> temp > à-trier > freeze-drying-a-pumpkin-without-a-vacuum-chamber-cody-slab

Freeze-Drying a Pumpkin Without a Vacuum Chamber

Cody'sLab - 2020-10-11

I store a pumpkin in an ordinary freezer for 4 years in order to dry it.

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• - 2020-10-11

“NO mum, it’s NOT molding food in the family fridge, it’s called dry freezing and it’s for science, now leave me alone!”

mody osman - 2020-10-11

@pvic But is was a "Phase" a Phase change.

Ornessar Hithfaeron - 2020-10-11

@mody osman ba dum tss

Mr Slug King - 2020-10-12

Looks pleasantly flammable.

Chills Emporium - 2020-10-13


K Boudreaux - 2021-07-18

That there is for growing mushrooms

Scott Maday - 2020-10-11

Cody: doesn’t wear gloves when handling Mercury
Also Cody: wears gloves when drawing on a whiteboard

Julian Chapman • 69 years ago - 2021-01-05

@Sierra same😂

RandomPrimary2004 - 2021-01-20

Maybe he wanted to look formal.

Noah - 2021-01-28

or it could be.... cold??

a very good fantastic name - 2021-02-22

Mercury usually isn't dangerous unless its organic mercury. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Nurple17 - 2021-07-06

@a very good fantastic name so if he wanted non organic Mercury, to keep bugs away, he should use pesticides?


Brad Foster - 2020-10-11

FEDs checking his freezer a few months ago: What’s in the freezer son?
Cody: Backup pumpkin

James Teller - 2020-11-07

@Static tricked? You mean? Like haloween?

McKenzie Keith - 2020-11-08

@James Teller Dark, really? So it is not Ork blood? I am disappointed. ;-)

McKenzie Keith - 2020-11-14

@Central New York Responses I don't know. I rewatched the video and I didn't see a 'P'. I am pretty sure it is Ork blood.

gelo1238 - 2020-11-24

FEDS were checking him?

Nico Curreri - 2020-10-15

I let out an audible “oh god damnit Cody” when he took a bite out of that pumpkin. Absolute legend.

J03 MAN - 2020-10-30

My eyebrows raised so hard I got a headache

Frank Romero - 2020-11-03

Spoiler alert? 😂

Mothman - 2020-10-11

This is one of the most on-brand Cody'sLab videos I've seen in a while I think. Some off-the-wall yet seasonally relevant project demonstration followed by an in-depth scientific explanation with decent art and a smidge of mars discussion thrown in. Perfect!

Miguel Pereira - 2020-11-01

And at the end he tastes his project! Just adding to it

oliver evans - 2020-10-12

Cody my chemistry teacher was horrible, we did 4 simple labs the entire year and all of our work was just online worksheets. I have learned more from your videos than any school has taught me. I remember when my teacher talked about this phase diagram for about 5 minutes and then never spoke of it again. I never fully understood until now. Thank you so much. Love your videos, hope you're staying safe

Iamonepercent - 2020-10-14

Phase diagrams are what you would study in Physical Chemistry, so unless it was a physical chemistry course, you would not study them.

Hermenegilda Kociubińska - 2021-03-14

@Iamonepercent Yeah, right, because you know all the curricula of all Chemistry courses in all educational systems. I had these diagrams it in my Chemistry course in lower secondary school.

Ski - Utility - 2020-10-11

Next time: “I charcoaled my 4 year old freezer-burnt pumpkin” xD

Theodore Jackson - 2020-10-11

...and it tastes like charcoal

Niek Pauwels - 2020-10-11

I was thinking exactly that too, would also make an impressive jack-o'-lantern.

Purkom - 2020-10-12

Charcoal it!
And try planting with the seeds

Snazzy Dazzy - 2020-10-12

I wanna see if those seeds are still viable!

widt width - 2020-10-14

Then it will taste better

noliverk - 2020-10-11

Me: Please don't eat those seeds

Cody: eats the literal desiccated husk

Me: shakes head sorrowfully

Sandstorm366 - 2020-10-12

You should have been less specific.

Bezahlter Systemtroll - 2020-10-15

whats wrong with eating pumpkin seed? ._.

Alex C - 2020-10-15

@Bezahlter Systemtroll it's got mold on it

Ilovesmesomeketchup - 2020-10-11

I did this with my wedding bouquet. Funny thing is, my mom did have a freeze dryer (looked like an iron lung) that she used to freeze dry wedding bouquets and then put them in some sort of shadow box, but she was mostly retired from it when I got married. So after the wedding, I put it in the freezer to wait for the day she would run a load and dry mine, she never did. 2 years later I was digging for some ice cream and saw it was still in there, I was a bit annoyed, but pulled it out to check on it. It was totally dried, I was amazed.

Master Therion - 2020-10-11

You held onto a pumpkin for 4 years to do this demonstration.
I call that dedication.
Other people would say you're... out of your gourd.

_Shadow_ - 2020-10-11

@Kineth1 He tried to eat it, he is more crazy than me.

Mark - 2020-10-11

He is probably doing something now for a video 4 years in the future.

Luke A - 2020-10-13

@Mark guessing somewhere along the lines he has a pressure chamber, tim, freezer or another container he is doing a 10 year experiment in and i for one can't wait to see what it is.
Though being on the edge of my seat i hope he didn't start it last week.

Crypto Tonight - 2020-10-13

93/93 ;)

Hoch134 - 2020-10-17

Exactly. This really shows how much effort he puts in his videos and projects.

TheRedBug - 2020-10-12

"The water will actually boil, until it freezes"


7 ten - 2020-10-13


Dim T - 2020-12-31

Well depends on how you define boiling. Usually people define boiling as when water becomes gass DUE TO HEAT specifically. Though Cody is technically correct as per usual

►What r U Waiting◄ ☺◘♪☼ - 2021-04-28

same here, it is always baffling when universe doesn't work the way you would expect

Samuel Zachert - 2020-10-11

Ordinary, boring freezers: leftovers
Cody's freezer: Dried pumpkins, pork blood, and superglue

slacksijie - 2020-10-19

and tin pest

cidguy - 2020-10-12

Me cooking a pizza: I'll give it one more minute... ugh, c'mon already.

Cody's Lab freezing a pumpkin: Lets give it one more year.

Werner Hiemer - 2020-10-11

Cody: wears gloves on the whiteboard
Also Cody: cuts open unprotected the fruit
Other also Cody: tastes partly molded Pumpkin skin
Me: fears darkened banana and also annoyed to be unable to tell if that banana skin damage signs a mush. But no the mush is under a part no damage at all is on the surface.

Werner Hiemer - 2020-10-14

Also I have a 365 nm UV torch but I usually don't eat banana in darkness.

Garmr Murphy - 2020-10-11

Everything in the entire universe either is or isn't a pumpkin.

RedOrchidee137 - 2020-10-12

@NitsujMinecrafting yes, same as the monty hall problem, 50/50, you either get it or you don't. this goes for the lottery, poker etc. you either win or you don't, it's not that hard

Zippitty22 - 2020-10-13

What if my dreams ARE a pumpkin? My dreams will most definitely BE a pumpkin, but won't actually exist as a pumpkin.

Mitch Klein - 2020-10-13

what about schrodingers pumpkin?

c0mputer - 2020-11-17

There should be two categories, pumpkins and not pumpkins.

Mal-2 KSC - 2021-01-15

@danR All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense.

Felipe - 2020-10-11

"Flavors from the freezer" is a good band name.

Dank_Bucket - 2021-01-13

@Flavor Lab Dabs c u m f l a v o r

Osmosis Jones - 2021-01-28

Grindcore band

Flavor Lab Dabs - 2021-01-28

@Dank_Bucket you got issues.

nein sqau - 2021-01-29

@Flavor Lab Dabs he meant salty

Tbarjr - 2021-09-13

Sounds like an Alaskan R&B group

Daniel Payne - 2020-10-11

It’s kinda sounds like a weird gourmet food
“4 year freezer dried pumpkin”

Pieterjanvdhd - 2020-10-11

4 years aged pumpkin sounds more culinairy.

Ian Walker - 2020-10-12

Artisanal quadrennial cryo-aged organic pumpkin

RB - 2020-10-12

The Dutch are really into that kind of stuff.

Bolorbold Ariguun - 2020-10-13

Kinda sounds like "100-year eggs"

t a - 2020-10-14

Coming to your local white girl café soon.

Martipar - 2020-10-11

As you're also a gardener i'd love to see an attempt at growing pupkins from those seeds, i don't expect it to work but it's worth a try at least.

The Bobcat In The Woods - 2020-10-11

"Next time on CodysLab, we fill a freeze-dried pumpkin with mercury to see if a dense liquid metal will rehydrate a fruit."

fredyos - 2020-10-15

@timothy chack the gas in this instance is just water vapor it like it’s boiling really really slowly and letting of a constant stream of gas that is incredibly slow

Kevin Aguilar - 2020-10-15

Yes 😂

BruceNJeffAreMyFlies - 2020-10-16

@Julia S No, it is water, not biogas. Biogas is made in many ways, but it does not evaporate at a usable rate from fruit or veg in a freezer.

Julia S - 2020-10-16

@BruceNJeffAreMyFlies Ah yes. You are correct. I misread Timothy's post and my mind automatically went to biogas. I stand corrected. Thank you.

Ghl Scitel - 2020-10-11

Rule of thumb: The vapour collects at the coldest surface in a system. Whoever had trouble with a cryopump knows it. Tiniest water vapour in the Helium can corrupt the pumping effect dramatically.
In buildings, vapour barrier sheets should always be installed at the warm side of the heat insulation.

Daveed 78 - 2020-10-12

1:50 Just causally has 5 perfect looking grain jars and doesn’t even mention it 😂

Nathan Caton - 2021-04-19

Searching comments for someone else that noticed. About time to spawn bulk or case them bad boys.

LinkTheDot - 2020-10-11

I was wondering why he didn't open it at the end, glad you re-uploaded for that. Great content btw always love watching your videos no matter what it is.

Kevin Dwyer - 2020-10-11

Cody: tries tasting moldy 4-year-old freeze-dried pumpkin he experimented on
me: that's the Cody I know and love

Greg Savitt - 2020-10-11

Cool thing about water: Notice how the slope of the melting point line ( the line between the S and L parts of the graph) is negative. As pressure increases at a constant temperature, solid water will melt. This means that liquid water is denser than ice. This (to the best of my knowledge) is unique to water.

Dancing Rain - 2020-10-14

Other materials whose solid form is less dense than the liquid form: Gallium, Silicon, and Germanium

Brian Zmek - 2021-01-07

@Dancing Rain the silicon is a large part of why the earth's crust floats on the mantle.

হাট্টিমাটিমটিম এর ডিম - 2021-01-08

@Brian Zmek not exactly. Mantle is not actually liquid. It acts as a fluid in terms of deformation, but it is mostly solid. Local accumulation of melt is suggested from low velocity zones in some places.

TheSentientNeuron - 2020-10-11

Cody, as an experiment, could you check to see whether those seeds will still grow?

NicosLeben - 2020-10-11

Me after one minute: sweating Close that freaking freezer!

Melvin Jansen - 2020-10-20

I think thats a western european thing

Redcoat - 2020-12-21


Brainkrieg - 2021-07-21

Found the dad

JACOB R - 2020-10-11

I've always wondered exactly how freezer drying actually worked. I knew it needed a vacuum but never knew why. I love learning new things

39 Chevy - 2020-10-11

Be interesting to see if the seeds are still viable.

Jakob Richter - 2020-10-11

Im actually interested if those seeds would still grow.

x-Tr-ip-py-x - 2021-01-27

Sure they do.
Don't you know the Underground Place where they keep all seeds from our planet in case nuclear war strikes making everything not edible.
It's like Noah and the arch but with seeds

Tomas-Adrian Boboi - 2020-10-11

Would the seeds still sprout, or have they been affected in some way or another by the freezer-drying process?

Loser McGee - 2020-10-11

Okay Cody we see you with the freeze-dried pumpkin ASMR 😂

Eugene Weltzer II - 2020-10-11

Are the seeds still viable? Would this kill the mold? How does this affect the starches and other nutrients to use for livestock feed storage or something?

Curtis - 2020-10-12

I knew you were going to taste it. I love your channel, it's always great to see new content.

Impatient patient - 2020-10-12

cody you're a really good at explaining stuff you would be a good teacher. thanks for sharing interesting stuff like this with us

dzfz2100 - 2020-10-12

Superb revision of phase diagrams! I almost forgot the subtlety of the y-axis being vapour pressure and not just absolute pressure

TheFanatic - 2020-10-21

As someone who works in the freeze dry industry with industrial vacuum pumps this is a rather accurate video. We actually heat our product to 150f while it sits in a vacuum of about 400tor. It speeds up our process to about 22 hours per batch

O. S. - 2020-10-11

The interesting thing (at least for me with due to my biology background) is that your pumpkin developed that mold on the bottom. Did you have it unfrozen for some time before / during your freezing process? Can't really imagine that it would grow under those low temperatures in your freezer.

chickenslapper - 2020-10-12

Great explanation, I feel like you have taught me more than any teacher

Oakspar Oakspar - 2020-10-11

So, I assume the next step is to see if you can get some of those seeds to sprout?

I've sprouted pie pumpkin seeds (they breed true, unlike jack-o-lantern pumpkins that are a squash hybrid) that have been counter dried and kept in an open bowl for MANY years (like 10+ and I've still had good results on sprouting).

It would be interesting to see if the freeze drying sterilized them or not (as drying them on a counter does not and their hard shells are VERY good at maintaining fertility).

Mario Di Stefano - 2020-10-11

Thanks Cody, for the explanation! Very interesting! Anyway you can eat the seeds, at the end, just peeling off the outer white protection; if you never tasted, try them!

badassjack86 - 2020-10-11

It would be interesting to see a germination test on those pumpkin seeds

RWBHere - 2020-11-02

Thanks Cody! You've confirmed that the seeds are the only edible parts of a pumpkin. The rest could be used for fuel, after being dried for four years. Brilliant!

pineapple ‎ - 2020-10-11

0:13 "hi everyone and welcome back to Cody’s *freezer*" that really caught me off guard lol

Sarah - 2021-02-11

Wouldn't that be... off *GOURD*...? I'll see myself out now

Mik e - 2020-10-11

the explanations are phenomenal as always. thanks so much Cody

Spag The Maker - 2020-10-22

Hey Cody, could you clear up a question on the partial pressure aspect of the phase diagram? Let's consider a glass of room temp water with an oil film on top. I'd expect the partial pressure of water in this scenario to be zero, as the water is a liquid and the oil is sealing out any atmospheric water. But it won't boil in this scenario. What am I misunderstanding?

Dudok22 - 2020-10-11

In the last month I learned a lot about water phases, latent heat, cooling and heating from Cody and Technology Connections. awesome stuff

Kia Azad - 2020-10-11

Now I wonder, are the seeds still viable? and if they are, at the same rate as fresh/normaly dried seeds?

Zach Crosset - 2020-10-11

What I wanna know is if the seeds are still viable after being freeze dried.

Paul Hobus - 2020-10-11

Cody please do a video on this! It’s so relevant to interplanetary space gardening.

trig1dentity - 2020-10-11

My question is why have a pumpkin in the freezer for 4 years

kokos legend - 2020-10-11

@trig1dentity to dry it for fun.

trig1dentity - 2020-10-11

@kokos legend gotta love Cody

kokos legend - 2020-10-11

@trig1dentity cody is a legend

Stephan Harz - 2020-10-12

Glad to see a video from you Cody, I was hoping everything is going good.

Petter Bruland - 2020-10-12

I love your videos. Thank you for your curious mind and endless sharing with us.