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Syzygy (plus orbits and interplanetary travel) - Sixty Symbols

Sixty Symbols - 2019-07-21

WARNING: Don't challenge Dr Meghan Gray to a game of Scrabble - this video is about interplanetary travel and orbits.
More links and info below  ↓ ↓ ↓

Hohmann Transfer Orbits, Voyager Probes, and of course THAT Tesla.

More videos with Dr Gray: http://bit.ly/Meghan_Playlist

See our moon rocks and soil videos on Objectivity: http://bit.ly/Objectivity

Visit our website at http://www.sixtysymbols.com/
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This project features scientists from The University of Nottingham

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sixtysymbols

Sixty Symbols videos by Brady Haran
Animation by Pete McPartlan

Email list: http://eepurl.com/YdjL9

(*) the Earth version of Scrabble has only 2 Ys - but we were playing the Martian Edition.

Sixty Symbols - 2019-07-21

A selection of Sixty Symbols patrons will receive a cool signed postcard based on today's video - make sure you add your postal address on your Patreon to be eligible (existing patrons can go into their pledge and add their address)... https://www.patreon.com/sixtysymbols

htmlguy88 - 2019-07-21

in fact only 117 of the 255 alignments of planets has had enough time to repeat at least once in the 4.5 billion age of the solar system.

Omesh Singh - 2019-07-21

Jupiter aint got no land to land on.

whiterottenrabbit - 2019-07-22

What about the Foodskey channel? Have you definitely abandoned it? At least a statement would be nice...

Yves Lacombe - 2019-07-24

@Omesh Singh No but you can use jupiter for aerobraking to get yourself into a nice jovian orbit intercepting one of the moons that have a solid surface for instance.

7177 - 2020-01-01

love the animations in this one. Cheers!

Scott Manley - 2019-07-23

Fun fact, when picking a user name for a BBS many years ago I thought of this word I'd read. However I didn't remember how to spell it or pronounce it, so I came up with Szyzyg - which is still my username on a number of systems.

janglestick - 2019-09-19

did your BBS end up on any of those big collated lists people used to make? For a while on ebay they would sell these CDs that basically had a list of every resource that had been out there pre-internet. Your BBS name looks familiar.

Marc Rindermann - 2019-09-20

when I read Syzygy and orbits I was actually expecting to see an interview with you :D

Steved D - 2019-12-30


Nick Munch - 2020-03-04

I originally clicked on the video because I thought that you had done a video in collaboration with Sixty Symbols.

Nether World - 2021-02-04

Love you scott

beeble2003 - 2019-07-27

1:26 "[The Expanse is] a story that's entirely set within the solar system." So, a bit like Friends, then?

Taricus - 2019-07-30

Well, technically... leading up to the last season finale.... That's not true anymore XD

ironic legacy - 2019-11-20

Taricus yeah when ross and rachel reached solar escape velocity, that was pretty surprising

3DPDK - 2019-07-23

What I find amazing is that there are more 13 to 16 year olds that know exactly what is being discussed here because of the Kerbal Space simulator and Scott Manley who played the simulator on YouTube for several years. He made it as much about learning these things as he made it about entertainment. Kids were learning astrophysics and didn't even realize it. I, myself, at age 65 have played KSP enough to understand the terminology and ideas you are explaining in this video, but if it wasn't for KSP and S. Manley, I would be scratching my head on much of it. In my opinion Scott Manley should be given some sort of prestigious teacher's award for the number of young people he taught in a two or three year time.

Adam - 2019-07-21

Half expected this video to end with "I'm Scott Manley, fly safe"

lordofmorgul - 2019-07-21

I started looking for KSP references in the comments at the very start of the video. Was not disappointed. :)

1224ChrisNg - 2019-07-21

I'm Scott Manley, Fly it like ya Stole it

Waify - 2019-07-23

I thought I was gonna be the only KSP player here. Awesome surprise :D

Mne - 2019-07-25

I had the same feeling.

Tuning3434 - 2019-07-27

@Waify SNACKs!!!!

Sindar Rin - 2019-07-21

"Maybe that is where they started?" xD

Nillie - 2019-07-22

Sindar Rin
Only if the Universe is a simulation, which is actually not that improbable.

heekimsang - 2019-07-23

"You're troubling me today"!

René Munk Thalund - 2019-07-23

@heekimsang I think the term used was even "trolling". Brilliant :-)

Francois Lacombe - 2019-07-21

Crashing a probe on a planet is called lithobraking.😁

David Wührer - 2019-07-27

Only on planets that have a lithosphere. It isn't called that if you crash into a gas giant.

And with some planets there is even a hydrosphere to consider.

RWBHere - 2019-08-04

@Kenny Phillips Those sudden attacks of gravity can be expensive... 😏

Gabriele Simionato - 2019-08-25

Just did it on Dres.

gray late - 2019-09-03

Spirit and Opportunity did this with Balloons 🎈 didn’t they?
I mean aerobraking was also used but the final stop was several bounces apparently.

Ian Ian - 2019-09-13

Very droll

skarrambo 1 - 2019-07-22

When I saw the video title, I thought, "Oh boy!" - but a minute into watching it, I thought, "Hohmann!"

Ali - 2019-07-23

haHAA i see wat u did there

DavidFMayerPhD - 2019-07-26

It is obvious if you think about it. The minimum energy for a transfer orbit from Earth to Mars, Jupiter, or whatever, is the doubly tangential orbit. Tangent to Earth's orbit and tangent to Mars's orbit. Clearly no other orbit could use less energy.

J K - 2019-07-31

This pun has me Oberth a moon

King Blondie - 2019-07-25

I'm going to change my facebook occupation to "Participant in the Kerbal Space Program". Dr Gray is the best!

wkovdyd - 2019-07-21

Hey - only 2 Y's in Scrabble!

vargo hoat - 2019-07-21

got 'em

Michael Sommers - 2019-07-21

There are also two blanks.

Kaitlyn L - 2019-07-22

And only seven-letter words are highly valued competitively, most times. Maybe syzygy would cut it against some weaker seven-letter words with the Ys and the Z but.

Rohrertech - 2019-07-23

@Kaitlyn L sevens are great, but z and y are fairly high point tiles. Depending on how it was placed, could be worth a lot. Better yet, syzygies, which at 8 could triple triple, and land the y on a double letter. This would score up to 302 points for a single play.

Anifco67 - 2019-08-09


Bryan C - 2019-08-01

Came for The Expanse shoutout, stayed for the rest of the video.

Manny Dib - 2019-08-02

same here!

Laurel K - 2019-07-21

I'm glad I finally know how to pronounce the name of this X-Files episode.

Cuzican Aerospace - 2019-07-21

"The Expanse"

stares excitedly

"Kerbal Space Program"

vibrations intensify

This was a really good introduction to orbital mechanics. Thank you!

JetPackJan - 2019-07-25

"pluto is not a planet"
"I'll let myself out" :D

Ketsueki Kumori - 2019-07-21

"Australia is upside down, which I like."
Is it because it puts everyone right side up?

Nillie - 2019-07-22

Ketsueki Kumori
It seems to be the wrong way relative to Asia.

skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2 - 2019-07-22

Earth is flat! Everyone is equally upright, even Australia!

Trev A-W - 2019-07-23

@jannor321 I perceive it to be my right to have a right... right?

bob often - 2020-08-23

? Then Our Shite Goes Up Not Down ?

bob often - 2020-08-23

@5pecular Up Is The Opposite Of Gravity .

Kevin Slater - 2019-08-17

"Pluto isn't a planet"
yeah, that's a mistake that needs to be undone already.

Ronin1973 - 2019-07-25

I brake for Hohmanns. It should be a bumpersticker.

Claus Kutsche - 2019-07-25

1000 <3 for The Expanse... love it!

OP - 2019-07-21

My brain is sizzling when I hear syzygy

Home Media - 2019-07-21

Scott Manley and Kerbal Space Program taught me all of this... great to hear KSP mentioned in this vid... love it!

John Długosz - 2019-07-23

Learn how to get around using orbits: Just play Kerbal Space Program for a while.

onkenator - 2019-07-27

Thank you for "The Expanse" tip.

dat_chip - 2019-07-21

"Maybe that's where they started" (in a straight line). - Brilliant! :D
I think this new model of solar system formation should be called The Haran Accretion Line Theory.

Orin Anthony - 2019-07-24

TIL I've been mispronouncing this word since I learned it from destiny lore.

Q-Clod - 2019-07-21

this video was so good. thanks dr. gray and 'dr.' haran. more orbmech please :D

s h - 2019-07-21

Syzygy has been my go-to word to use in hangman (paper/pencil word guessing game) since I was in 3rd grade. I read the word in an astronomy picture book and it stuck with me ever since.

Roger Lie - 2019-07-23

If you wanna go Welsh why not use 'crwth'.

Steven - 2019-07-26

@Random Guy welsh name for a cirque

hang da clown - 2019-07-27

bravo! I'm using this from now on as well

Petra Kann - 2020-11-11

Greek word

s h - 2020-11-11

@Petra Kann ok

John Smith - 2019-07-25

This was a GREAT episode! Lots of interesting info, covered very well. Dr. Gray is great!

Ali Syed - 2019-07-21


Kilgore Trout - 2019-07-21

For a second I thought this would be about Grobner bases.

Robert Schlesinger - 2019-07-27

Excellent video on the basics of Syzygy and related,aspects of orbital dynamics. Worth noting that Apollo 13 used a slingshot maneuver to return to Earth.

BariumCobaltNitrog3n - 2019-07-21

You could use a blank for the second Y ; )

ahabkapitany - 2019-07-22

Meghan Gray loves The Expanse, awesome!

Vatsyayana - 2019-07-23

Dr. Gray you are such a pleasant person to listen to, and lovely to see, thank you for all your work and sharing your expertise

jk w - 2019-07-28

Ah, my favorite hangman words of all time.

Carl Václav Lím Olson - 2019-08-01

KSP has prepared me for this

TheLongDark - 2019-07-22

Came because I wanted to learn. Stayed because Dr Gray's a fan of The Expanse.

Will MD - 2019-07-21

Scott Manley!!

Jerry Francisco - 2019-07-23

Awesome video, Syzygy is my favorite word in the English language! :)

Kartik - 2019-07-23

What they named a probe that uses gravity to slow down instead of of speeding up: Parker probe

Jonathan Saraco - 2019-07-21

2:21 Nice Rolex Explorer I, Brady! You should've been wearing a Speedmaster for the anniversary of the moon landing, though!

dawangai - 2019-07-24

"Dwarf planet" is still a planet.

Simone Dassi - 2019-07-21

4:18 Someone else got the snacks reference to Kerbal Space Program

PowerOfVoice - 2020-02-27

Great explanation!

Maria Aspvik - 2019-08-01

More videos about orbital mechanics please! My Kerbals need this!

Steve Gould - 2019-07-24

I just knew Syzygy from the Michael Brecker track of the same name!

Hafiz Aji Aziz - 2019-07-21

I'm early

sulijoo - 2019-08-01

Deep Sky Videos and KSP, the perfect syzygy. 😀

rillloudmother - 2019-07-21

Yay, it's Dr Meghan Gray!

jo blakely - 2019-07-24

it's my favorite word too.

McNulty's Sober Companion - 2019-07-21

Another Professor Gray video. That's good news.

Looking forward to watching it in its entirety tonight when I get home.