> temp > à-trier > sulfur-nitride-explosions-fire

Sulfur Nitride, My Arch Nemesis - Ex&F

Explosions&Fire - 2019-07-08

The chemistry in today's video is thanks to a personal grudge against a certain energetic compound made only of sulfur and nitrogen: S4N4. I also explain a heated opinion about a certain part of the visible spectrum. 

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire
Discord: https://discord.gg/VR6Fz9g
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire

Special shoutout to r/yellowchemistry https://www.reddit.com/r/YellowChem/
Nightmare fuel

The paper we are following:
"Tetrasulfur Tetranitride, S4N4"

Ok bois are you ready for the long list of patreon names going for a to z?? here we go:::::

Adam Conour
Aussie Chemist
Christopher Stillson
Clark Lowe
Craig M.
Dan Kaplan
Daniel Coleman
Grant Trent
Gregory Wong
Isaac Paciga
Jacob Tierney
John Libal
Leon Schutte
Leon Stark
Luke McGoggan
Michael Kavulich
mirgp, no wait Azide Fox (sounds dangerous honestly)
Nile Red
Oliver Toth (yellow chem loving sinner)
Oz Sabina
Roger -Dot- Lee
The Gayest Person on Patreon
Thomas Abbott
Zachary Chapin

Ok what else goes here, maybe some bonus content? Don't have anything really good this video, I didn't do too many stupid things. So i'll try and make up for it in future. This is a clip I cut from a joke that wasn't funny really (also barely made any sense, which is more a reason to cut it than lack of humour, because people complain about things not making sense more (fair enough)) https://youtu.be/icD9eS9U7Pk

see you around fam

Explosions&Fire - 2019-07-08

Comment 'yellow chem bad' for 7 years of good chemistry luck.

Scroll past for low yields forever

Carboxide - 2020-12-17

yellow chem bad

Schahin Wächter - 2021-01-03

yellow chem bad

midgame jeff - 2021-01-03

yello chem bad

Gwerk Lancaster - 2021-01-11

Yellow chem bad

Malcolm Halvarson - 2021-02-09

Yellow chem bad

Aesthetic_robo - 2019-07-18

You're like a terrifying chimera of Nile Red and Michael Reeves. I love it.

MrEmrys24 - 2020-12-31

Should we call him Nile Yellow?

Aesthetic_robo - 2021-01-01

@MrEmrys24 yes

Richard Joyce - 2021-01-09

He's like a scientist, but human.

ꗊꗊ - 2021-01-15

@Carpe Noctem How dare you question the almighty Cody.

Crispin - 2021-01-30

id say more of a codys lab Ex&F is more ghetto than nile red

Pedro Kreutz Werle - 2019-08-05

"it detonates when hit with a hammer in much the same way that carrots won´t detonate when hit with a hammer" god i love The Hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy

nightsong81 - 2020-01-07

The general form is sometimes called a "dissimile."

VeryBeowulf - 2020-02-18

nightsong81 yes, thank you!

Jack Armstrong - 2020-08-27

KingHalbatorix it’s from the radio show, not the book. HHGTTG was originally a radio show.

Miguel Saavedra - 2020-08-28

Raise your hand if you also love the 60s

SavageHenry777 - 2020-11-06

@Jack Armstrong i think i remember reading it.

Jin Kee - 2019-07-23

You know he's a real chemist because his labcoat is slowly getting holes eaten into it.

akkudakkupl - 2020-08-12

Yeah, when I was at uni my labcoat was eaten to shit after a semester.

Dave Belyea - 2020-09-24

akkudakkupl You haven’t Carbon engineered something until you’ve caught yourself on fire.

2022 Student Ignatius Peterson - 2019-07-23

“Bone hurting juice”

Nebulon Ranger - 2020-08-20

I mean, it has fluorine in it, so calling HF bone hurting juice is nothing if not accurate haha

Neolexious Neolexian - 2020-10-22

@asad asd It's a fricking fat-soluble contact poison that will seep through your skin and kill you with no effective antidote if you so much as dip your finger in it, and it's so neurotoxic that it cuts off your ability to feel pain before it even starts burning you, so you may not even realize it's on you until it's too late?

soylentgreenb - 2021-01-28

@Neolexious Neolexian "Let's mix perchloryl flouride and chlorine pentafluoride and get a rocket exhaust mainly composed of hydrogen fluoride" - the 60's.

Harry W. - 2021-02-09

@soylentgreenb "fuck me I love the 60s"

HoleyHouseOfAir - 2019-07-14

This is good, talented chemistry smeared in memes with a hint of emotional instability.

Ludwig Ludwig - 2019-12-21

Take a look on Meth chemists.

James Perkins - 2019-12-23

@Ludwig Ludwig but they are skilled individuals with high demand jobs!

KwizzelKing HD - 2020-08-31

@protege so that's how u make explosives, i gotta be emotionally unstable🤔🤔

David Rice - 2020-10-20

I was gunna go comment something along the same lines but I guess I'm a year too late, its just drowned in memes and I love it this is real chemistry

TimesThree - 2021-02-12

He's an Aussie. Full on emotional instability.

Ian Bunyan - 2019-07-23

Most discoveries in chemistry are not accompanied by "Eureka!", but more usually "that wasn't supposed to happen!". Thanks.

hamstsorkxxor - 2019-09-18

@Tinker Tailor
Yup, feck that, alkylated group 12 elements are on my Nope!-list.

Makin Waves - 2019-12-01

Ian Bunyan and then followed by a “well fuck now I have to figure out what the hell this is...”

Yevrah Hipstar - 2019-12-07

Probably the most common is "Fuck me!"

Collin Hennessy - 2020-05-11

Bicycle Day

Lee Chowning - 2020-08-29

Or my favorite... N stuff... The combination of chlorine and florine. Otherwise known as "this burns asbestos".

winphreak - 2019-07-24

Come to think of it... whenever my reactions turned yellow during OChem in College, I was usually hitting 50% yield instead of the expected 80% or better. With lab grade starter materials.

You're right.

cyllxx - 2020-08-18

This is giving me weird flashbacks of a potassium triiodidoplumbite synthesis, shit turned yellow and my yield at like 40%

You[']r[e] wrong - 2020-10-24

@cyllxx Mine got stuck at the fucking filter and I couldn't get it off.

Joghurt2499 - 2021-01-02

God that makes me happy I chose physics

Amir - 2019-08-12

They add sulfur nitride in a pressurized capsule with in some pressurized white benzene
And you got yourself a two stage explosive used as an anti bunker bomb
Thank you National Geographic

Ethan Lai - 2020-10-31


The Gaming Legends - 2020-08-10

E&F: "weird ring shape"
My brain at 4 am: "haha Pringle go boom"

Luigi Vercotti - 2019-07-08

As a physicist...

...fair point

Sophia Astatine - 2020-04-27

@Lyra H. Strings Of course you do, strings is part of your name.

Meme Magic - 2020-08-10

As an engineer...

Also fair point

Joghurt2499 - 2020-09-15

@Saudi King Volintine Ander of Arabia you take that back that hurt my feelings :(

elloo98 - 2020-09-19

Alchemy is turning things yellow.
Chemistry avoiding turning things yellow and making alchemists angry.
Physics is explaining away things on ghosts and making chemists angry.
Maths is making everything more complicated and making physisists and engineers angry.

If we all unified and fought the root problem of all this hate, I.E. the maths department, I think we could live in a world without conflict.

Chobaca - 2020-10-18


Wild Cat - 2020-01-05

I feel like I'm on a list for simply wanting to see a chemist lose his mind over a reaction.

I feel like he's on a list.

We're all on a list.

Honey Lavender - 2020-08-23

I mean... if I'm on a list, then clearly my country's governments must hand out security clearances like candy...

Jack Armstrong - 2020-08-27

Mystic Thunder not that kind of list, my child.

walrus - 2020-08-31

@no candy agreed

esg - 2020-10-01

Iirc the cops came by to check he wasn't making drugs

Major League Bassboost - 2019-07-20

This is Deep Fried Chemistry

I love it

eertikrux - 2019-07-20

*spent months on making S4N4
*proceed to light it on fire


Cancer Incarnated - 2020-09-29

Yeah. It's an explosive.

Mick Sharpe - 2019-07-22

As a (very) mature student, doing an M.Sc. in an unrelated subject, I happened to use a wash-room in my uni's chemistry department. In walks this chemistry professor who assumed that I was a colleague, and immediately starts slagging off the physics department. IT'S ALL PERFECTLY TRUE, I TELL YA. This is the best chem demo that I've seen in ages. Eat yer heart out, Nile Red.

CoolAsFreya - 2019-07-22

Orange? Nah that's just yellow in disguise

ldub0775 - 2020-05-04

Brown is just dark orange

Lukas Bolini - 2020-12-30

@ldub0775 So brown is yellow with a tan?

ldub0775 - 2020-12-30

@Lukas Bolini (insert vaguely racist joke about tan asians here)

Lukas Bolini - 2020-12-30

@ldub0775 that was......definitely NOT what I was going for

ldub0775 - 2020-12-30

@Lukas Bolini i fully understand that but do i care? No!

Legit Name - 2019-07-21

New channel to binge watch, nice.

divs1023 - 2019-07-18

A foul mouthed Aussie Nile Red, Love it, subscribed

Matt Burns - 2019-10-28

He's like me he suffers from I just don't give a fuck anymore syndrome 🤣🤣🤣

Mr Mürk - 2020-04-09

nah, Nile Red is a non swearing cross between E&F and nurd rage that appeals to zoomers

Dennis Hunt - 2020-05-09

What do you foul mouthed Aussie, that's just our fair dinkum Australian language mate!

darealbukchoyboi - 2019-07-30

Team up with spyropyro and destroy the world

TheMangledTriangle - 2020-01-30

I think you meant styropyro

Meme Magic - 2020-02-18

@TheMangledTriangle nah he got sucked into a ps1 and became a fukkin dragon.

Luis P. - 2020-04-24

@Meme Magic and now he takes drugs and wants everybody to go on his back like that drugged cupcake rainbow donald duck

PhoenixUltraMotive - 2020-09-28

Don't forget Michel Reeves

PhoenixUltraMotive - 2020-09-28

@Meme Magic this made me laugh too hard

John Stewart - 2019-07-21

This reminds me of my Physical Chemistry lab at Tufts...”You should end with 3.8 grams of white crystals with a melting point of 98.3 C”....yeah? 8 grams of yellow sludge??

Paavo Bergmann - 2019-09-06

sounds familiar.....smeary brownish-reddish goo that took ages to get out of the friggin bottle....."We got 69% yield!" - " You were supposed to get around 12, check your melting point" .......hmmm....?
Hm, test, if nitration is possible..how? Ah, ok, 45min at 75°C...well if that doesn´t do it...here we go...45°, 50, 55...BAM! ...Uh....was that a positive result?

flagmuffin1221 - 2020-05-07

I got 117% yield of a resorcinarene in a university lab - was quite proud of creating matter!

Gyro - 2019-07-28

"hey this chlorine smells funny"

William Wheeler - 2021-01-05

"Um I dont think you should even be smelling chlorine through your respirator, but i'm more worried about an unexpected other smell in it"

ThePsychoShinobi - 2019-11-25

"Doesn't like yellow" sounds like you got a little bit of xanthophobia my guy.

Lottie Erikson - 2020-01-04

physicist: "Get wrecked by that cans vector alchemist noob"

tehlaser - 2019-07-14

If this chemistry thing doesn’t work out, you’ve got a backup career as a video editor. This is the funniest editing I’ve ever seen.

Explosions&Fire - 2019-07-15

Thanks mate! Spent a long time on the editing for this video, glad you liked it!

gorillaau - 2019-07-21

@Explosions&Fire Its nearly 8:30PM and parts of this video made me laugh harder than I have have all weekend.

Patrick Lloyd - 2019-07-21

@gorillaau same here my dude, just stumbled upon this channel and it's some of the funniest content I've seen in a long time

sed8me - 2019-07-26

Yeah, the dudes sure got a career Woking with silver halides if ever wants one.

Oh'err, hang on, what?

Fre - 2020-05-03

If you think this is good, you'll also like Michael Reeves
Trust me

TheDerpy Kitty - 2019-09-19

“The physics department”

MissKiwi - 2019-08-05

good god i'd be convinced you were cooking meth just by looking at your setups alone i love it

Bok - 2019-07-20

the youtube algorithm has blessed me. your content is amazing, a great way to present science! Bravo Sir!

Ozznik - 2019-08-07

I'm quite happy I found a shitposting channel about chemistry, where you can even pick up a thing or two :D.

Deep Forrest Alchemy - 2019-07-08

BENZENE is BACK — I knew it was good for something apart from making cancer

Haliax - 2020-03-24

I mean, it's in the top 20 most important industrial chemicals. Not sure why you didn't see its other uses.

Someone - 2020-07-24


Deep Forrest Alchemy - 2020-07-25

Dr. M. H. Not so much in australia these days - toluene being the main component of petrol here with minute traces of benzene - such was the hysteria surrounding benzene... back in the day...

Deep Forrest Alchemy - 2020-07-25

Dr. M. H. Got my molecular biochem B.S. (hon) 2001 so I understand how it gets past its best by date - but you know just cause it’s past best by doesn’t mean it’s no longer useful 😎

Colin P. - 2019-07-22

Thank god YouTube just recommended this channel to
me.. it's amazing

Pete Hines - 2020-09-07

Why is there a van with a fake brand outside my house

HexPi - 2019-07-20

Didn't know chemistry could be funny, thanks for proving me wrong

اbackwards - 2019-08-08

I love chemistry and wanted to study it but my teacher just fucked off and never came back now we got this shitty substitude and my grades dropped from A to D
Fuck my life

Harshvir Grewal - 2019-09-18

Modern day chemistry! I love how it’s educational but fused with memes and shitposting that it makes for such enjoyable content!

MusicFox - 2019-07-23

"What am I doing with my life, I smell like piss and shit and all I have is fucking sulfur" - Ex&F 2019

Riley Sullivan - 2020-07-07

3:03 hey I have that “tool” too😉 lol

unigrampa's Laboratory - 2019-12-16

"Needs oxygen from the air"
Then add an oxidizer m8, potassium nitrate or something.

Cancer Incarnated - 2021-02-07

"Mix the sensitive crystalline explosive with potassium nitrate, yeah!!!"

Ivory Partnaite - 2021-01-28

"What am I doing with my life?! I smell like piss and shit!" XD I never thought I would ever hear that in a YouTube video.

J Espinola - 2019-07-22

Just go colorblind, specifically to yellow and you're good 👍

Florian Bontke - 2019-07-22

Seriously I just saw my first two videos of you and completely fell in love! Awesome and well-educated content, exactly what my inner nerd needs!

Erik Bergström - 2019-07-26

3:48 Okay, you've used alchemy to make a fkin human heart in a glass test tube. What ancient, deep power did you beseech for this knowledge???

Luis P. - 2020-04-24


Suphur - 2019-08-06

I haven't laughed like that in months. Thank you!

Ben Smith - 2021-01-22

the physics department.
That didn't age well

Explosions&Fire - 2021-01-23

Lol it was because I was having a hard time getting the chemistry faculty to work with me

Erkonbaby - 2020-01-10

Easily the most swear words per minute I've heard from a "chemist" in my life. Subbed.

Jacob Heine - 2019-08-15

I'm so glad I found this channel! Each episode is a mix of comedy and science.......I LOVE IT!

Arya Reddy - 2020-10-05

"the physics department" hahaha

The Blight Form - 2020-09-11

God, mate, haven't had such a good laugh in weeks :D

3DR - 2021-02-02

>Things most chemists refuse to work with"
>The physics department
t. PhD in physics

PRS Groove - 2020-04-21

“The physics department” 😂

Mr Lenny - 2019-07-20

Are you an “Australian Chemist Michael Reeves”?


Still waiting for the “turns out I was making bathroom stall meth all those months”