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Refining Rhodium

Cody'sLab - 2023-03-02


@feIps_ - 2023-03-02

I've always loved how chaotic Cody's chemestry is compared to Nile's lmao

@TylerZoucha - 2023-03-02

I bet Nile's would be as chaotic if he didn't film it as a presentation with a commentary and filmed in real-time with his commentary.

In fact, I'd love to see a video from Nile that feels as personal as Cody's. Like Cody brings us along for his journey while Nile presents his journey.

@attila5221 - 2023-03-02

@@TylerZoucha nile blue my guy
nile red, except "live" commentary, and wild wild chaos

@Pro_Triforcer - 2023-03-02

@@attila5221 nile green for maximum chaos

@TylerZoucha - 2023-03-02

@@attila5221 I've been a subscriber of NileBlue as long as I can remember finding NileRed. So I definitely know the content there, but I'm not sure if you understand what I am trying to say how Cody's feel really personal and like he's taking us along the journey.
NileBlue is even less personal and kinda feels like I'm just watching somebody. Which isn't bad. I wish Nigel would go back to making more material either way.

@dallyingvirus85gaming79 - 2023-03-02

Explosions and Fire...

@Crowbars2 - 2023-03-02

Hey, Cody. I've heard of a pigment used between the time of prehistoric Egypt until around the year 800AD, where the method of manufacture was lost. It's called Egyptian Blue, and its method of manufacture was investigated by Humphry Davy in 1815, but he couldn't quite crack it. Then, in the 1980's, the method of manufacture was pretty much rediscovered, but with a few discrepancies.
The recipe is to mix together silica (60-70%), calcium oxide (7-15%), and copper oxide (10-20%), and then to heat this mixture to between 800C-1000C for several hours. The result is cuprorivaite, water, and carbon dioxide. Most Egyptian samples seemed to have an excess of silica, AND an excess of either copper oxide OR calcuim oxide.
Maybe an idea for a video? To remake Egyptian Blue and see what effects changing the composition has, and maybe seeing why the Egyptians used an excess of silica along with an excess of either copper or calcium. Could be interesting, since it's so weird that something so well known for nearly 4000 years and something so simple to make could be forgotten about. You're a geologist! You like rocks and stuff. Maybe an idea for a video?

@theCodyReeder - 2023-03-02

I didn't know what it was at the time but I think Ive made some of that by mistake before.

@candyman9635 - 2023-03-02

I suspect that the Egyptians had an excess because they simply weren't that precise be it in the heating or the amounts.

@-r-495 - 2023-03-02

Are you sure that‘s not „Egyptian Yellow“?

@technoman9000 - 2023-03-02

I prefer the Norwegian Blue myself...

@ghlscitel6714 - 2023-03-02

@@technoman9000 I prefer Prussian blue

@WarlordSh4Dow - 2023-03-02

I feel like Cody is a "best of both worlds" between NileRed and Explosions&Fire.

Absolutely solid chemistry with high end chemicals and minerals, while also having the "this was not shot in a high end lab" feel.

These three channels are the Triforce of awesome in the chemistry space. Love it!

@WhileTrueCode - 2023-03-02

Yes, exactly this :)

Explosions&Fire has been on Safety Third podcast a time or two, and NileRed is in nearly all of them. I'm hoping Cody shows up there one day!

@md4luckycharms - 2023-03-03

NileRed's videos are like school grade educational
Cody's videos are educational but just a dude in a garage
Tom's videos are fantastic shitposts that occasionally get dangerously close to being educational

@mikew735 - 2023-03-03

This is a really really good way to put it, though i like them all i enjoy E&F and Cody's stuff a bit more i;ll never turn down any vid from any of the 3.

@mitchfillbach1115 - 2023-03-03

hot take, but I couldn't disagree more. Nigel does cool stuff that is largely safe, and maybe industrially viable, E&F does some of the highest end organic chemistry bullshit I have seen on the internet, and doesn't care how dangerous it is. Cody is a wild west frontiersman that does things out of necessity because its the only way they get done, things are chaotic and dangerous but only because there isn't a better way that isn't fully getting into a chem lab.

@PhngluiMglwnafh - 2023-03-03

Don't forget though, Cody is the OG

@snooter28 - 2023-04-04

Cody, I swear. I hope you never stop making videos. You're one of the most pure channels out there. No fancy setups, just cool science with camera shots that make sense..

@nicholasneyhart396 - 2023-12-03

Yep, he just has a passion for science and educating others.

@truthsmiles - 2023-03-02

Best thing about Cody is how honestly imperfect he is... he shows us that getting 10% yield (and nearly spilling it while trying to weigh it) is perfectly okay :)

@Wulthrin - 2023-03-03

i dont do chemistry but the moment he nearly spilled it was a real clencher

@garyhuntress6871 - 2023-03-03

my butt clenched there for a second

@americangamer1632 - 2023-03-03

the crucible tipped when he took it out for the second time, thought it was gonna spill lol

@chrisbleurgh7425 - 2023-03-03

It was great, you could feel him charging up a heavy sigh just after it almost happened - just in case he needed it lol.

@erich1394 - 2023-03-03

It's important not to fall victim to perfectionism - Cody does a great job of getting stuff done without letting fear of failure stop him.

@noob19087 - 2023-03-03

Years ago, as a high school kid, your channel ignited my interest for chemistry. Now, I'm a second year chemistry undergrad. Your videos have been a great inspiration to me, thanks!

@iparadoxg - 2023-03-06


@JNaysh - 2023-03-06

lmao I've been watching Cody for years, and he was probably part of why I applied for undergrad for chem and physics. Now I'm a music major lol

@matthewbrightman3398 - 2023-04-02

Wonderful! Some day you might inspire a high school kid too!

@xander1052 - 2023-07-08

Helped lead me to now being a Physics Grad.

@ruthsnyder8676 - 2023-08-02

🎉 That's fantastic!🎉

@Verlisify - 2023-03-07

"I have been trying to prevent poisoning myself" is a very Cody thing to say

@TheDaggwood - 2023-03-02

Cody as a Geologist you make me extremely happy carrying out all the experimenting I could have ever dreamed of. Thank you for the exploration!

@elijahberegovsky8957 - 2023-03-02

It’s always a great day when Cody uploads. Also, man, gold being the impurity one wants to remove is weird as heck

@xxxm981 - 2023-03-02

Well, have a look at the price of Rhodium.......

@RicoElectrico - 2023-03-02

And silver is an impurity when processing copper, so KGHM makes a shitload of it.

@spugintrntl - 2023-03-02

​@@xxxm981I'd never even heard of rhodium until now...

@Mikemk_ - 2023-03-02

​@@spugintrntl you very likely own about $300-$500 of Rhodium. It's in catalytic converters

@spugintrntl - 2023-03-02

@@Mikemk_ huh. I'd always heard those were platinum.

@Kim-Unearthed - 2023-03-02

It's been so long since I've seen a notification of yours!! Oh my goodness!! So great to see you!! I love how much I learn from you, you're a great teacher!🙏🏼💛

@gasptis8534 - 2023-03-03

For a schooled geologist, your knowledge of chemistry is astounding! :D I am schooled chemist and when i see the experiments you make on your channel, they just blow my mind to smithereens. I couldn't do half of experiments you do because of my lack of knowledge about advanced chemistry, and that really shows how much self learning outruns those legitimate school programs. Well done man, much love to you and keep up the good work! :)

@whateversmurfette - 2023-03-05

you win the internet with that comment, because humbleness is the rarest element. i was so excited to see this video when i searched "rhodium recovery" because i think im ready to do the process myself, and here he is having just posted this a couple days before i looked for new practical insight, and i know i can trust his perspective wont be bs. that said, how fun is it to wonder what he means to do with the purified rhodium?! i cant wait to find out🤓

@gasptis8534 - 2023-03-05

@@whateversmurfette Everything happens for a reason and at the precisely right time! :D The way Cody explains and shows these experiments is just beautifull and so insightfull. I too cant wait to see what will he do with this rhodium. :P Good luck with your own experiments and stay safe man. :)

@Zraknul - 2023-03-05

I would imagine a geologist learns a fair bit about refining material.

@Leadvest - 2023-03-06

There's more overlap than you might think, and scrounging behaviour, (as apposed to consumption of risk) tends to lead to cross discipline learning by necessity. As far as what he's going to do with it. He kept it as a powder, and only needs a small amount, so probably as a catalyst. I'm honestly very interested what speculations you might have for what projects it would be good for.

@Leadvest - 2023-03-07

I did come up with something, kind of hairbrained, but it's been years since I did any actual chemistry. Hydrogenating algae oil as a continuous process in order to make it precipitate as a solid, removing the need for a phase separation step.

@justice5150 - 2023-03-02

13:17 Cody's mad scientist giggle never ceases to bring great joy

@shaun138 - 2023-03-02

Can we take a moment to appreciate how cool that intro was

@juris9546 - 2023-04-01


@txwhyxbeetsx4ever381 - 2023-04-14

No joke this really was the coolest a channel intro could be

@DerLiesl - 2023-05-28

Cody showed us a cation, he looks so positive

@Entertainment_Enterprise - 2023-03-02

Cody, I'm so glad you're still on YouTube. I've been watching You Good Sir for years. Youve definitely made chemistry very interesting and all the other experiments you do are really awesome.

@TMS9918A - 2023-03-03


@ChIGuY-town22_ - 2023-03-03

Me 3

@rnedisc - 2023-03-03

He's very active on his patreon! He should probably advertise it more himself but I understand if he doesn't want to... Check it out!

@Kyrox2 - 2023-03-03

This was such a cool video. I love when we get these chemistry centric videos mixed in among all the other cool stuff Cody does. Really looking forward to what this stuff will be used for and I actually hope we get a follow up video on cleaning and isolating more rhodium from the waste materials.

@starlight4649 - 2023-07-03

I really needed this video, Cody.
My youtube has just been full of some of the worst, most disappointing, shame-in-the-species videos that were nonetheless entertaining

I needed a reminder that awesome people do exist, and they refine exotic metals in their home lab setup for us to see and learn from.

I know it sounds stupid but this random video of yours is really restoring my faith in humanity today, so thank you for being you.

@thomaswebster5488 - 2023-03-02

Holy Shit, HE'S BACK!
Been a long time fan, I actually was recently watching your old refining videos over on the internet archive (cause most have been removed from youtube >=( , anyways good to see you put out another video man, keep it up and i hope you are doing well. love from Australia

@rooiakkidis1 - 2023-03-02

Im a PhD student in organometallic chemistry. I mostly work with rhodium and iridium. Its insane to see you go through all this effort to get some pure rhodium. Just the other day i was holding in my hands 15g of RhCl3 (about $7500). I only used 2grams of it for a reaction but stil...

@curlyvideos - 2023-04-05

I'm not a PhD, and I intend to eat this RhCl3.

@georgekircher4307 - 2023-09-27

​@@curlyvideosit sounds yummy honestly, it might pear well with code red mountain dew

@sypialnia_studio - 2023-03-04

Another classic from Cody. Thank you for all your work and your curiosity!

@RmRoyalflush - 2023-03-03

Cody, you are such a lovely, real and honest person. You cherish everything good that happens to you and it looks like you also grow and learn from the unfortunate things that happen instead of going into a depressed state. It would be great to have you as a friend, but watching your videos is a good substitute

@LuccaCatani - 2023-03-02

Isn't that more one episode of "Precious Metal Refining & Recovery"? Anyway, I like when Cody is refining stuff!

@CodingWithCameron - 2023-03-02

The only channel i have the bell set on, always learn new things from Cody in a way i can grasp

@simon_far - 2023-03-03

Love the XKCD reference!

@CodingWithCameron - 2023-03-03

@@simon_far thanks!

@brewzbonezballs1800 - 2023-04-10

Love your content Cody! Thank you for posting through thick and thin!

@lylewasacow - 2023-03-08

Please do a part two! I'd love to know your final yield and it's also very relaxing to watch you process the metals 🤓

@hookdump - 2023-03-02

When Cody —Cody, of all people!!!— shows up wearing full protective gear and working in the fume hood, you know shit is gonna go down xD

@codasager5308 - 2023-03-02

I like how you store all of your chemicals in ziplock bags

@nanaki5467 - 2023-03-04

You've taught me so much by now... think I've been watching for 6 years now and I really like how transparent you are with us and how sub count never changed you. I hope I get to meet you some day so I can give back, a hug at the very least.

@bobinvirtuallife8794 - 2023-03-04

Im glad to see your still making videos Cody Love your work and would love to meet you someday.

@kaiwest_ - 2023-03-02

I've always liked your neat intros

@jimmycincinnati3714 - 2023-03-02

I think my favorite thing about your show is the fact that it won't cost a million dollars to do this.
I call you the garage scientist. Most projects can be replicated with stuff we have in the garage.

@m.w.4508 - 2023-03-02

I don't think you've watched half of Cody's videos, to be honest. He obviously has money flying out of the gazoo.

@jimmycincinnati3714 - 2023-03-02

@@m.w.4508 You may be right but thought emporium's glasses cost more than this project.

@kylebowles9820 - 2023-03-02

I do think that academics try to monopolize science, but if you were to quantify how much of an impact people like Cody make, one would be quite surprised!

@jimmycincinnati3714 - 2023-03-02

@@kylebowles9820 I have seen other scientists cite his work.

@RaygingBacon - 2023-03-02

@@jimmycincinnati3714 Any chance you could link one of those papers? I'd love to read up on published work referring to Cody's work.

@killkarl8198 - 2023-03-03

So glad to see you smiling. Great vid. I miss your gold series from a while back.

@ood9700 - 2023-03-09

No one’s talking about the super cute kitty!!! What an angel

@scrappydoo7887 - 2023-03-02

Holy mother of God I have been waiting so soooo long for someone, ANYONE ANYWHERE, to post a rhodium refining!

Thank you Cody from the bottom of my heart. I needed this.
If you can show a recovery from a source of ewaste I would become a premium patron and send you half of the first recovery

@herrhaber9076 - 2023-03-03

I was also waiting for someone to post this kind of video.
Rhodium from ewaste ? I dont see it used in electronic components. Am I wrong ?

@scrappydoo7887 - 2023-03-06

@@herrhaber9076 some LCD screens use rhodium oxide and there are other sources I believe

@herrhaber9076 - 2023-03-06

@@scrappydoo7887 Ok, I only knew of indium oxide in touch screens but never heard of rhodium used in electronics.

@bzqp2 - 2023-03-02

Finally the fume hood has a nice, cleanable surface! :D

@theCodyReeder - 2023-03-02

The more I use it the blacker it gets!

@isaacm1929 - 2023-03-02

​@@theCodyReeder Great. Now you can make a patent for Tar Coated Glass!

@elijah12325 - 2023-03-03

Love seeing every time you post Cody. Great video, thanks!

@simonbergagna - 2023-03-07

One of the OG's and still one of the best YouTube scientists.

@scotttod6954 - 2023-03-02

Was having a rough morning till this dropped. This man/robot is a treasure. The impurities being a treasure is some sort of life lesson I am sure.

@IslandC0der - 2023-03-04


@jeffspaulding9834 - 2023-03-04

@@IslandC0der Watch Cody's Chickenhole Base videos - he often has "Robo-Cody" do manual work around the base.

@scotttod6954 - 2023-03-04

@@IslandC0der long running funny. RoboCody.

@IslandC0der - 2023-03-04

I don't know what you people are talking about! RoboCody and Cody are obviously different entities, this is clearly Cody ;)

@brandonfredrickson233 - 2023-03-29

So glad to see a video bud. Love the refining videos!

@mcflapper7591 - 2023-03-04

Love your intros! So many different ingenious ideas. Just great. :) Thank you.

@Alberto_Travagin - 2023-03-02

Only Cody can call "impurity" the Gold.

@mosfet7575 - 2023-03-02

The rhodium is worth over 5 times more than the gold.

@Alberto_Travagin - 2023-03-02

@@mosfet7575 Yes i know that

@Tekdruid - 2023-03-02

"Ew my rhodium is contaminated with all this worthless gold!" 😬

@kingtoad2234 - 2023-03-02

@Don't Read My Profile Photo okay I won’t

@sanityormadness - 2023-03-02

@@Tekdruid We'll just call it "gold-pressed rhodium", that should fix it 😁

@MeshkaLepeshka - 2023-03-02

Good to see you back to your "Get the rhodium from other stuff using other stuff" dissolving/melting stuff series :) Greetings from Norway :)

@AntBangBang - 2023-03-02

Great to see you. As always it was a really interesting video. Would love to see a part two and am curious as to how much more you recover when reprocessing.

@slrnuttall - 2023-03-03

Thanks Cody. I've somehow missed your channel updates for most of the pandemic. Your chemistry-fu is top notch. Cheers!

@zanebertoli4589 - 2023-03-02

Good to see a video Cody! I'm an organic chemist and so it's always really fun seeing some straight inorganic chemistry. You look great and your cat is wonderful. Looking forward to future videos

@ryanmiskin - 2023-03-02

Always fun to see the problem solving process at work. Thanks for the video Cody! I can't wait to see what project you have planned for the rhodium.

@cmw184 - 2023-03-02

Always glad to come back to this channel yo

Good job

@louisiv5484 - 2023-03-03

Great video, always look forward to your mineral/metal extractions. Keep up the good work, and God bless you!

@kendavis8046 - 2023-03-02

Cody, you're a madman! But I always enjoy your forays into both entertaining and educating us with your projects.

@edibleknowledge4716 - 2023-03-02

Nice! A new Cody's lab. CHEERS MY FRIENDS.

@johna7075 - 2023-03-07

Glad to see you back to doing interesting chemical extractions in the "Lab". Looking forward to seeing what you are doing with your Rhodium.