> chemistry > divers > making-uranium-glass-nilered

Making uranium glass

NileRed - 2020-02-15

Visit https://Brilliant.org/NileRed to get 20% off a year of Brilliant Premium! 

WARNING: Working with uranium and radioactive material is dangerous, and this video is for entertainment/educational purposes only. Please don't try and repeat what you see. Also, when the project is done, the waste needs to be dealt with and handled properly. On my second channel, NileBlue, I show what I did with it and you can check it out here: https://youtu.be/7ZUqSncJ5U0

For this project, I'll be making radioactive uranium glass, which was very popular 100 years ago. Under a blacklight, the uranium in it fluoresces to give off a nice green color. 

Applied Science: https://www.youtube.com/user/bkraz333
Cody'sLab: https://www.youtube.com/user/theCodyReeder
Cloudylabs: https://youtu.be/ZiscokCGOhs
Nile talks about lab safety:  https://youtu.be/ftACSEJ6DZA

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nilered

Youtube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/c/nilered/join

NileRed Merch Store (NileRed Pin & Keychain): https://store.dftba.com/collections/nilered

NileRed Website (Glassware & Beaker Mugs): https://nile.red


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nile.red
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NileRed2
Discord: https://discord.gg/3BT6UHf

Music in credits (Walker by SORRYSINES): https://soundcloud.com/sorrysines/walker

Todd McQuiston - 2020-02-15

“I’d never worked with uranium before, so I figured I would follow the instructions.” Good plan.

MrBlueWhips - 2021-07-10

@natopal 08 det er vzCx

Mentally Stoopid - 2021-08-03

Whatever you do

Just don't rely on a screwdriver to keep the nuclear substance from killing you

Steven Campbell - 2021-08-05

Atleast he actually has the balls to do it instead of sitting at home on his ass like you Todd.

Jess Malik - 2021-08-17


Castiel Andor - 2021-08-25


Aimee K - 2021-05-20

I love how so many of your statements are basically “I knew this was a bad idea. I did it anyway. It was indeed a bad idea.” It just really sells the Scientific Realism.

You Don't Know Me - 2021-06-03

That reminds me of The Demon Core. Even if it's stupid but you do it anyway.

The Blue Phoenix: Captain Gamer - 2021-08-02

This feels like a call out

Damar Aksama - 2021-08-11

fuck around and find out

Yellow Chemist - 2021-08-18

That's how Chernobyl happened. "Raise the damn power!"

akureyi - 2021-08-23

@Damar Aksama literally

TDawg - 2021-05-17

For anyone who is even remotely considering making glass: breathing in silica dust is very harmful to your lungs. Do NOT put it in a blender as he did.

Oh Yeah Yeah 1st Lieutenant - 2021-08-19

Not that dangerous if you understand silica dust.

Just use a mask like he did.

Frosty Toast - 2021-08-21


themondei - 2021-08-22

@Szgerle Dude you are right, I dont understand what those dummies are doing responding you with whinnies. You are elocuent, I like you

Panduzi - 2021-08-22

@Szgerle hey bro u still responding ?

Jason Chang - 2021-08-25

@Szgerle Uranium inside your body would indeed be disastrous . Inside your body, you would receive damage to your DNA from the alpha particles emitted. 50mg of uranium would be lethal (remember, he made 9g of the compound, so ~8g of uranium there)

Frostwolf74 - 2021-06-10

Nile: "The dust it gives off is toxic to humans" also Nile: shakes it violently

Backyard Camping - 2021-06-29

He is wearing a dust mask

Blixer - 2021-07-09

@Backyard Camping hmm...... Is it bad to cyan???

PaPaTiMMY - 2021-07-03

8:53 forbidden OJ

Андрей Ционель - 2021-08-01

kinda c r i n g e

Andrey Zolotuhin - 2021-08-10

14:01 forbidden flour

Muhammad Irsyadudin Islami - 2021-08-23


Boojump - 2021-08-23

Forbidden crack

theodore matthews - 2020-05-16

"there was clearly an effect"
(Nile says as the geiger counter starts screaming)

Kira Yoshikage - 2020-06-15


Rephical Gaming - 2020-07-10

theodore matthews jumps from 15 to 1222 in 15 seconds I think that’s a bit radioactive...

Rain - 2020-07-16

Rephical Gaming “a bit” well yes

Human - 2020-08-04

theodore matthews one of these days he’s gonna get cancer and then the doctors will ask” him have you been near any cancer causing chemicals” then he’ll say “yes” the doctor will then ask “what kind” “yes”

themondei - 2021-08-22

*screaming calmly 😌

- chipped stars - - 2021-06-14

Nile would be the guy in Fallout universe running around bopping to Uranium Fever in the glowing sea

TheStupidCupcake - 2021-07-02

26:23 , just a small objection, the instrument's results are calculated in Micro Sieverts (μ) whilst the graph given in the left side shows the Sieverts in the scale of Mili (m). To give an accurate example of the difference, mili is 1*10^-3 whilst micro is 1*10^-6. Micro is a way smaller unit and does not equal to a dose of a CT scan.

01 Sumeet Kumar '9HC' - 2021-08-22


The Fool - 2021-05-18

now i can drink and slowly die at the same time. Perfect

Brunosky Inc. - 2021-07-15

We've been able to that for millenia and for way cheaper. It's called beer 🍻

Clover - 2021-07-16

@Brunosky Inc. this time you need less alcohol.

José Barría - 2021-06-24

"I don't want to breath all that poisonous Uranium dust"

*Proceeds to vaporize it with a blowtorch*

Kaos1382 - 2020-02-16

"I learned from cody'slab that the government doesn't really like it when you show how to refine uranium" got me laughing

Some Random Guy on the internet - 2021-06-29

@Oit Thegroit other people could make nukes because of him

Oxy Bright Dark - 2021-07-27

@Oit Thegroit because other people might?

Oit Thegroit - 2021-07-28

@Oxy Bright Dark Actually yeah good point

Just an Average Dragon - 2021-08-05

@Gabriel Alejandro Pandiella Rodriguez Controlling the amount of radiation in an area so people don't get sick and die because of it, specifically.

Trip Atomz - 2021-08-25

@Sophie H your right the people who are likely to try and use a simple youtube video are the type of people who probably shouldnt be using a video to refine uranium period.

LGT NOVA. - 2021-07-01

"I don't want to risk any Uranium dust staying in the air"
*expressly tries to break it with some piers

Kayne The Hoodie Wolf - 2021-08-08

"It's also highly toxic, and it can lead to heavy metal poisoning"
headbanging starts to kick in

Nuuska Muikkunen - 2021-08-25


Tom Zborovsky - 2021-05-12

As a glassblower, I am extremely impressed with your first trial glass batch.

unknownkingdom - 2021-05-29

Yeah it isnkayfabe

Poyrik Kanal2 - 2021-08-11

@unknownkingdom what

Max Littrell - 2021-08-25

Definitly interested because I have messed with some uranium glass while apprenticing in some lampwork and, also because I love uranium glass

Cola Guy - 2021-06-17

"However, it would be a bad idea to carry them in your pockets all the time"
Marie Curie: WELL NO $#!7

Ian Lai - 2021-07-04

"So I decided to have some patience and to test it again a few minutes later"
Bruh I don't think you know what patience means 😂

Bolinho de Batata - 2021-05-30

“Trying to avoid dust at all costs”: 17:33

Jessica Xia / 悦悦 - 2021-05-17

Nile: (intense chemistry)
Me playing Minecraft: oh so sand + heat = glass

DHIRAJ KUMAR Tiwari - 2021-08-14

And 1 stack of likes noice.

Jessica Xia / 悦悦 - 2021-08-14


Glenn's Fast Reviews - 2021-05-17

Aside from the non-shielding gloves, what PPE did you use? Was the fume hood used to vent the dust?

SkyGameZ - 2021-01-14

I like how he listed “can’t make bombs” under cons lis

Juan D'Marco - 2021-07-21


Awesomeguy2997 - 2021-07-22

@nerd-chan civilian grade nuclear warheads

DDGaxel Nilsson - 2021-07-23

I mean I would love to nuke my neighbour

Toby Brown - 2021-08-12


Davi Otaviano - 2021-07-07

Nilered in 2040: saving chernobyl with a liquid that absorbs every radiation

Clover - 2021-07-16

He’s got 19 years to live up to this. Knowing what he’s done, I say it’s possible.

Lady Bunny - 2021-07-22

It would be crazy and cool

Liza Platovšek - 2021-07-25

The radiation in Cherlobyl is stabilising and is actually better than in many populated surrounding towns. It is open to tourism as well.

Funky Gorilla - 2021-05-10

i just love how sarcastic he is throughout the vid

Kazoohira - 2021-05-20

I busted out laughing at "death clouds" 😂 Best term.

Maz2bi - 2021-05-10

The only 30 min video I saw without skipping in my YouTube usage history!

Frozen June - 2020-02-16

"Special waste container:"
The neighbors trashcan.

TYPE 10 MBT - 2021-07-16

@Thatt Bugg stfu

Namae no nai - 2021-07-16

congratulations new creature discovered
creature name unknown
about creature unknown
danger level - high
tip - RUN

FireBoy - 2021-07-28

@James i do

Mr froggy - 2021-08-01

@Sausage Bros r/woosh*

Jaje Da Maniac McSluggin - 2021-08-03

It must be like the arc of the covinent your face melts off when you open it

Edward Tan - 2021-05-11

8:08 Within all my years of high school chemistry and undergrad chemistry, I have never seen Uranium in a chemical equation!

Graphicality - 2021-07-08

"When it's dry like this, it has a tendency to give off dust and powder, which is bad to breathe."

shakes container repeatedly with no top on
yes, this is safe.

Sambhab Kumar Bala Roll no. 41 Section E Class VII - 2021-08-01


Mohammed Abdul Kareem - 2021-06-01

The glass broke due to extremely high internal stress.
Me to Glass: Relatable Bro 🥲✌

Yeeter Deleter - 2021-06-08

Btw depleted uranium is a common sight in tank rounds (which today look like metal arrows) all modern APFSDS(armour piercing fin stabilised discarding sabot the specific tank round for any tank to tank combat) have a depleted uranium core to make the round very tough and heavy thus with minimised drag through the armour and maximising inertia (with DU) you get max penetration
So DU can still be used to make weapons and in some cases very strong (yet heavy) composite armour

Madeline B. - 2020-04-12

"wouldn't be a good idea to carry around in your pocket" just casually roasting marie curie

Michael Weems - 2020-06-06

@Aliya Shahum DAMN!!!!!! (In the voice of Smokey)

Silver Bolt - 2020-06-15

@Aliya Shahum that was awful.

Zottel - 2020-06-15

r/blursedcomments? xD

Poyrik Kanal2 - 2021-08-11

@Aliya Shahum ooooooohhhh

Curtis Warren BTW STOP BEGGING - 2021-08-15

And the ol' COCKadoodledoo

I'm Trying - 2021-05-30

lemme translate this man's whole career.
"What I was doing was tentatively well, but then I decided to make it fail."

Perfecly normal boi here - 2021-05-14

when he poured the glass I just imagined some clueless person walked into the room says something like "oo an orange boiled sweet" and tries to pick the molten glass up to eat

Rivenworld - 2021-06-28

A brilliant and very interesting video, great job, thanks for sharing.

Times old Роман. - 2021-05-10

8:57 forbidden orange juice.
Yummy. That's a once in a lifetime drink right here!

Eggs Benedict - 2020-02-16

“The government doesn’t really like it when you show how to refine uranium on the internet.” Damn my Saturday plans are ruined

mumin miah - 2021-05-19

Lol Canada Stronk!

KIBUKAJ - 2021-05-19

@EdgeOfSzon i wish the world police wouldnt shoot people for having airsoft guns and not invade countries for being communisy

Bangs Cutter - 2021-05-21

Refining uranium chemically to get it to elemental metal is not the hard part. The tough bit is separating the U-235 and U-238 isotopes. This is not something one can do in a home laboratory.

Mohammed Abdul Kareem - 2021-06-01


mario feds - 2021-06-11

don't worry, you can just buy a cube of uranium metal! https://luciteria.com/metal-cubes/uranium-cube

Akarsh - 2021-05-10

‘Death clouds’ had me cracking! :D

Sijtske van Lambalgen - 2021-05-16

I was literally holding my breath when you grinding the uranium... :-O

ً - 2021-06-14

16:30 that moment that you know you're gonna f*ck up everything butbit turns out that everything is fine

Joseph P - 2021-06-09

You can also coat the glass in clear rubber to keep it from breaking and it might keep the radiation levels down.

Julian Ortega - 2021-05-25

“When its dry it gives off dust and powder”

proceeds to shake it still

Shelley OMalley - 2021-06-27

That's been really interesting for you to show people. I have been collecting uranium glass so for me I found it super interesting.

Cats And alcohol - 2021-05-17

"Heavy metal poisoning" 🤘

Appalachian_ - 2021-06-12

@2:49 that cloud chamber is sick!!!! That would be the most awesome “lava lamp” style night light in a child’s room, just make sure it’s up high enough they can’t reach it, and on something stable and solid that they cannot ever for any reason knock it off or knock the dresser over lollf

echalone - 2020-02-15

"I never made glass before, so let's make uranium glass"

Aaron A - 2020-04-01

hard stuff first, screw the easy crap

『Crying Water』 - 2020-04-05

A big leap. From Earth to the Stars

DayLogic2k - 2021-04-18


Being Human - 2021-05-11

@eurus kreacatoa well played 👏😂

Gallium-Gonzollium - 2021-05-15

@eurus kreacatoa so you can type?

Wally The Mage - 2021-07-19

"I was in no way a pro, but I decided I was ready to add in the Uranium."
Just as a tip, add Uranium to most things, especially if you have only done this thing once.

Jukes McGee - 2021-08-14

17:35 “And everything that came into contact with the uranium was put into my waste container”

puts it in the toys-for-tots bin

Rylan Shellem - 2021-05-18

14:07 Nigel, what are you hiding from us

Turtle - 2021-06-06

who else ended up on a watch list from him mentioning that someone else showed refining of uranium?

Call me Val - 2021-01-09

Ahh, another episode of "Videos that put NileRed on a FBI watchlist"

Jag G - 2021-05-04

@Buddycat Dudeguy I agree, FBI has their offices in most countries in the world. It’s not a secret, you can look it up.

dude - 2021-05-07


Myka S - 2021-05-07

@Jag G flase, CIA is outside of the USA, FBI is for internal affairs.

Jag G - 2021-05-07

@Myka S don’t talk out of your ass if you don’t know https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/legal-attache-offices

Yeema Wheaver - 2021-05-17

@Jag G Yes they have bases outside the U.S. but that page you recommend literally said "The FBI stations special agents and other personnel overseas to help protect Americans back home" so they are still not concerned with people internationally and are focused on the U.S.'s safety only. That person you replied to wasn't wrong and didn't talk out their ass they were right and so we're you. You did not have to clap back like that.

Bruja Negra - 2021-06-22

I must say though, all jokes aside, this was a very interesting video#best crystal meth deterrent ever