> temp > à-trier > white-phosphorus-explosions-fire

White Phosphorus - Explosions&Fire

Explosions&Fire - 2018-04-14

In this video we chat about war crimes, light some fires and look at a wholesome side of white phosphorus, all while trying not to be poisoned. It helps to limit exposure if you don't smear the poison onto your skin btw, in case you were wondering. 

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire
Slightly more serious Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/extractionsire

Shout out to the Patreon fans whose names are here except for some reason i replaced all the Is with Es and all the Os with Is and it didn't work out quite as cool as I thought it would but i'm sticking with it: 

Essac Pacega
Gabreel J
Chrestepher Stellsin
Nele Red
Aussee Chemest
Gregiry Wing
Daneel Cileman

When my video was nearly done I happened to watch Nile Red's video on WP (I haven't since it first came out) and gosh we make similar points, its basically the same video except his cinematography is better and that i'm hotter. But, pls don't say i cheated ok i try to make unique content but i am not creative it seems

i miss u all when i'm gone

i love you


Explosions&Fire - 2020-01-04

Well, we somehow made it to 2020 with this video still up! I guess if you brag about being deleted, Youtube wont give you the satisfaction of doing it. Imagine mispronouncing a word to over 1 million people though, oof

Berserker Boy - 2020-09-02

I'm tinkering with a theory about "dragon fire". Could you do a video of phosphorus, with animal fat, and magnesium?

Olivia Wenya - 2020-09-24

make it 2,3 Million :)

Eleanor Biggs - 2020-09-25

this is one of the only youtubers that i watch that i can call a fellow aussie

bilharzia - 2020-10-02

I looked up incendiary right away to see if I'd been mispronouncing it all these years. Imagine my relief!

taxibrony30 - 2020-10-11

Ka Boom!!!!!

anAmateurGamer - 2019-07-23

Not only did this not get deleted, it also got on the recommended page

demoniack81 - 2020-08-23

@leandro chavez What makes you think that everyone who watches this is even insterested in getting a visa to the US in the first place?

DiAnté Durden - 2020-08-28


DavidRSAT - 2020-09-05

Ryke Haven I like how the first sentence of this book you just wrote invalidates any legitimacy you have lmfao

Waffle Bottom Text - 2020-09-06

It happened sgain

Yang He - 2020-10-09


Colethat1man - 2020-05-07

The term “sticky fire” is one of the most terrifying things I’ve heard

TheMangledTriangle - 2020-09-25

Imagine a sticky fire tornado 0_0

random alien with internet - 2020-10-05

@CodingCrusader1095 thanks

acester86 - 2020-10-09

Nice try ATF, can't get me.

acester86 - 2020-10-09

I've always wondered how ANFO is made, but I also don't want to be on a list....fucking Timmy ruining everybody's fun, some of us just like blowing shit up in a cow pasture....

Jerrol Hale - 2020-10-10

@Jim Smith Yup it was called "Greek fire"

Matthes - 2020-05-10

Fun things to put in your super soaker:

Diluted white phosphorus

Adam Tellier - 2020-09-28

@Evi1M4chine lol wut

Evi1M4chine - 2020-09-28

@Adam Tellier: Go read it again.

Adam Tellier - 2020-09-29

@Evi1M4chine btyh someone nade a joke implyubg the people that would live are casuals. So all i said was the like "fine if it means living call me a casual" breh have you rver read the other comments.

Animation Overlord! - 2020-10-02

If you are really, seriously going to do this, and no one will change your mind, at least use CO2 as a propeller

Jerrol Hale - 2020-10-10

With benzene 👍

Sentinel2539 - 2020-06-07

"Is white phosphorus really that bad"
People who played spec ops the line: flashbacks

Rifle Shooter Channel - 2020-09-06

Ain’t war hell? 🤣

Sufi mubashshir Ahmed - 2020-09-09

Dude why?why did u remind me...

Aman Assi - 2020-09-09

"We were helping..."

Thomas Borisov - 2020-10-03

no, NO!

Blazed-Banana - 2020-10-04

That shit is one of the most brutal things I have ever seen in a video game. I also remember a scene from a Veitnam film where some guy got white phosphorus on his face and his mate had to cut half his face of with a bowie knife... yea shits gnarly

Darwinian Glitch - 2020-06-12

Him: "Incendinary"
Me: " Incendi-ary"
Him: "Incendinary"

D - 2020-07-17

Was just looking for this comment, I knew someone would beat me to it. Hearing incendinary so many times definitely brought the video down to a 9 from a 10.

Bret Armstrong - 2020-08-04

Fucking Family Guy reference, nice!

Darwinian Glitch - 2020-08-05

@Bret Armstrong Cool Hwip.

RifleGuy - 2020-09-04

Also: Un-doubt-a-Blee

ballistic cranberry peat - 2020-10-05

I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt... I'm american, so I thought maybe it was like an "aluminum vs. aluminium" sort of thing. If that makes any kind of sense...

Neal B - 2020-01-09

"Disturbed chemist commits war crimes in backyard".

troels saabye - 2020-05-06

@Vojtěch Ptáček did !? PAST sentence :O ?

Kaiser - 2020-06-07

You can’t commit a war crime when you aren’t in war

Sups - 2020-06-11

Sounds like the kids version of Breaking Bad

Snazzy Jovial Wyrm - 2020-06-12

@Kaiser You're not a War Criminal if there's no more military to judge you!

Evi1M4chine - 2020-09-28

I read that as ”distributed chemist“. … 💭💥 + 👨‍🔬 → 🦵💨👂💨🧠💨🦴💨💪💨

The Phantom - 2020-05-17

"Seriously who has carbon disulphide"
Says the guy who has white phosphorus

Y𝓲𝓴𝒆𝓼 - 2020-06-17

underrated comment

Ramog1000 - 2020-06-28

which you can literally make by burning match box strikers


@Ramog1000 ........You need a million strikers just to get a couple grams. I am over exaggerating but you do need a lot.

thewrench01 - 2020-06-13

Got put on my recommended, I love it. “The most illegal thing I’ve ever owned”

Luke Klopfer - 2020-07-30

The most illegal thing ive ever owned was a pirated copy of half life 1

Leo Watts - 2020-09-06

Yeah I feel like this was a great advertisement for a cartel target.
"Come visit me and get your precursors"

Unsound Foxly - 2020-09-06

The most illegal thing I was ever in possession of was two different things one was a street sweeper shotgun with dragons breath and 1 gram of LSD. I no longer have these things.

Im just Pete Davidson - 2020-09-28

Yeah in reality if you get caught having enough of it they would think you were trying to kill people

galactiking 1566 - 2020-10-01

@Tomato Chips well ... you know ... being on a watch list isn't like "FBI can come at my door at any moment" ... it's just "you're being watched ... just don't do anything edgy or you'll be asked to court"

The Ghost - 2020-05-04

Vietnam: No you can't use that, its a warcrime!

United States: Hehe. Willie pete go puff puff

NB WattKnot - 2020-08-20

@Ryke Haven One former Viet Cong leader is quoted as saying: "worse than the Americans were the Australians. The Americans style was to hit us, then call for planes and artillery. Our response was to break contact and disappear if we could...The Australians were more patient than the Americans, better guerrilla fighters, better at ambushes. They liked to stay with us instead of calling in the planes. We were more afraid of their style."

Freddie Rhodes - 2020-08-24

@Simon Yip kinda. Really, it was just a proxy war, the whole north/south thing became redundant after a couple of months

i am a loaf made from bread - 2020-08-27

@Simon Yip So... The U.S still went against Vietnam?

Kaelan - 2020-09-05

We use it on hospitals and civilian targets in the middle East nowadays anyway so Vietnam is just old news

soylentgreenb - 2020-09-06

@Simon Yip No, it was the US against rural south Vietnamese farmers armed by the north Vietnamese, armed by the USSR. Almost all the bombs were dropped on South Vietnam; three times more tonnage of bombs than all sides in WWII including the nukes. Almost all the soldiers you fought were South Vietnamese insurgents armed and trained in South Vietnam by North Vietnamese. That's where all the agent orange was dropped along supply lines of food and guns to South Vietnamese insurgents. At no point where you directly duking out with north vietnam and north vietnamese soldiers in a big way.

Joe Siraco - 2020-06-08

in british accent

President Garrison - 2020-08-30

69th like :D

kb15 - 2020-08-31

I’m convinced there’s no such thing as a friendly white prosperous

Ninjay48 - 2020-05-03

Geneva Convention? More like Geneva Suggestion

ShikamaruXT - 2020-10-07

I thought conventions where canceled

Anonymous Hunter - 2020-10-07

Paddy 4444 pretty much

Anonymous Hunter - 2020-10-07

ShikamaruXT nah the Geneva is still around

cloverleafsippa713 - 2020-10-08

I don’t think we actually signed it

Anonymous Hunter - 2020-10-08

@cloverleafsippa713 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_parties_to_the_Geneva_Conventions

Paramount - 2020-06-04

"Is white phosphorus is bad?"
Spec ops players : yes

Renz Camid - 2020-08-04

laughs at killing 47 civilians

Dylan Collins - 2020-08-28

Acceptable casualties

Sufi mubashshir Ahmed - 2020-09-09

Laughs in war crimes.

Nosome - 2020-06-05

i bought some of those "magic smoke paper magic trick amazing wow fun party special effect paper" off of wish not thinking anything of it and i got that shit everywhere and it does NOT wash off and a lot of time i would just like get it on my hands lightly rinse them off then go and eat the only reason i stopped was because it was kinda dark one time when i was messing with some and i noticed that shit was GLOWING and i proceeded to do a mass google search for weather it was toxic or not and that led me here

and that kids is how i found Explosions&Fire and almost killed my entire family with white phosphorus

T - 2020-08-29

And and and and and and and and and......


Sirus - 2020-09-15

You get what you wish for.

greenie95125 - 2020-09-22

Zero punctuation makes that impossible to read.

chikkenbonz - 2020-09-28

I have a 5 gram chunk of white phosphorus under water. Mine's bright white. I keep it stored in a dark plastic bottle inside a black plastic bag inside a drawer...no light gets to it. I don't look at it too often as I'm afraid of it changing color...

Madara uchia - 2020-09-30


libtard destroyed - 2020-05-05


Call of duty players: I'm somewhat of a scientist myself

swiss - 2020-05-18

Hilarious and original.

Triangle_Pants - 2020-06-29

Dialogue format is the worst form of internet humor, ever.

Josue Luna - 2020-07-05


You using this dead and unfunny meme format:

libtard destroyed - 2020-07-07

@Josue Luna nobody:
Me: not asking

JA TV __ - 2020-07-27

Me: y'all check out my YouTube

DJ Artyom - 2020-06-01

"do u feel like a hero yet?"

Gabby N. - 2020-08-14


Green Gay - 2020-05-03

“Is white phosphorus really bad?”

All cod players: yes...

siirskii - 2020-07-24

Zuzogonus willy Pete

PYRO is SPY - 2020-07-29

@Brandon Curington of annoying

SmokeyOwOs - 2020-08-05

It's top tier for obj game modes bruh

President Garrison - 2020-08-30

it's annoying

Goldchain Sladogna Elías Nicolás - 2020-09-03


tehMothMan - 2020-07-11

“Is white phosphorus really bad?”

Me remembering Spec Ops: The Line...

The 3 Fr33m4nn - 2020-07-14

“Are those, civilians?”

Nardodric - 2020-08-13


Sufi mubashshir Ahmed - 2020-09-09

Laughs in war crimes...

A yeti with internet access - 2020-09-21

"We were trying to help"

ShellyTheSeal - 2020-10-10

Do you feel like a hero yet?

dufud - 2020-05-06

"Friendly white phosphorus incoming."

Matthew F - 2020-07-26

Even when a friendly one comes in it’s so annoying

INON - 2020-07-29

nothing friendly about white phosphorous kids.

Matthew F - 2020-07-29

Just Another Path Of Pain ha looks like you didn’t get the joke

INON - 2020-07-29

Matthew F nah I know where it’s coming from

Richard Green - 2020-09-20

Guess for the friendlies is red phosphorus instead of white

Thomas Kositzki - 2020-08-27

An Australian talking about explosive chemistry over elevator music - that I call top-notch entertainment! XD
Greetings from Germany, mate.

Gage mOglesby - 2020-06-19

Alternate title: Is a warcrime really that bad?

VilheimTheUnsinkable - 2020-09-18

Excuse me that's a Valefisk line.

Jeegu Nugger - 2020-09-24

I am a wanted by the interpol for commiting war crimes in nigeria stuff

seano manary - 2020-09-26

Crazy is having rules in wartime...nope can't kill that way ...wat if I'm being tortured and white phosphorus is my only escape? ? Fine but only if ur tortured pow..lol

Evi1M4chine - 2020-09-28

You make no sense. You re employing circular reasoning. Something is not bad because it is a crime. It should be a crime because it is bad. But if we look at laws, it clearly isn’t always. So ”it is a crime“ does NOT equal ”it is bad“.
in this case, it is right that it is a crime. Your reasoning is still invalid.

Evi1M4chine - 2020-09-28

@seano manary: War protip: There are no rules. Period.
The war tribunal is only to be able to make show trials, for the losers of the war, anyway. Nobody invaded the USA for having concentration camps, back then. (They still have some nowadays. Called ”black sites“.) Nobody invaded the Soviets, after the war, despite Stalin having beem even worse than Hitler.

Douglas V - 2019-07-28

"This is gonna get deleted" appears randomly on my recommended page in 2019

SCKentrol - 2020-04-26

Youtube Algorithm brouhg me here somehow in 2020

MrShizuohewajema - 2020-05-01

Also 2020

elecrtic puffer63 - 2020-05-04

Doug Vetsch bro we livin in 2020 and I’m now just seeing this

Kiwi King - 2020-05-04

Laughs in 2020

Charlie Rothwill - 2020-06-09

And 2020

John f Kennedy - 2020-06-07

“White phosphorus is highly poisonous and explosive”
Me: *C R U N C H*

astronimise - 2020-05-06

“Is White Phosphorus that dangerous”

me playing modern warfare and the enemy getting a 10 killstreak on shipment

Виталий Карнаухов - 2020-08-31

When i was a kid i've made some WP exactly like it was shown from matches and used my fingers to produce smoke. It was fun untin skin from that very plce that was covered in WP peeled off and i lost sensetivity in my indexes fingertips. It wasnt particulaly fun. If you value yuor life dont do this.

SmokeyOwOs - 2020-10-10

Holy shit

James Garrett - 2020-05-06

"Yeeting the geneva convention for science"

Kalijah Anderson - 2020-06-10

"This video is going to get deleted."

Two years later, video pops up on my recommended list.

Stylin' Gaming - 2020-06-15

"Incendinary weapons." I think you mean incendiary. There is no third N in there.

mattias orup - 2020-05-04

The Whole COD MW community is sitting and watcging this for the sole reason, that it's an killstreak in COD MW

jojolafrite90 - 2020-09-09

"The fire is a very angry" very accurate description, very scientific, professional, and well put.

BlackPantherFTW - 2020-01-31

“Here in Australia, where clouds haven’t been invented yet”


Callum Clarke - 2020-04-30

@Scott Michael to protect what's left of it

SerbuVEVO - 2020-05-01

the only reason its a country and a continent is because 90% is uninhabitable

Thomas Kalamees - 2020-05-02

Keep the likes at 666

Jiminy Lummox - 2020-06-05

Clearly doesn't live in Melb or Tassie.

Euphoria Gaming - 2020-06-11

Killed me too 😂😂

ModestMagician - 2020-06-14

Is the mispronunciation of "Incendiary" an inside joke on this channel? I'm confused.

Lockbar - 2020-05-10

I remember in the Army they taught us to remove burning WP from your skin by scrapping it off with a bayonet. Nice.

Carlisle-Anaya - 2020-05-09

“Do you even remember why you’re here?”

Fidozo15 - 2020-10-10

Is white phosphorus bad?

Walker: nah fam, Conrad is bad

cain - 2019-07-28

White Phosphorus:
+200 fire damage
+125 poison damage
+75% status duration
-500 Charisma

Harry Kelly - 2020-04-29

"it was rigged from the start"

Oliver Allen - 2020-05-02

Everyone hated that.

Snazzy Jovial Wyrm - 2020-06-12

@Prasun Kumar Would only make sense if the stats read:
+200 Fire Damage
+125 Toxic Damage
+75% Status Duration
+50% Status Chance
-500% Chance that enemies won't hear the gunfire

PSYCHRONIC - 2020-06-21

Everyone hated that ....
You : hmmm load save ? I think not

laughathimagainjb - 2020-07-05

-10000 honor

Jck Lng - 2020-08-02

"Where clouds havent been invented yet" subbed.

Jacob Kerr - 2020-07-11

Love the blurred out “*smart comment” at 1:06 😂

Tanner Paxton - 2020-06-17

I remember hearing horror stories from so of my instructors when I was in the army. People would get burned down to the bone, then when the doctors would go to clean the wound, it would ignite again

Aidan Harley - 2020-07-09

That totally sounds plausible, but holy hell I wish it wasn't. Jeez.

Gabby N. - 2020-08-14

That's fucking horrifying.

m9078jk3 - 2020-10-08

@Gabby N. Horrifyingly hilarious.

Gabby N. - 2020-10-08

@m9078jk3 alright Mr. Edgelord

Never Fall - 2020-06-03

I feel like I’m watching George O’Malley doing an Australian impression

Ruben Zanzus - 2020-06-13

The part where he said "clouds haven't been invented yet" I lost it.

Gregory Jason - 2020-05-24


Not Funny - 2020-05-09

"Enemy White Phosphorus Inbound" I'm scared up this date

leon katsouginopoulos - 2020-06-19

me:watches a vid about spec ops the line

Well-Mannered Nate - 2020-01-05

"Is white phosphorus really that bad?"

That one scene from Spec Ops: The Line

Ebonslayer - 2020-06-21

@send nukes ​Actually, the orders were to scout Dubai, and leave before pissing anyone off. Basic recon mission. Walker actually disobeyed his orders a few minutes into the game so he could be a big hero and save everyone (though we already know how that turned out).

Edwin Ortiz - 2020-06-25

@DIOhydrogen Monoxide I've never seen someone get so butthurt over a games story

DIOhydrogen Monoxide - 2020-06-25

Edwin Ortiz yeah, me neither.
People seem to forget sotl was a game and not a movie

Expendable Round - 2020-07-20

@DIOhydrogen Monoxide
You had a choice. There always was one:
Stop playing.

DIOhydrogen Monoxide - 2020-07-21

Expendable Round scroll up

Kevin Koortzen 10D - 2020-10-09

"White phosphorus inbound" Cod 2019

Bintang Cahyana - 2020-05-19

"In this video we chat about war crimes--"
Me; "Say no more"

Common Sense - 2020-10-10

I stole some from my high school over 14 years ago. We'd drop it on the ground and dare people to step on it. Once it started burning and you stepped on it then it would appear to be extinguished but instantly reignite when you lifted up your foot.

Umar Abdullah - 2020-10-11

Willie Petes. Banned as a toxic weapon but still used against the brave soldiers of the Khalifah by the American militants.

Beta 117 - 2019-11-19

I get the feeling this is cause of modern warfare that this is in my recommend in 2019

Lazyboi - 2020-01-10

You got your usual killstreaks (scorestreaks for you pointmen), UAV's, a VTOl, Helo Support, A War Cri- I mean White Phosphorous

André - 2020-01-12

Beta 117 yup

CleanserOfNoobs - 2020-01-31

Spec ops: The Line

Shyam Vasudev - 2020-02-07

same here

Crazy Giraffe - 2020-03-04

I got this cause of spec ops: the line