> temp > à-trier > more-chromatography-anion-cathion-analysis-potatoes-salt-urine-snow-fish-milk-cheese-neptunium

ion chromatography part 5 food and pee

Neptunium - 2021-02-28

some commonly found items are analyzed for anions and cations. Results are being compared and scrutinized for inconsistency as well as suprise findings in biologically produced samples..

first IC set up videos:
Second IC video:

mercury in fish video:

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Muonium - 2021-02-28

Could watch these types of analyses all the time! Would love to see one a week! I really want to see someone do a detection of U, Pb, Ra, Tl, Hg, and Th in that froofy bs Himalayan salt crap because you KNOW it's in there at pmm levels and it would freak out all the yoga moms that buy it. lol I guess you need neutron activation for those levels though.

Neptunium - 2021-02-28

Ha !! if only i could get my hands on a ICP-OES ! Or better yet ICP-MS ! Now THAT would be something else! .. i may be working on this but shhhh!

Muonium - 2021-02-28

@Neptunium icp mass spectrometer in the basement laboratory would certainly be a first! Not eve Ben Krasnow has gone there! ....yet

2jpu524 - 2021-04-18

I'd sometimes go to lunch with some of the developers of Chromeleon when I worked at Thermo Fisher (that had recently acquired Dionex at the time).. I'm curious about how much it costs, and if there are open-source alternatives or python libraries. That's a shame that the software was the most expensive part of your set-up. I'm amazed at all the gear you've managed to acquire, and how you've managed to afford it. Do you pull tricks, like repairing broken equipment? There are lots of fancy features for Chromeleon, like traceability, and other paperwork details that are useful for an analytical lab, but are not useful for a home tinker like yourself.. A USB packet sniffer can be used to decode the binary packets to and from the instrument such that you can generate your own driver if you had the interest or patience for such a thing.. I hate expensive software.

Neptunium - 2021-04-18

This is all older equipment. Some of these module cost me $40 on ebay. But only chromeleon 6 can run these module as long as their modulaware is a version 3. Chromeleon 6 will not work on widows 7 or 10 only with XP. And it will only run as a demo without the USB key plugged in. That key allows you to run 1 or several instrument by creating timebase but of course it cost more for the license that support more than 1 instrument. I had mine from a british guy who refurbished chromatography equipment. And since he did not have a use for it he gave me a price...i have been looking for alternatives to chromeleon too. Its older version "peaknet" would work with these module but has limited options. Whenever there is a chance to make money with professional gear, everything related to it will be expensive. I hate it too

2jpu524 - 2021-04-19

One suggestion I have for getting this kind of software is to get the linux version option as well. As a developer, I've encountered several times in my career where my old programs won't run on new windows hardware, like National Instruments CVI. You have at least a fighting chance of running your programs 20 years from now on linux hardware. Working on state-of-the-art equipment, oddly enough, often necessitates supporting dev platforms for decades.

2jpu524 - 2021-04-17

you have an x-ray fluorescence set-up too? That's awesome. Are you able to analyze metal alloys to determine their compositions?

Neptunium - 2021-04-17

Yes i can !

2jpu524 - 2021-04-18

@Neptunium Have you heard of the "artifact" called "Wedge of Aiud" in Romania? Some hold it as some kind of proof of alien or ancient technology, and is currently sitting in a museum. I'd love to take an XRF gun to analyze the sample, to test if it is a modern recognizable alloy. I am amazed about how precises these tools are. I would love to see skeptical science videos of such claims using analytical chemistry methods..

Neptunium - 2021-04-18

I agree ! But getting authorisation to analyze such a device , i imagine, would be difficult . I am working on a video with a similar optic...stay tuned!

Neptunium - 2021-04-18

Check out my " periodic table of XRF" video...every spectrum from potassium to uranium if your interested

AbcdeF QWERTY - 2021-04-16

Awesome !!! :)

Neptunium - 2021-04-16

Thank you!

AbcdeF QWERTY - 2021-04-16

@Neptunium You are welcome !!! I love Your style !!!

Neptunium - 2021-04-16

@AbcdeF QWERTY hey thanks again! I am just a goofy idiot...more silliness coming in the next vids...enjoy

Jim's Videos - 2021-02-28

Very cool

Neptunium - 2021-02-28

Thanks !!!

iunno lol - 2021-03-03

heh im glad i checked subs

Neptunium - 2021-03-03
