> temp > à-trier > laser-diode-self-mixing-interferometry-range-finding-and-sub-micron-vibration-measurement-applied-science

Laser diode self-mixing: Range-finding and sub-micron vibration measurement

Applied Science - 2018-12-10

A plain laser diode can easily measure sub-micron vibrations from centimeters away by self-mixing interferometry!  I also show how this technique can be used for range-finding.




Nerd Thunder!  Check them out!
Dean Segovis: https://www.youtube.com/user/HackaweekTV
Jeri Ellsworth: https://www.youtube.com/user/jeriellsworth
Becky Stern: https://www.youtube.com/user/bekathwia
Ben Krasnow: https://www.youtube.com/user/bkraz333
John Schuch: https://www.youtube.com/user/HackersBenchTV
Darren Landrum: https://www.youtube.com/user/dmlandrum
Joe Grand: https://www.youtube.com/user/kingpinempire
Mark VandeWettering: https://www.youtube.com/user/brainwagon
Alan Wolke: https://www.youtube.com/user/w2aew/


John Pattillo - 2018-12-10

Holy jeez that is a big oscilloscope screen.

Ahron Wayne - 2019-11-24

@Dan Nguyen I just have these old coathangers, will those work instead?

Dan Nguyen - 2019-11-24

@Ahron Wayne One thing is for sure, having coat hangers and no oscillscope is better than having no coat hangers and no oscilloscope.

Rex Baird - 2019-12-25

@robert hamilton what about ultra violet rays?

Tellurium - 2020-06-08

First I thought you were talking about the KEITHLEY one but then he suddenly showed this moster

Z80 - 2020-06-14

@ebulating I'm lazy buying 7$ scope

EasilyFallsForClickbait - 2018-12-10

When an Applied Science video comes out, you know it's time to drop everything else

Ringer1982 - 2018-12-11

Yes, sleep is overrated any way.

Abdul Alhazred - 2019-07-05


CuriousMarc - 2018-12-10

The Japanese company Keyence makes commercial laser sensors based on a multi wavelength refinement of the basic interferometric technique you demonstrate so nicely here. They can get down to 1 nanometer resolution!

Tal Bakish - 2019-04-29

Only vocalzoom managed to develop such a commercial sensor

Robert Slackware - 2019-05-24

slab of granite would be better. It won't change with weather, metal will.

Robert Slackware - 2019-05-24

pool of mercury on top...... Then you only need to worry about the dam moon, and rotation of the earth.

Robert Slackware - 2019-05-24

My bench legs were 200 lb cast iron, so I was close at 800 lbs. With the 2" slab of wood on top it made it.

Blondie SL - 2019-08-08

@Phillip Salisbury Excuse me! Is this 2019 or 2543? :)

Jeremy Herbert - 2018-12-10

I did my PhD on this exact topic. Yes, it is true that you can get the signal using just the laser diode itself, you need an extremely stable current source for the laser and then a very high gain amplifier with low noise on the terminal voltage of the laser. Even in academia, few people try to do it because using the photodiode is way easier. There is also some semiconductor noise which shows up in the terminal voltage signal which is hard to get rid of. You can determine the direction of movement in your piezo speaker example by just looking at the slope between the fringes.

Jeremy Herbert - 2018-12-10

Also, the quality of the signal you get back using the terminal voltage depends strongly on the structure of the laser itself (ie VCSEL, DFB, etc)

Jack K. Sharp - 2019-03-28

I did my Master's on SMI, shake hands :)

Tal Bakish - 2019-04-29

look at vocalzoom. they did this sensor and it's for sale. extremely robust and can also work as laser mic

Smarter Every Day 2 - 2018-12-10

Excellent Macro Videography on this one.

Matthew Stauffer - 2018-12-10

I see you're in early! Subscribed to this channel with alerts too? Good move. There's another channel I do that with, can't remember the name of it though...

peteabc1 - 2018-12-10

there was this report on seeker a week ago about the fastest camera able to capture propagation of light, hmm

आदित्य Aditya मेहेंदळे Mehendale - 2020-03-31

I missed this - where exactly is the macro videography? Destin and Ben, you both create amazing content, but this comment just seems patronizing.

Mabdi Alibeki - 2020-04-02

@Aditya he probably refers to what the oscilloscope makes visible - very cool indeed!

Kyle - 2018-12-10

Was the piece of paper picking up your voice as you were speaking? Could this be used as a very sensitive microphone by turning the distance measured into a wave function?

flomojo2u - 2018-12-10

I noticed the same thing, particularly the “ess” sibilant sounds seemed to be picked up the best. I wouldn’t call it so much of a microphone as an effect of the pressure waves from speech modulating the movement of the speaker cone. Very cool though, and just another indication of how sensitive this laser/circuit is.

Raoul Pathak - 2018-12-10

@Kalanchoe1 Ben Krasnow actually has a video on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MrudVza6mo

Jeff Beasley - 2018-12-11

Kept thinking the same thing.

Felix Cyberius - 2018-12-18

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who noticed his voice picking up on the interferometer setup at the end. I was totally blown away with the technique used to measure distance, too.

Tim Ramich - 2020-05-28

@Felix Cyberius It was picking up his voice from 8:11 onwards. Every different setup he made simply depicts them into a waveform in different manners.

Greg Done Technical - 2018-12-10

I believe that the movement of the reflective target by 1/4 of a wavelength results in a path difference of 1/2 wavelength which changes the light from constructive to destructive (or visa versa).

Alan Ball - 2018-12-10

Next on applied science, making a desktop gravitational wave detector

Alan Ball - 2018-12-10

Does make me wonder if you could just loop a TON of fiber optic cables instead of shining the light a very far distance.

Susan Wojcicki - 2019-02-06

@Alan Ball yes, yes you could

Dr mosfet - 2019-03-04

Make you wonder, if monitoring the sum collections of errors rate on a high speed fibre optic back bone trunk of a communication provider, will be of used?

Robert Slackware - 2019-05-24

Nahh, eavesdropping on the space station.

AnteConfig - 2019-06-23

@Robert Slackware Holy shit I think that's totally possible. If you could direct a beam up that high and then back from there without the beam dispersing so much.

The Pilose One - 2018-12-10

The offset between constructive and destructive interference is indeed half a wavelength, but since the wave has to travel both to and back from the reflector, the displacement of the reflector has twice the effect on the offset of the wave. The difference in reflector displacement between full constructive and full destructive interference is therefore the quart of a wavelength, not half a wavelength.

But pretty impressive stuff!

Eelco Hoogendoorn - 2018-12-10

Came to comment on the same topic.

Indeed the path-length difference in the reflected ray is double the displacement of the surface; but the destructive interference would only result in an intensity maximum every half wavelength if counterpropagating relative to the non-reflected reference beam. If the reference and reflected beam are coaxial and traveling in the same direction (which seems more likely), then a full wavelength shift of the reference beam is required to cycle the intensity pattern once.

So assuming the reflected and reference beam hit the diode from more or less the same direction, id say 2 maxima per single wavelength displacement of the reflective surface.

But it really depends on how the beams meet, and if that is in a nontrivial way, all bets are off; though 4 maxima per displacement is indeed a theoretical maximum.

Best to get out a micrometer and measure it!

Fons Knaapen - 2018-12-11

You need to take into account the distance between the LD and PD as well, right? Or is that to be ignored because it's a constant?

Eelco Hoogendoorn - 2018-12-11

​@Fons Knaapen Yeah pretty much. Should you vary that distance, you would not observe any variation if the light bundles are travelling in the same direction; or two maxima per wavelength if they are travelling in opposing directions. But as long as you dont vary it the actual distance does not matter since the light forms a periodic pattern.

Michel Lesoinne - 2018-12-15

I noticed that also and saw you already had commented. Important detail.

AnotherGlenn - 2018-12-10

15:46 "...because the physics is slightly over my head." Sure, right! HA! :)

brandy sigmon - 2019-06-08

Right, this is one of the smartest guys on youtube when it comes to this stuff.

Heksu77 - 2018-12-10

Wohoo! Every day when Ben releases a new video is like christmas and birthday party at the same time.

AlfonsoB - 2018-12-10

So you feel like Jesus?

naikrovek - 2018-12-10

Jesus that scope is huge.

trombre - 2018-12-10

Just looked it up, it's a Tektronix MSO58....bout $35,000...and that probe is $1,800.

naikrovek - 2018-12-10

@trombre Yep, it was a gift from Tektronix.

Nick Fox - 2018-12-11

This video makes me want to buy another oscilloscope

skyler lehmkuhl - 2018-12-10

So if I understand this correctly, the distance measurement is the same thing as modulated continuous wave radar, except in the visible spectrum? Really cool!

electronicsNmore - 2018-12-10

Fantastic as always!

Hlkpf - 2018-12-10


Matrix29bear - 2018-12-25

"How It's Made" is porn for mathematicians, engineers, construction guys.

scanlime - 2018-12-10

great video! I want to know what the signal sounds like! and can you use the self-mixing interferometer as a laser microphone? or a distortion pedal? :D

Dylan Dailey - 2018-12-11

@Pixl Rainbow Probably, but the idea is that the glass, being a thin rigid sheet w/ high surface area, would vibrate at higher amplitude than, say, a wall behind the glass. Certainly still feasible, but even in the near laboratory conditions shown in this vid, the noise floor is pretty high. But you're right; it still would work, in theory.

Matrix29bear - 2018-12-25

All speakers are weak microphones by default. Most motors are weak generators when ran in reverse. Ergo, a laser diode is a laser measurement system if you monitor it using a low driver current.

Tal Bakish - 2019-04-29

VocalZoom sells such laser microphones used for cars and first responder applications. the sensors are very small and low cost

Robert Slackware - 2019-05-24

Lossanaught , do you watch disney movies backwards as well? LOL
I would think certain sounds move air more, so would disrupt the laser beam when talking with it in front of you.
I didn't notice. I was to busy drooling over the scope.....

James Drissel - 2019-07-26

I was thinking of a laser mic to see which jerk is blasting your hood...

LazerLord10 - 2018-12-10

ahhhhh, why midnight? Sleep or this?

user255 - 2018-12-10

False dichotomy, you can sleep and watch the video when you wake up.

M. Otto - 2018-12-11

sleep, trust me

Wolfin - 2018-12-12

Turn off your notifications.

Dave Triplett - 2019-01-05

@Wolfin... they are 😅

Dave Triplett - 2019-01-05

@Poptart McJelly 😜

Afrotechmods - 2018-12-10

Holy crap. I can imagine this might form the basis of an optical servo tweeter. Or a new way of characterizing drivers at least.

stuart jarvis - 2018-12-10

I remember this on "Tomorrow's World".

Ee!6LpzfZJ0* - 2018-12-11

Also the basics of a Doppler radar.

gareth ronaldo - 2018-12-11

where have u been man i miss ur pretty channel

Jon Davis - 2018-12-22

@vk2zay Dude are you the guy who invented the vive base stations? I think i stalk you on reddit (young EE, you're a legend)

Mark Stout - 2019-03-01

@Jon Davis what is the vice basestation...

Johnny Hammersticks - 2018-12-10

You can see if your AC electroluminescent displays are actually oscillating at the driving frequency. It would make sense that the width between the top and bottom electrode is expanding and contracting due to the strong applied electric field.

YodaWhat - 2019-03-03

If you make the laser light bounce off both the top and bottom of the EL strip at the same time, you may get double the amplitude, and see double the count of interference fringes. Comparing that measurement to single-sided will provide a nice double check on results.

rarelycomments - 2018-12-10

On the square wave you are hearing the sharp rise and not the small ringing.
Basic fourier stuff, a rapid change requires high frequencies.
The steeper the change, the higher the frequencies produced. This is why the "ramped" square wave was not audible.

Kravchenko Audio - 2018-12-30

That's correct. Might I add that the driver used, or pretty much any driver will have a hard time reproducing a clean square wave at anything other than low midrange and down without a great deal of jiggery pokery in phase compensation techniques.

rarelycomments - 2019-01-01

@Kravchenko Audio Fortunately that doesn't really matter too much, as we are only sensitive to the magnitude of the spectrum and not phase distortion.

Riaan Schoeman - 2018-12-10

this would be really cool if you use this laser diode to read vinyls and play it back over a speaker, laser diode vinyl player nice!

zole - 2018-12-10

It's done. Google laser vinyl player.

Riaan Schoeman - 2018-12-10

@zole yeah, i see a "LASERPHONE" haha.

zole - 2018-12-11

@Riaan Schoeman I forgot the name and brand, only remember it's Japanese and was shown to me by a HiFi enthusiast.

zole - 2018-12-11

@Riaan Schoeman Here: watch?v=W_4sooWCh_Y

Alejandro Gamero - 2019-07-27

As some one wrote, it is already done, and it is able to play even the dust over the disk. The idea and pattents were developes in usa around 1980's but then the CD player did come on scene and nobody were wanting a vynil player. A japanese company but the rights, and now you can have a laser vynil player for about 10.000 dollars after a 4 month delivery time.

beforebefore - 2018-12-10

Nice... similar to the principle that I co-developed for a microwave motion detector back in the late 1970's. It just used a simple/cheap Gunn diode microwave source (10GHz), high-impedance power supply, and detect Doppler shift as AC/audio across the Gunn diode. It used about a 6" parabolic dish antenna, which was also the reflector for the light... as this was an automatic motion sensing yard-light.

Tiberiu Nicolae - 2018-12-10

Did it fry the neighbors cat?

Robert Szasz - 2018-12-10

You can now buy the same thing for a couple dollars, most seem to just connect the RF circuit to a board designed for a PIR sensor and it works well enough.

Hawke 232 - 2018-12-10

I'd like to know more about this I find unpublished development history fascinating

Robert Szasz - 2018-12-11

Big Clive shows the modern version https://youtu.be/FgdXRLjYkc4

Tracy Goodlett - 2018-12-10

I watch these videos hoping to pick up even one percent of what this guy knows.

T Linrin - 2018-12-10

"The physics is over my head" I'm out.

Muhammad Nour - 2018-12-10

I think your voice was affecting the measurements and disrupting the paper!

Alexander Gräf - 2018-12-10

"I want to measure uA" EEVBlog: Here's my uCurrent. Applied Science: hold my beer.

Ken Loh - 2018-12-10

Any reason you can't use FFT to extract "the number of steps" per cycle in the final experiment/measurement setup?

Ken Loh - 2018-12-10

I'm going assume from the ❤ that there isn't any obvious reason...

Muonium - 2018-12-10

Well at least it's only midnight and not 3am this time so I won't have to call in to work for lack of sleep.

Will Yen - 2018-12-11

"without any external components" he says as he hooks up everything in his shop to the laser diode XD 27:31

Felipe Ferreira de Freitas - 2018-12-11

I wonder how far can you still get a relatively good sensitivity with this setup?

datenwolf - 2018-12-12

The technique presented at the end of the video, sweeping the wavelength and measuring the interferometric fringe spectrum is essentially Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT). The axial resolution is proportional to the sweep bandwidth, i.e. the higher the bandwidth, the higher the resolution. If you scan the laser over a sample, and for each scanning point take the spectrum of the fringe signal you get depth resolved reflectivity. Do this with large enough bandwidth, and with fast enough sweeps and you can create volumetric scans like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEgrpwtP0UQ

Morten Hanasand - 2018-12-10

This is clearly awesome, but what I'm most excited about is the unintentional tip of sandblasting your third hand, bet it's so much less useless afterwards!

Upcycle Electronics - 2018-12-10

You can also use solder to fill the opening portion of the "jaws." That can help create more rigidity overall and adds a slightly better texture in some instances. After adding solder it is also easy to use a file to alter the jaw faces without deformation.

Aaron Risley - 2018-12-10

This is way out of my pay grade

Alexander Guryanov - 2018-12-10

Thank you! Very interesting.

clusterfuck - 2018-12-10

"Pretty cool," you say. I say this is absolutely brilliant, probably my favourite project of yours yet.

Aaron Risley - 2018-12-10

I'm happy that I understood 4% of what you said, keep it coming! BTW do a demonstration about light speed, and how its unimaginably fast. That will help

soulwynd - 2018-12-10

I like it how we can easily see the vibrations caused by your voice too.

Swake 001 - 2018-12-10

When you start showing the signal on the scope the wave form is influenced by your voice! Very interesting video btw, as always.

zomgthisisawesomelol - 2018-12-10

Best thing on the internet! I love your videos so much, thank you <3

georgH - 2018-12-11

This must be the best YT channel, thank you for this demonstration, incredibly cool!

Knowledge Dosage - 2018-12-10

First, wow amazing :)

Second, its also a laser based microphone 😂 especially in the last bit, just by talking you can notice the changes

David Parrish - 2018-12-11

Wow. Great work! One of the first projects I worked on back in the early 80's was programming a laser dilitometer we built. It used a laser interferometer to measure the change in length of dental material samples in a precisely controlled optical furnace.

Atlas WalkedAway - 2018-12-10

What beautiful physics.

Mahdi TR - 2018-12-10

You know you're going to witness cool stuff when you get notifications from Applied Science

Necronomicon - 2018-12-10

"signal massaging" - I might steal that one!

ritobt - 2018-12-10

This is great, I work with interferometers for research, this is rather cool demo and explanation of a really cheap but great tool!

jguy584 - 2018-12-11

Time for a DIY gravity wave detector

Mata Kaw - 2019-12-28

My favorite part was seeing the gold bonding wires.

Ahron Wayne - 2019-11-24

Absolutely fascinating (and relevant to me), thank you for sharing.

A B - 2018-12-10

wow, I'm always impressed by your videos! Thank you so much

David Walker - 2018-12-11

Brilliant - thanks, as always a real treat. Could this be used with a closed path - say triangular -
to measure rotation ?