> chemistry > oxydants > ko2-potassium-superoxide-chemical-oxygen-generator-chemicalforce

KO2: Potassium superoxide. Chemical oxygen generator.

ChemicalForce - 2018-09-13

This video about chemical reactions with superoxide of potassium (KO2).

Reaction timing:
0:49 KO2 + H2O (hydrolysis of potassium superoxide)
1:22 KO2 + CO2 (chemical oxygen generator)
2:09 KO2 + nitromethane (CH3NO2)
2:40 KO2 + formic acid (HCOOH)
3:06 KO2 + formamide (HCONH2)
3:43 KO2 + 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine
4:25 KO2 + carbon disulfide (CS2)
4:55 KO2 + phosphorus (V) chloride (PCl5)
5:48 KO2 + decaborane (B10H14)

More subscribers = more exotic chemical reactions :D
thx for watching!

DavidFMayerPhD - 2019-03-22

I am amazed that this guy is still alive and in one piece.The things that he does are SO very dangerous.

Fabri - 2020-02-25

Yeah hahahahha

Emanuele Ronchetti - 2020-12-03

I think that he is very very careful and he has a special lab.

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-08

@Emanuele Ronchetti At the very least he has an impressively well built fume hood/filtration system. :)

Rocky Robinson - 2019-09-28

hey, there is a U-tube in this video.

ChemicalForce - 2019-10-10


Charlie Bohem - 2019-04-15

Inorganic time!

happy guy - 2020-03-20

Idea: potassium superoxide and molten sulfur. Instead of getting polysulfides like you would with other alkaline potassium salts, you'll prolly get a fat ole bang.

PyroMaker - 2020-04-06

00:57 From channel "SuperCrastan"!

P.S. Драсте, драсте, с вами Даня Крастер)

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-08

That's cool, I must check that out.
I hope there are English subtitles, my Russian/Cyrillic is nonexistent apart from "Da" and "Nyet". :)

Gianmario Scotti - 2019-05-08

This was awesome. What are you doing with only 2300 subscribers? You deserve more.

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-06

One year later, only ~4000 away from 60K subs!

Rhodanide - 2018-09-13

Awesome as always! Thanks for treating YouTube to another of your videos!

Heinrich Löbe - 2018-09-14

I love the reaction with PCl5

nixrate - 2018-09-13

good shit love these videos.

stipe - 2020-02-07

I mostly like reaction with cs2. It reacts so sharp and quick that there is no escape. Great!

spiderdude2099 - 2020-08-07

Damn, that carbon disulfide reaction was unexpectedly loud and powerful

Ethan Ng - 2018-11-01

Also need to mix with sulfur.

javad javaheri - 2020-07-30

Hi, please do some very high temperature reactions. Keep up the good work.

Ernesto Terrazas - 2020-03-17

Congratulations and thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us.

Pink Droid - 2020-12-24

Mixing the superoxide with PCl5 was quite an exciting reaction to observe! Thanks much

Guy That - 2019-12-31

My dude, where are you from? I can't place your accent

j5jackson878 - 2020-05-26

He's brilliant tho. People want to see high reactives!

govind patel - 2020-09-05

Thank you very much for teach me chemistry
Love you
Show practical chemical reaction

LFTRnow - 2019-09-15

Yellow powder (KNO3, K2CO3, S). I'd love to know why it is so crazy powerful. What is the reaction?

Vytautas Eičas - 2018-09-27

Mix it with thionyl chloride

Indrashan Kumar - 2019-07-13


Tapsy Irriansyan - 2019-02-11

potassium chlorate KClO3 mix to Concentration H2SO4 and terpentine

science research - 2020-02-13

Please test CsO3+ClF3→?

PyroMaker - 2020-04-06


Owen Goodfellow - 2020-09-25

The last two reactions were absolutely wild! Are there many reactions that take place simply by bringing two particulate compounds together?

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-08

I wouldn't have thought so, but he's demonstrated quite a few on the channel.
Always seems to get a good reaction (no pun intended) from the audience.
Professional chemists saying "I've worked with highly active compounds for years and I've NEVER seen that!" :D

Chemistry LAB - 2019-10-20

Can you Please Do a Video About Sodium Chlorate:)

Stellarr - 2020-06-28

ChemicalForce. Can you mix Mercury Nitrate with Nitric acid. The reaction would be quite cool

explosivefreak666 - 2019-12-04

Great channel.!

ChemicalForce - 2019-12-04

Thanks, bro! ^_^

explosivefreak666 - 2019-12-05

No, Thank YOU.!! :)) For teaching an old guy, who could not learn Chemistry when he was young.! I try to learn from the few great chem. masters of you tube, and you are one of them.! again, thanx...

Kashif Aamir - 2019-11-20

He will become first man to react Francium in water

Kashif Aamir - 2020-01-22

@Minh Quang Vo so he has to do it before 20 minutes on the spot. However that will be so radioactive

Elijah Collier - 2020-07-13

I love battle toads sound track

Brenden Irving - 2020-12-23

That carbon disulfide reaction scared me to death

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-06

Got a loud "HOLY SHIT!" from me too! :D

Doctor Snekkyl - 2020-03-19

4:50 😂

Like if rebreather videos brought you here!

IngensVid CZ - 2020-03-26

Man, I have only one question. How do you obtain the chemicals? Im really really curious. And amazing vid btw., really amazing exotic chemistry going on.

Teodor Urucu - 2020-12-23

Your content is very nice and the quality is amazing. TIP: you echo a bit when you talk so maybe think about putting some padding on the wall to absorb the sound. The quality will be much better. Keep it up !!!

bingobango - 2020-01-16

I like your videos but I can understand half of what you are saying.....I even rewind a few times to try and make our what you are saying but still miss half of what you say.... Can you make future vidoes and maybe redo ur other videos with subtitles thanks

ChemicalForce - 2020-01-16

Almost every video on this channel includes subtitles, so you can auto-translate them in your language

Дамир Махмутов - 2020-07-15


Hannan Pakthini - 2020-06-13

What is a super oxide? hearing the first time.

Михаил Антаньязов - 2020-06-04

record CrO3 please

Ethan Ng - 2018-09-14

you also can mix with titanium powder

Achyuth Vivek - 2020-10-06

Where do you get your chemicals?

vijaya raja M - 2020-02-09

Excellent bro.but

Adroit Absart - 2020-10-31

I am kinda obsessed with your videos...

Ethan Ng - 2018-09-14

why not mix with aluminium powder , magnesium powder , zirconium powder - but one by one

ChemicalForce - 2018-09-16

especially for your suggestions ;)

Ethan Ng - 2018-11-05

@ChemicalForce , thank you....

John Sheppard - 2018-12-22

@ChemicalForce I have another suggestion that will most likely be for quite narrow circle but it is really unique!So I am actually about the reaction between molten potassium superoxide with my favourite element in the entire periodic table which is iridium!As in compact form it is really almost invincible for any chemicals including very evil ones-but potassium superoxide is in fact one of the tiny handful of chemicals that are able to do it-which sets it in the same row with hot fluorine gas above it's dissociation point(F2->2F•),some most powerful fluorinating agents (ClF3 has little to no effect as well as OF2;the notorious O2F2 is already etching compact iridium but it is a real abominable and terrifying stuff)-and oxygen which is actually barely able to create a thin layer of oxide that decomposes at just 400°C-so for potassium superoxide it is really a huge achievement!I myself yet used it to leach rhodium metal from catalitic converters but gave up with attempts to purify iridium tips of spark plugs with it because it is always doing wonders with anything that it is melted into so the result was a handful of potassium iridate(s),potassium impuritiate(s)-and a bunch of potassium vessel material-ate(s),which was in my case worse than simply inquartation method with a bunch of easy to alloy and to dissolve metal in excess which actually worked well..But for rhodium in catalytic converters it's not that bad especially if you don't add too much at a time and so keep reaction in centre so that it doesn't reach the vessel itself..

By the way what about the series about obtaining some of the really tough elements from various sources?Just for example rhodium metal from catalitic converters,ruthenium metal from contact platings and thick film resistors,osmium metal from basically any source(I found some proper Osram light bulb filaments and also once asked my friend to give me some osmium tetraoxide since well,they have it in police),iridium from spark plugs and glow plugs,rhenium from some of CO2 laser tubes and also from high temperature thermocouples,and for the real hardcore the thorium thermite(I only succeeded with lithium metal reduction enhanced by ammonium perchlorate-it is the toughest to reduce oxide in the entire periodic table from hydrogen up to hassium)-and uranium thermite from pitchblende!I think that you can do that judging by your video content!And I have done all these myself(and I also by the way always smelted these metals including rhenium!)-but never seen a single video about that!

Boris - 2020-11-04

lets cook

Tokaji Leo - 2020-03-14

so if we drop billions of tons of KO2 into Venus athmosphere we turn its athmosphere to O2.... maybe some Ca(OH)2 too just to have some oceans..

Ethan Ng - 2018-09-17

And also mix with red phosphorus.

Airen Saiyyara - 2018-09-16

Bromine(Br) vs liquid nitrogen(N)

Tokaji Leo - 2019-12-28

The CS2 and KO2 was most violent. i wonder how big explosion is if you mix half a kilo of them (outside of course)

Heinrich Löbe - 2018-09-16

Sodium borohydride and iodine

arslan muhammad arslan - 2019-05-26

Sir , l aske your question sir , how will be produce potassium oxide ,is it naturally or nor. please elaborate it

Nathan Brydn - 2020-11-09

+2 👍👍 #enjoylife