> temp > à-trier > what-is-a-quantum-coin-toss-physics-girl

What is a quantum coin toss?

Physics Girl - 2018-03-22

Quantum coin flipping is the fairest way to flip a coin over the phone. How does it work?!

Jade’s video on the quantum prisoner dilemma →  https://youtu.be/_kLb1glm6EM
Jade’s channel, Up and Atom →  https://www.youtube.com/upandatom

Subscribe to physics girl: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=physicswoman

Creator: Dianna Cowern
Editing: Dianna Cowern and Jabril Ashe
Animations: Kyle Norby
Writing: Jade Tan-Holmes

Thanks to:
Dustin Bates @dustieboots
Zach @Z_Frank
And Starset! 


PO Box 9281
San Diego, CA 92169

Music used with permission from Starset

Sebastian Elytron - 2018-03-22

That is some friendship. If the trust between us is so low that a friend and I have to resort to this method, the wavefunction isn't the only thing that's collapsing...

Elyass S - 2018-03-23

well maybe not, i just have too much friendz that cant stay serious at all, they always rdy 4 joking

neoadventist - 2019-08-23

Hahahaha. Totally cool

Up and Atom - 2018-03-22

You totally did cheat tho...

JackKell100 - 2018-03-23

1:15 You know for a photon he does not look too bright.

HMan - 2018-03-23

That's relative...

Tolga şimşek - 2018-03-27

That is me watching this video

Thomas The Teleporting Kid - 2018-11-19

It’s not bright it’s brightness

Gerardo Amador - 2019-03-09

It's because you measured it!

Qichar - 2019-08-23

Really? I just thought he looked a little uncertain.

The Science Asylum - 2018-03-22

That photon is adorable :-)

iam Nobody - 2018-04-03

Dianne is adorable

Madara Uchiwa - 2018-04-08

Sorry Asylum Crazy, she don't like you!

Khushi Sharma - 2019-03-09

Hi!! I've watched almost every video of you channel. You're awesome!!

NeoN - Verse - 2019-05-08

Fast fast.!! And remember its OK to be a little crazy.!😆 Love your work man.!

ehud kotegaro - 2020-01-28

Love you!

Bader Alaraimi - 2018-03-22

that's what happens when nerds decided to flip a coin 😑😂

Brent Vettel - 2018-03-22


Mihail Colun - 2018-03-22

When a nerd forgets to charge his phone

Bader Alaraimi - 2018-03-22

Michael Colun ask Rick Sanchez 😜 or maybe just invent a long lasting battery

Discoloured Buttflaps - 2018-03-22

seeing the title i totally thought you are gonna use a pair of entangles coins and send her one of them so you both instantly know the coin flip result of either coin

Discoloured Buttflaps - 2018-04-01

mango tango who did? alex jones?

Deepto Chatterjee - 2018-04-12

mango tango What? Not at all

kallewirsch2263 - 2018-05-07

The problem with entanglement howver is, that there is no way to tell, if those coins are still entangled or if the entanglement has already been broken. So when your coin shows heads, then that might be because the other party actually made a coin toss right now and got tail OR it may be because your coin showed heads all the time (and the other party cheated). You simply have no way to figure out, if the entanglement is still intact without looking - which of course would break the entanglemant immediately. See the dilemma?

hugues elie - 2018-06-13

Discoloured Buttflaps me to

Tomasz Kasperczyk - 2018-09-06


Rhyme Bito - 2018-03-22

Numberphile and Physics Girl releasing a video on cryptography at almost the same time? I smell a conspiracy brewing.

Mikes Science - 2018-03-22

The best explanation of this effect I have ever heard

xenos hive - 2018-03-22

I love this because I wrote an essay on it

Zacharie Etienne - 2018-03-23

or you could just both say heads/tails at the same time and say Dianna wins if they're the same, Jade wins if they're different

Exclusive OR > Quantum coins !!

Madara Uchiwa - 2018-04-08

Fernando Rodriguez Time to troll you

Abhipsha Sahu - 2018-03-22

Okay but Ernie at the end there

Joan - 2018-03-22

Or you could say "ok Google , flip a coin"
Or "hey Siri, flip a coin"
Or "Alexa! Flip a coin"

Ryke Motorsport - 2018-07-07

That's just too much work for a physicist

John Cochran - 2018-09-10

Nope, won't work. I could have done any of the listed commands before hand and recorded the result until I manage to get recordings of both possible outcomes. Then when doing the flip allowing my opponent to listen in, I can simply play back the recording for the result I desire.

Method that doesn't require quantum mechanics. I'll use Ann and Bob as the two wanting to flip a coin.
Ann generates a random number and sends it to Bob.
Bob generates an encryption key and creates 2 encrypted files. One file has Ann's random number plus the string "Heads". The other file has Ann's random number plus the string "Tails". Bob then sends these 2 files back to Ann.
Ann then selects one of the two files as the desired coin flip. Since Ann doesn't have the encryption key, she can't determine which file is heads or tails. Ann tells Bob which file she chooses.
Bob then sends Ann a copy of the encryption key. Both Ann and Bob can then determine the coin flip.

Ann can't cheat because at the time of choosing, she didn't have a copy of the key and therefore couldn't know which file had the desired result.
Bob can't cheat by generating multiple keys and selecting a key that would decrypt to the desired result since the decrypted files would have to both have Ann's random number as well as "Heads" or "Tails".

cdreid99999 - 2018-11-06

Actual randomness is and has always been one of the minor holy grales of programming. write a small program to graph the results of huge numbers of a compilers random function and you will be suprised how soon the function repeats and it's lack of randomness becomes obvious. This isnt obvious to you if you just do it once. But in game coding, etc etc etc it's noticeable and exploitable

cdreid99999 - 2018-11-06

@Chris Sloan coin flipping isnt actually random. Chaos science researchers have done very exacting experiments on this. Heads is slightly more likely for example

Louis Francisco - 2019-07-19

@cdreid99999 What do you call soon? I just got 100 million random numbers and it didn't repeat.
Even if it repeats at some point, I don't see how you could notice and exploit it.

Максим Власов - 2018-03-22

The picture of photon is best i've ever seen

Simon A - 2018-03-22

Максим Власов I was thinking (in the head) 'wheeee!' As they flew along.

Maizuma Games - 2018-03-22

Some quality production. Your videos are so well edited!

Max Jacobi - 2018-03-24

I wish vlogers start using 60fps.

Klaas De Troyer - 2018-03-22

Diana, I love your Pyjamas! And ofcourse your videos too!

PunkTV - 2018-03-22

Physics girl you need to see the STOP EATING THIS MEME :D

Greg Rice - 2018-03-22

Starset was always the better choice. Saw them on tour with Halestorm last year. Great show!

Klas F - 2018-03-22

THANK YOU! for introducing me to this gem of music!

Jake Simm - 2018-03-22

I liked watching these videos... Then you mentioned starset... 😍😍

TheBurek - 2018-03-22

Loving the fact that Dianna is also a metalhead \m/

TheBurek - 2018-03-23

I wish to apologize on behalf of myself, Dianna, and everyone else in the world, for not being hardcore enough for you.

Sebastian Elytron - 2018-03-23

Apology accepted, forgiveness pending 🙂

Leeroy - 2018-03-27

if this is metal, than it's got to be mercury.. liquid, harmful and poisonous. And since we are so sentimentally sarcastic here, I apologize for being to much metalhead so I had to post that.

Azukay - 2018-03-28

TheBurek More like metal core or alt/pop rock

TheBurek - 2018-04-04

That's good. As for Starset, this video was actually the first and only time I've heard (of) them, so I have no real opinions about the band or their music. I just heard some distorted guitars and connected it in my head to Dianna mentioning Disturbed a while back (if I remember correctly), so I commented. Of course, that's no reason not to get into hardcorer-than-thou contest in the comments...

Subham Stark - 2018-03-22

Hey Diana just wanted to tell you physics is my favourite subject

Physics Girl - 2018-03-22

Yah, it's okay.

Subham Stark - 2018-03-22

Thanks for the reply 😍

Subham Stark - 2018-03-22

I know it's okay 😂

Emmanuel Azadze - 2018-03-22

This is so cool. I actually feel like I understood it lmao.

CN_Abdiel - 2018-03-22

leave it to Physics Girl to make a complicated subject easy enough to understand.

i want food leave me alone - 2018-03-22

Jade has an awesome channel. I was just checking out her channel and it seems really good :)

Liberal Sickos Hate America - 2018-03-22

Intuitive Learning--Wow Jade is so damn fine

Ria Shete - 2018-03-22

Awesome Totally loved it!!!!
Your videos really inspire me to study physics and the way you explain things that just makes it way easier and fun .....
never ever stop making such videos......
You Really Inspire me...
Love you Physics Girl !!!!

Petch85 - 2018-03-22

great colab:
Now we just need to add Looking Glass Universe, then we have a true physics dream team. :-)

ian ross - 2018-03-22

Lovely!!! Congrats on your trip to Dubai and celebrating the Global Teacher Prize :-)

Jiyaad lai - 2018-03-22

Literally spent the better part of last week writing a report on this

x0pht - 2018-03-22

This has to be the most geeky and nerdy way, which I've ever seen, to toss a coin.

Ritu Chandra - 2019-03-21

explaining quantum cryptography in such a simple way, i never really understood this concept before now. i am blown away!

wanpakudanpu - 2018-03-22

That math equation jumpsuit is pretty sweet.

Sam - 2018-03-22

A good day for quantum mechanical women. Looking Glass Universe finally announced her upcoming new QM video series too.

Justin Barrus - 2018-03-23

When your favorite youtubers like the same music as you. You are seriously the coolest Dianna.

GoldNovakiin - 2018-03-22

I was rooting for you the whole time, I LOVE starset

Joey Verhaar - 2018-03-22

Physics Girl + starset: top 10 anime crossovers!

Sam Panchal - 2018-03-23

I need this video in school time so I could got good marks in physics, after 8 years I understand what is polarization , lol

heyandy x - 2018-03-22

Diana, I feel like this is your wheelhouse! Thank you for ALWAYS sharing the enthusiasm for the mysteries of the universe!

rocktheworld010 - 2018-03-23

Oh my god you got Dustin in your video!! I. F-ing. Love. Starset!!

aden entertainment - 2020-01-28

6:12 jade will remember that

Souporno Ghosh - 2018-04-09

"GRAVITY LIGHT" ~ Physics Girl please do a video on this. This stuff is indeed amazing. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT 😊

Jesus McBeth - 2018-03-23

Damn! I feel like I need to watch this a couple more times atleast xD

Ahmed Aly - 2018-03-22

Honestly, the best thing I like about your channel is that you're so passionate & I try to understand more because you encourage me to, thank you 😁

Simas Povilaitis - 2018-03-22

I love how when she gets excited she starts talking faster :)

Sammanay 1904 - 2018-03-22

I'm doing physics in two years, you're helping me prepare for what looks like an AWESOME SUBJECT.
Thanks, Diana

Sadia Afrin - 2018-03-24

That photon looks so adorable. From now on I'm going to imagine a photon just like that.

Harikrishnan Nair - 2018-03-22

The video is awesome....!!! You & Jade must collab again in the future.

VARUN.N RAO - 2019-01-13

Wait a second couldn't you both just use one entangled pair of photon and measure it in one direction, it anyway has to be opposite.

Zuschauerquaeler - 2018-03-22

I think I fell in love with you.

Matt of All Trades - 2018-03-22

Surprised to know that people like you know Starset lol

Duc Pham - 2018-08-19

yeap :v

DarkHalmut - 2018-03-22

2:17, How does passing through a filter = the act of measuring?

Infectedstyles_Chris - 2018-03-22

"Up and at them!"