> temp > à-trier > the-rules-for-rulers-cgp-grey

The Rules for Rulers

CGP Grey - 2016-10-24

Adapted from 'The Dictator's Handbook': http://amzn.to/2fgBWps

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig_qpNfXHIU

Grey discusses this video on Cortex: https://youtu.be/ILvD7zVN2jo

Che Greyvara T-Shirt: http://cgpgrey.com/chegrey

Special Thanks: 

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith


Mark Govea, Thomas J Miller Jr MD, dedla , Robert Kunz, John Buchan, Ripta Pasay, Saki Comandao, Andres Villacres, Christian Cooper, Michael Little, PervertedThomas , Nevin Spoljaric, سليمان العقل, Tony DiLascio, Richard Jenkins, Chris Chapin, Faust Fairbrook, Jason Lewandowski, Michael Mrozek, Jordan LeDoux, Chris Woodall, rictic , Ian , Tod Kurt, Phil Gardner, Chang Wang, Kozo Ota, Jordan Melville, Martin , Steven Grimm, Joe Pantry, Colin Millions, Muhammad Shifaz, Chris Harshman, Jose Reyes, Guillermo , Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Mikko , Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Orbit_Junkie , Timothy Basanov, David Michaels, Mark Elders, Donal Botkin, Veronica Peshterianu, Paul Tomblin, Travis Wichert, chrysilis , Ryan E Manning, Erik Parasiuk, Rhys Parry, Maarten van der Blij, Kevin Anderson, Ryan Nielsen, Esteban Santana Santana, Dag Viggo Lokøen, Tristan Watts-Willis, John Rogers, Edward Adams, Leon , ken mcfarlane, Brandon Callender, Timothy Moran, Peter Lomax, Emil , Tijmen van Dien, ShiroiYami , Alex Schuldberg, Ryan Constantin, Bear , Jacob Ostling, Solon Carter, Rescla , Hystiklopp , Andrew Proue, Tor Henrik Lehne, David Palomares, Cas Eliëns, Freddi Hørlyck, Ernesto Jimenez, Osric Lord-Williams, Maxime Zielony, Lachlan Holmes , John Lee, Ian N Riopel, AUFFRAY Clement, John Bevan, Robert Grünke (trainfart)

Music by: http://www.davidreesmusic.com

The Doc Block - 2019-05-08

Instructions unclear, became a key smith

Baller Shot Caller - 2020-03-04


TRTCC301 - 2020-03-10

i guess that's what cgp grey does through this video: inspiring us to be the key

Tabish Rahman - 2020-03-12


Chris Nelson - 2020-03-13

@Need a light? nah it's a meme format but it's funny and on topic enough for it to be rarely used enough by the normies who would kill it.

The nobody: memes use should be a death sentence.

autonomous psyche - 2020-03-19

@Jaden Shelton @ 15:15 and I am thinking Venezuela a perfect example.

Markus Jakov - 2019-11-13

So every government is just a pyramid scheme?

Noco el sotonoco - 2020-03-14

Just theft

Sharon Castillo - 2020-03-15


SaltyFox - 2020-03-17

Markus Jakov
Yeah, the strongest shape is the triangle

Dusk Legend - 2020-03-17

Now you’re getting it. But anarchism....

Salty Cow - 2020-03-20


Ammar Merani - 2019-10-15

"You can't eliminate those who don't vote for you."
Laughs in Stalin

Jeffery Mitchell - 2020-03-17

@Sackbot 2011 Stalin held the keys.

Sackbot 2011 - 2020-03-17

@サイレントボイス Aight fair enough, you got me there.

Sackbot 2011 - 2020-03-17

@Jeffery Mitchell yes, and?

Rizki Ramadhan - 2020-03-22

He eliminated the corrupt ones tho

I’m a Yeti. - 2020-03-22

Ammar Merani WE can eliminate those who don’t vote for you

H Kay - 2019-11-29

Rules for being a ruler

1) be made out of wood

2) have tick marks every inch/centimeter

3)be used for measuring

YoshiMusic999 - 2020-03-15

4) Be annoying to pick up flat on a floor/table

follow petitelordexx - 2020-03-16


jokar jokar - 2020-03-16


Thomas farquhar - 2020-03-22

H Kay I find that rule 1 is quite flexible
You can be wood
Or plastic
Or metal

Reabetsoe Motjolopane - 2020-03-22

I'm ashamed to have only got the joke once you said be used for measuring

Tobias Higginbottom - 2020-01-31

To quote the Donkey Kong Country cartoon:

"He who holds the coconut, rules."

Noco el sotonoco - 2020-03-14

The problem is that what people decide has some power over other, in democracy violenece through the state is validated, so if 90% of people want to make it legal to kill the other 10%, when someone else likes shitty music, or a shitty film or shitty shoes you don't care because they are free to like that and you are not affected by that, democracy is the mass apressing the rest, forcing them to follow their beliefs.

Krishiv Agarwal - 2020-03-17

The coconut being the said nation's resources.

Baran - 2020-03-18

So it is written.

Krishiv Agarwal - 2020-03-18

@Noco el sotonoco Democracy is is a hive mind government. Looking at the average content consumed on reddit (porn and mems) we know how that works out. Btw reddit works by the hive mind.

Mr Booshit - 2020-03-18

The basis of political science

EdgyShooter - 2019-08-05

I know the banana represents food, but I like the idea that all dictators have one key guy who demands bananas

Car Hawk - 2020-03-07

Yiga Clan

Linas Krulikauskas - 2020-03-07


Michael Freed - 2020-03-07

What's missing from all this is the following: the keys restrict the citizenry's access to good things because they think this helps themselves. But, if they use their extra $ to HELP that same citizenry, then they have MORE access: to all the efficiency, extra medical care & new science that will come from this.
I understand the ruler missing this: he's one guy & doesn't need more than one airport.
But the keys are shooting themselves in the foot by making their own position unneeded by keeping the citizens down, making the # of keys themselves less.
Not smart.

Donavan B LoForte RPN, RCRT, LCRT - 2020-03-11

Bananas;🍌🍌 symbol for hypocritical amarecan tErr Orism

Dragance999 - 2020-03-14


IAmSeamonkey - 2020-02-05

"Starving, disconnected, illiterates don't make good revolutionaries"
laughs in Haitian creole

Əbu Zörğhanürr At-Türkməni - 2020-03-14

@Joren van der Ark 5
"research my argument for me please"

Joren van der Ark 5 - 2020-03-14

@Thimbl e
Considering that "every single white person" either was a slave master themselves, or was against slavery ending they very much had it coming.

This is more comparable to what god did to the Egyptians than what Germany did to the Jews.

Thimbl e - 2020-03-15

@Joren van der Ark 5 On the contrary, the practice of slavery in Haiti was exclusively practiced by the upper class who owned large estates, there was a sizeable lower and especially middle class population that had no use for slaves or even the ability to afford them in most cases. Even more nuanced; only the heads of these rich families had a say in the trade. The Haitian revolutionaries may have been born of racism but they themselves were racists as well. So yes, it is comparable.

Leon Francis - 2020-03-20

@Thimbl e Ok, but what's the point? I feel as if you mention this information in an attempt to blight their history, but that's what happens in a revolution. Members of the group(s) in power, or those seen to be members of the group(s) in power are exterminated or imprisoned. It's human history, regardless of race, or time period.

And no, they're not racists. If you imprison, torture, and beat someone and their family for 20 years, and that person escapes and kills your entire family who happen to be a specific race, it's not suddenly a hate crime, lol

Your previous actions influenced his current. He didn't strike at your and yours because he hated your ethnicity. He did it because of what you did to him and those he loved.

This is like saying Liam Neeson was racist in Taken because of the actions he took against a specific ethnic group after his daughter/wife were kidnapped.

So no, it isn't comparable.

Thimbl e - 2020-03-20

@Leon Francis It's clear that English isn't your first language so I'll make things as simple as possible: Genocide is a bad thing, it doesn't matter what mental gymnastics you want to perform to try and justify it. The reality is that the supposed 'oppression' was only instigated by a very small group of people and as you say the reprisal against this was not against solely those people. It was against the Whites and nobody else and it involved their families as well as the families of anyone else who happened to be the wrong skin color.

The revolution doesn't need my help to be a tainted affair, the actions of the regime that came after are inexcusable.

Jeremy Wong - 2019-11-15

"After the bird was shot, the fine bow is disused; after the hare was caught, the loyal dog is slaughtered."
- Old Chinese proverb

Blugale Doh - 2020-03-11

@trash bin I talking about the proverb. And beside you can't solve everything by killing people. Also what suggest they can't kill you instead?

M Shin - 2020-03-15

​@Blugale Doh It's an idiom. All cultures have them to depict certain situations and conditions in simpler terms : in this case depicting the situation when someone is often discarded from politics after they have served their purpose. Dog in east asian culture is associated with a loyal subject at times, so the hunting dog refers to a loyal servant. Don't take an idiom literally. It's like asking "why would I bite when I have a sword?" when someone tells you not to bite the hand that feeds you.

Blugale Doh - 2020-03-15

@M Shin ok

Vishal Rao - 2020-03-17

@Blugale Doh how's it loyal then?

rexxar horse hunter - 2020-03-20

@KamiSilver YES, you are right, just like all the citizens will masturbate on the subway in NYC.

Ross K - 2019-11-26

This has some scary implications for when machines become more productive than humans

deg1studios - 2020-03-04

@Damjan Usljebrka if it runs the country for you, you don't need votes. make the people depend on the robots, then they are forced to submit.

KARRIER - 2020-03-05

@Damjan Usljebrka the "person" controlling the machines (AI) will eventually be another AI (or the same hive mind)

KARRIER - 2020-03-05

@Andrew Parker nobody willl buy any thing, machines will give items to people equally, money wont exist, machines need to work for us and that must make them (the machines) "happy"

Caike - 2020-03-05

..Or cheap labor from another country.

TrueDepth - 2020-03-21

Yep, the elite have less need for the masses now. They are going to start killing them.

Basilisk - 2019-12-28

There are only two constants I see here:
Death and taxes

J - 2020-03-15

@Basilisk Kerrmunism was talking to to someone else who had mentioned a mixed deck build in the card game Magic: The gathering. he was talking about card colors in case you've never played.

*HalfGerman obsessed with Nazis for some reason* - 2020-03-15

Bald eagle screechers in the background

it just doesn't matter jp - 2020-03-16

and Cal Ripken!

Dusk Legend - 2020-03-17

Adam Bright my boy

A Weird Kid_ That’s Normal - 2020-03-19

Hey that’s copyrighted

ayalanumber3 - 2019-11-24

Ok...someone make this into a boardgame. Wel call it: "The Keys"

Rohan Sangani - 2020-02-28

it could be like undertale: genocide (autocracy) or pacifist (democracy)

Heliverus Calion - 2020-03-09

Kinda reminds me of "The Great Dalmuti"

Gene Constantinou - 2020-03-18

I've created this game already
It is a prison, morphed into a giant spinning sphere that somehow does not make you dizzy while it spins.
You are surrounded by fellow gamers.
Some of them know the rules of the keys and some don't
You have approximately 3-100 years to achieve it, depending where you spawned (Liberia, USA, China, etc).
Spawning is random, you have no control over it, but you can influence some of the future spawns

Even if you win, your turns may run out and everything you worked for will not matter (to you) and/or others will ruin it once you.. despawn

Rohan Sangani - 2020-03-18

@Gene Constantinou is this a video game? can we be ur beta testers? :)

Reese Beld - 2020-03-20

@Rohan Sangani yes that would be amasing

alrick3000 - 2019-11-14

Having read the book on which this is based, I must say that this video, in terms of clarity of information, far exceeds the actual text. The way the information is presented here is truly remarkable since it was able to extract the most meaningful ideas from the text and was able to clarify certain ambiguities in the book. Great job CGP Grey

CR0N0S LXIII - 2020-01-18

Which book? 48 rules of power perhaps?

sdriggers2 - 2020-01-23

@CR0N0S LXIII Almost certainly the "Dictators Handbook" by Bueno de Mesquita et al. It's academic.

cautare pvp - 2020-01-26

so what was the book?

alrick3000 - 2020-01-26

sdriggers2 is correct. The Dictators Handbook by Bueno de Mesquita. An Amazon link to the book is in the video description.

Ibrahim Al Maqram - 2020-02-09

Read the book too, honestly suprised how greg was able to read between the lines.

Cheydinal - 2019-11-28

I remember when I first watched this video and it created a real "Aha moment", while today that's just become so obvious to me that I'm almost genuinely surprised I didn't always know it. That's the brilliance of genuine insights: once you know them, it just becomes "duh"

Ibrahim Al Maqram - 2020-03-09

You also start to scratch your head at the stupidity of others

Noco el sotonoco - 2020-03-14

The problem is that what people decide has some power over other, in democracy violenece through the state is validated, so if 90% of people want to make it legal to kill the other 10%, when someone else likes shitty music, or a shitty film or shitty shoes you don't care because they are free to like that and you are not affected by that, democracy is the mass apressing the rest, forcing them to follow their beliefs.

Mark Naughton - 2020-03-16

@Noco el sotonoco Well, yes that's why we don't let people vote on those things. We have autocratic human rights committees e.t.c that everyone just agrees on being necessary. Not to mention you have political representives and not actual direct democracy.

Noco el sotonoco - 2020-03-17

@Mark Naughton "Everyone just agrees on being necessary, and if you don't agree, then we agree you"

will s - 2019-10-13

9:05 "While you can't just promise to give them treasure as a dictator would..."
Andrew Yang has entered the chat

MillionDollarMistake - 2020-03-01

Andrew Yang has left the chat


Halen2020 - 2020-03-14

This comment chain has aged poorly.

WinterAlbeiro - 2020-03-17

Economic value =/= Human value!

MillionDollarMistake - 2020-03-18

@WinterAlbeiro humans have no value

Graham Turner - 2020-03-18

will s Andrew Yang wanted to enact a universal basic income system for all adults, regardless of whether they supported him. I’m not sure if he’s in the race anymore.

A to Rhombus - 2016-10-27

Gotta love a good depressing video to destroy my faith in our political system first thing in the morning

[REDACTED] - 2020-03-06

@Alex A and look at it now, party of the elite, what a shame

Michael Freed - 2020-03-07

What's missing from all this is the following: the keys restrict the citizenry's access to good things because they think this helps themselves. But, if they use their extra $ to HELP that same citizenry, then they have MORE access: to all the efficiency, extra medical care & new science that will come from this.
I understand the ruler missing this: he's one guy & doesn't need more than one airport.

But the keys are shooting themselves in the foot by making their own position unneeded by keeping the citizens down, making the # of keys themselves less.

Not smart.

CryptoIndex 101 - 2020-03-10

@Rafael Chung unless the cartels dealing in illegal drugs trade bring in more support than the "tax"........................................

Coldfusionstorm Gaming - 2020-03-15

Ahh yes! Now we just need a good pot of coffe ! Cocaine for the masses

Boky Bok - 2020-03-16

you had faith in our political system?

Nanette Nette - 2019-11-26

9:37 still waiting on that corruption video

cautare pvp - 2020-01-26

@Frederika Flokiren dafuq? paid to not make it?

Feng Termyos - 2020-01-28

@cautare pvp corrupt people bribed him to not review their secrets*

alex ander - 2020-02-11

When his another time comes, he'll have a lot to tell

Nurlinda F Sihotang - 2020-02-24

Or death threats...
This video already made so much dictators fears losing their grip.

Actor Man - 2020-03-02

I'm wrighting a manifesto to fill the void for you fam.

Robert Graves - 2020-03-04

"... And who knows, maybe you'll be different." Good last line, mate.

Troll Slayer Loganshire - 2020-03-08

Adolf and Pinochet's worst crime was being different

Lane - 2019-11-25

This is still one of my favorite videos on all of Youtube. I rewatch it every few months, whenever I feel overwhelmed by my powerlessness in the world. Being able to grasp the structures of power logically is so helpful.

Also, the moral of the story, is VOTE! And get your friends to vote. Even if the person you vote for doesn't win, simply establishing that people of your demographics are a relevant voting block will force politicians to make more decisions that benefit you.

Adam Bright - 2020-03-06

No, the lesson to take from here is to NOT vote! If we don't play the game, the game won't exist! Voting is nothing more than violent force in favor of your ideals. Talk about perpetuating corruption and conflict.

hey idiot youre an idiot - 2020-03-07

@Amy Mous Bernie's a socialist, and a government as large as he wants needs many key supporters, which causes corruption. By definition, Bernie, once in power, will be corrupt.

Michael Freed - 2020-03-07

What's missing from all this is the following: the keys restrict the citizenry's access to good things because they think this helps themselves. But, if they use their extra $ to HELP that same citizenry, then they have MORE access: to all the efficiency, extra medical care & new science that will come from this.
I understand the ruler missing this: he's one guy & doesn't need more than one airport.

But the keys are shooting themselves in the foot by making their own position unneeded by keeping the citizens down, making the # of keys themselves less.

Not smart.

John Kamitsuka - 2020-03-14

@Michael Freed No one keys alone.

Sampo Heikkinen - 2020-03-20


One Woman Fail Compilation - 2020-02-01

Ohhhhh, so THATS why the education system is so stupid.

PrinceOfKings - 2020-03-13

Historically, education was meant those families who could afford it but it wasn't meant to dictate the rules of life. One thing I hear someone say is that education is lacking. No, education is a stepping stone not a home to live in.

Israel Country Cube - 2020-03-22

@rifz42 stupid democrat!

Israel Country Cube - 2020-03-22

@- 7rodo - Chinese man down

Israel Country Cube - 2020-03-22

@Levi yeah rip yang 2020 LOL!!

- 7rodo - - 2020-03-22

@Israel Country Cube smh ain't even Chinese

Spicy Chicken God - 2016-10-24

This is the best Tropico tutorial I've ever watched.

A Sandy Soldier - 2019-06-20

He finally got that game tutorial.

Armin Hillman - 2019-07-12

@AzraelNewtype Hah! Love that i'm not the only one who watched this and then proceeded to think about how it applies to CK2, or Tropico for that matter.

Thomas Luther - 2019-07-14

Does anyone here play tropico 3
That’s the one I have it’s a classic

Joshua Hamberg - 2019-08-30


FlameDarkfire - 2019-11-01

Keep you citizens too poor and uneducated to revolt, or keep them happy and wealthy enough they don’t want to risk it.

F. C. - 2019-11-01

One thing I learnt from this is the importance of the right to vote.

Hitch Geek - 2020-01-01

haha did you know that: "According to communist ideologists, the Soviet political system was a true democracy, where workers' councils ("soviets") represented the will of the working class. In particular, the Soviet Constitution of 1936 guaranteed direct universal suffrage with the secret ballot."
But in reality of course there were no secret ballot and there were no alternative candidates. And yet people were persuaded to take a part in it and casting a vote... there for USSR had right to vote.

Ben Sosnowski - 2020-02-01

rifz42 I think that would be awesome, but what is the chance it actually gets passed

The Great King of Evil Ganondorf - 2020-02-20

Nanette Nette Oops

JadeWarrior - 2020-02-24

Time to make yourself a key.

ChiakiNanami is the best - 2020-03-15

@rifz42 ...so we taking power away from corporations, you know they're not gonna like that one bit right, and you know what happens when you piss corporations off, they leave, and the country goes fucking broke

A Stupid Face. - 2020-03-13

0:03 Looks like someone has either:

1. Done their Geography homework on Greece,

2. Played Arma 3 one too many times.

Aefax - 2020-03-14

Definitely Arma 3. Looks nothing like Greece.

Homeless Mother Of Nine - 2020-03-17

@Aefax Its a place in Greece, Lemnos Island, It's also one of the main maps in Arma 3 named Altis (It's a near-exact copy of Lemnos in-game).

Rojoyerf - 2020-03-20

I just picked up on that lol

Joshua Jeong - 2020-01-04

Rule one:you’re a ruler. You should be used for measuring and straight lines, not for lightsaber battle Royale.

JavaJiveGaming O.O - 2020-03-09

Everyone else: "We need these essential things!"
Guy on far left: " b a n a n a "

Nanofuture87 - 2020-03-09

Donkey Kong Country is actually a deep metaphor about power struggle.

JohnnyCageRock - 2019-11-06

"No man rules alone."

Dr. Doom would like to know your location.

Osmosis Jones - 2020-03-04

Baron von Doom has done nothing wrong.

Vlad Long - 2020-03-14

Dr. Doom is no mere man

MrRushSkies - 2020-02-20

Nothing new here.
Just another Crusader Kings 2 tutorial.

Moscow - 2019-10-12

"You cant eliminate those who dont vote for you."
Me: laughs in Tropico 4

TheBestUsername - 2020-03-02

was thinking that the whole time. Although I always have the most success in that game by paying my citizens insanely high wages, harvesting a shit-ton of oil and fish, punishing my own loyalists for being too loyal to me, and allying with America. So, maybe not a very realistic game lol

Austin Hixon - 2020-03-11

“You can’t eliminate those that don’t support you”

Laughs in Epstein

Philip Moore - 2020-03-21

Austin Hixon laughs in Hillary Clinton

0 subscribers - 2017-02-23

Interveiwer: So, how'd you start your county?
Me: It was on my YouTube recommendations.

Kyroven - 2017-06-30

Subscribed! :P If this actually works, I am going to be incredibly impressed.

Dennis Elkin - 2017-06-30

You know what? Let's see if this ever happens! Subscribed.

Isaac Graphics - 2017-07-01

What if you get over 1000? Some of us will need to tactically leave to keep the number stable.

juliano kong-a-san - 2017-07-02


Empty Crate - 2017-07-17

Subscribed wonder if this will work

ecmorgan69 - 2020-03-04

Machiavelli For Dummies. Excellent video that clearly and concisely explains power dynamics. I love rewatching it just as a refresher every couple of months.

Joolz Godfree - 2019-12-22

"Meet the NEW boss; same as the OLD boss!"

Osmosis Jones - 2020-03-04

But with a mustache. Or without. Depending.

Elena Friese - 2020-03-06

But he's french.

Rogue Sunshine - 2020-03-14

"Oh, I wouldn't say 'saved'. More like... u n d e r n e w m a n a g e m e n t . "

ChiakiNanami is the best - 2020-03-16

@Rogue Sunshine NICE!!!

Vasilijan Nikolovski - 2020-03-06

9:31 Why Bernie has such a hard time getting votes.

The Void Looks Pretty - 2020-03-05

“Like you better than the alternative.”
glares at 2016

Amr Saleh - 2019-06-30

I have lived through 2 Military Coups, 2 Revolutions and 1 democracy. After watching this video, now IT ALL MAKES SENSE..

MorgurEdits - 2020-02-22

Yeah, country's identity crisis

Moral Relativism - 2020-02-22

My country only have an election in early 2000s

Nurlinda F Sihotang - 2020-02-24

@Andrew Farrell ...says who?

TheBestUsername - 2020-03-02

gimme dem keys boi

Michael Freed - 2020-03-07

In the short term perhaps. What's missing from all this is the following: the keys restrict the citizenry's access to good things because they think this helps themselves. But, if they use their extra $ to HELP that same citizenry, then they have MORE access: to all the efficiency, extra medical care & new science that will come from this.
I understand the ruler missing this: he's one guy & doesn't need more than one airport.

But the keys are shooting themselves in the foot by making their own position unneeded by keeping the citizens down, making the # of keys themselves less.

Not smart.

The Crimson Fucker - 2020-03-17

"In a democracy you can't eliminate those that don't vote for you"
cackles in forced mass migration

Mr Purple - 2019-11-01

TL;DR: With great power comes great responsibility.

Alex Ting - 2019-11-14


Money for the Money god! - 2019-11-22

@Alex Ting act upon the throne and the throne act upon you

Alex Ting - 2019-11-23

@Money for the Money god! yes

Sergeant Shultz - 2019-11-25

More like with great power comes great corruption.

ChiakiNanami is the best - 2020-03-16

@Sergeant Shultz yeah, that's why purple said responsibility, like you've paid at least a nook of attention to the video didn't you?

Poopy Funny - 2020-03-20

how to become a ruler: step 1: be already dead so that your citizens can't kill you

Iyad k - 2019-09-28

"Oh, other rulers find it difficult to rule? Well sucks to be them 'cause I'm Different(TM)"

Ton - 2020-03-09

Anyone else watch these tutorials but never actually do them

George Henderson-Walshe - 2020-03-09

This auto played while I was listening without watching, and so when I heard the first lines I thought I was listening to a very strange ad.

Daniel Kolbin X - 2020-03-07

“The rules for rulers”

Hitler: coughs in background

Shrekisgood - 2020-03-22

Yeah, i feal like he forgot about the “once in a blue moon” chance, of some one convincing the people to elect him as their dictator.

That is probably the most effective, yet hardest strategy, since you have to play some 32 dimensional social chess to pull it of. Hence why it has only been done once, as far as i know.

But if you do manage to do it, you would have the support of almost every one in the country, since they would be ideologically driven, and could stay in power while improving the country.

ThiccNicc - 2020-03-05

Seeing the title I thought it was like international or legal things rulers had to follow but turns out it’s actually just a how-to on political corruption

Sinaduel - 2020-03-14

There is no 'political corruption' politics, power structures, are corruption.

ChiakiNanami is the best - 2020-03-16

@Sinaduel more like, corruption is necessary for power structures to work in any reasonable way

ATB MMD - 2020-03-17

@ChiakiNanami is the best no it's not. Corruption is human nature that a lot of us have the decency to resist. However there others who don't mind it and end up on top.

ChiakiNanami is the best - 2020-03-17

@ATB MMD Have you even fucking watched the video

PhysiOSQuantum - 2017-04-25

Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made. - Otto Von Bismark

LunarX - 2019-10-08

Lol laws are like wieners

Oscar Gillette - 2019-10-13

*Its "Bismarck"

LunarX - 2019-10-13

@Oscar Gillette *"it's" Bismarck

Oscar Gillette - 2019-10-13

@LunarX goddamit

NeostormXLMAX - 2019-12-06

i love seeing sausages be made

Hrvavik - 2020-03-21

the traders faction has taken over
-10% national tax modifier
“We need a king”

The Crimson Fucker - 2020-03-17

"Do you want to rule?"
"Do you see the problems in your country and know how to fix them."

D E M O C R A C Y !

Rob - 2020-03-19

" You can't rule alone."

*Challenge accepted

Unoriginal Name - 2020-03-08

4:37 everyone: Power, Status, Wealth, Weapons
That one dude at the back: bANanA

STUV101 - 2019-09-13

In all honesty I just use these rules to make good rulers and villains for Dungeons and Dragons.

Aiden Flame - 2020-03-10

This im so uding this for adding more depth to the worlds and characters ivr made with my brotger 💙💙💙

Richtofen - 2020-03-10

King Slushie101 Hey, what’s your novel about and how’s it going? :)

winter Arnold - 2020-03-13

Same tho

Noco el sotonoco - 2020-03-14

The problem is that what people decide has some power over other, in democracy violenece through the state is validated, so if 90% of people want to make it legal to kill the other 10%, when someone else likes shitty music, or a shitty film or shitty shoes you don't care because they are free to like that and you are not affected by that, democracy is the mass apressing the rest, forcing them to follow their beliefs.

C Ray Starling - 2020-03-14

Throw in Sun Szu and How to Win friends and Influence People, I think you got a shot at that big promotion.

Elooong Musk - 2020-03-09

Instructions unclear, started a pyramid scheme

ericb31 - 2020-03-17

this reminded me of a "wizard of ID" comic strip:
king: "remember the golden rule. we must all live by the golden rule."
other guy: "what the heck is the golden rule?"
third guy: "whoever has the gold, makes the rules."