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Does time exist? - Andrew Zimmerman Jones

TED-Ed - 2018-10-23

Download a free audiobook version of "A Brief History of Time" and support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission: https://adbl.co/2NWYjAh

Check out our full book recommendation: https://shop.ed.ted.com/collections/ted-ed-book-recommendations/products/a-brief-history-of-time

View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/does-time-exist-andrew-zimmerman-jones

The earliest time measurements were observations of cycles of the natural world, using patterns of changes from day to night and season to season to build calendars. More precise time-keeping eventually came along to put time in more convenient boxes. But what exactly are we measuring? Andrew Zimmerman Jones contemplates whether time is something that physically exists or is just in our heads.

Lesson by Andrew Zimmerman Jones, directed by Nice Shoes.

Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Chung Wah Gnapp, Andrew Sprott, Jane White, Ayan Doss, BRENDAN NEALE, Lawrence Teh Swee Kiang, Alex Pierce, Nick Cozby, Jeffrey Segrest, Anthony Arcis, Ugur Doga Sezgin, Kathryn Vacha, Allyson Martin, Srinivasa C Pasumarthi, 张晓雨, Ann Marie Reus, Nishant Suneja, Javier Lara Rosado, Jerry Yang, Shubham Arora, Sebastian Regez, Danielle Downs, Clovis Norroy, Liz Candee, Vinh-Thuy Nguyen, Amy Lopez, SANG HAN, Aries SW, Sebastiaan Hols, Grimes Gregory, João Henrique Rodrigues, Michael Lucke, Annastasshia Ames, Claudia Hernandez Chavarria, Livia-Alexandra Sarban, Lee, Karthik Balsubramanian, Mathew Samuel, Turine Tran, Ido brown, Jordan Tang, Christopher Jimenez, Juan, Tracey Tobkin, Sid, emily lam, Kathryn J Hammond, Elliot Poulin, Noel Situ and Latora Slydell.

TED-Ed - 2018-10-23

If time does exist, you'll probably want to read a brief history of it. Download a free audiobook version of Stephen Hawking's classic here: https://adbl.co/2NWYjAh! Every free trial started with this link helps support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission.

Ralph Alfalfa - 2020-01-28

I was really excited to download a free audio version of Stephen Hawking‘s book. Then I saw that it was read by Michael Jackson. No thanks.

Carlos J - 2020-02-01

Time does not exist. It's just a measure of one event related to another well known and repetitive in order to for example plan or prediction. In daily human live is just the measure of how many times move the earth into its edge and around the sun, then is compared to a movement or event that occurs or is planned to occur in earth. But this little measure means nothing in the vast universe, where another bigger plants or events could be taken to make alike ratios, mesures and comparations. In universe just exist matter and forces that rules its changing properties. And there is only Now.

Qrious Minds - 2020-05-10

Illusion of Time

MATRIX - 2020-05-14

2.20 We are actually living in reverse time, our devices have alphabets and once we write on it, Alphabet takes it back, exactly like this drop

MATRIX - 2020-05-14

Why are modern movies using reels and not some SSD or something? What do they use to store sound?

not doggo - 2018-10-24

can we just all take a moment to appreciate the amazing animation style here?
thank you.

Qin 21 - 2020-04-01


sanjana - 2020-04-12

I started the video and i just loved the animation first

DSI - Films - 2020-04-16

I was just looking for a comment for that

lui bola - 2020-04-29

sure , if you like Paw Patrol

Geno - 2020-05-06

That's what I said! Whoever drew this need to draw more cartoons!

hitormisshuh - 2020-01-22

"does time exist"


Nimna Devundara Chitrage - 2020-05-14

@Q u e u m b e r ew

ASDF Keyboard - 2020-05-16

@The Donovan I'm quite aware of that The Donovan, I don't think you understand the oppression aethiests are giving Christians and some things might be interpreted differently but in Christianity they would and should all still come from the fundamental basis of God's word

The Donovan - 2020-05-16

@ASDF Keyboard  ASDF Keyboard  God's word isn't specific enough to cover all areas of science. I'm a Christian, and I just choose to see things for how they are. The Bible gives the world a working foundation to build upon through science.

I'm well aware of a large majority of atheists who take it upon themselves to insult religion simply for the fun of it. Yes, it's wrong. No, it is not oppression.

People are allowed to have different beliefs, no matter which side they're on. Believe it or not, there are many tolerant atheists out there, so don't go lumping them all together.

pete Patterson - 2020-05-21

@John Hamilton fist ting we need to do is go back to the real beginnings king james changed stuff in his version of the bible in hebrew it says at the start so at the start of what time is what is intended so everyone need to do some real research cause peoples been changing the real history to suit them selves on you are right yuhawa created everything in order not chaos ya i use hes name hope u find so truth in this just trying to help if you have any questions my email is norma.patterson@yahoo.com
my yuhawa bless you

pete Patterson - 2020-05-21

sry norma.patterson11@yahoo.com

proc_rai_stinating - 2019-08-09

time was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks

change my mind

Jhunel Mullanida - 2020-05-23

If there is no time, then we'll be a still image.

Geno - 2020-05-23

@Jhunel Mullanida the only thing it proves is that "events" happen.. action, reaction, etc.. time is merely a human made concept to describe the relative rate of events interactions,, not an actual thing though

Jhunel Mullanida - 2020-05-23

@Geno Time was just discovered. Before humans even discovered it, time was moving. We just named it. I think we have the same idea, no need to argue, maybe?

Geno - 2020-05-23

@Jhunel Mullanida it's like saying math was discovered.. but is math a force of nature, a physical entity of sorts? I don't think so, it's just an abstraction, nothing more.. a logical concept, just like time

Jhunel Mullanida - 2020-05-23

@Geno Yeah, kind of. Math was just discovered too. Actually, we, humans, only discovers things. Everything was made for us, by god. You can tell, for science and math can't explain everything.

Toby F - 2020-03-23

Teacher: you’re late to class Me: time is an illusion

John Hamilton - 2020-04-29

Our perception of time is the (partial) illusion, but time itself is very real and is no illusion.

June Angelie B. - 2020-05-03

Teacher: And so are your grades, Mr. Philosopher. 😆

Goose Chickinpox - 2020-05-04

Ok Miles Morales

Vijay Thakur - 2020-05-04

Me: time is relative ...maybe you start class early

Reece West - 2020-05-10

Maybe times just a construct of human perception an illusion created by-
Meh meh meh meh meh mEH MEH MEH MEH

Michael Morgan - 2019-10-10

I believe time is a construct of the mind to understand change.

D-MAN - 2020-05-23

Dude you just cat flowered me you know that meme😲😲😲😲

Dhivakar - 2020-05-23

The distinction between the past present and the future is nothing but an illusion - Albert Einstein

heisag - 2020-05-23

@Nakor Isilani One can also see time dilation as "proof" that time does not exist , and the reason beeing able to have a dialog with someone who live in a different reference frame of time. Example: For those onboard ISS time move slower then for us back here on earth, neither is actually ahead of the others time since we can have a dialog with those onboard instead a monolog. IMO, this is why Einstein says the past, present and future is an illusion. But i am not going to claim i am right on this issue, it just happens to be what i find most logical.

Nakor Isilani - 2020-05-23

@heisag I think the reason we can have dialogue with astronauts on the iss in what appears to be real time, is because the dilation effect is so small at that velocity, as to be insignificant. However, if the iss was moving at even 25% the speed of light, we would find a marked difference in the time it takes for our communications to reach one another. If you take it further, and say they are moving at very near the speed of light, it might take eternity for a message to complete. Additionally, if they slowed back to our own velocity and returned to Earth, they would still be young, while we would have grown old and died. This physical consequence indicates that time is a very real part of the universe.

heisag - 2020-05-23

@Nakor Isilani Thank you for the reply, although i would have to both agree and disagree. Agreeing on the time dilation effect between earth and ISS is next to nothing, but still there. Upon increasing the speed difference, technical stuff would make communication trickier, possibly impractical when nearing light speed, agree as well. But if we for the sake of an example says the ISS had gotten a speedboost enough to make them one day behind compared to earth time, if they slowed down and the crew went back to earth, they should if time exist land yesterday and be stuck one day behind. IE, the watch on the astronaut says sunday the 11th and on earth a watch synchronized before takeoff says monday the 12th.

But as far as i understand it, not know it, when they landed, they would land, shake hands, whatever, and adjust their watches forward to current earth time and be back(well, forward actually) in the present time on earth. Almost like time is a very very very large rotating disc divided into sectors we call the present. We'll move at different speeds(and therefore also time) depending on our distance to stationary centre, but still share beeing in the present sector. Not sure if that made any sense. Hmm, perhaps time is multidimensional, i have to think about that for a little while, like a couple years or so.

Jose Daniel - 2019-08-22

Imagine everything Einstein would accomplish if he had today's technology.

Mizuhashi Tsunoka - 2020-05-05

@Jose Daniel great point made. It's really cool to wonder what all these great physicists and scientists could have discovered / developed if they had the current modern technology at their disposal. We also have to remember that the current technology has cut down a lot of time and automated some of the efforts for a lot of experimentations that were dealt with all manually by assistants and maybe the person themselves.

Nanook Rubs It - 2020-05-11

He wouldn't do much more than he did lol

Problems of YouTube - 2020-05-18

誰でもいたくないのさ ther wouldn’t be atomic bombs

Jose Daniel - 2020-05-20

Honestly, I like all the different opinions every has. I always try to be open minded and see how other people think even if we don't share the same opinions.

hugglesnuggybear - 2020-05-22

without einstein we wouldn’t have todays technology

Althaf ZEX - 2020-03-22

' Every 60 seconds in africa, a minute passes ' - jamal

Elijah Karash - 2020-05-09

And this years Nobel Prize goes to.....

Althaf ZEX - 2020-05-09

@Jamal Abdillahi https://youtu.be/7Zm1hPbmzPw
you should be answerable for this

Bhargav Chavda - 2020-05-14

@Jamal Abdillahi bruh

Lia - 2020-05-22

Thanks Jamal!

Jasmine J - 2020-05-22

“Together we can stop this”

Jennifer Liu - 2019-08-17

YouTube: DoEs tImE eXisT
Me: Oh, another video to question the meaning of life

Warrior official1111 - 2020-04-22

At 3 am

Sidra - 2020-04-27

Why this is so on point!

Shawn Cao - 2020-04-16

Me after procrastinating for 5 hours:

Does time exist?

Shaunak Aswani - 2019-11-02

einstein reminds me of monopoly man

FS Chris - 2020-04-09

Shaunak Aswani reminds me of the dude on my Pringle’s can

Yamete Kudasai Senpai - 2020-04-17

Sunrise, sunset, night and day
The changing seasons
The smell of hay
Look at your hair grow
Isn't it strange how time makes your appearance change?

Heather Petherick - 2020-05-21


liam hiley - 2020-05-16

"Maybe time is just a construct of human perception, an illusion created by-" "Myeh, meyh, meyh, Myeh, MYEH, MYEH MYEH!"

GoldDropper - 2019-11-17

Teacher: your running out of time

Me: or am I?

Marcus Holloway - 2020-05-10

* vsauce music plays *

Arslaan Askari - 2019-04-10

When I'm late.
Teacher: You're very late.
Me: Does time exist?

ray thug - 2020-01-16

Sucalit Domico smoothie was Sikkim”

M loo put

ray thug - 2020-01-16

Benur M ex V Tec CB day i

GamingWithBorj - 2020-02-14


Sajid Islam - 2020-02-20


Lias Danis - 2020-04-14

if time doesn't you still late because "late"also means you missing something not just time that already passed

bala - 2019-08-09

Teacher: You have to submit your assignments today.

Me: I have already finished and submitted it to you by next month.
If you 'travel at the speed of light'/ 'go near a supermassive blackhole', you can see it by yourself.

Lend Op - 2020-04-28

Mom: What time do you think to start studying ?
Me: Time doesn’t exists

koya koala - 2019-08-21

1 A.M. and I'm sitting in bed thinking about life 🤔

gee eira - 2019-11-02

I like macaron

Huzaifah Shaikh - 2020-01-21

its 4 am

Rinchen Lama - 2020-01-31

Lol. Me right now. 😌

Benson NM - 2020-02-08

On the right tracl

TpXd8bXqT - 2020-03-14

I'm impressed

Grant420 - 2020-04-08

Yes time exist how else will I know when the pizza is ready to come out of the oven.. lol

Questn - 2018-10-23

I don't know why but I feel so comfortable while watching these videos.
Like someone is trying to teach me something special, very politely.

Alisha Pranju - 2019-02-21

I totally agree. That's how even I would describe TED Ed videos. They're simply amazing~

Đức Nguyễn Anh - 2019-03-03

His vocal sucks. I dont know why but it fuckin sucks

xoxo - 2019-07-24

Questn teded: teaches politely
teachers at school: slam tests in your faces and makes you memorize it all

flea1star - 2019-08-22

@chair what do you mean? Explain to me

SINGH - 2019-08-25

They "are" trying to teach you something special,very politely!

Phil Jamieson - 2020-02-10

I think this is clearly explained and,considering the question, that's an excellent achievement.

Dushyant Rajpurohit - 2020-03-20

Me to curious me:
Karwali beijjati?

1203927 - 2019-08-06

TED-ED: Is time real?
Me: confused screaming

Me2147483647 - 2020-03-24

"Consistent predictable ways"

on an unrelated note: Einstein would not like Minecraft Bedrock Edition redstone

Rafi Nandi - 2019-05-19

"Our understanding of time starts getting complicated thanks to Einstein."

Thanks Einstein.

sofian - 2020-02-04

yay im the 1000th like😂

David Hemminger - 2020-02-24

Our souls live and die: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGv8MMi8QO0 or do they....?

no u - 2020-02-29

Time can exist and not exist in the same time because when you think about it time is a way to describe bodies and it's more complicated let's do it eazy time exist in math but in real life it's just something human invented to repeat recycles

Jeff Carroll - 2020-03-01

Or the people Einstein stole the idea from

Ikaika Arnado - 2020-04-30

@Gr3nadgr3gory the reason we have 12 months isn't complicated. It was based on the 12 lunar cycles between any given season.

It gets a little more complicated with seconds, minutes, and hours though, because that's a time interval based on the swinging of a pendulum.

David Zubiria - 2020-04-18

Me: time doesn't exist.
Also me: it's 4 o'clock in the morning I should stop watching this.

Kyle Maritz - 2020-05-03

we need to genetically modify humans to have much larger brains.

MenicMan - 2020-05-07

I agee

Ancient Aspirer - 2020-05-08

More intelligent brains I guess. Blue whales have large brains too.

Tian - 2019-10-06

Of course I watched this when I'm in fact trying to beat a deadline

JKTheGreat - 2020-02-05

We're measuring Movement... Think about it
If every quark in the universe would stop moving it would appear as if time has stopped

prrrrck - 2020-02-07

Precisely. We are. We're also measuring temperature in the same token. If every quark stopped moving we'd get the textbook definition of 0 Kelvin (absolute zero). Every movement from there would change the temperature. Life is, then, subject to the laws of thermodynamics.

Drkwll - 2020-05-16

But if I move, the stationary quarks would appear to be moving.

dat calculation tho - 2018-11-23

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the wonderful animation?
But wait, will the moment exist?

hmhv vntt - 2019-05-25

1000th like

Crazy Pinata - 2019-05-31

for each our own, my friend.

kian pro - 2019-06-22


Marco G - 2019-08-15

@Anuj Soni ji nice theory, but i don't think it's true

Anonymous - 2019-09-07

Vsause music starts playing

The Donovan - 2020-05-13

Einstein, who wrote the song "Take on Me"?


aliza erom - 2020-04-07

so in that sense...everything that ever happened in past is still happening like still pictures

its shiv's world - 2019-08-08

There is nothing as time it is a man made assumption to observe a set of phenomena and its how simple u can tell
Edit:tnx for like and I'm giving clocks for a like 🕐🕠🕕

TheTIM333 - 2019-08-27

Why would I want clocks if the time doesn't exist?

Nanook Rubs It - 2020-05-11

I'm happy to find at least one person who thinks that besides me.

its shiv's world - 2020-05-12

@TheTIM333 to observe set of phenomena you need a reference and time fills it

its shiv's world - 2020-05-12

@Nanook Rubs It thanks can you subscribe to my channel

Matthew Ssali - 2020-04-11

Everything moves forward reaction after reaction.Time is just a human observation of this movement.

Mustafa Ali Bohra - 2018-10-23

The animation is amazingly creative... hats off to the designer... loved it

Nobody - 2018-10-24

Sure,it is. The only other YouTube channel that can outperform Ted-Ed in creating cute, picturesque animations is Kurzgesagt. They,too create some marvellously beautiful animations. You should check out their animations. They have a dedicated team of animators especially for making animations.

Devil Gaming - 2018-10-24


Raymond V.M - 2018-10-24

@Nobody I much prefer Ted-ed's approach, giving different animators around the globe opportunities to help spread wonderful ideas creates a very wonderful atmosphere full of diversity and creativity. Something that makes Ted-ed very unique as a content creator.

Riksen - 2018-10-24

Mustafa Ali Bohra

Florian Ju - 2018-10-25


Aaa Eee - 2020-02-20

When you fall down in public and everyone is watching..time slows down.

Martin Hernandez - 2020-02-10

“Is time even real, Does anyone know?” -Yellow guy

Jewel Rye - 2020-03-31

"Maybe time's just a construct of human perception
An illusion created by-"
-green guy

Lluís Riutort Serra - 2020-05-22

4:04 I know the majority of people watching this video see atoms... But I see toodles

MrMoi9 - 2020-04-22

3:06 geometry dash players: vietnam flashbacks

I just hope I'm aestheticly pleasing - 2019-03-24

"Einstein said time is relative. Maybe I'm not late, you guys are early"-Miles Morales

Cezariusz Reginia - 2019-08-20

@Gregory Houser but we do know the age of the universe by measuring/ calculating the expansion and distant light

Musical Inquisitor - 2019-10-11

Sorry, time is not my near relative.

Diamond Axe - 2019-11-07

😇😇😇😀😆epic bro epic

Therius Lupus - 2020-02-03

It's just like saying," In an alternate universe, I'm-" and all that stuffs

ehud kotegaro - 2020-02-07


Bruce Banter - 2020-02-12

time is how we measure the passing of moment.

Nemui Vane - 2020-02-12

This whole video is my showerthoughts and is keeping me waking late at night

Y U L - 2020-04-27

ted executives: we got a time vid coming up, who's up for it
everybody turns to Zimmerman Jones
Zimmerman jones: not again

Sean-michael Howard - 2019-11-12

when i'm taking a test, then no

Oriru Bastard - 2019-05-25

Let's put it simple. There's no time, just motion.
Time is just human made invention to keep track of motion.

Puppy Puppington - 2020-04-02

If there’s motion then relative to it’s location, there was a TIME where it was in a different location.

Veer Cool - 2020-04-30

@Auditory Productions because we can still see all the motion done by moon ,earth and other phenomenons like day and night.

Nanook Rubs It - 2020-05-11

@Shubhendu Singh Yea you should take me on your light speed tricycle someday I'd like to see those "physical ramifications" myself too.

Shubhendu Singh - 2020-05-12

@Nanook Rubs It You mean the increasing mass and the infinite energy to approach said speed ?

Clorox Bleach - 2020-05-16

there is no motion without time.

Stella Lemkau - 2020-03-15

Teacher: Why are you late?
Me: Sends video
Still me: Am I though?

Tessa Scott - 2020-04-14

Also see "Now: The Physics of Time" by Richard A. Muller. Great read.

Cashdollar billz - 2020-04-01

I thought my screen was freezing up there for a second

amelia - 2020-04-11

me, waking up at 3am after going to sleep at 6 the night before: time is an illusion

Lillian Wei - 2020-04-23

1:14. 2 years late but still amazed by the Tron Easter egg TED-Ed animated. A really well-done animation btw :D