> chemistry > divers > pyrophoric-gases-silane-and-diborane-explosions-fire-and-chemicalforce

Pyrophoric gases (with @ChemicalForce )

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-26

Demonstrating two gases that ignite on contact with air, diborane and silane. 

ChemicalForce's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqONNjBkukcc2yXbmHL8niQ

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire
Discord: https://discord.gg/VR6Fz9g
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire

Here's some fantastic Patreon names, sorted in REVERSE alphabetical order, just to be crafty

Zackary E. Jenkins
Zachary Chapin
Vincent Cinfici
Thorben Zethoff
Thomas Abbott
The King of Homestyle
The Gayest Person on Patreon
Stephanie Mills
Shay Sandik
Sarah Urfer
Rowan James
Roger Kutyna
Roger -Dot- Lee
PrettyChill Chemistry
Pascal Wiedenbeck
Oz Sabina
Oliver Toth
Nile Red
Monika Weiss
Mikko Särkiniemi
Michael Kavulich
Michael Aichlmayr
Max Scop
Matt O
Matt Jackson
Mark Hartsteen
Mark Blundell
Luke McGoggan 
Luke McGoggan
Leon Stark
Leon Schutte
Karsten Hoff
Justin Pallo
Justin Lubbers
John Libal
Joe Galvan
James Guarnotta
Jacob Tierney
Jacob Bollen
Isaac Paciga
Hunter B
Hugh Laird
Gregory Wong
Grant Trent
Elizabeth Schneider
David Cagan
Darren Hansen
Daniel Coleman
Dan Kaplan
Craig M.
Clark Lowe
Christopher Stillson
Chris Villarreal
Calvin Motes
brett j
Benjamin Grimes
Aussie Chemist
Arthur McTavish
Arne Strasser
apollo wellstein
Alok G Singh
Adam Nash
Adam Conour

+ Darcy, who just signed up so he gets to be on the list too yay

hi, how you doing? gonna scroll past without sayin' howdy?

NileRed - 2020-03-31

I was just sitting here peacefully, cleaning my desk and then out of nowhere, I get called out :(

Len M. - 2020-10-25

@grovermatic If you bring Trump to kick Trudy in the Ovaries, sure thing.

Merry Moose - 2020-11-02

Red is sus

sleepful - 2020-11-17

you heard the man! sittle diwn!

Seamoose - 2021-02-05

It’s the professional piss chemist

scrappy doo - 2021-03-15

Pyromaniacs for the win 🤘

Peterscraps - 2019-12-30

That boron tribromide looks the the stereotypical "Don't fucking touch me or I will end you" chemical.

Jonathan Skeels - 2021-01-05

Didn't expect to see you here...

Hollow The Skeleton - 2021-03-02

what, your here, huh cool

Connor - 2019-12-26

"Most things burn if they get hot enough" -An Australian

faolan1686 - 2020-02-10

@Explosions&Fire. So, from this we have narrowed you location down to "somewhere on the Australian coastline"

polyhistorphilomath - 2020-09-05

@faolan1686 in other words, only the habitable fraction of Australia

Kippen Airospace - 2020-12-30

@Explosions&Fire Good to hear you're ok!

Liam - 2021-01-04

Even the dirt burns in those wildfires

KommunistGoddezz - 2021-03-19


Federico Rottoli - 2019-12-27

"Electrons aren't real."

As a physicist, I can confirm.

grovermatic - 2020-04-09

@Federico Rottoli Interesting. I'll have to see if I can find more info on it that I'm able to understand with my degree from YouTube Science Infotainment University. :-D

Phantom-051-plane guy - 2020-05-23

@Wisetorsk I bet they're hidden in their mini bob semple tanks

Matt B - 2020-09-01

@WAVVE MEGV man you're just a human walking on earth like me. don't claim to know the true nature of reality. nobody does.

Anthony Dewitt - 2020-10-26

Yeah well in my high school physics class we did a classic experiment that allows you to actually see individual electrons, so there you dumbasses

Trevor Greenough - 2021-03-22

@Cracked Emerald Yes, because I have millions.

The Thought Emporium - 2019-12-27

Well that was cool as hell. That lithium/boron flame at the end looking like something straight out fantasy. Also, I can only imagine where that dude gets all his chemicals. Most of those are hard to get short of buying from sigma

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

Maybe he runs Sigma? If I was the CEO of Sigma, this is what I would do with my time, apart from rolling around on piles on money

The Thought Emporium - 2019-12-27

@Explosions&Fire How would he have the time? He'd be too busy filling swimming pools with money XD My bet is it's old stock from the slavic countries. Old USSR materials can be craazzzzy. I've got a friend who bought a radar vacuum tube the size of my head. That thing could roast someone alive if you connected it to an antenna and aimed it at someone and he got it for like 10 bucks. Same with a massive xenon lamp. I just picked up a massive 3" NaI scintillator for super cheap from a guy in latvia.

Fork Saber - 2019-12-27

holy shit, my two favorite youtubers

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

@The Thought Emporium yeah for sure, it's got big Eastern European vibes about it. I mean, I could just ask him what the deal is, but it's more fun to speculate honestly

Jacob's chemistry and stuff - 2020-11-22


Darthane - 2019-12-26

You know your chemistry is working when not only aren't the reagents or product yellow, but even the flame turns a nice green color.

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

There's barely any yellow in this video at all, was quite proud of myself

Imperial Phoenix - 2019-12-27

@Explosions&Fire that orange background thing was almost yellow my guy, better watch out, sumthing might explode wrong at this rate

IExist - 2021-01-12

@Imperial Phoenix
Nah orange is fine, it's the yellow-orange that he's unsure about

samonie67 - 2019-12-26

The madlad just whips out the boring tribromide like it's nothing.

Pink Droid - 2020-03-30

ᏰĪᏝᏝ ՇÎρɧᏋƦ "React chlorine with liquid tin"

"Fuck this shit I'm out"

Nikko Gajowniczek - 2020-06-19

Ah yes the boring tribromide

Jack Armstrong - 2020-09-03

>hydrogen gas
>hold up

Saturday Video Guild Productions - 2021-02-01

Hey I use that stuff for personal reactions

Andy Stewart - 2021-03-16

@Explosions&Fire bruh! I just found your channel! You remind me of an anime called Dr. Stone! I could seriously watch your vids all day. Which is what i am probably doing today!

Mister Skeletal - 2019-12-27

NileRed called out damn

faiz fiderli - 2019-12-28

@Gmrads sick puns bro

Cesare Vissani - 2019-12-29

@Explosions&Fire please make a diss track

Mr Lenny - 2019-12-30

​@Explosions&Fire Gonna hold you to that son.

Jax Blonk - 2020-04-01

@Explosions&Fire If you need help writing that I got u boi

John Doe - 2021-01-10

Nilered is a narcissist

trustthewater - 2019-12-27

"What the hell? I thought I logged out of Discord. Who is messaging... oh... "

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

Probably the worst thing I've done in a video

Snow Cat - 2020-03-11

@Explosions&Fire Definitely the worst thing you've done in a video

Ryan Fitzpatrick - 2019-12-26

God damnit I checked Discord cos of your in video notifications :/

darkexcalibur42 - 2019-12-27


darkexcalibur42 - 2019-12-27

"Let's press on. And NOT think about the consequences of our actions."

Words to live by.

SupaDanteX - 2020-05-02

My favorite part of this, is he says that
And then immediately starts blowing air into acid.
"Sir you're making even more consequences! SIR!"

darkexcalibur42 - 2020-05-02

@SupaDanteX I fucking love this channel. A sane channel would just show you a highly edited "perfect" example of whatever. Not here. Here we get to see things go wrong and how to handle it (or not), which is much much more important.

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-01

"Words to live by."

For a while.

darkexcalibur42 - 2021-01-01

@sixstringedthing XD as an old supervisor of mine used to say: "You can do anything once!"

sixstringedthing - 2021-01-02

@darkexcalibur42 "Practice makes perfect", for suitably non-lethal values of "imperfect".
I believe this concept is also referred to in some Asian cultures as "catching the Tiger by his tail". You may survive, but in any case it's going to be an exciting day.

Cheers ;)

BrianLocke - 2019-12-26

I worked in the semiconductor industry and worked with Silane all the time. Nasty stuff. Useful stuff but nasty. Used it with Ammonia to create a layer of Silicon Nitride in a PECVD system.

Panyk Felidae - 2019-12-27

@Explosions&Fire I'd imagine the usual course of the conversation is 'we're doing a coating using the silane process' followed by a very vigorous 'um'

BrianLocke - 2019-12-27

@Explosions&Fire We used the silicon Nitride as a protective and insulating layer. It was one of the final steps in making the microprocessors. We also had systems that used TEOS (Tetra Ethyl Ortho Silicate) which was a liquid that had to be heated and a gas run through it to carry it into the process chamber were it was used to make a layer of Silicon dioxide. Other areas used wet etch processes involving HF among other nasty stuff. Thankfully I never had to mess with that stuff.

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

@BrianLocke very cool to hear!

Zetsuke4 - 2019-12-29

You mean tasty stuff

gorflunk - 2019-12-30

I work in Dry Etch now but worked in Thin Films for many years. The sound that Silane makes when it reacts to atmosphere when someone accidentally vents a gas line (aka "Dusting") is something that you never forget, mainly because you know that a lot of money and time is going to be spent cleaning it all up.

Will Flock - 2019-12-27

Diborane: has hydrogens with two bonds
Me: Wait that's illegal.

Will Flock - 2019-12-29

@Captain_Morgan Thank you alcohol man.

Mizuki - 2020-01-01

@Captain_Morgan so wtf is nitric oxide's deal?

Captain_Morgan - 2020-01-02

@Mizuki Nitric oxide has 2 N-O sigma bonds a 4 electron 3 center O-N-O pi bond system and an unpaired electron on the N atom, the unpaired electrons can bond and form N2O4 at low temperatures.

Pietro Tettamanti - 2020-04-04

But... isn't nitric oxide NO and dimerizing to N2O2?

David Hill - 2020-09-20

There is actually a term for an electron pair that keeps switching, similar to carboxylic acid, until it finds its lowest energy for the hydrogen will jump between the two states with the double oxygen bond juggling hydrogen. Probably a bad example, but it similar to a benzene ring as well with the electrons within round sharing a bond, may simply call it 1/2 bond.
Love the work was explosives and ignition sources, many haven't come across, but going from your simple physical ignition such as NaCl I'd, or touch powder, fund of paint on electric power points as a purple paste that sets clear, always shocked people! The plane with the lovely Nitro groups like nitrocellulose, or cramming as much nitrogen as possible classic C3 and C4 molecules and the difference in ignition one-bedroom proton initiated in the second being charge. Love plastics such as DMX which we got our hands on accidentally one time… Can you believe that only used padlock or 2 to keep it stored, one on the door and one cupboard? Make passed away and his dad found the metal box and cut it open with an angle grinder and took it to the cop shop, who informed him that is enough to take down Sydney Harbour Bridge you just need a detonator, and took it out of the metal container/safety box and sitting beneath, 37 railway Detonators. Could not believe the paragraph basically a squash ball underneath the car that had been dumped in the forest! Flipped it three times apart from blowing it to shreds!

Overdrive - 2019-12-26

"is it hot enough?"

You are in Australia
It doesn't need to get hotter.

H3R3T1C - 2020-02-10

You think Australia's hot, eh?
* Laughs in Africa * lol

Zachary Power - 2019-12-27

"electrons arent real"-me as soon as electron clouds replaced bohr diagrams in my homework.

wg1417 games - 2019-12-26

"so we grind it up" i legit choked on my drink

Zeratul Rus - 2019-12-29

I did not read the last word correctly the first time.

Entenkommando - 2019-12-26

Holy Bazookaz. I'm a chemist myself and I've seen a bunch of demonstrations on youtube but I think I was truly scared for the first time when he poured the BBr3 onto the molten LiH.

Creating a bunch of super toxic gas within a fraction of a second is definitely my worst fear.

Eric Mueller - 2019-12-27

You should never eat at a Taco Bell.

Belac Ickekl - 2019-12-28

You may wish to avoid synthesizing any of the fluorine based rocket propellants lol

WineScrounger - 2019-12-31

Belac Ickekl generally just avoid fluorine

Fromage Frizzbizz - 2019-12-31

@WineScrounger I've seen the results of hydrofluoric acid on humans, and had the misfortune to have had a whiff of HF.

No. Just no.

Lee Chowning - 2020-08-26

@Belac Ickekl awe, no N Stuff for us?

cesar febres - 2020-01-03

“Ok so it’s bloody hot but is it hot enough?”

Yeah don’t worry bout that, just wait a few years and we’ll get there

AWeirdDude - 2019-12-31

everyone: so how's your life going?
me: *watching an australian man make explosive air at 4 am*

Cherry Dragon - 2020-01-12


Undy - 2020-01-19

4:04 here ;_;

Densestlemon - 2019-12-26

So if I got an A in general chemistry I’m qualified to own a swimming pool full of hydrofluoric acid yeah? Love me some bone hurting juice

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-26

They are your own bones I suppose, you're allowed to do what you want with them

Andreas Hansen - 2020-01-06

@Explosions&Fire For future reference, here is a song about what he may not do with his bones:

My knucklebones' connected to your... jawbone.
My fingerbones' connected to you.... skull bone.
My forehead's connected to your... nosebone.
My kneebone's connected to your... rib bone.
My elbow's connected to your.... spinal bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.
My feet bones' connected to your... rib bone.

LFTRnow - 2021-01-04

FYI, the HF will kill you by stopping your heart long before you need to worry about your bones. :)

Justin Pallo - 2019-12-26

Awesome video. Always love your content. Idk if it's the Australian wit or the crazy explosions, but I just can't get enough of this channel.

José Coelho - 2019-12-26

What kind of whitch are you, posting a comment 15 hours before the video is even released.

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

@José Coelho Patreon magic ;)
But thanks Justin!!

SupaDanteX - 2020-05-02

Its the crazy wit and the Australian explosions.

Diego Pusineri - 2019-12-27

A collab with NileRed please!

soccermastax - 2019-12-27

@Explosions&Fire lmao XD

chw asn - 2019-12-29

Explosions&Fire2 well that’s why

Idkwhattocallmyselfsothiswilldo - 2020-01-04

@Explosions&Fire Since when is that a bad thing?

Absinthe - 2020-01-16

Explosions&Fire2 that's why

go away - 2020-04-30

He’s the king of yellow chem, he gets the lowest of all yields

Gordon Lawrence - 2019-12-27

I watch this for the presentation as much as the chemistry.

Iascaire - 2019-12-31

Me too

Marcia Osullivan - 2019-12-26

Two extremely underrated channels

soccermastax - 2019-12-27

and so is TheThoughtEmporium but holy crap is it weird to see three of the best content channels destined to be giants all talking to each other.

Ocloud - 2020-05-08

soccermastax that channel is awesome

ChemicalForce - 2019-12-26

Great video, awesome channel! I wish I could collaborate with you! :D

BackYard Science 2000 - 2019-12-26

Very cool colab, man! You do some crazy ass reactions! Some that even I won't touch. I'll stick to my alkali metals and other pure elements. Lol! Keep up the great work!

raggga - 2019-12-26

much love tom, keep spraying acid around your lab with your oxygen tank

Explosions&Fire - 2019-12-27

I will! No-one can stop me! (They probably should though)

Kumquat Lord - 2019-12-27

If you can, try making TEA-TEB. It's used as a rocket engine ignition fluid, and also lit the afterburners of the SR-71

Kumquat Lord - 2019-12-29

@Oit Thegroit teraethyl aluminum and teraethyl borane

sixstringedthing - 2019-12-29

@Kumquat Lord *Triethylaluminium-Triethylborane.
TEB was used by itself to light the engines/afterburners in the Blackbird. It was mixed with 10-15% TEA when used to light the F1 engines on the Saturn V.

Oit Thegroit - 2019-12-29

@Kumquat Lord thanks

deflatedfruit - 2020-01-07

@sixstringedthing Also used to ignite the restartable Merlin engine on the Falcon 9. It restarts twice in flight

Elroy Fudbucker - 2020-04-16

@sixstringedthing TEB was used to ignite the almost unignitable JP-7 jet fuel in the A-12/SR-71engines only. Once the engines were up & running, the afterburners could be lit as per normal, conventional engines.

Mark Tan - 2020-01-03

The only thing I'm glad for is that ISIS hasn't found your channel...

Will Ford - 2020-03-30

“Silicide” (n.) - the killing of silicon

James Cassidy - 2020-01-07

5:00 "nothing happening" as someone carries a dead bird off camera! Lmao

Captain_Morgan - 2019-12-29

You could make stannane in small quantities too, you just have to react some Sn(II) salt with Zn in acidic solution. That compound makes nice blue chemiluminescence upon decomposing.

Avatart - 2019-12-26

1:54 papa Red won’t think kindly of that comment

dwaynezilla - 2019-12-27

Speaking of collaborations


Rhodanide - 2019-12-26

Nice collab!

charl X - 2020-03-05

“Outsourcing difficult work overseas”


zorro456 - 2020-02-15

Always a good sign when it starts smoking when you open it,

A A - 2020-01-21

entire country on fire
makes gas that combusts on contact with the air

Australia: “am I a fucking joke to You?”

Max Münchow - 2019-12-26

How did you not melt yet?

Ricekrispy - 2019-12-27

I can always appreciate humor in science videos, thank you for the many laughs
what are you up to?

SupaDanteX - 2020-05-02

"2000 people! That's a lot of people!"
That face when you gave x51 that many subs.
Inadvertent humble brag?

lemmonsinmyeyes - 2019-12-27

reminisces about fond memories made with friends SO WE GRIND IT UP hahaha and 'we press on, without thinking about the consequences of our actions' haha sooo good!

Casai - 2020-01-10

"There's more the chemistry than lighting fires."

Jason - 2020-01-04

Chemistry really did peak in the 60s. They used to keep diazomethane in the freezer

(one doesn't keep diazomethane)

Polaris UKYC - 2021-01-27

I’m guessing you’ve read John D Clark’s Ignition! If so good on you, if not I strongly recommend you do

yellowlemonmothfreak - 2020-04-10

"lets press on and not think about the consequences of our actions" my life in one sentence

Danni N - 2020-07-14

Welp, that's one of the scariest fire diamonds I've seen

Danielle Spargo - 2019-12-26

yess, shout out to chemical force, I love his channel <3

Belac Ickekl - 2019-12-28

When I first saw the board, I thought "Hey, there's no way he's making diborane, that stuff is stupid toxic", but here we are

grovermatic - 2019-12-27

Was just thinking to myself earlier today that I haven't seen anything from E&F lately.

Jacob T - 2019-12-27

I’ve been watching for about a year now and I’ve watched every video you’ve put out several times. I always was more interested in physics and astronomy than chemistry in school but your channel, and now chemical force, have sparked a fervent interest in me. Thank you for making your content entertaining, educational, and accessible!

Blowitup1991 - 2019-12-26

this video is a christmas present from Tom :D