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Productivity and Growth: Crash Course Economics #6

CrashCourse - 2015-08-28

Why are some countries rich? Why are some countries poor? In the end it comes down to Productivity. This week on Crash Course Econ, Adriene and Jacob investigate just why some economies are more productive than others, and what happens when an economy is mor productive. We'll look at how things like per capita GDP translate to the lifestyle of normal people. And, there's a mystery.

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Athar Kamal - 2016-09-06

Summary for you guys:
1. Why some countries have high GDP and others have low( some countries are rich and other poor):
a. Lack of natural resources.
b. Corrupt governments.
2. GDP per capita(output per person) is used to tell how wealthy a country is.
3. Countries with high GDP/capita have far less infant mortality, poverty and preventable diseases.
4. Productivity and growth:
a. The more a worker produces, the more a worker can earn.
b. Economists argue that the main reason that some countries are rich is because of productiivty.
c. Higher value produce also the growth effect.
d. Productivity is key, but there are limits.
5. People in poor countries need food, water, plumbing, hospitals and medicine, and all of those things are needed to get better efficiency.
6. How much stuff is produced per person(can be called GDP)
7. Factors of production effect the efficiency:
a. Land
b. Workers
c. Capital( and also workers education, knowledge aka human capital)
d. Technology: The sum total of knowledge and information that society has acquired concerning the use of resources to produce goods and services. (Connectivity= productivity).
Increasing Productivity has resulted in increasing standards of living(globally and historically).

Street Passer - 2020-03-31

@fancyseeing youhere Na its IQ look into it.

Bella Ocampo - 2020-04-06


leanne loops - 2020-04-08

Thank you so much this made my homework 20× easier

Street Passer - 2020-04-08

@leanne loops IQ

Street Passer - 2020-04-08

@leanne loops its all IQ, look it.

Amir Merican - 2016-06-07

You know you're a nerd when you binge-watch crash course

Erny Ernesto - 2019-06-11

Amir Merican Thanks for reminding me....lol...hehehe

Totally not the flash :3 - 2019-07-02

Nope, I just watch it because I am carrying my group reports.

Isaac Ingram - 2019-11-26


Juan Garcia - 2020-02-22

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the pain!!!!!

Curtis Carpenter - 2020-03-21

When Henry Ford introduced the conveyor belt from a at the time separate source/ origin it increased output. Each increase represents its own separate progress.

Isandry Garcia - 2019-07-15

“Money cant buy happiness, but it can prevent a lot of misery”

833 - 2016-05-27

Don't get me wrong, but there are historical factors too, colonialism, and such. It's quite hard to be rich, if it's someone else running your economy. And many of those countries have quite frequent conflicts nowadays, which also hinders growth. (Like if there is a civil war every few years, it's rather hard to have a healthy economy going)

thekaxmax - 2020-04-08

That goes outside economics to colonialism and politics. But it should have been bought up, yes.

Ryan Brown - 2016-06-15

Crash Course should create a link to a website with a worksheet to help reinforce the information we just learned.

Conor Tobin - 2018-01-06

Just like Khan Academy! :-)

Chris Main - 2020-02-14

Ryan Brown, you could do it and then offer the link to crash course either for free or for a small fee to compensate your time. Boom! Economics

taylor sharp - 2015-09-03

One minor criticism: I don't think we can call South Korea 'developing' anymore. They arrived at 'developed' sometime in the mid-2000s.

CHINA 1 TAIWAN 0 - 2015-09-27

+taylor sharp
No, mid 90s - early 200s.


lhpoetry - 2019-09-27

Yeah, umm...actually, developing is a pretty problematic term in generally...

A.D. Hanifa - 2019-11-22

hail kpop

WASSCE Tutorials - 2019-05-14

They mentioned my country! GHANA.
Am so happy! I did not know that we were known that much!!!

Duke of Lorraine - 2015-08-28

How many zimbabwean dollars for that ACDC belt ?

Taks - 2017-05-06

no hard feelings though, ok bye

Taks - 2017-05-06

yeah, whatever comes after quadrillion

bob1234881 - 2017-05-06

Learn to google things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_large_numbers

Taks - 2017-05-07

whatever comes after(quintillion) whatever comes after (quadrillion) 'trillion'

Daft Funk - 2019-03-09

In zimbabwe a few years ago (when the economy was better) you'd go to the grocery store with a mil

agentrikamcgee - 2015-08-28

I don't know why people are complaining about the series. It's way better than my economics classes in college...

Hydroggen Williams - 2016-06-25

Yes everyone I'm sure they're condescending because they want 10 year olds to watch the show. No, they're condescending to make sure you understand the basics so you can understand the more complex things. If you don't like simplicity and effective teaching then go read some boring guide to economics. No one is forcing you to watch

Feynstein 100 - 2016-12-22

I hate those people. They're very unproductive and hence a burden on the economy.

Chidera Esinaulo - 2017-08-22

Hydroggen Williams Man you make sense

Emeric Switch, you’re awesome, anyway - 2017-08-28

Reactive Xenon seriously, stop saying your age. You can make a stand and hold your ground without stating your age. When you say your age, people over look everything you say.

Jakub Wojciechowski - 2020-01-01

I love how you assumed this technique is effective as a starting point of your argument. Now nobody can't prove you wrong, until he changes what you have already settled down as granted. That's a really good manipulation!

Btw, if something is condecending, is it really effective? Just because some other unspecified book is boring doesn't automatically makes this video good. This is not how things works

Ami Ni AlÆ - 2020-02-02

Feynstein 100 W

Golgiapparatus2 - 2015-08-29

Why is it "socially unacceptable" to wear the same clothes in more than one episode? I honestly can't remember what I wore yesterday, and I don't have the time nor the inclination to care about or remember what you wear in each episode. Just wear what you want.

callum symons - 2017-03-17

Yep male presenter is all blue shirt slacks and AC/DC belt every day.

Neha Kiran - 2018-10-17

it reminds me that I wore the same dress for the yearly party and someone actually asked me if I had already worn that dress, then I confused her telling that she might have been mistaken. It worked!

Sophia June - 2019-05-27

Coming from a woman, I have been told by men and women when I wear a shirt often or more than once a week. It's silly, and I respond by telling them about the amazing washing machine. However lots of people dont want others to assume their class or hygiene by recognizing an often worn piece of clothing. People could assume they are too poor to have a large closet, or too lazy to wash their clothes. When in reality, it's just enjoyable to wear.

Aakanksha K - 2019-08-16

@Randal Skefingtonidis ~themselves~ the male dominant society did that... They set the rules

iphigeniaaz - 2019-08-26

Was she not joking?

Gonzesse - 2015-08-29

I think i will donate to crash course, 100 billion dollars

Khaler Jex - 2016-05-07

Countries are mor rich than others because of their productivity. Except for,

Wait for it,


Chris Beymer - 2016-11-27

How so? Could you explain that a bit more?

Khaler Jex - 2016-11-27

@Chris Beymer
 it is a joke.

Chris Beymer - 2016-11-27

Lol I watched a few more Crash Course econ videos. Love those Mongols.

Gear Head - 2019-02-06

Because the usa prints money bring back gold

Yukimo x - 2018-12-25

85% of the comments: tone down on the humor it's not a kids show
10%: Zimbabwe is poor because of the US and Nestle
5%: summary notes

Daniel Jesús Valencia Sánchez - 2015-08-28

Look! A clue! Domination and exploitation!

Daniel Jesús Valencia Sánchez - 2015-08-28

Agree.  And you can have an edge with hard work and productivity, without having to screw over anybody else... but world history has shown the answer is usually a combination of the two.

Johnson Taylor - 2015-08-28

Next to John Green, these two are my new favorite Crashcourse educators. Fun and engaging. Thank you for all the great work you do.

Marc C - 2015-08-29

More substantively than the typo, I worry that in the quest for simple, understandable abstract models, the economists here have missed some important historical reasons for differences in wealth and productivity. Many increases in productivity have come at the cost of human misery. Much of the capital that propelled increases in GDP among many of the richer countries historically came from colonized or otherwise exploited countries, for example. The cotton boom of the early nineteenth century, which enriched the U.S. as a country, came in large part from harrowing increases in the productivity of enslaved persons. In that case, the incredible rise in GDP had a sharply negative effect on many of the residents of the United States.

Are there stakes to this? Yes! A monomaniacal focus on productivity can lead to a trampling of the lives of the disadvantaged. If the state (pick a state) seized all of the antiquated small farms in its border, and successfully turned them into modern factory farms geared towards export, the GDP of that state would skyrocket, but the farmers (if unassisted) would be devastated. The Soviet Union massively increased its GDP and GDP per capita in the 1930s, but no one would want to live there. Part of that increase, in fact, was the poorest of the poor starving to death, another thing that boosts GDP numbers.

I know you folks said you'd speak to income inequality in a future episode, and I'm glad you mentioned it. But I notice, in this episode and your episode on GDP, that you tend to bracket the exceptions and then treat them like they don't exist. Here, at least, that borders on negligence.

[I certainly recognize that both the cotton boom and the Soviet "miracle" of the 1930s were deeply predicated on new mechanical technologies., But they were also predicated on vicious reorganizations of the labor force. See Sven Beckert's Empire of Cotton and Ronald Suny's The Soviet Experiment, respectively].

thekaxmax - 2020-04-08

That goes outside economics to colonialism and politics. But it should have been bought up, yes.

Jayden Taylor - 2015-08-28

Who misses John green ?:(

L. Yarbrough - 2016-01-26

+Jayden Taylor I so dearly miss John I could cry.

FocusMrbjarke - 2016-06-22

RIP john green

Annie Evie - 2017-09-18

hehe not me I never watch his, only Hank's

Fredrik Dunge - 2018-03-03

Yeah, I mean I don't hate these people nearly as much now as in their first vid, but still seeing John Snark his younger self is something I miss.

ninga 4 u anonymous - 2018-10-31

Even if we miss him this is still a good series

DanThePropMan - 2015-08-30

Can't tell if Adriene is really short...or Jacob is really tall...

(Seriously, though, I'm loving the series so far. You're both great hosts!)

AZ N - 2015-08-28

Can we have a little less negativity in the comments? I like the hosts and the show I think they are doing a great job.

Eos - 2015-08-28

why does John run a bakery? Clearly he would run a pizzeria.

Dora de Lemos - 2015-09-03

Maybe, in the way they put in this episode seemed like developing countries are poor only becouse their governaments were incopetent and corrupt. All history that lead to that dosen't count? All the others steps in the capitalism had some role in that, hadn't it? Like the mercantilism capitalism until now a finantial globalized capitalism.

Its harder to the developing countries to try now to get industrialized and catch up with the ones that already have a stablished industry base.

 Sorry about the bed english. I hope i could explain what i was thinking.

eu static - 2015-09-03

+Dora de Lemos Thanks for your comment. I totally agree, this series is ignoring history, which makes it harder to teach history, sociology, and other subjects. It could be so much better if it explained economics with history; i think they are following the USA AP test, which has lots of terrible assumptions.

Wiggum Esquilax - 2015-11-01

+Dora de Lemos Exactly this.  So much of a country's current prosperity is defined by our predecessors willingness and ability to make the leap towards industrialization.  A situation compounded up or down by early adoption of computer technology.The future of economic growth will be heavily dictated by a country's resilience to climate change, man-made or otherwise; and their ability to transition away from dwindling fossil fuel supplies.  Get onboard or get left behind, assuming of course that your nation's not already been left behind.

#JawshTV - 2019-03-12

90% of the comments are about his AC/DC belt ......that’s 2019 for ya😂

Geli - 2015-08-29

"We wouldn't judge you for re-wearing clothes. But we do judge you for making a comment about it, and we judge both of you for lots of other equally inane things"
--half the comments

fununcle - 2015-08-28

Hold on...why on Earth would you need a different top for every episode? That's crazy talk! Who pays attention to what shirt you're wearing?

But like, Vindu and Gee - 2019-03-28

Clearly you do😂

pompeius magnus - 2019-07-28

When will Crash Course institute economics videos updated to 2019?

Rififi50 - 2015-08-28

No need for a new blouse for every episode, but yes Mr. Clifford, there is a need for you to wear every other episode a different AC/DC belt.

N4K3DN1NJ4 - 2015-08-28

Shout out to Mr. Clifford's AC/DC belt. Even us Econ educators know how to rock out!

ArmageddonAngel - 2015-08-29

I always thought that Jacob Clifford's first name was Mr.

Miranda N - 2015-08-30

When they say "economists", they are referring mostly to the mainstream ones (notably the neoclassical economists) whose research is financially supported by those who benefit from the propagation of a specific theory of value (notably Marginalism) and suppression of others. Many economic professors at universities and on media have been corrupted by the big money of big Capitalists, so that the students/audience are less exposed to the alternative theories that challenge the fundamental principles of Capitalism:

No mention of the portion for the employer's income? From the profit which the workers produced but the employer appropriates and distributes, by default, a certain amount (say 20$/hr) goes to the workers and another amount to other production costs ONLY IF there is enough left for the employer to take as his income. That extra value which the workers produce, is not included in the workers' pays. That is, the labor for which each worker receives 20 $/hr, is actually worth more than 20 $/hr. Paying the workers a wage which is LESS than the actual value of their labor that produces the surplus, is how the employers make their incomes.

sfinholm71 - 2015-08-28

At 3:37 "the main reason why some COUNTIRES are rich" YOU MISSPELLED COUNTRIES!!!!

Field Marshal Fry - 2015-09-03

I understand now... this entire series has been one giant subliminal advert to drive up demand for AC/DC belt buckles... well its damn well worked, I WANT ONE!

cumpozer - 2019-12-05

Me in episode #31: "didn't she wear that in episode 11?"

Brep Brep - 2019-11-14

6:20 organization effectiveness “technology”

Castizo - 2018-09-10

Step 1.Type in google "countries by average IQ"
Step 2.Check images.
Step 3.Look at any image that shows the map of the whole earth.

Makes you think.

Drivabletree - 2015-08-29

thank you to the patreon donators that allowed me to watch this <3

Duke of Lorraine - 2015-08-28

That seal on the video logo, on the left... the Elephantinati (or Illuminaphants) govern us, I thought their extra-long breeding time prevented them from that damn it !

maxcoseti - 2015-09-13

"Why some countries are rich while others are poor?"
It all comes down to Guns, Germs and Steel apparently

TheLordSod - 2015-08-29

"Please pay, so you can watch for free" - Love it.

mambd123 - 2017-01-12

Well, it has to do a lot with the historical context of each country, also. I mean, most of India´s natural resources were took away by the UK for a long time, as an example. It´s important to have in mind that there are countries that need others to keep poor...
Also, GDP per capita is the same illusion as GDS: a rich country does not mean people are richer. It is much more important to look at the money equality rates.

gaby - 2015-09-18

I have always been hesitant of studying economics but you guys make it so understandable! ^.^

Samantha Delorme - 2018-12-27

The word “countries” is spelled incorrectly at ~3:35...

Yuno Gasai - 2016-05-10

I actually like their jokes, they remind me of my high school econ teacher.

MrDiscreet100 - 2015-08-29

This is my favorite series, I'm committed to the end.

Grier Dunn - 2020-04-13

I have to watch this for school (online school) gosh darn Coronavirus

Jelle Soons - 2015-09-12

that joke in the beginning made me laugh, well done :)

Lara Wadsworth - 2015-08-29

These videos will save my life this year in my ap econ class. Having this foreknowledge will help a ton! Thanks a TON!

Ramona M. - 2015-11-16

Thx Adriene for mentioning Switzerland and its cows :D You made my Swiss heart happy!

Chowdhury Abdullah - 2015-08-28

Great explanation, Adriene and Jacob!
Thanks from Bangladesh!

Darryl Lai - 2015-09-16

I feel like the intro is a perfect representation of my parents; trying to act cool