> temp > à-trier > the-sounds-of-earth-s-magnetopause-drum

The Sounds of Earth's Magnetic Drum in Space | SSFX Space Sound Effects

Martin Archer - 2019-02-12

These are the sounds of the boundary of Earth's magnetospheric boundary vibrating just like a drum as detected by NASA's THEMIS space weather satellites.

Overview of the findings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcG03NBJf-s
More detail on the discovery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p68OmERKy4M
Paper https://rdcu.be/bmkHA 

What is Sound in Space? https://youtu.be/q6ijoJu6Ito
Magnetospheric Musical Instruments https://youtu.be/nFienKmHWus
Space Sounds create Killer Electrons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0syY6SbZJNw

Music by Bensound

manlius - 2019-02-23

Sounds like a heart beating and blood flowing through the valves

Aaron Roberts - 2019-02-12

#scishowspace I hope you guys get on to this one.