still want to know where you got the chlorauric acid.

Stormtorch - 2019-07-10

number two is mostly on the viewers

Gnoldantaf - 2019-12-30

he probaby get chloroauric acid, when he dissolves the 1.5 gold material(probably a piece of gold jewelry or gold coins, gold dusts, etc...) in aqua regia

Vytene Suopyte - 2020-09-15

3rd have answer in 2nd statement.. in the start of video: here is solidified Chloroauric acid which we produced in previous video, which contains 1,5g gold. Interesting why some still want to know where you got the

Chloroauric acid when they don't pay attention?.. That's depressing :D

HIPPI PRINTS - 2014-07-01

I like it when you crush expectations~

焰華爾 - 2013-10-20

I am in Form 4 and I an interested in Chemistry. Thank you for your sharing and I am happy to know a long chemical equation.

TERRMINE - 2014-07-23

You would need Philosopher stone to make gold from nothing XD

Austin B - 2015-08-21

The idea of the philosopher's stone turning lead into gold is like a thousand years old. Arakawa didn't just make it up. She did tons of research on the subject before writing FMA.

piggie916 - 2017-07-08

The philosopher's stone is for much more than gold..

Shoukat Babar - 2020-06-28

Now adays easily make gold from mercury❤️❤️❤️

Dale whitting - 2020-09-22

That's a book you are talking about is there copy s online you can read as book was banned years ago

Natalie E - 2020-11-26

Urine is uric chlor acid.
Your worth is a billion.

pierre5325 - 2016-09-10

Dear Nerd Rage Sir., thanks for a clear and easy to understand explanatory video on gold reduction.
. I have subscribed - pierre from New Mexico

Dante P - 2014-08-04

You got my alchemist hopes up XD

MrVelcro56 - 2013-12-02

53 alchemists were disappointed...

aud_io - 2019-12-29

Honestly why would a modern day alchemist want to create gold? Platinum is much more useful lol

Minh P.Quang - 2020-08-18

291 now

Natalie E - 2020-11-26

I'm not disappointed. I love nature.
Not toxic chemicals and i know how she works.
A good start is urine uric chlor acid.

Bryan Cox - 2021-01-11

@Natalie E so you disliked someones video which affects their entire reality here in youtube and solely because "you like nature".....?????....????.... WHAT R U KIDDING ME DOES HE SAY OR DO ANYTHING THAT HURTS NATURE.... WTF ?

Im sorry if i misinterpreted your comment but if i didnt then i dont understand please elaborate.

Natalie E - 2021-01-13

@Bryan Cox yes, you are right you are confused. Breathe then read my comment again.

Lessquick - 2013-01-08

there is always loss in chemistry ;) it depends on how good you work and what you use to dissolve etc.

Jack K - 2016-10-09


Old time subscriber here, I was wondering if you could give me some advice on using aqua regia for gold reclamation from SIM cards, CPUs, and Fingers (for PCI slots and such). Would this be a viable method of separating gold?

Is it possible that I could more easily dissolve everything else (copper iron, and nickel included, and some plastics) on the chips and /not/ the gold?

Bugaby - 2013-03-14

this is really interesting for me because we're learning about chemical reactions and moles etc.etc. in my chem class~

Kaince - 2014-02-19

Wow that's amazing :)

Zac Franks - 2014-03-06

Since comments on the how to get lithium from an energizer battery episode were blocked, I want to say that somebody should make a lithium lamp.

Xavie Sovis - 2013-03-28

i really appreciate all the knowledge that you share here. its fascinating stuff, you ought to teach.

Karen Kelleher - 2016-09-30

New Subscriber! Can't get enough of your videos! I did not know I loved Science So Much! Thanks!

CyberSword10 - 2013-01-18

Creating Gold atoms from different elements requires a nuclear reaction. Nuclear meaning bringing about a change in the nucleus.

IVSON GOLD - 2020-06-29

Muito bom 👏👏👏

Prchemist 06 - 2021-03-08

Use fullmetal alchemist's philosophers stone to convert lead to gold 😅

- Blue - - 2013-04-17

Could you do this to multiply how much gold you have?

Andrew Liu - 2013-10-07

your voice is freaking awesome :D

zhanweii - 2013-02-02

Is there a "loss" of the gold by performing the reaction shown in this video? If so, is the loss is greater by heat refining or chemical extraction?

dangel angello - 2016-02-05

this, and the video before it, was brill!!!!

Kristopher King - 2013-10-11

I love when they go all science teacher on you, then in a single line of text you revert their teaching degree into shit, now that's psychology for ya

IsettasRock - 2015-09-29

I love making gold buttons. There is something about melting that ugly brown powder that looks like a turd into a beautiful gold button and watching it transform right before your eyes.

carl tong - 2016-12-16


Synthesized - 2014-03-28

WOOOW nice way to hide gold!

Alireza Reyhan - 2014-03-30

That way works. But be careful with proper container.

Pașca Alexandru - 2014-03-30

It was already done in WW2 :)

Synthesized - 2014-03-30

@Pașca Alexandru i know, bohr

Yoni Miss - 2017-11-11

in denmark

Werner Hiemer - 2018-12-05

A random INTP Was some Noble action. Just dropping in. A solution. First cover then recover.

Red - 2013-06-01

Ah, I love VSauce!

kirk - 2013-08-31

Great video. Question - what sort of result would we get if we used bicarbonate instead of bisulphite?

DinoPon3! - 2013-06-22

Thanks NerdRage. Now im ready for 8th grade science next year! xD

bla de - 2013-08-25

Gold is a pure substance :D learnt dis from science class

Matthew Zufelt - 2014-08-04

I found a place that sells chloroauric acid 1000 Kilograms per month, roughly 26.5 million dollars,and 1 Metric Ton sodium metabisulfite is like $400. but if my calculations are correct , that makes it to be worth about. 26.7 million dollars in Gold solid 24k form. so who wants to invest $26.5 million to make more then $200,000 a month.

a7HKdAbmET - 2014-09-05

Stock brokers do such shit, but it's even more expensive (since it's rather big investment buying cloroauric acid in 1t/month). Btw, your calculations are wrong: it's $200k a month rather than $200.00

Davy Zeng - 2015-02-17

Did you factor in that 1gram of chloroauric acid does not = 1 gram of gold.There are other atoms in the acid that are not gold. 

Dubble You - 2020-08-10

LOL don’t have anywhere near enough money to start off with, neither so I have enough heat

ImTotallyBad - 2013-08-30

I've been watching these videos for 5 minutes and 2 hours went by.

CG H - 2013-06-14

Actually, you can technically make gold via nuclear decomposition of Bismuth ;)

michael aguire - 2014-10-10

Could you use this same process to separate gold from paydirt from a mine?

Ignacio - 2014-05-05

Fucking amazing! :D

Gytis Ramonas - 2014-07-09

or you could use transmutation circle

whareyou - 2013-01-13

I like how they explain everything, so acurrate.

noynoy libanon - 2020-06-22

i really love this channel... direct to the point.

John Public - 2014-07-06

You can transform atoms of other elements into the one you want. Gold can in fact be made from other metals, but you do need very strong nuclear energy to do so. Of course this is not cost effective at all and if it was companies would be producing synthetic gold. 

Sepsis - 2014-07-23

Unless its fools gold

Steffen Jespersen - 2014-09-04

Anyone that does not know the following did not pay attention at school and should kick themselves. 

You can not trough chemistry change any element on on the periodic table. Not a single one. 
You can combine two elements into e.g. an alloy or split an alloy back into the original elements again, that is it. 

Though physics you can force extra particles into a element and thereby changing it into another element, but this is very costly and there are many artificial elements much more worth then gold you could produce.
For example plutonium is not found in nature and is 100% man made in a nuclear reactor.   

Because of this you would never flood a marked with "created" gold, since it would always be more costly to make then what it is worth on the open marked.  

When you are talking about synthetic materials you are never making them from from scratch.  Artificial diamonds are like normal diamonds made from carbon, you are just using a cheap carbon e.g. coal and forcing it into a diamond structure. 

Stephen Savory - 2014-09-28

@Steffen Jespersen shut up you are wrong bitch.

dujl - 2014-11-29

@Dylan Kessler No, you're just ignorant here. Synthetic diamonds are made by applying pressure to simple coal molecules, thus condensing them to a diamond structure. These aren't sold on the market, because they are made more crudely than natural diamonds. Gold cannot be fashioned in a similar way.

Emotionally Challenged Eric Ciaramello Subordinate - 2014-12-06

@random guy
And when will gold be readily available? HUH? It won't. The experiment in this video costs as much or more to perform as would buying the amount of gold you get from it.

Silver is way cheap and has more uses. Silver has already gained over 40% in the mine-ability ratio against gold. It is closing the gap because it is being used more than gold. But like with gold, silver too will become more and more scarce.. Thus silver will close the price gap and gold will end up losing some of it's value as it is predominately just a pretty metal.

pousemad - 2018-04-26

That is brilliant!!!

小葉子 - 2013-10-10

Hahahaha I laughed at "we're not making gold from nothing" xD

Ben Winkel - 2019-07-11

Are there other elements besides H and Cl, Au will bond with?

Zara - 2012-12-12

Can you also reduce the elemental gold from the chloroauric acid with a base like sodium hydroxide?

NurdRage - 2013-09-05

As said in the video, it is chemically impossible to turn lead into gold. The only known processes are nuclear, not chemical.

Natalie E - 2020-11-26

The periodic table was once called the elemental table and over time, they created toxic manmade......
Urine is uric chlor acid nature salt to chloride.
NATURE'S lead was magnetite and haematite.
The philosopher stone.

HgRoller - 2013-06-23

You can make something from nothing, it's called "Alchemy" :) In alchemy 1+0 = 2

Devesh Modi - 2013-05-01

Wait, so is the gold powder stuff the same price as regular gold?

Daniel Alamis - 2018-06-10

I love your channel and I absolutely learned a lot from your fascinating clips,,,
what should be the acidity of solution?
when I drop the smb , it start to react and after awhile all of those black dust will dissolve again into the solution, I repeated the process again and again and I ended up with white powder layer in the bottom of solution,,
Pls help me with that
I need to get my gold coin back

Mad Man - 2016-01-06

You Destroyed My Hopes When I Seen This In My Head The First Thing That I Thought Was "Alchemy!"

Rose Alexander - 2015-10-26

I love how he said crushing your dreams...Lol besides that would make sense that isn't how the world works. And this isn't alchemy people

Mike Merchant - 2016-05-14

+Rose Alexander Danmit, I wanted to be the flame alchemist.

Korrade - 2019-11-10

Rose Alexander no I wanted a way to transfer the protons and electrons from one atom to another to make gold

Luis P. - 2020-03-18

@Korrade That's not really technologically possible. Nuclear fusion is, though, although I've heard that fusing atoms costs more than you get, by far. And I am not even sure if they figured out how to get to gold.

Tracy Burton - 2017-06-15

I have a gallon of gold solution, it tested very good and fast with stannous tests. but when I mixed in metabisufite I didn't get any reaction, I took a sample ounce a added a couple drops of sulfuric acid still no reaction, then added a teaspoon of baking soda and no reaction...any tips on what I should be doing?

Noah Whelpley - 2014-12-06

Dang, that torch looks like a lightsaber!