> chemistry > solvants-extractions > extracting-pentanes-hexanes-from-gasoline-extractions-ire

Extracting Hexanes from Gasoline/Petrol

Extractions&Ire - 2018-04-25

Despite the high petrol prices currently, it remains the most accessible and cheap source of hydrocarbons one can find. But how to make it useful? We do a distillation, chemically clean it up to remove unwanted products, then distil again to extract out some alkanes, a useful inert solvent that for some reason I store in a jar.

Music: Aphex Twin  AFX - 34 ibiza spliff

moneyman295 - 2019-07-26

"Chilly 33 degree day" as an American: "oh thats cold" remembers metric syatem "oh Australian sarcasm"

H3R3T1C - 2020-01-17

@N Martindale Y u mad? If 30 deg. C is too hot for you, you might want to consider de-pussifying yourself lol.

H3R3T1C - 2020-01-17

@AJ Was Fair enough.

not insane - 2020-06-10

Laughs in 49 degrees celsius.

Foetus Deletus - 2020-06-12

H3R3T1C 30 degrees is tropical temperature and if you want to be a real chad just go jump in a volcano

glen quagmire - 2020-07-03

@H3R3T1C it was 114 degrees here today.

Michael Free - 2019-07-24

I'm absolutely dying here, because the video kicked off with a minute long ad for Dupont Nomex flame-resistant suits...

Gareth Baus - 2019-09-22

I wish my advertisements were this relevant.

Hypnotic Moai - 2018-04-25

C a n a b o i d s

Bill Smathers - 2018-04-25


piranha031091 - 2018-04-25


go away - 2018-04-25

C a n a b o i s

FBI-Chan - 2020-04-14


Hamza Hussain - 2020-04-25

@FBI-Chan mr.fbi me need some sensi menia

Mads Hvelplund - 2019-07-27

"... I've clamped it ... well" (whole setup held in place by a big rock)

MrSpeedweasel - 2019-07-22

A flask of petrol right on the hotplate huh? /me backs away slowly....

everlastingauraX - 2019-07-28

@AcrylDame Mines didn't. We did sometimes use a sand bath but that was optional tho.

Alex Redacted - 2019-09-18

Pussy I distilled ether on a bunsen once

T P - 2019-09-19

@Alex Redacted i hope not at work or uni. your lab mates might value their wellbeing more than you. We had a dude accidentally pour pirana into the organic waste, I never seen the hazmat cleanup team so nervous

Alex Redacted - 2019-09-20

@T P lmao of course I'm kidding. I won't even distill DCM without thoroughly thinking through all the ways it could possibly lead to my grisly death. That said I wouldn't fret too hard over directly heating gasoline on a hotplate because the autoignition points of hydrocarbons are all actually pretty high.

Tristan H - 2020-02-07

@Alex Redacted My favorite part about chemistry is its being the only hard science that has a not unlikely chance of leading directly to a Darwin Award.

24680kong - 2018-04-25


Tim - 2019-07-26

What about cabana? cocacabana?

Green Bee - 2019-07-27

@Dylan Capper i do, and i also sell them, want some?

disclaimer: this is a joke, i'm not a drug dealer

Home Synthesis - 2020-02-23

@Green Bee for legal reasons this is a joke

Sophia Astatine - 2020-04-04

Bananoids are my kind of drug

Barry Soetoro - 2020-06-14

@Sophia Astatine Reading this reminds me of the anarchist cook book recipe for bananadine.

Onyx V.O. - 2018-04-25

In this episode of extractions and ire, Tdep invents the new word "Canaboids" as well as the return of the well known "Soxehelet" from previous videos. What an episode! So many atrocities to the english language!
All jokes aside, awesome video. I was thinking of doing a similar project at some point. Loved the final shot.

mechadrake - 2018-04-25

I did a similar project already- left my car in a garage with most of the tank full of 98 and pretty sure after the winter I "distilled off" all those 40c fractions away ;)

Extractions&Ire - 2018-04-26

Onyx V.O. 'atrocities to the English language' I'm putting that on my resume hahaha

MCMLXIable - 2019-01-07

To me the "atrocities" are easily overseen, but then again we yanks don't really speak english, we trash it.

Alice Raspii - 2019-03-01

Where’s the polyethylene terephthalate storage bottles?

Tim Hooper - 2019-07-29

@MCMLXIable Have you heard a Scottish or Welsh person speak English!
Even English people murder English! ;)

transkryption - 2019-07-24

A South Australian who can't pronounce cannabis... *sure*...

Home Synthesis - 2020-02-23

He was referring to cannabinoids which is actually... decently hard to pronounce

Chris Hurlbut - 2019-08-02

Can confirm that hexane is used for soybean oil extraction. It is flammable enough that one is not allowed to use steel tools inside the fence, let alone the building. I have had the privilege to have to do some welding inside one of these buildings to facilitate changing a 28,000-pound gearbox with eight 55 gallon drums of oil. The entire building had to be steam purged.

Mark Green - 2020-04-16

Oooff. That sounds sketchy. How did they do the steam purge? Sounds like a lot of volume would be needed to clear a building. Was the steam used as a thermal gradient to move the air?

Casper Born - 2019-07-22

turning that flask while the liquid stays in place looks surprisingly mesmerising

htomerif - 2019-07-28

You can get potassium permanganate on amazon under the "pot perm" brand. You can get it in just silly huge amounts for about $10/lb?
Also, this might be stupid, but couldn't you just chlorinate all the alkenes? even a single chlorination tends to raise their boiling point way over 100C.

Pietro Tettamanti - 2020-04-04

There's a risk of chlorinating the alkanes too. I know that it takes harsher reaction conditions but I mean, it's not like radical chlorinations of alkanes are an everyday reaction in OChem lab, so noone has a sufficient level of expertise to tell us how much does chlorine discriminate. Plus handling chlorine is nasty and permanganate gets rid of the toluene and alkyl aromatics, and even with alcohols and alkenes it does so in a much more thorough way. If I have learned anything from my fucking useless lessons of industrial chemistry is that distillation universally sucks dick as a separation technique, even when separating compounds with a 100°C difference in boiling points. Chemically extracting carboxylates from hexanes with water is so much better, the separation is pretty much 100%.

htomerif - 2020-04-04

@Pietro Tettamanti I can agree with that. Whenever you read a paper or patent or have a class that says for sure you will definitely get X, Y and Z out of a reaction, especially with chlorine you're actually on your own and you're going to get a good amount of "who knows what this is but I bet its toxic" out of the reaction.

I've done the same chlorination the same way 3 times with 3 different results: black tar that seemed immune to any level of heat I wanted to give it, orange foam that filled the whole distillation apparatus and solidified, and a white solid that gave off a green-yellow gas (probably chlorine dioxide) that exploded every 20 minutes or so. None of these things were what was supposed o happen, which was white sludge distilling a clear condensate.

Shroom Lab - 2018-04-25

In the hardware store they sell something called white liqour special, in the sds they say its 100% c6 to c7 without aromatic compounds

Andrew Humphreys - 2019-07-28

I cant find that here in the US quickly googling but we have Varnish Makers Naptha and Mineral Spirits that appear to be close in range (both light napthas) to avoid the first distillation.

Also I found "bestine rubber cement thinner" which from the sds shouls be basically just heptane but it is about $15 for about 500ml.

Werner Meier - 2019-07-31

This is fantastic to watch after trying some of those "cannaboids" you weren't pronouncing right in this video

kimmy_future - 2019-07-23

I'm not a chemist by any means but I love watching this stuff and you're really great at explaining it simply. thanks!

Hamizan Amran - 2018-08-21

0:57 So... a lot?

Dylan Capper - 2019-07-22

Great channel my dude, love your content and will be sharing. You're a national treasure bby keep it up!

spiderdude2099 - 2020-08-29


Just FYI, even a gentle distillation off that sodium hydroxide may etch your glassware

Marc T - 2020-08-30

Hexane is rather poisonous to be calling "food grade" at any purity.

nicholas travisano - 2019-08-01

You can pronounce every other chemical name other that CANNABINOIDS 😳😂

James Oldfield - 2020-05-05

"I can't think of a good way to remove the benzene."

Hydrogen and Raney nickel?

J H - 2019-07-11

Always looks like you hold the microphone with a big hair clip.. Lol

Adam Wiess - 2018-04-25

to separate the benzene etc... could you sulfonate with strong sulfuric acid to raise the boiling point or form a salt?

Adam Defibaugh - 2019-07-27

What percentage of purity should the sulfonate be?

Pietro Tettamanti - 2020-04-04

That should be a good idea as far as I can tell. The alkanes shouldn't react at all with H2SO4, the only problem I see is that sulfonations are not super duper keen on going to completion, specially with normal sulfuric acid. But it would definitely help. I'd recommend sodium hydroxide extraction, as sulfonic acids tend to decompose when heated.
Industrially they use selective solvent extraction to separate the aromatics from the light and heavy petrol fractions, but I don't think that's doable here.

Johan Friedel - 2020-03-23

The phrase you were looking for when you said enolise was probably “ketone-enol tautomerization”

Jeff - 2018-04-30

Loved the slow shots of the mix bar and the droplet in the solvent

windigo00 - 2020-01-16

you got me at food-grade benzene :D

superHAPPYrocks - 2020-06-12

Using aldol reaction, in addition to B-hydroxyketones, couldnt you also form some B-hydroxyaldehydes which could start non-selective reactions and polymerize?

Gefüllte Taubenbrust - 2020-06-26

5:50 Ah yes, the carboxyl group CHO

Tirantbacon - 2018-05-04

My god you store stuff in Dolmio jars as well?! I thought I was the only one LMAO

Isaac Westawski - 2019-08-04

1:15 im a precision instrument of speed and aeromatics

6jonline - 2020-07-10

4:36 sorry but the cat won my like. amazing video tho :D

Hyo9000 - 2018-04-25

Hey! The filmmaking in this is amazing!

gusbailey68 - 2019-11-21

Really enjoyed this one. Going to search/wait for the ascaridole extraction.

Luke Pope - 2019-08-15

Why does half of his equipment look like bongs from Encore glass?

Joel A. - 2020-05-05

All labs (industrial) I’ve work at use methylene chloride for extractions (cheap, aggressive solvent) and hexane when methylene chloride isn’t appropriate

TM Fan - 2018-04-25

thx for trying out my suggestion! lov u~ <3

Extractions&Ire - 2018-04-30

TM Fan thanks for suggesting it fammmm

Kaleb Helms - 2019-07-28

phasing he was looking for was:"pure reagent grade" 6:17

Darian Ballard - 2018-04-25

Nice work :)

zubmit - 2018-04-25

Can't wait for the plant extraction.

terawattyear - 2018-04-26

I really enjoyed this. Trying my hand at distilling gasoline is something I have wanted to do. I just don’t have the glassware to do it safely though. Good vid!

Josh Marland - 2020-03-11

Ah yes I love extracting the canna-boys

nen ben - 2020-04-02

0:54 Ah, ambiguity.

V M - 2020-08-19

It was so cool to see the KMnO4 oxidation just as I am learning about this in orgo chem!

puffinondasticky - 2020-05-09

my first chemistry experience was a personal extraction of dmt lmao this shit looks fun

Dancing Rain - 2018-04-26

And in some jurisdictions they're legal to extract.

Extractions&Ire - 2018-04-30

Dancing Rain not here in Aus, and I feel it never will be. Even if the plant gets legalised you won't be allowed to extract or concentrate it yourself, it'll be a tax thing like alcohol. You can buy it but distilling it or any action of concentrating it other than fermentation is completely illegal at home, because they gotta tax it and shit

Adam Defibaugh - 2019-07-27

CBD here, but not any others, especially not THC. Per the medical marijuana laws in Florida.

Adam Defibaugh - 2019-07-27

@Extractions&Ire I You aren't too far off mate. That's how it is in the U.S.

Tim Hooper - 2019-07-29

Here in the U.K it's illegal also... But the U.K has the biggest distribution centre of medical grade in Europe/World!

Ksp - 2020-05-17

You know what ? In france, you can find bottles of "Essence C" In ALL stores and that thing contain only hexane and heptane so get them is pretty easy here...

Burnblast277 - 2020-04-10

Good yellow chemistry!? What madness is this?

Eternal Sorrow ​ - 2020-05-02

"Obviously, we don't produce drugs" - Right...


EXCELLENT VIDEO.....How does he think this stuff up

David Spencer - 2020-08-31

hexane also can be used in extracting coke and dmt alkioids which in extracting canabinoids you can just use dry ice or freezer cooled ethanol. id highly recommend you don't use hexane for cannabis products what so ever.

AllChemystery - 2018-04-25

this is something i once considered doing but i cant stand the smell of fuel as it is let alone distilling it. The price of fuel now is at $1.56/l (where i am) plus considering the effort and energy used to separate the fractions, it would probably be cheaper still to just buy hexane-if you can find it that is.i think that S.A has some of the highest fuel prices in the country right now. its a shame about Kenicals too. They had a great selection of chems at reasonable prices. i wonder what ever happened to them. their eBay store was convenient.

Extractions&Ire - 2018-04-26

AllChemystery I do wonder what happened to Kenicals. They changed their name to AusChems or something similar, then just disappeared. Wonder what happened to all the permanganate they would've had in stock

Fuel prices are too high. But still, you're looking at alkane fractions for less than $15/L which is probably cheaper as you could buy it from any Chem supplier, but that's without considering the cost of the effort you have to put in for the purification.

I like the smell of petrol haha, it's a worry. Downward spiral for sure

AllChemystery - 2018-04-26

Extractions&Ire auschems are a great source of chemicals. I use them often. They sell a wide range including Na/KClO3/4. 35$Kg is ok.

Explosions&Fire - 2018-04-26

i'm getting the names confused then. Or maybe they just rebranded? Probably I'm just getting confused