> temp > à-trier > a-20-year-old-doom-record-was-finally-broken

A 20 Year Old DOOM Record Was Finally Broken

Karl Jobst - 2019-04-05

Doom has one of the oldest and most storied speedrunning communities on the planet. Recently, a 20 year old world record on the very first level was beaten. In this video we take a look at the history of this level and the journey that made this new record possible. We also examine in greater detail the small details that make up this speedrun.

Please follow me on the following platforms, it really helps me!

Patreon: http://patreon.com/karljobst
Twitter: https://twitter.com/karljobstgaming
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/karljobst
Discord: https://discord.gg/EjDRvg7

Thanks heaps to 4shockblast and Looper for helping me with research!


At DOOM's Gate (Doom 2016)
The Healer Stalks (Doom 2)
Dark Halls (Doom 3 Classic)
Illusive Man (Mass Effect 2)
At Doom's Gate (Ultimate Doom)
Unused Song 2 (The Flintstones)

Super Saiyosh - 2020-01-09

I like to think that these speed runs are actually Doomguy needing to take a piss and going through hell just to find a washroom

Humam Ghazal - 2020-08-08

That's the funniest thing I've ever read roday

Triangulum - 2020-09-01

breaks reality and glides through the void to go piss

Toxik Thrasher - 2020-09-14

Where does Doomguy shit?

CyberSlunk - 2020-10-17

@Toxik Thrasher Down a demons ripped off neck hole obviously!

Vile-Flesh - 2020-10-23

OMG I needed this laugh bro. You made my day.

Amonimus - 2019-10-11

"A second is a long time" -Speedruners in a nutshell

SQUIDBOY - 2020-09-11

@NoiseBomb 35

GonkDroid Incarnate - 2020-09-11

Animal crossing speedrunners Well... Yes but actually no

Nizaru - 2020-09-12

Hours of practice for that second so yeah its a lot

Michael McGee - 2020-09-13

1 second is all it takes.......to become an absolute legend....

Slifer boi - 2020-10-14

(The Hobbit reference) a 100 years passes in a blink of an eye for a speed runner

Doom Guy - 2019-06-14

Woah.. who's that handsome guy in the HUD on the game. I bet his very Popular with the women.

GonkDroid Incarnate - 2020-09-11

Yes yes and he kind of looks like you! Oh and sorry that you were kicked from the millitary what backstabbers i bet those portals theyre making will summon a demon invasion im happy you did not shhot the guy they told you!

GonkDroid Incarnate - 2020-09-12

@FreedomOrNothin Get an education why? Because he used an extra comma. Completely unironic idiocy.

Lucas Competições - 2020-09-17


Killer Apricot - 2020-09-21

Call me

Linus sex tips - 2020-10-08

Lol your kinda hot ngl 🥵

Lee Mark - 2019-12-29

Demons: Did you see something?
The other demons: No, just a green flash..

Kdraws 246 - 2020-07-07

@PokeLordOmega I think you are

DooM Slayer - 2020-07-17

from the BFG.

Broom - 2020-07-25

@PokeLordOmega cube box square

Alberto oviedo fuentes - 2020-08-02

Demon: And you Mike? M-Mike?

The only demon killed during the run, just before the second door

Vergil - 2020-09-09

@Alberto oviedo fuentes I saw him 😂

Hatsune Elissu - 2019-12-31

8 seconds huh?
tries it..
gets stuck on the first door.. RESET!
Second attempt : gets stuck on the last shotgun guy.. RESET!!!
100th attempt : Does it flawlessly but gets stuck on the last imp.. RESET!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last attempt : Does the run perfectly but STILL gets 11seconds!
like wth??
Is THIS even posible on CONSOLE (PS4)?

PP Unknown - 2020-09-11

Git gud, strafe run more

maxcyaneye - 2020-09-18

umm. hate to break it to ya. ps4 too powerful for baby doom. sony no want baby game. sony dumb.

Yer Nan - 2020-09-24

@PP Unknown Seriously, I've gotten well under 11 seconds on mobile.

Zawmbbeh - 2020-10-13

11s isn’t too shabby, I assume it’s a first PB. If you wanna go for a better time then put some elbow grease in, you’ll get a better time if you practice the strats and abuse RNG a little.

KitKatrina - 2020-10-13

it's totally possible. i got surprisingly close on my ps4

Brian HL - 2019-04-16

"after more than 50,000 attempts..."

NaTakem - 2020-07-16

Npesta beating kenos: lmao 360,000+

But Why Tho - 2020-07-25

Quake e1m1 took 70000 for the latest record

Vergil - 2020-09-09

@DemXey he achieved something so It's not waste of time

PP Unknown - 2020-09-11

Yeah, i put like 2000-3000 attempts in a single level for wr. 50000 is a ton, even from a speedrunner’s perspective

gacha Scrub - 2020-09-14

Pedro Romano lul i have 20 times that in terraria

Svedo - 2019-09-22

"Even though I don't speedrun Doom" - equals the record that held for 20 years..
Karl you're an absolute machine.

KAP 111 - 2020-04-22

@tylisirn but think about how the payoff for getting the 8 must of been a way bigger achievement due to this

BTF_Flotsam - 2020-07-25

@I don't want to put my name DOOM replays rely on input files, so you can very easily time the runs by counting the frames. I think Goose did have a video with Goldeneye, but all of those arguments go out the window with a radically different game.

I don't want to put my name - 2020-07-25

@BTF_Flotsam Except even though that's the case, the ingame timer is still #1.
Also wouldn't number of frames differ between machines? I know Doom isn't exactly hard to run, but still.

B Sams - 2020-08-30

@I don't want to put my name no, the game runs at a stable 35 FPS or lower, if you have 512KB RAM and no graphics card.

Michael Robert - 2020-10-28

Where does he say that? I missed it somehow

logikyle arguments - 2019-11-21

I was 10 when it came out, I remember watching my brother play for hours. I remember just being dumbfounded at how my jehovah's witness parents let this slip by lol.
They thought smurfs were evil ffs

Rebellions - 2020-02-22

@Engineer Techno Well, the witless ARE easier to control so maybe education IS a sin to organized religion.

(This. Is. A. Joke. Do not come flying up my ass over it)

ThatDieGuy - 2020-02-25

@Rebellions Well... Have you ever watched a channel called Telltale?

Ned Z - 2020-03-02

Doom is the most christian game ever. You fight demons. In hell.

The Blue Phoenix: Captain Gamer - 2020-05-10

I mean, you're killing demons

Noah Gentry - 2020-10-10

well you are KILLING the demons and not like being friends with them or whatever

Chris Hazell - 2019-04-16

as someone who has never played doom and has no idea how the mechanics work, thank you for explaining the important shit in a succinct way, made watching much easier

The Blue Phoenix: Captain Gamer - 2020-05-10

Same :,)

Dr. Klyne - 2020-06-26

SHA SHA SHA UwU UwU UwU Zero Master Said It’s NOT Free But Insanely Cheap

a.k.a Ambrose - 2020-08-30

I am like 999 damit

Dr. Klyne - 2020-08-30

a.k.a Ambrose NO ME LIKE 999

horned pout - 2020-09-29

@SHA SHA SHA UwU UwU UwU How do you download it? I play on xbox but very curious how I can get it to my computer. I'm sure I could search the internet for it but I'm dumb.... LOL

AlumiTube - 2019-04-12

Haha this is soo cool 😊

Pepper - 2020-04-17

Karl: "Doom speedrunners share a very strong comradery"

Player K: "You humour me greatly with your arrogance and contempt"

Ulamog The Infinite Gyre - 2020-06-09

Thing is that he's referring to real speedrunners

Alan Ruzich - 2019-12-23

I may be doing this a bit too early, but

Karl Jobst: *makes this video*
4shockblast: *spends over a year trying to get 8.97*

depr4vity: *gets 8,94 in less than a year*

Doom Anime - 2020-01-25


Ned Z - 2020-03-02

They proved it could be done. THE BARRIER WAS BROKEN.

Chicken Man - 2019-06-02

Me: Pfft, this looks easy! I could do that!
Me, 2 hours later: Thank you for your service, sir

Russell Watkins - 2019-04-16

I played the first episode (cuz it was free) so many times that I could wake up a bit early before my summer job in college, get ready for work, play the episode completely and be on time for work. I don't remember exactly what how fast, but I wanna say it was around 10 minutes. I know that's not even close the record, but back in 1994 I thought I was hot shit.

Colton Rushton - 2019-06-11

Sure, it was hot back then, but the 8 second run takes the cake for hot shit.

Gerhard Symons - 2019-06-19

Doom was the best game of the early 90s!

Me - 2019-07-15

Hot shit might actually be the correct term in your case

joshAKAtheman - 2019-09-14

I doubt you beat the entire episode in 10 minutes, that would be a speedrun time in itself

Guillermo Gomez - 2020-07-07

@joshAKAtheman i mean, all 3 have been beaten in 20 by now so 10 for the 1st one, while incredibly impressive, isn't a speedrun.

Labo Lad - 2020-08-27

“But rather, working as a team to achieve something special.”

The doom community sounds really wholesome for a game about brutally killing demons, and killing other people.

That Guy Who Comments - 2020-10-19

It’s a kid friendly game!

AHurdOfBronies - 2019-05-29

Shock’s run had 3 damage boosts.
Dam 52 had 3 damage boosts.

Karl Jobst - 2019-05-30


Torque Mk1 - 2019-05-30

We all know well what that means...


Colton Rushton - 2019-06-11

Looks like we have a trend emerging from the shadows...
The original 9-second E1M1 run from Thomas also had 3 damage boosts.

BTF_Flotsam - 2020-07-25

They are very similar runs on a deeper basis: they were the WRs on the first levels of their games, and were notably long-lasting. They also cut time through what could only be described as insanely good movement.

JJC Lopes - 2019-04-12

I can't even imagine the relief and satisfaction that this guy felt!

a4yster - 2019-09-25

I had the same problem before.
Solution appeared to be simple - I got married.
I get my relief and satisfaction daily.

Anton - 2019-12-18

I can't even imagine the big disappoinment looper still has today because of that failed run :(((((
I pity him so much

Aidan Brem - 2020-01-21

a4yster cool story bro

MasterOFSuperFunny - 2020-02-11

@a4yster I'm a bachelor, so pooping is my "outlet." xD

a4yster - 2020-02-29

The Jester - Fool Of Hearts wife. I said wife. In 8 weeks I will even have a living proof that it ain’t a fleshlight. Gonna be a boy.

Aidan Fitzgerald-Astwood - 2019-07-13

I'm still trying for 8 seconds...

It's all I do...

My life is dedicated to it...

So many sacrifices...

...dropped out of university, dumped my girlfriend, blacklisted my friends, quit my job, sold all my possessions bar my PC, sold my kidney, disowned my family, castrated myself so sexual urges couldn't distract me.

I've given everything to E1M1.

Josh Adams - 2020-02-02

I want you to speed run chasm ;)

Samuraigamer - 2020-02-12


1 Ztype - 2020-03-01

That would be me I'm already half-way there

TheHylianJuggalo - 2020-04-01

Doom is love doom is life

Toxik Thrasher - 2020-09-14

E1M1 is love, E1M1 is life..

Luki Pratama - 2020-03-21

Karl “This is the first time I played doom in 20 years”

Also karl gets a 9 second run on hanger

Yer Nan - 2020-09-24

He's still a world class speed runner lmao

Axl DeJesus - 2019-06-03

Has 45k+ subs
Gets 1.8M views

anime profile picture - 2019-06-12

Axl DeJesus he gets tons of views on his vids compared to his subcount

fendour - 2019-07-23

@ou812urgtgf Thanks captain obvious. He's making the point that he deserves way more subscribers for his good content

miles allen - 2020-01-28

well that's normal

ButchE30M3S14 - 2019-04-17

I played Doom the day it came out. The only speedrun I did was to the bathroom..
This game truly made me shit my pants!

lorik - 2019-06-20

dddmemaybe Who isn’t a legend here??

slaymaster999 - 2019-09-10

I played it in high school lol made my teachers shit themselves because it was "too violent" then i got kicked out of the library at school for playing tetris lmfao fucking tetris!

Zzerver - 2019-09-21

If you shat in your pants, it doesnt make sense that you speedran your way to the bathroom.

Alex Abplanalp - 2020-01-20

@C4_567 I was originally thinking to change? But then that leads us to the question on why his clean clothes would be in the bathroom. This comment is truly a mystery

Ben Parker - 2020-02-11


Federico Brunner - 2020-03-16

"Playing it when we where younger" ? I still play doom this days with my 40 years =)

Carl Chapman - 2020-09-16

Agreed, I have a PS1 and my original Doom disk under my Tv even today.

Alexander Song - 2019-04-16

16:31 50,000 attempts? How mind-numbingly boring would that be? this guy has some willpower

Ben Parker - 2020-02-11

@Cheeki Breeki it's called pure willpower.

Royale - 2020-03-11

If you really want to do something and dedicate yourself enough you it will never get boring.
I am from the Geometry Dash community and we have level that took 100k - 200k attempts to be beaten ONCE.
You just need time and keep yourself motivated.

Lani - 2020-04-06

Be hilarious if some random guy who just played for the first time beat it

BTF_Flotsam - 2020-07-25

@Nick Cranston What, and you're not correcting him for saying the failed runs were explicitly over 9 seconds, plus endscreens? I'd consider at least 70 hours to be reasonable (especially since it's over 50,000 attempts).

Nick Cranston - 2020-07-25

@BTF_Flotsam k

Inocentz - 2019-06-23

I remember Ocelot! I played with him on Zdaemon around 19 to 16 years ago. He's a cool dude :D

TheAzureNightmare - 2019-09-23

He's Pretty Good!

Jorge H Mosquera - 2019-12-12

where is his facebook? i need to congrats that man

Johnny Guit-Fiddle - 2020-04-22

When you start talking about loosing a few frames, I feel glad that I'm a casual.

No hate on the speedrunning community, I just couldn't put that kind of pressure on myself.

Seanny Long - 2019-06-18

I wish Summoning Salt uploaded this frequently.

WollyThe Wolf - 2020-05-18

"And this how i got to school"

Smoll Child - 2020-06-17

The thing that bothers me about the 8 second run is that no matter how hard I try I can’t beat 14 seconds

Edit: my Pb now is 11 seconds

PP Unknown - 2020-09-11

Gg on improving it, my pb is 10 seconds and going for 9!

Smoll Child - 2020-09-11


PP Unknown - 2020-09-11

Strafe running is important, time doors correctly and just damage boost a ton

Pyro The Average - 2020-09-12

Literally the best I've gotten is like 13 or something on hurt me plenty. I need to git gud lol

PP Unknown - 2020-09-20

I just got 9 seconds on too young to die with heavy usage of SR50 in the green room. I’m still going for 9 on ultra violence
Edit: got 9 on uv speed fuck yes

Malicant - 2019-08-28

"I have not seen a single game website post about"

Probably because game media doesn't report on games.

Maniae Official - 2020-03-04

@TheHylianJuggalo It's a joke. They said...this is 2019

Maniae Official - 2020-03-04

@Jamien We don't really have a say in politics anymore. Unless you have 1 million followers or something...nope.
Our online arguments might seem very nice but it's more about going with the flow or against it, you can't change the direction anymore.

Jamien - 2020-03-04

@Maniae Official Read my comments, please. You will see that I'm not talking about the grand "democratic" process.

Maniae Official - 2020-03-04

@Jamien ah yes helping someone which can be Political because power is involved, I see

Trickz Clipz - 2020-04-12

politics rarely do any good to me

CaptainPlanets - 2019-06-20

These "history of [speedrun]" videos are entirely too enjoyable for what they are. I hope you'll continue to research and produce them, and maybe even other Doom engine (and Quake) runs in the future :)

Cheers :D

Danny from New Orleans - 2019-04-16

Image of a black hole and sub 9 in Hangar - great times for our species.

Epic Rivers - 2019-05-24

Lol, you believe that's an image of a black hole? Yikes. Interesting times certainly.

Danny from New Orleans - 2019-05-24

@Epic Rivers You think it's a plasmoid instead? That's what some people are saying.

Puppet - 2019-05-30

@Danny from New Orleans its gay

Dopamine Cloud - 2019-09-30

@Epic Rivers t. space scary :( not real me enlightened

1 Ztype - 2020-03-01

@Epic Rivers yeah it's space god stretching his bumhole

Chandler Stlouis - 2020-01-21

Bought this game for the first time ever lol just a few hours ago and I wanted to see if I could speedrun hangar and atm the best I can possibly do is 11 and I did probably like 100 or so attempts if that and got like probably 30-40 11s, feels nice but I wanna be able to get 10 cuz I’m not going for single digits and I know 10 is definitely possible

Geetha Venkat - 2020-03-28

You bought it? You could've downloaded it for free.

MrVercettti89 - 2020-04-18

for the first time ever, have u never played doom

Geetha Venkat - 2020-04-18

@MrVercettti89 i played waaaaaay back, but recently I downloaded the game around 7 years back.

GameDoggs MC - 2020-03-18

Speed runners are people that just spend time to take less time

Klutz Specter - 2020-11-03

when 8 seconds cost you 20 years, I rather take the 20.

Harry Hunter - 2019-04-12

Just watched a 18 minute video for a 8 second speed run. Totally worth it

Captain Wedgie - 2019-04-13

they didnt take that long to beat the record, theyr run were nearly a full second faster. Only the terrible ingame timer made it nearly impossible to ''officially'' beat according to the timer only. Its still amazing they finally managed to beat that rigged timer lmao

TonboIV - 2019-08-22

Like most things, Doom was made for a purpose, which was not speedrunning, and for that purpose the timer was fine.

XxSteamStreamxX - 2019-06-01

I didn't even realize wen I first watched this video i was by Karl Jobst, an amazing golden eye speedrunner. His voice sounded different than I remembered

Jesper Lerch - 2020-04-13

I really Love how Karl uses this happy and motivational song from flintstones after showing the broken record while explaining how it did went that way - like explaining how something really, really big happened

Raiden Heaven - 2019-04-14

You didn't say anything about the manipulation of RNG. Doom doesn't have a real RNG system but a table of numbers that everything draws from. That's how you can have a file with the players inputs and recreate the whole run. Shooting, even at nothing, changes the enemies behavior because it would jump to the next number in that "RNG" table. I think you should be able to see that "RNG" table somehow.

IuliusPsicofactum - 2019-06-09

Yeah, that's most likely why shock was shooting in some of his runs.

L2 - 2019-08-04

Correct, the acronym you're looking for is PRNG (P = Pseudo). All Doom monsters are placed at exact points in the level, and on E1M1 they can be in the way hence the pistol shot to "wake them up" and scatter them around more (in the hope a quick route through the middle will open up). It's only when they're woken and need to start moving that the PRNG kicks in to help decide how each will move. You can certainly build a TAS bot based on this PRNG table to do the level in a perfect time, but speedrunning is more about what humans can realistically do in real time than TAS.

StaySkeptic - 2019-09-20

@L2 wait I'm confused I thought all video game rngs weren't really random to begin with

Andrey K. - 2019-09-23

@StaySkeptic Yes, rng in games is never truly random. However in Doom (and likely other old games) the rng is so simple that it can be manipulated to achieve desired results. I believe it is still mostly luck in "manual" runs because there's too much stuff happening to predict the effect, but it can do miracles in "tool assisted" ones: search for "icon of sin done pacifist" by Zero Master if you haven't seen it.

CG - 2020-05-16

Someone just(21 days ago) beat the 17 years old record on the second level "E1M2: Nuclear Plant" with 1 second!

Open Surprise - 2019-06-05

YouTube Algorithm has brought us together

Point Man - 2019-04-05

I like how you casually dropped your 9 seconds run like it was nothing :D

Vincent Johnson - 2019-07-10

@bayj0nes I wouldn't say anyone. It's obviously a lot easier now knowing the exact strategy but still difficult.

Kos 291 - 2019-09-21

@ch282 if it's 8 sec Karl will be super confused "wait, how do I make this video now?"

Matt H. - 2019-09-23

Prob nonchalant cuz it wasn’t Ultra Violent difficulty OwO

dfchang813 - 2019-09-26

Tea Roll hate to break it to you but as an actual practicing surgeon this stuff is waaaaay harder. But for us if we mess up the patient will suffer tremendous morbidity or even mortality so there isn’t the benefit of failing or resetting 50,000 times. You have to get it right the first time every time. But open heart surgery is trivial compared to the skill and hand eye coordination required for these types of speed runs. It’s not the hands that make the surgeon, it’s the judgment.

Godon Gurando is another T-800 OK - 2019-09-26

@goodmaki but he has not played doom for 20 years

The Red Key - 2020-07-31

"fond memories of when we were younger" laughs in zandronum

Mc Carthy - 2019-10-05

Am just loving these videos you are making. On my 3rd view of this one. Your commentary is EXCELLENT!
I am 35 now and remember playing Wolfenstein and Doom on my friends brothers like 486(maybe even 386?) pc waaaay back and it definitely was the shareware Of Doom...

When I got a PC in 96 I got Quake first and then a Doom pack maybe it was Final Doom?
I even bought the TERRIBLE conversion for the Sega Saturn and when that sucked I got a budget version of Final Doom on the PSX...

Quake was really my PC game...I must have spent more time on that than any other game, even Quake 2. When GL Quake came out I was blown away and then when I got a modem?? Whole new world was opened up for me.

I won’t ever forget the SUPER long Quake 2 v3.20 at a whopping 20mb! But it had the multiplayer pack for CTF...and the grapple hook...goddamn I wore out a mouse playing those two games!

Even after all this time it’s so cool people are still engrossed in this amazing game. Doom 3 was great too and I definitely liked the reboot, but nothing really beats the classic Doom and Quake especially the latter for atmosphere.

As a massive NIN fan I have been waiting for the Quake soundtrack to come out on vinyl. It was so atmospheric. Trent’s soundtracks for the likes of Gone Girl,Social Network and Bird Box really show how far he has come but the roots of it were in Quake...

Great memories, thank you for great content! Usually the algorithm sucks on YT but it definitely gives you a gem now and then and your channel is diamond mate!

pupper - 2020-05-24

"All hes doing is moving backwards from a door, how is this so incredibly difficult?"

And then you explain it.... ! ☺️

Thysamithan - 2019-04-13

Ok, I tried this myself after watching this video and...
15 seconds on my first try
13 seconds on my second try
12 on my third try
11 on my 30ty-ish try
10 seconds after my 100++th try.
MAN, this is tough!
I won´t be able to get under 10 and even 11 seconds is already not all that easy.
Considering not touching anything and getting frame perfect doors and enemies being kind to walk out of the way I can see the 50000 tries.
What annoys me the most is the slight delay that sometimes occurs right when the level starts. Can ruin it instantly.

GrastTube - 2019-04-08

random guy: "there is a 1/100.000 RNG chance to skip a frame in a 30yo game"

speedrunners: "hold my beer!"

Jordan Jank - 2019-04-12

Spreedrunners: "I'm a dumb fucking nerd with no life let me waste my life and breath and over a year on this 30 year old game" but alright lmao

Dan McLean - 2019-04-12

@Martin Päär I know dude, you should go do something about it - I'll hold your beer.

Pop Tap - 2019-04-16

This is an edited comment watch out! 😭

Eduardo Archer - 2019-05-03

It's not real rng. Doom uses a deck system in place of rng. If you "count the cards", so to speak, you can predict outcome. Did you notice, on the final runs, the shots? Each time you shoot, a card is drawn. By forcing the deck to move, you force the enemies to draw certain cards, which then allows you to control fate itself.

PhreakTastik - 2019-09-01

Famous last words, right?

Bryce T - 2019-06-05

I love youtube, never thought I would care about someone running the first level of Doom in 8 seconds until this day.

Lendjr - 2019-06-13

My father introduced me to Doom when i was like 5-6 yo. We used to play the game together actually. I was doing the shooting part (just pressing ctrl) and he was moving the Doom guy. It's a game about shooting monsters, it's fun. I'm 25 now, he's 51. When it comes to video games we still have a lot to talk about bc he used to play them as well.

But ... if i show him this video and let him watch it entirely and ask his opinion afterwards, i'm 100% sure that his answer would be " For the love of satan why would anyone dedicate their free time to achieve this".

Ramurod - 2020-02-10

"You have to press 4 buttons at the same time to execute SR-50"- or just add some macro to your mouse/ keyboard

4344 - 2019-07-20

Isn't it truly amazing that a 25 year old game is still one of the most decorated games ever to be made? Think about it, Doom has such a huge legacy that it's one of those games you can add a ton of mods to and make it twice as fun and entertaining to play. Now that this record has been set in stone I guarantee you that somebody will find a way somehow to beat E1M1 either on UV or Nightmare! under 7 whole seconds. This game truly amazes me and I'm still in awe of it's beauty and design. Doom 2016 tried to recapture the entire gameplay of Doom but, was not quite able to.