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Functional Programming in C++ - Nicola Gigante - Meeting C++ 2015

Meeting Cpp - 2016-01-25

Functional Programming in C++
Nicola Gigante 
Meeting C++ 2015

Slides: https://meetingcpp.com/index.php/tv15/items/1.html

Elijah Rippeth - 2016-01-26

Is C++ an OO language? Yes, if you mean it supports OO principles. No if you mean it is the main paradigm of the language.

This is what I tell everyone who tells me that C++ is an object oriented language. It's such a misconception that "supports OO" -> "is an OO language".

Tyler Anderson - 2016-07-25

OOP is still the "main paradigm", the language was designed to take advantage of productivity and structure that Simula 67 introduced with the raw speed and power of C. C++ has always been a general purpose language using imperative, generic, and object oriented paradigms with the class based OO structure becoming the inspiration for later class / inheritance heavy enterprise languages languages even more than the message passing OOP of smalltalk. Recent language updates have made C++ more and more a multi-paradigm language and added features that have been popular in newer languages, but the core of C++ remains based on imperative and OO features.

Tim Teatro - 2016-09-30

Jackson Drexler, while this is true, and you have a point, I think you're committing a genetic fallacy when saying what is was in what it must still be. Even Bjarne Stroustrup doesn't know how to characterize modern C++, and says he is bewildered by people who claim they can. (I don't recall where I've heard him say so exactly, but it was in one of his keynote talks at either CppCon or CppNow.)

Sedit T - 2019-05-21

It was designed to be an OO form of C, it may be more correct to say that its an OO language that supports functional programming not the other way around.