> temp > à-trier > conflict-man-elephant-assam

Man And Elephant Clash In India's Assam State

Journeyman Pictures - 2019-01-17

With its ever growing population, India's people have begun to encroach on the natural habitat of one of it's most mystical and revered creatures - the elephant. Now, conservationists must deploy limited resources to try and calm the tensions as both species inflict casualties on one another in violent showdowns that continue to escalate in their severity. 

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ABC Australia – Ref. 7517

Ankit Talukdar - 2019-01-17

I am from this state, and this condition has been caused by nothing else but by government apathy. Those good for nothings don't know anything about sustainable development and conflict management. The forest department is filled with corrupt officials who don't know anything.

Rishav - 2019-01-19

why don't you join the forest department?

Apoorv Srivastava - 2019-03-10

how will he cry if he joins the department

Tomsawyer - 2019-01-18

We can live with less tea

K E N M I L L I O N - 2019-01-17

Wow this is great.....

ANURAG KHAUND - 2019-02-09

I am from Assam and I am glad someone documented it.

Tomsawyer - 2019-01-18

I can't watch anymore

Tomsawyer - 2019-01-18

We will reap what we sew

Tintin Supz - 2020-08-27

Please protect those Elephants. God made them the same as you and I..

Jaya vani Muppala - 2020-07-07

Why are you burning crackers at night time or you mad

Annie Reynolds - 2019-01-19

This is all about human greed and human consumption, we want more and more of everything. We take away the land from the wildlife and we do not believe that three will be no consequence for doing what we are doing to them. it's very disturbing

Tomsawyer - 2019-01-18

Birth control and not for the elephants

chausaaanglwi - 2019-01-18

But the first glimpse of the Assam is not true, we assamese people don't act (in the water) like that. And also those people try to speak Hindi, that's funny, and thanks god that, foreign media published this documentation, where national media ignored.

God Sun - 2019-01-17

Too many Indians. Not enough elephants. Protect the elephants.

iqbal sahibil - 2019-03-02

their country, their rules you can cry all you want in the west but they will make decision for their people irregardless of what the west think.

River Smith - 2019-01-17

Man has always taunted animals to prove superiority. Let these idiots get on with and die. The elephants are simply, not bullying and attacking like the men. So much for religion valuing life. Why do they disrespect the land and elephants? If they use the same route then work around it?? Who entitles them to all of the land?
In life there must be balance.

Khazfad - 2019-01-17

Chiara River AGREE It would take much to keep up a long route where they can feed on and roam freely. Their harassment of those poor elephants is repulsive. So upsetting to see this

Giancarlo Eiras - 2019-01-17

What did u get that from a fortune cookie or something? Wtf