> temp > à-trier > why-we-re-not-the-centre-of-the-show-the-school-of-life

Why We're Not the Centre of the Show

The School of Life - 2018-11-15

A lot of our melodrama and self-pity comes from seeing ourselves, as a species, as standing at the center of the cosmos. We take ourselves far too seriously and would benefit from dethroning ourselves graciously.
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"The modern age is inherently anthropocentric in outlook (from anthropos, greek for human), that is, it places human beings and their experience and concerns at the centre of the hierarchy, above the claims of nature, animals, gods or the universe more broadly. We are now, in every way, in our own eyes, the centre of the show."


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Produced in collaboration with:
Kate Balchin 

The School of Life - 2018-11-15

Thank you for watching. Did today's film help you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications to ensure you don't miss any future uploads.

Gundagoni Akhil - 2018-11-16

The idea that every human mind is ,just because its there, should be equally capable of thought and should be given dignity is bad.
The geniuses, perfectly executing people definitely worked hard than an avg men.

Varsha Bhandari - 2018-11-17

I liked how you explained the different ideas

João Guilherme Viana - 2018-11-18

Nice to see something coherent with Amerindian Perspectivism :D

Rebeca López - 2018-11-19

When are you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Gy3mTztgg

CamoTheBear - 2018-11-28

What your not seeing is true Christianity which places you as a brother or sister of Christ. God created us as equals to be with him. We are small but to god we are everything!

Jesus Christ - 2018-11-15

That was humbling. Great video.

Bink - 2018-11-17

I love Jesus he is god B

Laoch - 2018-11-19

the whole point of shit like this is to make you feel small and insignificant. its a shitty mentality. we are a miracle, an amazingly aware being.

Salih Saleh - 2018-11-23

I see you in every video I watch 😂😂😂

J S - 2018-12-01

Jesus isn't white you narcissistic arrogant fool

송우진 - 2018-12-11

wow is it 'official' account. that verified mark...


Ducks 🦆 are very smart :)

Ounss ElHachemi - 2018-11-15

They knew before this video we are not the center of the show.

Le Pont - 2018-11-15

Ducks are the centre of the show

Farhan Ahmed - 2018-11-26

Let's be duck-o-centric

Antídoto - 2018-11-15

An amazing mind that used poetry in order to explore these ideas and feelings was portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. Poems like "Tabacaria" are masterpieces that relate a lot to this subject!

LangDiaries - 2018-11-15

Antídoto YES! My favorite poet who literally speaks my mind!

lillian swann - 2018-11-15

I just read the poem and loved it! Ty for sharing^^

Julio Ferreira - 2018-11-15

I follow your channel and I felt glad to read your comment here and even better or specially was the fact that you've cited one of those most important and beautiful poems in Portuguese language and the greatest poetry. The master Fernando Pessoa. Não sou nada... Those first words is transcendental and remarkable for the reflection of all of us human beings.
Tks very much indeed Antídoto.
You are a good gen. Also as Alain a wonderful human being. I truly recommend your channel anytime I get a chance to do it so.

Shivangi Garg - 2019-05-03

Thank you!

Magisterial Voyager - 2019-08-20

That's a wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing it.

Blue Makes Movies - 2018-11-16

What anthropocentrism overlooks is the fact that humans are a part (not the center) of the common environment and that the only form of truly rational and intelligent behaviour for us would be to reach beyond ourselves and out to the world in order to protect the environment we are ourselves a part of. If we don't learn to see beyond our anthropocentric delusions we will harm this planet to the point of no return.

General Kai - 2018-12-08

Entire planet must be destroyed and all never ending cycles of pain and pleasure ends forever. Nothingness for the win.

Elcan Abbasov - 2018-11-15

Mind opening, as always 👍

stormthrush37 - 2018-11-15

Great stuff, School of Life. Especially in America, the flaws of this presently default line of assumption really has its drawbacks. Mainly, the lack of compassion towards the hurting, vulnerable, and less fortunate, where those who have more are assumed to be more moral and right, and the less fortunate assumed to be bad and evil.

SevenBelowZero - 2018-11-15

Thank you The School of Life! You give me more wisdom than my entire uni.

Lua Veli - 2018-11-19

Here are some very beautiful words of wisdom by D.H. Lawrence:

"It is a question, practically of relationship. We must get back into relation, vivid and nourishing relation to the cosmos and the universe. . . . For the truth is, we are perishing for lack of fulfillment of our greater needs, we are cut off from the great sources of our inward nourishment and renewal, sources which flow eternally in the universe. Vitally, the human race is dying. It is like a great uprooted tree, with its roots in the air. We must plant ourselves again in the universe."

I love the last sentence: "We must plant ourselves again in the universe."

There is a poem by Roger Keyes, called " Hokusai says" that tells us how we could do it. Here is the part I like the most:

He says every one of us is frightened.

He says every one of us has to find a way to live with fear.

He says everything is alive –shells, buildings, people, fish, mountains, trees.

Wood is alive.

Water is alive.

Everything has its own life.

Everything lives inside us.

He says live with the world inside you.

He says it doesn’t matter if you draw, or write books.

It doesn’t matter if you saw wood, or catch fish.

It doesn’t matter if you sit at home and stare at the ants on your veranda

or the shadows of the trees and grasses in your garden.

It matters that you care.

It matters that you feel.

It matters that you notice.

It matters that life lives through you.

Contentment is life living through you.

Joy is life living through you.

Satisfaction and strength is life living through you.

Peace is life living through you.

He says don’t be afraid.

Don’t be afraid.

Look, feel, let life take you by the hand.

Let life live through you.

What I love from this poem is, how it makes you understand and feel that it is not YOU that matters, but it matters that you care and feel and notice.

And anybody who truly cares, feels and notices can only be a beautiful, compassionate and humble human being.

*love & Peace is never guaranteed - 2019-07-06

You make good points the u made my day😉

Abhay Sharma - 2018-11-16

4 M subs gotta need 56 M more to make the truly deserving channel the most subscribed one.

Science with Katie - 2018-11-15

I love how calming these video are to watch 💛

Montserrat Torres Nadal - 2018-11-15


Srg kzy - 2018-11-15

His voice tone and everything in between... I sense one can learn that skill..............

Chethak M.P. - 2018-11-20

Me too :) I always wanted to say that haha

hunterRon - 2018-12-27

Me too, Im actually watching on a very quiet and cozy afternoon. Greeting from the PH

ВнУк КоНя БуДеНнОгО - 2019-01-29

Science with Katie I love you baby, call me

robinson Arias - 2018-11-15

Enjoyed this video but I’d like to input a little knowledge over my non-knowledge of Zen. What you described as Zen Buddhism’s ‘sayings’ that nature is more important than any 1 organism is a better description for just Buddhism. Not Zen. Zen acknowledges that all these are merely concepts & although we as humans are conceptual we are also abstract. even me now trying to describe it through words it cannot be interpreted properly. One must experience it & only oneself can make sense of it. whether that be Philosophy/Religion/or any other belief. Zen recognizes we arent JUST not that centre of the show , in fact we are BOTH the CENTER & NOT the center at the same time. As said in this vid we are not the centre of the show in a cosmic overview of life & time .. Yet We ARE the center to US , it is our interpretation that creates that reality. So ultimately there are no wrong or right answers. Because the cosmic realms of not just this universe but all the infinite galaxies have any sense of what is wrong or right. each individual organism manifests that for themselves. so although nothing has any ULTIMATE meaning, we manifest what that meaning is NOW. Although there are trillions to infinite years before & after our death , our ultimate purpose is irrelevant, our presence at this very moment is all that is ‘real’.
But at this same time it ISNT real , this life is all a ‘dream’ as in a manifestation of consciousness. I know this all may appear as mumbo jumbo , that is why it goes back to what I said earlier. we cant really make SENSE of it through concepts. One merely meditates, takes a psychedelic, lives an ordinary life, does ritualistic traditions, etc whatever aspect of life they continue to do in their Buddha lives , whether knowing it or not knowing it or knowing that you dont know it. its all part of the experience. no right or wrong. simply life

GrandChienFou - 2018-11-16

And that is where the absurdity of the Universe (and thus, our own) stems from.

Fabian A - 2018-11-17

Good stuff dude

jes gam - 2018-11-18

That was beautiful

ITS ABOUT WHAT'S FAIR - 2018-11-15

cuasee we r UGLYYY period!!

Matthew Harris - 2018-11-15

In the grand unending universe NOTHING is truly important.
After all our solar system is but a grain of sand.

Qasim Dove - 2019-03-31

i love how this is expressed in one of my favorite shows at the moment, mob psycho 100.

currently, the main antagonist is a psychic who believes his overwhelming powers and charm make him the protagonist of the series (ironically though, he's not). it's when the protagonist of the series (with comparably stronger psychic abilities than him) confronts him about his delusions and how they affect the people around him that it sparks some change.

Disillusionment - 2018-11-15

Our sense of ego and self-hood is just a survival mechanism. The universe doesn't care and from a birds eye view you shouldn't really care either. Life is just a game, have fun while it lasts.

VoltZ - 2018-11-30

I hate.. Abhor even.. How people think that what they believe in are actually the whole story.. That life is a game, that life is something, something, something. Limiting yourself to the everlasting possibility of the universe. Where our intelligence bounds us yet lets us experiences the greatness of the world from our own ungreatness. Universe or life, isn't just living how you want or how people tell you to. It's about living to grow, to love, to search for truth. You live your life how you want.. But when you go affect other's mentallity, limiting them from the vastness of the cosmos and of life, it infuriates me personally, and it ruins our own reason of being human, realization.

علاء الدين النجار - 2018-12-03

Actually having a life full of achievements but less fun such as elon musk is better than having a life full of playing fortnite and drinking and parties and girls extc until you die like a dog..useless!
You shall add a meaning to your life sir.

Keyboard Corrector - 2018-12-05

VoltZ, Exactly!...You're the first person I have met on the internet that has echoed my own thoughts.

I hate the cynical existentialism of the modern age...

Dan Rose - 2018-12-08

This is true but there is much more to life than the 'game.'

نظرية المرفوع الأساسي - 2018-12-25

Michaels Meditations nice

clinical minatology - 2018-11-15

We live in a certain point of time in thousands of years of life of the planet . All our fears , dreams, wars , conflicts, families, memories, hopes , future, discoveries, and everything human man created was in the " pale blue dot" which belongs to a lost solar group in anonymous galaxy within millions of other galaxies we don't either know how far they go or whether there's some life somewhere or no. It's a pessimistic view of our existence on earth. Once we realize that fact we're not the centre of the time we'd live happier and more cooperative. How fragile we are!

Apx - 2018-11-15

Carl Sagan?

clinical minatology - 2018-11-15

@Apx Yes Carl Sagan. The one who understands world and life very well :)

Apx - 2018-11-15

@clinical minatology I agree. He was a wonderful scientist/writer

Divjot class 7th - 2018-11-16

very well said....

Emrul Zawad - 2018-11-15

Why this channel is so good... It is the center of philosophy

R. Chayka - 2018-11-15

Lol, human heroism in art - picture of Merlin Monroe. Great age.

TheArtist - 2018-11-16

"We are not, thankfully, the centre of the show."
It's as if we don't want to be. After all, ever how much responsiblity that would require us to shoulder. At least religions establish this fact and reconcile it as creatures made in the very image of God, etc. In the end of it all, who can really know...

Ellie Lindsey - 2018-11-15

I remember the first time I viscerally felt my relative smallness - when I was looking at the Alps across a huge lake in France. It was a liberating feeling and has shaped my life philosophy since!

Mind Now - 2018-11-15

How we look at things, we will act accordingly

Thank you for this!

Winny out... for now 😉

Mike Henderson - 2018-11-15

Because technically you created the show out of pure thoughts.

Yep.... the person staring at these words.... you created all this.

WiiiLL - 2018-11-15

John 15:13 " Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."

Mike Jack - 2018-11-15

Never give your life for another. That's the mentality of idiots.

Mike Jack - 2018-11-15

@Stefan S Jesus never existed

Stefan S - 2018-11-15

@Mike Jack why do you think so?

- Shooting Starlight - - 2018-11-15

@Mike Jack boy I bet you're fun at parties. Do you learn anything from these school of life videos at all? That's no way to speak to someone you know nothing about. Have some manners and tact.

Mike Jack - 2018-11-16

@- Shooting Starlight - Parties are for idiots. Like you who believe in religion.

delysid - 2018-11-17

Such a great timing <3

QUEENSLAND bushnut - 2018-11-17

Death Memento Mori remember death .
When we die life goings on we are all dust in the end .

DWEBB FILMS - 2018-11-15

Thanks for putting into words something I had in the back of my mind for a really long time.

The Life Formula - 2018-11-15

Great stuff. I knew I wasnt the only one who thought I was a main character

FlowerGrower Smith - 2018-11-16

It's really great value and liberating to remember that you're just a speck on a speck of dust and there'll be NO TRACE of us in a thousand years.

Fundi Nkuta - 2018-11-17

you know that feeling when something serious makes you giggle because you heard some real true shit. like the type that makes your realise things you couldn't put into words. that was me throughout this video

Kevin Behan - 2018-11-15

Theres a Bright Eyes lyric "ive found out i am really no one", always found it reassuring. this video says why

Esha Mukhopadhyay - 2018-11-16

this vdeo really helped me to calm my anxiety bout the future . .. it's all right if things dont work for a moment .. nd that feeling is all that i needes

Matze 222 - 2018-11-15

Thank you School of Life! Very calming in times of stress. Your message is filled with peace.

Conkomedia - 2018-11-17

You've put your theory at the centre of your show by uploading this video 🤯
Also, entirely contradicting yourself by simply assuming and measuring a ducks intelligence based on a humans perspective; using the "human intelligence gauge". 🦆👑🌍

voicedify - 2018-11-15

These videos only continue to exceed my expectations. They're so brilliantly eloquent and calming and even after so much content has already been posted, the quality never goes down. Thanks, SOL! You're like drugs. Except you're good for me.

Hector Andem - 2018-11-15

The show?
When was the audition?

The Truth - 2018-11-29

Stress releving, when we attribute the happenings to God. As Job was shown the Glory of God.

The Royal Pimp - 2018-11-15

Sincere thanks for that, really needed it

ocelot salarian - 2018-11-20

I think this video can be summed up thus: "Two things do instil in us a sense of awe: the starry heavens above and the moral law within" (Kant)

Hanan Arar - 2018-11-15

I ve been watching the vedios for a while. And i like that you discuss important topics that i used to think about, but the thing is that this leads me to a different conclusion which can offer me answers to all of this which is religion.
Thank you

Fildişi kuleden - 2020-02-11

Is it possible for you to add subtitles? That would be a greater source for learners of English then

bamischijfje123 - 2018-11-16

01:20 What I learned today: bees are not animals

Bradley - 2018-11-15

I didn't know you English spell center like that. And thank you for another profound incisive video.

Abhin.V - 2018-12-05

These vedios have a soothing effect on me.

*love & Peace is never guaranteed - 2019-07-06

Thrs nothing like a centre we all live our life's in our own image Anybody who says otherwise is a idiot.

Hosker25 - 2018-11-15

I'd argue that Christianity is very much anthropocentric.

Bobby Blessed - 2018-11-27

I think Christianity as practiced in western society is very human-centered, but the actual teachings of the faith are to sacrifice self and see the bigger picture. That’s the whole message of the cross. The problem with the way people view Christianity nowadays is that they have changed the basic principles of the faith to fit their anthropocentric viewpoints.

VoltZ - 2018-11-30

I'd argue not.. Sons of God.. Meaning those who do not change their Human(anthro) nature.. Are bound to fail. Those who live as sons and daughters continually humbling themselves that only through divine mercy have they been saved and not by works. Not a single thing I have read in the Bible show anthropocentricism.. I am open to seeing other perspectives tho

ridethelapras - 2018-12-03

I think it's funny you said, "I'd argue..." etc. and then proceeded not to deliver any arguments!

Anyway, Christianity is anthropocentric insomuch that human beings are made in the image of God, and that it was a human being that the Word was incarnated into.

But then, God is still the centre of the show, and we as human beings should count ourselves lucky that he has favoured us so.

So it's complicated. Christianity is anthropocentric in that it is for us, and it is not anthropocentric in that it is about, that is, directed at, God.

Even though God became man, it is not humanity that Christians worship, we just happen to be the only species capable of having religions in the first place.

alittle bit - 2018-12-10

I suppose something to acknowledge about any religeon, esspecially (in my experience) Christianity is:
- How different understandings of the same teachings influence the take-away message.

Christianity in this instance could have the take-away message of 'You should love you and those around you equally, faults and all like how God loves you' or it could be 'Protect yourselves against evil, fear (in a respectful way) God and that everyone can and should be saved'.

These different focuses definitly change whether a faith is anthropocentric or something else entirely.

ridethelapras - 2018-12-11

Hmm... We tend to take either the
1) "We should be free from sin and error" part, but the problem there is we're all guilty of it. So if we want to follow this gospel, at least in principle, then we have to lay the law down on everyone else(!), and vilify those who sin according to that law; or
2) the "God is love" part, which encompasses God's all-pervading grace, irrespective of our actions, but then we hog all that love and grace for ourselves!

What the first one doesn't recognise is that when you spend your life vilifying others for their sinfulness, all you're really doing is learning more and more new and interesting ways of vilifying yourself! We can't just deflect or project our sinfulness onto others and call ourselves righteous, we need to recognise that we are an embodiment of that sin that we vilify so much.

But it's only by recognising that we are not worthy of God's love, that we are worthy of his grace. We can't just lay claim onto God's grace. And we definitely can't go on, claiming God's grace, and then denying that the sin we commit is sin.

The heart of the gospel is recognising that sin in yourself, accepting the grace of God through Christ Jesus, by his power NOT sinning to the best of your ability—in other words, all that hostility we previously had towards the "sinners" should be directed at ourselves for the purposes of our own correction—but to others, you show no such harshness. Be hard on yourself. Be easy on others. It is because you have let yourself be shaped by God's grace, that you are equipped
to love family, friend and enemy alike.

We have no grounds to judge others, because in doing so we would only be judging ourselves, but instead we consider everyone as worthy of the grace of God, by Christ's cross, as we think ourselves to be! And this manifests in love.

tl;dr It's not like there's two opposing visions, it's just most people have got both of them wrong.

Coach Bahman - 2018-11-23

These videos always give me peace of mind...

Creamada Crop - 2018-11-15

It's both calming and depressing to know we aren't the star of the show.

Timothy Lee - 2018-11-18

Beautiful animation, very unique without trying to hard. Thanks

Yōshanai - 2018-11-15

Makes sense.