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Your Body's Molecular Machines

Veritasium - 2017-11-20

These are the molecular machines inside your body that make cell division possible. Animation by Drew Berry at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. http://wehi.tv

Special thanks to Patreon supporters:
Joshua Abenir, Tony Fadell, Donal Botkin, Jeff Straathof, Zach Mueller, Ron Neal, Nathan Hansen

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Every day in an adult human roughly 50-70 billion of your cells die. They may be damaged, stressed, or just plain old - this is normal, in fact it’s called programmed cell death.

To make up for that loss, right now, inside your body, billions of cells are dividing, creating new cells.

And cell division, also called mitosis, requires an army of tiny molecular machines.DNA is a good place to start - the double helix molecule that we always talk about.

This is a scientifically accurate depiction of DNA. If you unwind the two strands you can see that each has a sugar phosphate backbone connected to the sequence of nucleic acid base pairs, known by the letters A,T,G, and C.

Now the strands run in opposite directions, which is important when you go to copy DNA. Copying DNA is one of the first steps in cell division. Here the two strands of DNA are being unwound and separated by the tiny blue molecular machine called helicase.
It literally spins as fast as a jet engine! The strand of DNA on the right has its complimentary strand assembled continuously but the other strand is more complicated because it runs in the opposite direction.
So it must be looped out with its compliment strand assembled in reverse, section by section. At the end of this process you have two identical DNA molecules, each one a few centimeters long but just a couple nanometers wide.

To prevent the DNA from becoming a tangled mess, it is wrapped around proteins called a histones, forming a nucleosome.
These nucleosomes are bundled together into a fiber known as chromatin, which is further looped and coiled to form a chromosome, one of the largest molecular structures in your body.
You can actually see chromosomes under a microscope in dividing cells - only then do they take on their characteristic shape.

The process of dividing the cell takes around an hour in mammals. This footage is from a time lapse. You can see how the chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell. When everything is right they are pulled apart into the two new daughter cells, each one containing an identical copy of DNA.
As simple as it looks, this process is incredibly complicated and requires even more fascinating molecular machines to accomplish it. Let’s look at a single chromosome. One chromosome consists of two sausage-shaped chromatids - containing the identical copies of DNA made earlier. Each chromatid is attached to microtubule fibers, which guide and help align them in the correct position. The microtubules are connected to the chromatid at the kinetochore, here colored red.
The kinetochore consists of hundreds of proteins working together to achieve multiple objectives - it’s one of the most sophisticated molecular mechanisms inside your body. The kinetochore is central to the successful separation of the chromatids. It creates a dynamic connection between the chromosome and the microtubules. For a reason no one’s yet been able to figure out, the microtubules are constantly being built at one end and deconstructed at the other.
While the chromosome is still getting ready, the kinetochore sends out a chemical stop signal to the rest of the cell, shown here by the red molecules, basically saying this chromosome is not yet ready to divide
The kinetochore also mechanically senses tension. When the tension is just right and the position and attachment are correct all the proteins get ready, shown here by turning green.
At this point the stop signal broadcasting system is not switched off. Instead it is literally carried away from the kinetochore down the microtubules by a dynein motor. This is really what it looks like. It has long ‘legs’ so it can avoid obstacles and step over the kinesins, molecular motors walking the other direction.

Studio filming by Raquel Nuno

Green Fire - 2019-02-02

Biology is really just super advanced nanotechnology.

Doug G - 2020-03-09

The universes tech

Doug G - 2020-03-09

Orlando Vasquez I get you

Doug G - 2020-03-09

Daniele Niero https://youtu.be/zU7Lww-sBPg
Suggest you watch this scientist

Liam Howard - 2020-03-14

Aliens are our creator

ätläntïc - 2020-03-20

When did this turn into a religious argument?

MC Chick - 2019-01-12

I am giving my body way to little appreciation.

NicKick - 2019-08-23

@Virgo Bro Could you not be gay

Sophia Cristina - 2019-09-28

Want to share this cocaine with me?

Kimberley Downing - 2019-10-14

MC Chick well said.

Damdari Antique - 2019-10-21

Your creator more deserve it

Auxilus - 2020-01-26


Leafseason Magbag - 2018-12-21

If I didn't know about biology, I'd totally believe this was some aliens building their empire in a different dimension.

EmeraldView - 2020-03-13

​@Michael Hurwitz , All you have are lies and misrepresentations of others words and positions (including me now).

Nobody has claimed a scientific theory of abiogensis. And even if they can devise one that meets the criteria of being a scientific theory, it will only be A theory of abiogenesis, since there could certainly be multiple ways for life to come about from non-living chemicals and physical processes. Though presumably it will be one that fits well with what we know of the early conditions and chemicals on earth.

It's a problem that science is still working on, but is making progress toward understanding. From comprehending how the first organic chemicals came about, to how molecules can self-organize and how other physical processes can conspire to form complex and even self-replicating molecules. These answers are far from being all figured out, but as I've stated science is on it and they are making progress. Few if any have thrown up their hands and just said "Well damn, it just seems utterly impossible for these early stages to happen naturally", or said "Well clearly only an intelligence of some sort could have done this".

Look up Chemical Evolution for more information. And surely by now you've searched for videos on Abiogenesis.

As I'd stated earlier you were (and are) mischaracterizing and miscontextualizing what Richard Dawkins said. Of course he wouldn't deny the possibility that an alien race could have had a hand in the formation and evolution of life on our planet. That is surely a possibility. As of yet there is no evidence that life didn't arise on our own planet. Although given the seemingly early introduction of the single celled life on our planet soon after a non-molten surface and large bodies of water came about, increases the possibility that microbial life from some other planet's genesis seeded the Earth.

If an alien race was involved, you'd expect them to have left some sign, some message we could one day find, like in DNA. If it was a god, or even a specific religion's god, then surely it would have coded somewhere deep within human DNA at least some part of their holy text, like the Ten Commandments for instance. Could you imagine scientists finding THAT embedded in DNA!

Science may deal specifically with the natural world, but there are certainly ways that science could observe influences of the super natural. For instance science knows very well many how things function in the cosmos, via natural physical laws of our universe. If one day the stars rearranged themselves to spell out the Ten Commandments, well.... that would be pretty good evidence of something super natural occurring, as there would be no natural explanations for it.

As to the fine-tuning argument, it's certainly not evidence of anything super natural or a god. It's the anthropic principle. If our universe wasn't precisely the way it is, we would not be here to ask these questions. If anything, fine-tuning is a MUCH better argument for the idea that we live in a multi-verse where countless (even infinite) numbers of universes exist, where the various physical laws and characteristics of those universes could be anywhere from slightly to dramatically different than our own. Perhaps there is one universe that comes into and out of existence every googolplex years, with different characteristics each time. Do that an infinite number of times and guess what, sooner or later you get a universe JUST like ours.

Finally abiogensis is not blind faith. It's a suspicion. It's an educated rational position informed by the fact that we've yet to see anything supernatural and everything we didn't formerly understand and ultimately came to understand has been found to have naturalistic explanations. And now the increasing amounts of evidence for how organic chemicals can form naturally and how chemicals can naturally evolve over time and propagate, proliferate, using the same idea of natural selection. Nobody is claiming a knowledge position on abiogenesis as of yet. There is no 'god of the gaps' going on, like when theists say "only a god could have done that" for things we've yet to find an explanation for. These are ideas and hypothesis that are currently undergoing the scientific process to attempt to figure out.

Tell me... what do YOU do when a solid scientific theory comes about that can explain in great detail, with massive amounts of research and study to back it up, a fully fleshed out process of abiogensis that goes from non living chemicals to the simplest form of self-replicating self-contained cellular life? Likely dramatically more simple than today's cells, but the theory shows how the organism can and would continue to go through the process of natural selection to increase in complexity and function to be the predominate propagator in its environment. Of course to evolve into modern cell complexity took our planet billions of years, so you'd have to accept that micro-evolution is the very same process that leads to macro-evolution, but over much longer periods of time.

Michael Hurwitz - 2020-03-13


Interesting you called me a religious fanatic. Please quote any part of any comment which gave you the idea that I’m religious, and more specifically a Christian. Abiogenesis is absolute nonsense, period. Even atheistic OoL researchers concede this. I don’t know anything about any magical man in he sky or fairy tales, so you being a proponent of tie fairy tale of abiogenesis should enlighten me as to where you’ve gotten your ideas. Is there an “Atheism For Dummies” book going around I’m unaware of? Abiogenesis has no scientific basis, period, or please put forth a single piece of evidence for it. I’ll wait...

Michael Hurwitz - 2020-03-13


Guy, you’re not that interesting. Picks a paragraph and get back to me. I’m not reading your novel, particularly when you begin with the same erroneous misconceptions all over again. No, science is not even close to having the slightest idea as to how the first self replicating living organism came into existence. Anyone who has told you otherwise is lying. I actually read the scientific literature, and the broad consensus is that the OoL, like the Laws of Physics themselves, will never be understood by science, because there’s no way to even begin going about solving the issues. You have a better chance of winning the lotto every single week for a hundred years than the random assembly of just the proteins of an amoeba spontaneously generating. And that’s just the proteins, and extremely small part of the first living cell bong cell. Again, 1 chance in 10^655,000,000. There’s been 10^17 seconds passed since the BB. Anything having a chance occurrence beyond 10^50 would be indistinguishable from a miracle, and we’re talking about 1 in 10^655,000,000. Its utter nonsense. But please put forth any scientific evidence for abiogenesis, or stop saying that there is any. I know for a fact there is not, but by all means, I’ll wait.

Donald - 2020-03-13

@Michael Hurwitz I went back to reread the comments, you are right. I mixed you up with the other guy whos pushing Jesus at every comment. That is my mistake, apologies.

That being said , regarding your comments on Abiogenesis being disproven - the entire basis of scientific research is to create hypotheses out of observations and test them constantly. Scientists actively attempt to disprove theories in the search for the ultimate truth, scientists are also wrong a lot of times and that is only revealed after time has passed and further discoveries are made. Its normal for scientists to disagree on evolving concepts, especially the highly polarising ones such as the creation of life. My point is that its not smart to take the conclusions of a few scientists as absolutely true, or their calculations (in regard to your calculated odds) as accurate.

Personally, I do not think abiogenesis is complete but it makes sense to me. Non-living chemical structures interact with each other all the time, given enough time the right combination could occur. Keep in mind the universe is billions of years old, taking into account this vast amount of time and the vast space the universe spans across does it not make sense to you that in our tiny little part of the universe the right combination happened. Ultimately, my stance comes down to "we got lucky" we got the right conditions for complex reactions to occur and we got the right environment for it to develop. I find that more likely than 'God' creating life by hand, also depends on the definition of God I suppose. One thing for sure I am heavily against all mainstream religions that are currently prevalent on Earth. Hope that clarifies my stance.

Michael Hurwitz - 2020-03-13


I apologize for the lengthy response. If you’re actually interested in understanding the OoL, I highly recommend reading “The Fifth Miracle” by leading and award winning origin of life researcher, Paul Davies—an agnostic—for a better understanding as to why billions of years and infinite chemical resources still do not approach the problem of the origin of genetic information spontaneously generating simultaneously along with the complex bio molecular mechanisms necessary for gene transcription, regulation, expression, translation, etc., and ultimately replication.

You’re addressing the issue at the wrong conceptual level. DNA is far, far more complex than anything humans have ever devised. Take the LHC which is the most sophisticated machine ever made. It took billions of dollars, decades of research and engineering, many thousands of scientists and physical engineers, and we’re still not even close to the complexity of the most simple single cell organism.

Genetic information is a code, the highest level of information, and one which necessitates a language system which can be understood and utilized by the bio molecular machines and turn that information into flesh and blood. But the process by which they read the code is itself encoded in the DNA it is reading.

You and I can have a conversation because we have an agreed upon set of symbols which have been given meaning, which can then be arranged in any number of ways to form words, sentences, paragraphs, etc. It’s exactly the same with DNA. The genetic code is without any biological function unless it is interpreted and leads to the synthesis of proteins. So it’s quite exactly like a computer code, but far more complex. Whereas computers use a binary code, DNA uses the four nucleotide bases A,C, T and G. But how did DNA software create its own hardware?

This is a vicious cycle and an impenetrable barrier to scientific inquiry. This is why evolution begins after the first living, self-replicating cell but does not explain its emergence.

OoL researchers understand that there is no way to form a theory of abiogenesis. The more researchers learn, the more and more improbable abiogenesis appears, to the point that it is now agreed to be outside the realm of probability.

OoL researchers now believe new laws will have to be discovered to explain how life may have emerged. As of now, there is no evidence for abiogenesis at all. It is purely a blind faith position which exists because the “natural only” premise of evolution demands it. Saying “It just happened!” is no more scientific than saying “God did it!” Both are faith positions.

The design hypothesis, whether aliens, God, us living in a computer simulation, or anything else one could imagine, at least is consistent with the evidence.

The biochemical machines necessary for gene transcription, regulation, expression, translation, etc., and ultimately replication, some of which are shown in this video, elucidate much of the same characteristics we use to determine if something is indeed designed or random.

The appearance and observational evidence of design is overwhelming.

Again, it’s not just the genetic information that had to spontaneously generate, but all of the biochemical machines necessary for transcription, regulation, expression, translation, replication etc., etc. must’ve generated at the exact same moment or the second living cell never would’ve formed.

I recommend watching the TED Talk “The Protein Folding Problem” to get a better idea of just how problematic the OoL is for any naturalistic hypotheses.

Abiogenesis is NOT science, it is faith, blind faith based on nothing more than incredulity. If someone showed you an iPhone and said, “A wind storm blew through my garage and assembled this!” You would laugh at them for being an idiot, but when it comes to the first living cell, which is far, far, far more complex, people can bring themselves to believe this exact line of thinking. It’s an accurate analogy. If it seems silly that blind forces could assemble an iPhone, it should be exponentially more preposterous to believe that the first living, self-replicating cell formed through blind forces.

Chemical evolution will not get you there. The “simple” cell is irreducibly complex. You can’t eliminate any of the bio molecular mechanisms necessary for gene transcription, regulation, expression, translation, etc., and ultimately replication and have a second living cell.

If you watched this video, you can see that these are real machines working in symphony, and whose function is itself encoded in the very thing it is translating. How did the biochemical machines of the first living cell know what their job was and how to coordinate with all of the other systems when that information comes from the very thing it is translating and transcribing?

If you have issues with “God did it!” you should have equal issues with “It just happened!” Neither is even remotely scientific, and yet here we are. When forced to admit their views, most OoL researchers concede that life must have been created, by what or whom is irrelevant to them. If we were to find machines on Mars, we wouldn’t have to know anything about the designer to conclude that they are obviously the result of an intelligent agent, and so it is with the OoL.

Brandan Nielsen - 2019-02-04

I need more animations like this; it's really fascinating to learn this stuff and a lot easier with accurate physical representation

quazzie1 - 2019-12-11

@A servants Heart I haven't watched the links you posted yet, but wanted to reply to a couple of things you said while they're fresh in my mind.

"...we have a built in alarm system that warns us from doing evil." Then what of psychopaths, sociopaths, or any person that lacks empathy, compassion, or the ability to sympathize. Also, what may be viewed as evil to you could very well be commonplace, even everyday, to many others, depending on where, when, and how they were raised. You believe you are right, and they are evil. They would likely believe the same in reverse.

"The bible gives us proof that God exists just by..." With all due respect, the bible doesn't give us PROOF of a single thing, save that there were some people that lived many, many centuries ago who could write. That is the only true PROOF it has.

"We didn't even know the earth was round until centries later when it was revealed by Christopher Columbus." This one is just plain wrong. First, Columbus didn't set sail to prove the Earth's shape, but to show there was a way to get to India by traveling west. That's why native Americans were/are called Indians; because he mistook his landing in the U.S. as landing in India. Second, the globular Earth idea was first publicly stated/written a full 1000-ish years before Columbus. Look into Pythagoras, Parmenides, and Empedocles.

"...science proves that the life is in the blood of a creature. The bible also says this. "The life is in the blood."" But is that not common sense? How can anything live without its blood?

Stories of a great flood number in the hundreds, not just in the bible. And they all have different character names other than Noah.
What does the shape of laminin have to do with anything? Because it looks like a cross? There ARE coincidences, wouldn't you agree?

"Also, Sodam and Gomorah of the bible. The place in which it is said where God rained down fire from heaven on it, happens to be littered with traces of the purest sulfur in the world, and is embedded in the ground." Volcanoes can and do erupt with sulfurous clouds. Look at Pompeii and try to deny such cataclysms could not be responsible for not only the destruction of those two cities, but also for any sulfuric remnants that could be found on the site even today.

"...they found the blood of Jesus Christ and tested it and found it to still be alive. That's humanly impossible." You said it... impossible. That is an extremely extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If that proof isn't in any of the links you provided (so I can find the answer myself), how did you come to that conclusion?

Just a couple more thoughts before I end this for now. It's getting close to novella-length already hehe.
But as for the sex thing you mentioned, I would put forth that life is that way because it is the most successful and easiest way to achieve pregnancy. Animals don't do it because it feels good, but because some chemicals in their brain drives them to do nothing else until their brain stops making that chemical concoction. And some creatures don't require a mate to reproduce at all.
Lastly (for now), why would a benevolent being, a kind and loving God, damn the entire future of mankind over the flaw of his first two creations screwing up? If he designed us, and if he is all-knowing, didn't he basically set Eve up to fail, KNOWING that she would do just that? And isn't it the height of cruelty to punish all the billions upon billions of humans that were to come after those two for something that a single person did?
And nevermind the implications of incest that the story of Adam and Eve create.

I'm not gonna bother proofreading this, so just overlook any typos you see. That is all for now. Hope the day finds you well.

A servants Heart - 2019-12-12

@quazzie1 thank you for your kind and intelligent choice of words. The only thing I can say at this point freind is that we all need to have faith in something. And I have personally experienced things I cannot explain naturally. Such as ghosts and demons and a spiritual vision. You might think I'm crazy so I won't talk about those unless you want to know. I would just suggest who might check out the video on scientific proof of God video and watch some testamonies of the few doctors including a neurologist who died and lost brain function and was brought back to life to testify that God and heaven and hell exsists

quazzie1 - 2019-12-13

​@A servants Heart Even if I disagree with someone's idea completely, I still try to be respectful of their views, and more importantly, of them as individuals.
We're all in this game called life together. None of us have the cheat codes needed to win, though some do have an advantage from birth. But we're all just trying to get through each day as best as we know how. People being assholes to one another based on nothing more than their looks, beliefs, etc., gets us nowhere, and only adds to the already-rampant misery in the world.

I've looked a good deal into NDEs (near-death experiences) like the one you mentioned the neurologist had. One thing that keeps coming up is the fact that people that have such an experience tend to have one that relates very closely to their culture and/or religion. In other words, Christians are more likely to see the bright white light, to see angels or other spiritual beings common to that religion, and to see relatives that have passed on before them welcoming them to "the other side". Those people in, say, Asia, do not see the warm and welcoming light, or see angels the same way we Westerners do. They see things more in line with their culture.
It is, I think, the mind finding the most comforting ideals you hold, and helping ease you through the process of dying by employing them. A kindness our minds provide us in what has to be THE scariest and most unsettling experience we can have.

Check out this interesting talk by Peter Fenwick, a neuro-psychiatrist.


A servants Heart - 2019-12-13

@quazzie1 thanks for sharing your video. But what makes this guy smarter than the rest of mankind? He studied from humans therefore he is a lesser being like ourselves. If he has never had one, he has no real basis. He is only giving is opinion. What about Muslims that have converted to Christianity? They hate christians and their religion teaches that christian they are the worst kind of people on the planet and they need to be eradicated. I personally have seen the supernatural without a NDE. This man gives his opinion. He cannot know the things he speaks of for sure. There are some people that have never heard of Jesus that have never had NDEs that have seen Him and describe Him as He is depicted in the bible. Freind I would check into this again. Persuasion is a power tool to get people to beleive certain theorys, but someone's theroy doesn't change the facts. Historical, scientific and Supernatural. If the God of the bible is real, then there is a real driving force that is trying to manipulate the human mind into believing all kinds of things that aren't true. There can be a million different lies but in the end there can only be one truth.

quazzie1 - 2019-12-15

@A servants Heart I just thought you'd find the discussion of NDEs interesting. Apparently I was wrong. Apologies... won't happen again.

Heisenbug - 2018-02-02

This level of complexity is terrifying

Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri - 2020-03-14

@Guitar dog ...here, please watch this❤:

Guitar dog - 2020-03-14

@Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri He doesn't own me. Your god is incompetent and immoral.
God is in a different realm? That's a weak excuse for him ordering the murder of women and children, sanctioning RAPE and SLAVERY, and being a genocidal manic.
He's petty, insecure, apathetic, ethnocentric.
I will not bow to any deity who is less moral and less common sense than I do.
If this monster meets your standards for gods, then knock yourself out.

You have no idea where we'll go after we die, if anywhere.
Your god sucks.

Guitar dog - 2020-03-14

@Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri I wish I could get every jesus freak in one room and explain to ya'll one final time: THERE NEVER WAS NOTHING

I grow tired of the condescending remarks and strawmanning. I've never said anything about cosmogony. I don't know where life came from, and neither do you. The god of the bible is too incompetent to be the source of life.

And I have moral standards that exceed you, or your god's. There's been moral standards around long before your religion. I don't need an invisible jewish zombie to tell me to love my neighbors. And so I get offended by fanatics who question my morality when my morals are much greater than your sh*tty, baby killing god.

Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri - 2020-03-14

@Guitar dog ...blah, blah, blah my friend...sorry....but
"Facts don't care about your feelings."

He owns you wether you like it our not. Please call out to Him. You don't want to be caught dead without Him. ❤

Guitar dog - 2020-03-14

@Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri I wish you and your family all the best.

But I'd rather go to hell than worship your incompetent, petty, insecure, bloodthirtsy, genocidal, protorture prorape, proslavery, pro-land-stealing, ethnocentric, shy deity.

He's literally the most evil monster , and the only omniscient f*ckup , ever recorded

Your god doesn't own crap. Look at western Europe, the birth place of your fairy tale. It's almost all secular.

These are facts , whether you like it or not. Read your blood soaked book. Your god is not worth pissing on much less worshiping. If there are gods, they will thank me for giving them more credit than you do.

Take care. Have fun pushing your murderous god on former xtians.

prince of dew / 露王子 - 2019-04-14

Motor proteins are so cute. I always catch myself thinking "I wish I could have some as pets" and then rememember I ACTUALLY DO HAVE THEM AS PETS YAY.

The Cryogenic Drummer - 2019-12-04

They're not pets, they're slaves! GET TO WORK SLAVES!

Kaj Kes - 2019-12-17

What slaves guys, it's us! You yourself, every bit of your body.

On the other hand they are democratically overcoming you by numbers, without them you die, so go on and bring them food, water and oxygen.

Who is a slave now, you genes' vehicles required only to live enough to reproduce and give live to billions of another machines you call slaves...

TheShadowPillow - 2020-01-27

Hahaha, that's some positive mentality. They are kind of cute. I really wonder how they work. They look like magic to me.

Aneesha - 2020-01-29

Yes but I need one like a billion times bigger :)

Rere - 2020-03-05

Actually you are these pests😂

Ihaveausernametoo - 2019-03-05

One of the trippiest things ever to me is to simply be alive.

G MC - 2019-05-26

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Daisy Pusher - 2020-02-16

Its borrowed energy. Enjoy it 🙂

Jamie William - 2020-02-19

Same, I sometimes look at myself in the mirror and just say to myself “this doesn’t make any damn sense”

nmarkose - 2019-02-25

And here I’m worrying about damn bills

Alexander Supertramp - 2019-08-19

Thanks, capitalism.

Sophia Cristina - 2019-09-28

And it was basically made by those little machines...

alextheskaterdude07 - 2019-12-17

Capitalism!? 180 million died from socialism.

But I guess you can step over all those dead bodies... or rather poll vault over them... to align with foreign propaganda to disassemble the free nations

alextheskaterdude07 - 2019-12-17

Before you bash capitalism which gave more people quality of life than anything throughout history, watch this.
The “priviledged” “White people” argument won’t work as you will see.

V3 N1e - 2020-01-07

@Alexander Supertramp have you tried socialism? The bills are higher. Trust me.

Костюкевич Юрий - 2020-01-09

I am ashamed that so many mechanisms in each of my cells are working hard for my meaningless life

Jacques Wilmore - 2020-02-26

" For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:28,29)

Dindu nufn - 2020-03-01

@Majora name me 1 country that has succeeded in achieving this communist utopia?
Over a hundred countries have implemented this and plunged into chaos but thats just irrelevant to people like you because they just obviously didnt apply the manifesto correctly or it was still capitalism fault.

People like you just hate the world and want to destroy it. I notice many of you even laugh when I speak about the kulaks and the over 100 mllion dead.
I wish for you to grow a conscience and read up on the horrors of socialism/communism.

Metrowhite - 2020-03-02

Survival and replication, that's your meaning of life at least from a biological standpoint.

Michael Hurwitz - 2020-03-07


Communism creates a power vacuum in which the most ruthless, psychopathic people rise to sole form of tyranny. It’s not a coincidence that every communist country ever has had a dictator at the helm. The quality of life in these countries is atrocious. Stalin: 40 million, Mao: 60-80 million dead, N. Korea and the Kims, Pol Pot, et al.

Britbong - 2020-03-18

@Michael Hurwitz
ThAt wAsNt ReAl CoMmUnIsM

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2017-11-21

47 trillion ATPs were harmed in the making of this video

Asiya Khan - 2019-02-02


r - 2019-05-20

good point you mentioned about atp because those bio molecular machines won't move without atp, atp synthase and mitichondra.

Brian Krupski - 2019-10-25

nah the amp and adp gets phosphorylated, its all recycled boi

T S - 2019-12-02

I follow ur channel as well

Mellowman468 - 2020-02-01

ATP electron transportation is by far the most fascinating

ChiliCheese Twat - 2019-05-30

One tiny little correction: Precisely, the term mitosis does not describe cell division, but rather the division of the cell‘s nucleus. Cell division is the sum of mitosis and a process called cytokinesis.

Slakoth The Super Star - 2019-09-14


Robert Acero - 2019-11-26

The cell is processing to divide. It does a copy of everything not just the nucleus, in the s1 phase and s2 phase of interphase. By anaphase stage, cytokinesis simultaneously starts to divide the cell by cutting it in half, as ALL of the duplicated material are already on their side of the cell. So mitosis is describing cell division, its just that the cytokinesis(cutting part) stage has to start earlier. The cell is very efficient in not wasting time.

Aakash Subedi - 2020-03-01

division of nucleus is called karyokinesis.

இறை நேசன் - 2020-03-22

Ummm... MiToChOnDrIa Is ThE pOwErHoUsE tHe CeLl

saladdogger - 2019-09-02

Looks like engineering to me . ‘Molecular clockwork” is a great description .

HostileLemons - 2020-03-21

@Z B Since God is supposed to be all knowing then the concept of him testing anything makes absolutely no sense. You dont need to test something you already know the outcome too....
There is no God fella.

Z B - 2020-03-21

@HostileLemons your incorrect assumption is that God is testing us to see what the outcome will be. He already knows, this is for us. So on the day of judgment when people are going to the respective destinations, they know why they are going where they are going, based on their own choices. Your choice to disbelieve in God is your choice, and you will have no one to blame but yourself.

HostileLemons - 2020-03-21

@Z B Prove God then. Prove his existence using real evidence. If he was real proof of his existence wouldn't be confined to the ramblings of a 2000 year old book

Hypox - 2020-03-22

@shamanahaboolist Come on man. I even included an example. Everything you do while you think is based on many layers of data compression. My 15 years old sister understood it when I tried to explain it to her.

shamanahaboolist - 2020-03-22

@Hypox You seem to be confusing the concept of short handing complex systems or feedback loops into principles for the sake of easy understanding with actually describing which of those principles make abiogenesis work.
Yes I agree. We "compress" infinite feedback loops into mathematical principles. It is an almost uniquely human capacity to do so, evidence of high level intelligence and one of the properties which separates actually conscious intelligence from AI. But intelligence describing the concept of principle isn't the same as describing the principles comprising intelligence, nor modelling intelligence's creation.

William Moffett - 2019-01-29

There should be a warning label on this video letting people know they won't think of life the same way after viewing.

Hypox - 2020-03-16

@GEM First of all, it doesn't matter if the chance is small if you have enough attempts. Second of all - small chance doesn't mean that it can't happen. Third of all - how could the intelligence that made life form? You seem to assume that humans are very unlikely to emerge in nature, but something else that is intelligent is very likely to emerge. Why? How?

Intelligence/Behaviour(God if you want) is only some interaction of molecules or whatever. You can model anything. You can ask the same fundamental questions about anything. The only reason why people think that some things are fundamentally different is that people don't want to go higher or lower in abstraction. If you want to compress something and you let the rules to be infinitely complex if needed, then you can abstract everything into zero information. Everything that you can describe can be compressed and thus understood, because understanding is nothing less than compressing some information with some observed trends/rules. What I am saying is that you can choose how to view the world. If you view the world as atoms, then anywhere you look in the universe, you will see atoms. If your level of abstraction is higher, then you can see many more things. Instead of seeing many single atoms, you can see DNA or human. You can even predict how these atoms that form a human will interact - that's what you call intelligence - some way of bunch of atoms interacting with the world. You don't know every atom that human is made of. You compress that information into one thing = human and you expect it to behave somehow. But if you simulated everything only using basic physical laws and atoms, you would arrive at something very similar and more exact. Saying, that these atoms are human is a lossless compression. You sacrifice a bit of accuracy in order to reduce the information needed for its description dramatically. Intelligence is nothing less than interacting molecules. Saying that there is some god or whatever doesn't make sense. All you do, when you categorise things is compression in order to predict how the world will behave. Pls.

That being said - where did the intelligence you talk about come from? ...

Hypox - 2020-03-16

@Doug Overhoff You see what you want to see. I firmly believe that the world was created by flying spaghetti monster. Does it change anything? Does it bring me anything in life? Only if I believe so. It doesn't matter what I believe. These are not things one should talk about because its impossible. It is not the ideas that form your beliefs. It's subjective and there is no way how you can transfer your own experience to others. Another thing is if you let your beliefs disrupt your own critical thinking only because they make you feel good. Of course, if one realises that, then the beliefs no longer make him feel good and that's the problem. There is no difference between different religions and atheism. People who think that there is don't understand the true nature of being enlightened. It is not about believing some concrete ideas or facts or doing something like going to church. It is about world view and seeing the world as it is and learning to appreciate it. It is not about seeing what we want to see.

Doug Overhoff - 2020-03-16

@Hypox You seem to think that I am completely unable to form my opinions from any kind of critical thinking, but that I simply postulate my ideas based on desiderata. How inane does that make me look? Where do you get that idea? And, also, how can you possibly state that all religions are no different from atheism? You sound really confused, I'm afraid.

Hypox - 2020-03-16

@Doug Overhoff I truly don't think that. It is irrelevant what I think though. I like your style of expressing ideas - its almost poetic, but I'd like you to try a different view on this matter.
What do you think religions are? How do you think they differ? Does it even make sense to use the word religion? There are so many different aspects to it and its really too general word to mean anything. I haven't met a single person that was able to tell me exactly what Christianity or any other religion is. You can think whatever you want it is, but how was it created? By people. It is dependent on what people think. If you take all people's ideas of what Christianity is, you'll find that they might have a few things in common, but everybody has a different view on it. What about people who consider themselves Christians? It is not about going to church or doing some routine tasks. It is about how people think. Nobody thinks the same. Some people might say that they follow the same Christian ideas, but at the end, everybody interprets it differently and would act differently in different scenarios. The only thing Christians really have in common is that they call themselves Christians. This holds for any religion. If you meet a person who tells you that he is Christian or any other believer, you just can't assume how this person thinks and how they will act. This information is almost useless. It generalises too much. What about deeply faithful people and representatives of religions? Do you think they would differ radically? Religions are about the same thing. Life. People who really understand the general ideas of religions are not that different. But still, I think that religions are only good to see what people think of themselves. It doesn't tell you how they think and who they really are. Everybody is just a completely different person and using this generalisation on individuals we meet irl is not only useless, but harmful as it fills our minds with prejudice.

Doug Overhoff - 2020-03-16

@Hypox You make some good points, especially about the different natures and ideations possessed by the various peoples. So, I think you've hit on a concept that is often overlooked, taken for granted, or misunderstood by a majority of religious adherents; especially by the radicals and fanatics. I would say that, generally speaking, a large percentage of so called "Christians" are nothing more than indoctrinated members of a particular sect, institutional denomination, or even what I might term as a 'cultish' organization. Many religionists are merely vacuous, benighted, easily accepting, and/or mostly emotional followers of the rites, rituals, dogmas, creeds, and doctrines which their 'Church' professes. They are without any of the in depth research and discernment on their own part of what their church claims and espouses. Outside of any limited Biblical edification they may have, how many Christians or other religionists really have a well thought out, studied, and personal familiarity and recognition of what are true spiritual values and principles, and of the theological and metaphysical concepts which any true religionist should be cognizant. The true followers of Christ, (although many Christians spuriously claim to be), are those who are dedicated to acting and living out the actual teachings of Jesus, and they are committed to declaring, proffering, and affirming His Gospel. However, decidedly few of these so-called Christians of today would actually warrant the justification of being awarded the appellation of 'Christian'. For, those who would be a dilligent follower of Jesus, and as He has admonished us all to live out our lives in the Faith, is fairly rarely seen. That's unfortunate, but it is true.
Trying to define the word 'religion' is a bit tricky, and the term is somewhat nebulous, because, as you say, we are all individuals with different beliefs. And, therefore, it has come to have such a broad meaning and context. But, the word basically identifies a relationship one has with God, and essentially that of one's Faith and beliefs. Incidentally, those two words are not synonymous.
This subject is deep, complex, and a very subjective matter, and one that is difficult to convey in any specificity or fullness. Or for one to supply any arrant explication of, or even to describe in broad generalizations, it's actual meaning. However, I'd be happy to discuss specific aspects dealing with this topic, as it is an area that interests me greatly.
Thanks for your thoughtful response, and I hope mine has been elucidating. Peace!

Sailor OnDaTea - 2019-05-03

I hope "walking guy" is the official name of that molecule :D

TatTvamAsi - 2019-06-17

I hope so too. XD

Shaun Smith - 2019-09-16

Sailor OnDaTea , gotta wonder what makes the walking guys function, and go they have their own DNA code? And, a bunch of their own walking guys!

Cherry - 2019-11-27

@Shaun Smith They are just protiens. Their dna would be RNA but the RNA is stored elsewhere in the cell.

Schaumbaum ' - 2019-12-08

@Shaun Smith You have to think of this guys as a few molecules working together. These are not really living things, more like these toys with springs to wind up. In Cells dna is used to build RNA and proteins which make the cell working as a hole and the walking guy is one of these proteins

RedJefe - 2020-03-04

The walking proteins are called kinesins and dyneins. Kinesins carry things one way along the microtubule, and the dyneins go the other direction.

EK Lim - 2019-08-31

Disney new animation film, "The Cells' Story", about a cell which refuse to follow DNA instruction, his name is C

Jordan - 2019-11-27

@Jasc Random that's why his name is C lol

cj hepburn - 2019-12-07

Is this gonna be a fun movie?

Jay Paans - 2020-01-03

"C", as in Hep C, vitamin C or C++ ?

Ronald Morgan - 2020-03-14

His DNA will get sent to the "Land of Junk DNA" where all of the misfits hang out. There he'll meet and bond with an unlikely group of amino acids who will say, "If we all work together, we can get out of here!".

ade spade - 2020-03-18

Great idea, and could be educational

Jraves - 2019-02-06

I wonder what Charles would say... He never could have imagined this.

Wuce Bane - 2019-12-06

@Dinky Man I'm not sure I know what you're asking.

Jessica Evrist Art - 2019-12-18

Jraves “Charlie bit my finger!”

Angelmou - 2019-12-24

@HEBRAiST "If you remove a single protein then it looses it's entire function and purpose. Therefore you cannot reduce it, meaning it is irreducibly complex. So yeah, they are."
The term Irreducible complexity refers to a running system where you can't take parts out of it without crashing the running system's functionality. An example of such an irreducible complex system is the gliding ability of the wallace flying frog here a photo:
When you take out just 1 web between the webbed feet the frog would crash to the ground. The fact that the gliding system's functionality is easily to break by just removing 1 part - says ABSOLUTE nothing about the origin and evolution of the whole system from the swimming purpose of the frog ancestors AT ALL .
That means the swimming systems of the swimming frog evolved towards a gliding-through the air-system, where the functionality is now able to break much more easily by removing just 1 single part of that evolved system. While it interlocked this very specific functional complexity to become irreducible (without breaking) from the former ancestral form as an evolutive product.
Another example is the evolution of the flagellum here photos of its Evolution in different directions:

Here as well:

How such an apparatus can evolve in different directions from the former rotating needle extansion by copy errors on photo.
Another evolution of it is the flagellum copied by an error all around the cellular body - this leads to a deflector shield against attacking amoeba. As repurposement of the locomotion/movement purpose of the flagellum to a "shield" purpose against predators.

"And saying that design needs no designer"
No one says a design needs no desinger. We explain that there is no design to begin with and a question for a designer does not even come up when there isn't any design at all.

"is like saying a painting needs no painter or a building needs no builder."
No one says that, neither. That insult exists only in your head. We explain there is no design to be adressed.

"Unless you believe the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything."
No one is saying this neither. Stop believing the false witness preachers put into the mouthes of scientists, because they do not want to listen to them. Like someone says on the street: All christians claim king david was a camel and that is what christianity is about! And when a christian comes by and explains: There is no verse in the bible making such statement about king david and christianity is about Jesus and so on - the guy screams: "See they even deny christianity! By denial of David camels and talking about some jesus guy hahahaha!"
No one would believe such crazy guy what he says about the content of christianity.
You however have eaten all the lies fed by preachers to you what "scientists" suppose to say when they don't.

"In that case you would need more faith than any religious person alive"
There is no faith.

The Dropperts - 2020-01-19

He would retract many of his opinions I'm sure.

summersautumn - 2020-01-29

@Angelmou Very well said! Intelligent design of an "Almighty God" would be evident in simplicity and perfection of everything. But the more we discover, the more complex we realize everything is. A designer may intentionally make some complex, but most designs are intended to be simple and easily replicated. Science proves evolution, because it demonstrates how life finds a way, sometimes getting it right and other times wrong, and even other times just getting by.

유니TV - 2019-11-18

it is so speechless... oh my god... nature is super super super hyper computer and machine

MaoShan Ozymandias - 2019-01-19

This is truly one of the most interesting things I have ever seen. I only regret that I left it in my Watch Later list for a year.

cj hepburn - 2019-12-07


Cameron Duncan - 2019-08-19

Wow. My body is so amazing. Just wish my brain could realize that

Mike G - 2020-03-11

We are a cell inside the organism that is the universe.

LAST TRUMP - 2020-03-02

God says you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" - how true that is (Psalm 139:14)

Eichen Brain - 2020-03-07

You are someone who gets it. The universe that God made is far beyond anything we have even imagined yet, and surely his equations are wonderful, magnificent, and, perhaps, even simple, perhaps even as simple as a fractal equation. God is my master, and I am overjoyed that he allowed me to exist, even for this moment, in this incredible place that he created. I've been allowed to know the full knowledge of mankind, but, even at this point, it is no more than a mote of dust in the complete picture. Thank you, dear Lord.

USA USA - 2020-03-07

Hhahah, God does not say it. it just book from bronze age.

HostileLemons - 2020-03-21

That proves nothing. Anyone found say anything at ot would mean something to someone..
Funny how God dosent see it fit to explain exactly HOW we are made and in doing so allowed billions of his "creations" to die from preventable diseases. Yeah...God isnt real.

smythej - 2020-03-18

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Robert Lizak - 2020-02-14

Discovering the beauty of Intelligent Design

Hiram Cinar - 2019-09-19

I seen this stuff when i was on mushroom

Daisy Pusher - 2020-02-16

Thats awesome. You were given spiritual knowledge.

Cast Whistle - 2019-06-01

472 people don't know that these machines harden in response of physical trauma

cj hepburn - 2019-12-07

What do u mean harden?

zxx5 - 2019-07-24

Praise the Lord our creator!

Dadolocesimo Keptuve Lawrek - 2019-08-04


QuadQ - 2020-03-03

How is this not intelligent design ??

Nick - 2020-03-21

Liam Howard so what is your opinion on how such complexity came to be ?

HostileLemons - 2020-03-21

Think for a second. You say God "designed" these things right? Then explain how miracles or gods supernatural abilities happen. Of to create something as simple as a fly requires such complexity then why is God attributed to such stupid and non complex actions such as wrath. Killing or a belief system.

Liam Howard - 2020-03-21

Nick hey nick,

My personal opinion is that there is an intelligent creator that used science and mathematics to set the rules. Essentially, Darwin’s theory, as well as other scientific facts, are only individual components in the greater plan. I do not subscribe to one side or the other because it is obviously both if you really take a hard look at the complexity and logic behind the fundamental structures of the universe. I don’t know your background but any student in a first semester college level biology or chemistry course can deduce this for themselves. When they say “building blocks” of the universe, they really mean building blocks! That’s what the periodic table of elements is! Legos made from matter! I truly believe that people’s ideologies get in the way of a whole lot. It’s so obvious that we were created it’s hard for me to believe that more people can’t see it. When you look at any system you can deduce by looking at it that it was designed. Why does that logic stop at the biological or atomic level? Only because ideology.

Nick - 2020-03-21

Liam Howard interesting, who do you think designed the creators of our world then? Do you think an even higher power designed the creators that created us?

Liam Howard - 2020-03-22

Nick I believe the universe has been around longer than what our current science tells us. Part of me believes that we were actually seeded here a long time ago by another alien race or maybe we originated on another planet at some point. Even though the “Ancient Alien” theory has some very wild speculations, the very core of the theory has some very valid points as well as evidence. You see “The greys” showing up in cave paintings as well as some mythologies I believe. We could be offspring or even a long term experiment of some sort. As for your question about who created the creators, my main faith is that there is something that we cannot comprehend that we call “God”. I also believe that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh sent here to let us know that he does exist and to follow his laws. This doesn’t mean that I don’t have a hard time believing all of the time. What actually made me believe was when I started praying on a regular basis. My life dramatically improved since I accepted Jesus as my lord and savior. I was a staunch atheist but what changed my mind about god was that every time I found my life in a difficult spot, no matter how much I said I didn’t believe, the first thing I would do, almost instinctively, was to pray to God. Why is that? That convinced me to use prayer more in my life. And, ever since then, my life has gotten exponentially better. I think a lot of people get too caught up in all of the minutia of the Bible, which I believe was written by humans but inspired by god. My belief can essentially described as a perfect hybrid of all theories.

A N - 2020-03-11

Can any neo-Darwinist explain how these things “gradually” evolved ? Some are literal molecular “machines” : they either exist as a whole to function, or they don’t function at all. Miss one thing : it’s totally useless.

Point is: the larger mechanism is reliant on a lot of little complex smaller machines that must exist in their fully functional form...... and how that happens is yet to be proven in r world of biology. There was one silly attempt to explain it away; but I believe it fell on its head. Unrealistic unless your a neo-Darwinist

One example ; the flagella motor ! It’s an actual molecular motor ! How’s it suppose to gradually just evolve piece by piece ? It wouldn’t function and everything downstream of its function would have problem.

Ronald Morgan - 2020-03-14

They would say something like, "Well, anything can happen if you just give it enough time." Of course, the odds are so overwhelming against this stuff happening in any amount of time.

Zakes Zuma Gupta - 2020-02-25

We will never replace or better what God created

Tommie Weaver - 2019-03-06

Liked video but I dont think we will ever make machines that will heal better than our DNA.

Neeko Z - 2019-11-03

nothing is made to heal, if anything it tech would be used to kill off populations... silently.

Rehoboth Farm - 2019-12-03

@Rs Rt are we certain that making the heart beat more forcefully is actually an improvement? Do we have any long term data to prove that?

Rehoboth Farm - 2019-12-03

We are far more likely to break a finely tuned machine than to make it work better but by all means! Why should I be concerned about people screwing around with what I'm made of at a sub cellular level? Humanity once again proves that they are far better at the pursuit of knowledge than they are at seeking wisdom.

Bernd DasBrot - 2020-02-03

@Rehoboth Farm for people with problems with their heart obviously.🙄

Rehoboth Farm - 2020-02-03

@Bernd DasBrot So we should screw around with things we barely understand because we know better somehow? When you can take inert inorganic chemicals and create a single working cell then we can talk about the wisdom of screwing around with a complex system like this.

Beneath The Surface - 2019-08-10

5:01 Lower-right corner: "Stop, thief!"

Bananappleboy World - 2020-01-06

You are violating the law!

hwd71 - 2019-07-30

The most amazing thing is that any atheist/agnostic can watch this without concluding any Intelligent Design.

kirby 7 - 2019-08-01

The reason atheism exist (one of the reasons) is because they don't want anyone to tell them what to do, they don't want anyone to interfere in their ways of living, so they fear the idea that he exists, so they attach to a lie as a shelter and excuse to do not have to obey him and follow morals that restrict them.

Matt Ward - 2019-11-07

And every living thing on Earth came from a glob of sludge that came from nothing when nothing exploded.

Juan Valadez - 2019-11-12

Matt Ward that’s a good joke

Wuce Bane - 2019-11-30

I don't get it.

Majora - 2020-02-01

Pretty much, yeah.

Majora - 2020-02-01

@Wuce Bane he's making fun of science because he's too stupid to grasp it.

Dilipsinh Jhala - 2019-01-05

Bioscience and Computer are unfolding wonderful discoveries of Nature !!!


It is a computer simulating our universe. NATURE is a meaningless word.

Chicken - 2019-09-20

Think about it, they do all this automatically, they dont think about, they just do it in harmony on a massive variable scale. Completely automatic, just like you move, breathe and think...

Heres something you can do now : Move your index finger and ask yourself, how do i as a conscious being do it? Do you really do it at all or does it do you ?

Killian Miller - 2019-10-10

In Mother Russia, you do not do your finger, your finger does you...

Z B - 2019-10-15

@ᏰĪᏝᏝ ՇÎρɧᏋƦ it is your business because you'll be questioned about that gift of life you've been given. This isn't all a joke or play. You're life has purpose and you will come back to life after you die and have to account for all of it. Look into Islam

Wuce Bane - 2019-11-30

@Z B no you won't. And Muhammad was a pedophile. I win you lose bye bye.

Majora - 2020-02-01

@Z B Islam is garbage. All religion is garbage. You are stupid.

USA USA - 2020-03-07

@Majora Religions are not garbage, just not truth. They helped humanity to get globalised.

stevan miletic - 2019-05-27

YouTube needs more channels like this one. Quality content + valuable info

JUAN ESCALANTE - 2019-08-31

Now, I can explain myself the "little things running by all my body" permanent sensations I feel.

MEHAZ - 2019-08-31

As may be established empirically, matter is not essential so that existence may be made subject to it, and be dependent on it. Rather, matter subsists through a meaning, and that meaning is life, it is spirit.
Also, as may be established through observation, matter is not the thing served so that everything may be ascribed to it. It is rather the servant; it renders service to the process of the perfection of a truth. And that truth is life. And the fundament of that truth is spirit.
Also, as is self-evident, matter is not dominant so that recourse may be made to it or perfections sought from it. Rather, it is dominated; it looks to the decree of some fundament, it is in motion in the way that that decree dictates. And that fundament is life, it is spirit, it is consciousness.
Also, as is necessary, matter is not the kernel, it is not the fundament, it is not a settled abode so that events and perfections may be affixed to it or constructed on it. Rather, it is a shell prepared to be split, rent, dissolved; it is a husk, it is froth, it is a form.
Consider the following: a creature so minute it can only be seen with a microscope has such acute senses it can hear its friend's voice, and see its sustenance; it has extremely sensitive and sharp senses. This demonstrates that the effects of life increase and the light of the spirit intensifies in proportion to the reducing and refining of matter. It is as though the more matter is refined and the more we become distanced from our material existences, the closer we draw to the world of the spirit, the world of life, and the world of consciousness; and the more intensely the heat of the spirit and the light of life are manifested.
Is it therefore at all possible that there should be this many distillations of life, consciousness, and spirit within this veil of materiality, and that the inner world which is beyond this veil should not be full of conscious beings and beings with spirits? Is it at all possible that the sources of these numberless distillations, flashes, and fruits of meaning, spirit, life and the truth apparent in this material existence in the Manifest World should be ascribed only to matter and the motion of matter, and be explained by it? God forbid! Absolutely not! These innumerable distillations and flashes demonstrate that this material and manifest world is but a lace veil strewn over the inner and spirit worlds.
Risale-i Nur Collection Words - 526

rob camacho - 2019-03-12

I downloaded this, and plan on watching it again with the sound on mute and Floyd live from Pompeii 20 minutes after scarfing a peyote button.

Schwifty Fish - 2019-03-13

rob camacho nice

Dinky Man - 2019-12-06

Sounds great I think I will try it. Thumbs up mate

Rasterz - 2018-11-15


Alan Covey - 2019-12-19

You are absolutely right. A surprising discovery was made during a famous trial proving evolution some years back. What was presented and found to be fact by a biochemist was that a Paramiciem's Flagella acts exactly like a molecular sized electromagnetic motor that spins in a corkscrew manner to propel itself very much like our motors invented by Tesla and in use today everywhere. The scientist then explained how other micro life picked up this trait making tiny changes to it's structure and function to become new species. It turns out that life starts at the atomic level where electromagnetic forces rule king to manifest themselves as physical form, and even takes on the geometric shapes and forms inherent to every element. Humans are the result of an atom waking up after a millenia to recognize it's own existence. While the stuff of minerals are at the mercy of entropy, life has awoken somehow and has utilized the same minerals and elements to build, make copies of itself, and improve upon its own design by necessity. And this may give rise to higher conscience. Intent rises from the spirit.

David-Joe Klotz - 2019-12-27

We are not robots. We have intelligently designed features that allow us to live. We are humans, with consciousness and ability to think and reason. And the science of DNA has undermined Darwinism and it's descendent neo-Darwinism

Dollar Guy - 2019-12-31

You are a sentient macro-machine built from self replicating molecular computing machines that are mesh networked. Each self replicating molecular computing machine is composed of atoms. Each atom is 99.9999999999999999999999% nothing but wave properties aka light. We are in actuality made from light, yet perceive it as solid matter. Takes layers of genius to make a sentient being out of light.

Tim McConnell - 2020-01-04

If you think you're a machine, then you will treat people like machines. Not well.

Liam Howard - 2020-03-14

More accurately, “Electric Meat Machines”

Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri - 2020-03-14

God exists! Deal with it!

Narrator: 3:00 "...now when everything is Right..."

Bingo!!!! When everything is right by God!!!! then the next step takes place!!! It's not like the cells all on their own knew what they were doing and what the final product would be! 🙄

Wake up folks!!! There's more then what the eye can see and mind comprehend! 🔬🧫
It's the unseen...that you should be really seeking!!!! You got enough proof, so you are without excuse on judgement day!

Only fools can watch this and conclude...there's no God. 🤦‍♂️🙄

Talk about messing up the ending!!! your ending was just rediculous and pathetic. But I bet it gave you a boost of pride and hope there for a sec!!! 🤦‍♂️ I care for you...wake up man!

Aaron - 2020-03-16

...Or maybe, just maybe, it was simplified for the sake of the video.

Username - 2020-03-20

Once Bohr told Einstein Stop telling God what to do.
I am telling you stop telling us how you think God operates the universe.

Msg of Yitzhak Kaduri - 2020-03-20

@Username ...doing you a favor believe it or not. I share this because I care, not because I hate you. ❤ Jesus is coming soon my friend, pick up a bible and see for yourself...that His Word is true.

You must Repent of your sins like I have, and turn to Christ for Salvation, wisdom, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Jamel Eddine Lassoued - 2019-08-19

"Either they're stressed, damaged or just old. " Me too cells, me too.

Yahawah is God - 2019-10-09

Me too :D

Gonzalo Chumillas - 2018-12-18

If this is the result of a "casualty" that would mean that we are alone in the universe.

Ficco Clivano Ikhsan - 2020-03-22

Youtube reminded me that Biology is the Real Engineering Degree.

ITPalGame - 2020-01-19

"better than they can repair themselves"

We are devolving, decaying, from what we used to be, not the other way around.

There would be no need to repair ourselves with nanotechnology if the universe wasn't in a state of constant decay.

Eugen Jude - 2020-01-05

So these things evolve to do that?
Or were they created to do that?
Those Old biblical stories talks about humans being created. Kind of weird.

RedJefe - 2020-02-29

3:56 - Holy crap, it's so complex it's almost absurd! They don't teach this stuff in high school biology.

QuadQ - 2020-03-03

So how is it not intelligent design? To come up with something so insanely complicated as a continually ongoing process at nano scale, through natural selection, is entirely untenable. It could however conceivably be designed by beings with sufficient skill & knowledge & would be statistically far more likely.

RedJefe - 2020-03-04

@QuadQ - An intelligent designer would have made something that does the exact same job with a lot less complexity so that less would go wrong. Ever hear of over-engineering?

The problem with intelligent design is that the designer must not be very intelligent.

Paul Peczon - 2020-01-11

This might be my favorite animation ever. Such wonderful work

Nisco Racing - 2017-11-20

Bio machines gonna take over the world.. wait a sec!

Cris Jones - 2019-05-13

Done did already.

Mackenzie Ryne Bagtong - 2019-08-16

Our body is our machine.

cj hepburn - 2019-12-07

Dry dry dry...

Jim Fowler - 2020-02-18

Although I prefer Physics/Vectors/Trigonometry, THIS is stunning and fantastic!! An un-scientific word applies here: WOW! Thank you very much.

Dan M - 2019-12-02

Hard to imagine how all that continues on in ppl on drugs and booze. 😳