> temp > à-trier > make-hydrobromic-acid-revisited-2018-nurdrage

Make Hydrobromic Acid Revisited 2018

NurdRage - 2018-08-05

We show how to make hydrobromic acid.

Hydrobromic acid is the bromine analogue of hydrochloric acid. While too expensive to use as much as hydrochloric acid, it's often used when the bromine element itself is needed. For example a major use is the synthesis of organobromine compounds like the ones we used in our grignard reactions.

To make it, we start with 400mL of water and add to it 250g of sodium bromide. Sodium bromide is available as a bromine source for swimming pools. To this we add 200mL of sulfuric acid, I got mine from drain opener.

The mixture is stirred until everything is dissolved and then cooled to freezing to crystallize out the byproduct sulfates and bisulfates.

The filtrate is then distilled until half the volume has been transferred and then allowed to cool. More crystals should crash out. This is filtered again and the filtrate is again distilled.

The distillate is then fractionally distilled to obtain constant boiling acid at around 124-126 celsius.

If the acid is yellow or orange, this indicates bromine formation. To remove it sulfur is added (1g per 100mL) and then distilled. The bromine-free distillate will have colloidal sulfur in it so it can be refluxed for an hour to drive the sulfur into the column.

Alternatively sodium metabisulfite can be added in small amounts until clear. Then distilled again to leave behind the sodium bisulfates.

Related videos
make hydrobromic acid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3n4Xqfb9qk

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Knife-Wrench - 2018-08-05

"too stupid to make the connection"

Couldn't help but laugh at the bluntness and the all too familiar feeling.

Wannabe Scientist - 2018-08-06

he is a psychopath

Wannabe Scientist - 2018-08-06

a good one, as I am

Dimension7 - 2018-08-05

I bet NurdRage can make a wicked cup of coffee!

Kineg Salomo - 2019-04-07

He would use a Soxhlet - Extractor...

NurdRage - 2018-08-05

Featuring the return of Igor the mutant lab fly.

On a different note: What should i call these redo videos? "Revisted"? "2018"? "Updated"? "Version 2"?

Suraj Rajbhar - 2018-08-17

NurdRage https://youtu.be/5RNdSQMRd8g see my experiment and teach what is happening

SolarSeeker45 - 2018-08-24

I like "revisited" it makes the most sense to me.

Kim H - 2019-01-13

Every mad scientist needs an Igor, according to Terry Pratchett 😁

worddunlap - 2019-01-22

Redux, what else? It's punny. You could say REDOX but that would be ridiculous.

Iron Magnet - 2019-11-06

Take 2.

Tyt0uOff - 2018-08-05

Completely different subject, can you make a video on how do you make your lab, especially your fume hood ?

PayrollTips - 2018-08-05

Cody'slab did one recently

[Whatever name goes here] - 2018-08-05

Gooferking has a great one on that

twocvbloke - 2018-08-05

So how's the fly-cloning coming along? I see one has escaped the nest... :P

Idiot Online Wondering Aloud - 2018-08-05

I suspect that NurdRage and NileRed are the same guy...They are both obviously Canadian, they both do Chemistry, they both post to YouTube...And they're both human (allegedly). Also, I've never seen them together in real life, so that confirms it. Now then...Back to settling the black/blue - white/gold dress issue...

Jason Patterson - 2018-08-07

Everything Overboard I don't think that pointing out that NurdRage is clearly a more experienced chemist than NileRed is negative. It's just honest, and I'd be willing to bet he'd agree. NileRed seems like a good guy, and I hope that he's either studying or plans to study chemistry - he's got a knack for it.

Everything Overboard - 2018-08-07

He already studied chemistry and he can support himself with the money he makes from YouTube

ruthere99 - 2018-08-07

@Lucid Focks So does she huff xenon while narrating her videos?

naota3k - 2018-10-05

I was thinking the same thing, so I recorded some of both of their voices and transposed Nurd to normal tone to compare to Nile, and turned Nile down to compare to Nurd. Definitely different voices.

nunya bisnass - 2019-01-08

I miss chemplayer.

Plus nerdrage used to teach, and has hairy arms, thay are obviously much older than your average grad students. Also they have very different speech patterns, vernacular, and nilered doesnt use much if any humor. Vastly different people.

DocZoda - 2018-08-05

Igor the mutant lab fly 4:30

Harrison William - 2018-08-06

I remember using HBr for many acid base reactions in gen chem 2 :D

First Last - 2018-08-05

Thanks for this, I always wanted to try to make hydrobromic Acid but I didn’t want to use sulphuric acid due to it being pricey

hyvää-elämää-98 - 2018-08-29

First Last where I live (southeast Wisconsin) sulphuric acid is very easy (and cheap, too) to obtain. It’s sold at almost every home improvement store for unblocking toilets when plunging is unsuccessful.

Add that to the toilet, let it sit for an hour, and plunge it again, and 9 times out of 10, it’ll flush. (Don’t ask me how I know; the answer is obvious)

jogandsp - 2018-08-05

Lmao one of the patrons is “Gary Johnson”

Rocky River Mushrooms - 2018-08-05

If you get a chance can you make h2O2?

aga - 2018-08-05

H2O2 is really hard to make and so much easier to buy.
His royal nerdiness really can't waste his time on that.
Might as well ask him to make water.

Richie Ingpiece - 2018-10-02

....it's not easy to come by in certain jurisdictions....and you might get some very unwelcome attention if you tried....

John Doe - 2018-08-05

Great job on this remake! Loving the improved yield and purity

196Stefan2 - 2018-08-05

3:40 Was there a HBr-addicted fly for several times in the timelapse?

Craig Barton - 2018-08-05

Hi nurdrage I would love to see u revisit the sulfuric acid project where u made it with a Hydrobromic acid catalyst

Yi Jin - 2020-03-26

May I suggest that you can extract the Br2 with toluene? (I’ve seen you using this chemical from your previous videos.) Br2 dissolves in non-polar solvents but HBr does not. Then you only need to remove the organic layer with multiple extractions.

ethan - 2018-08-05

Can we get a video about case hardening and carbon diffusion into metal?

Overengineering - 2018-08-05

Thats not chemestry and its not to spectacular.

[Whatever name goes here] - 2018-08-05

Overengineering it is chemistry and it is spectacular

Overengineering - 2018-08-05

Nah its not. You simply have to bring your steel to austenic temperatures and bring it in contact with graphite for a few hours. Carbon diffusion is relatively fast in plain steel, but alloys containing Chromium, Manganese and other heavy metals will slow down the diffusion.

Studying this stuff gets are real pain in the ass if your Professor sucks.

R Johnson - 2018-11-11

It is very engaging when you present your process and how you tried different methods.

CMDR Kies - 2018-08-13

Hey NurdRage. Love your videos! :D
I have a question/video idea.
I recently have had some trouble with degrading plastic/rubber thingies. The rubber went sticky like glue. I believe due to exposure to sun light i.e. UV light. What exactly is the reaction happening there? Is there a way for the hobby chemist to revert this process or at least to get rid of the sticky layer, so the part is usable again without feeling the urge to autoclave your hands after touching it?
I know you probably more ideas or questions than you can probably answer. I won't be insulted if you don't get around to answering. :) I just thought this might be interesting.

snowdaysrule2 - 2018-08-17

CMDR Kies In a nutshell plastics are made up of polymers (long chains of hydrocarbons) and a big factor in how the matrial behaves is how long the carbon chains are that are present in the plastic. When plastic is exposed to UV light over time, the carbon chains start to split up and become shorter segments. This, along with oxidation and moisture exposure damages the plastic and results in it loosing its desired properties on the surface of the material where sunlight is able to hit the surface.

As far as cleaning things up, I'd reccomend some mechanical method rather than chemical, like sanding. Once the plastic is damaged by uv, there is no way to undo the damage, so you're only option is to clean the bad material off really.

junit483 - 2018-08-05

Two NurdRage videos in one day? Am I dreaming?

Mersed Usto - 2018-08-05

I'll apreciate if you show us how to sintesis diethylamine, with full detailed guide.

Arnþór Gíslason - 2018-08-05

4:47 is the boiling oscillating at that point?

nunya bisnass - 2019-01-08

I get my suphur from fertilisers. It can be a pain and you always have to refine it, but unrefined its good enough for simple reactions like iron sufide and making sulphur dioxode.

Legend of the Stormlord - 2018-08-06

Did you get too close to any sulfur hexafluoride perchance ?

Electra Flarefire - 2018-08-06

An easier but more expensive way is to just cut materials with bromine based compounds in a laser cutter. This'll coat the inside of the machine with a fine coating of Hydrobromic acid. You can tell you have the right product because it'll happy eat the metalwork.

Joeri Van Meerssche - 2018-08-09

Is he a fulltime Youtuber? If not, what is his profession? I would like to know.

mackinnon182 - 2018-08-06

Got any ideas on how I'd take bromide and other stuff like that out of seawater to get pure chlorides?

nunya bisnass - 2019-09-21

I always wondered what would happen if you bubbled sulphur dioxide in a strong oxid iser like hot concentrated peroxide or hyperchlorite.

Roger and Lynda Beall - 2018-08-07

I asked him if he was making Sodium HypoBromite--- he said NaBrO

Benjamin Joshua Beggs - 2019-03-10

* Insert unenthusiastic dad-joke applause *

monster2slayer - 2018-08-05

i bought 100g of red phosphorous on amazon for 15 bucks

edit: same for sulfur

snowdaysrule2 - 2018-08-17

No frickin way lol that's crazy! What country do you live in?

monster2slayer - 2018-08-17

snowdaysrule2 im from switzerland, but i ordered it from amazon germany. Here's the link (11euro = ~13usd) https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00IJX3CQ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_1DNDBbYD743YB

snowdaysrule2 - 2018-08-18

monster2slayer Interesting I never would've thought red phosphorous was something that could be purchased on Amazon. In the US red P is a DEA List 1 chemical so it won't be anything I'll be purchasing though. Appreciate you sharing the link though nonetheless!

Pietro Tettamanti - 2019-01-31

100g of sulfur for 15 bucks? That's theft! I could buy 2 kilos for that price.

pharmdiesel - 2018-11-10

How about H3PO4 instead of H2SO4? From what I have read on some forums I have come to understand that using H3PO4 avoids the common contaminates. I haven't been able find a reference or procedure that utilizes H3PO4. Any idea?

Rob Kline - 2019-05-07

In practice, I have found that the sulfur purification method is superior. I always obtain a discolored distillate, probably caused by the fact that I have never found an adequate way of initially adding the sulfuric acid so quickly without the solution becoming very hot and producing a lot of acid smoke. After the initial distillation, and obtaining the light yellow/brown colored acid, I simply distill again with 4g of sulfur powder, and the distillate is a clear, partially turbid solution containing rather pure hydrobromic acid and suspended sulfur particles. The use of sulfur also regenerates some lost HBr, as noted by the equation in the video, giving an even purer product. In all runs, I was able to decant a dense, syrupy liquid from the pot that was leftover sulfuric acid and could probably be used in further runs with or without purification. And I say the sulfur method is superior because of the possibility of depleting the acid by the use of metabisulfite. I find that taking the time to do the extra purification leads to a superior product, and sulfur is ludicrously cheap, as well.

Bob Billy - 2018-08-06

Those flies are contaminants. You should take Walter whites's advice

Darian Ballard - 2018-08-05

Keep making videos.. I love your work.

Hong Bitter - 2018-08-05

Love me some NurdRage

RDComp - 2018-09-16

Can you compute the HBr bond ? :/

It Was Walpole - 2018-08-05

Sneaky 10:08 length

Johann Swart - 2018-08-05

Version II seems OK. BTW, you are running your magnetic stirrers way too fast. No need for that. Just a gentle stir will prevent them from whacking about like that.

aga - 2018-08-05

Cool ! Nice demonstration.

SuperAngelofglory - 2018-08-08

How about using a bit of phenol to remove bromine (tribromophenol is very insoluble)

KierMac - 2019-06-16

What was the yield?

butterflyspirit - 2018-08-05

What is Na2S2O5?

Mr Reaper - 2018-08-06

butterflyspinart I think that's ligma

Octane_fit - 2018-09-12

Make a video how to make testosterone powder and how to make esterification

Michael samir - 2018-08-05

Can you make a video on how to make isopropyl alcohol by hydration of acetone

Tisoni Fran - 2018-10-27

How can I get ethanol from isopropanol?

FortNikitaBullion - 2019-12-25

How about ascorbic acid to reduce the bromine?

Walter Bunn - 2018-08-06

With regards to removing bromine... This would be a useful one to push near the freezing point. bromine gas is actually a liquid near the freezing point of water, so it's quite possible that it can be purified by chilling the solutions until they 'break'.
There's some issues (namely triple azeotropes between water, bromine, and hydrogen bromide ), but since that's effectively just putting it in a bottle and letting it sit in the fridge for a bit, it's kind of a no-loss situation.
Worst case scenario, your flask is cold and has to sit out before carrying on with a hot distillation.

Felipe Ferreira - 2018-08-05

What is this thing spining?

Kain Yusanagi - 2018-08-05

stir bar.

Metalhammer1993 - 2018-08-05

Felipe Ferreira it's a stir bar meant to stir the mixtures to prevent hot spots which could get the mixture to overheat and splatter everywhere. Also some times you need to mix stuff with different densities and that needs stirring as well

Das Känguru - 2018-08-08

I've read that you could use phosphoric acic instead of sulphuric acid. This way the bromide ions won't be reduced into bromine.

jogandsp - 2018-08-05

Show us that you have no fear by synthesizing dimethylmercury

NurdRage - 2018-08-06

no fear? Dude, i have LOTS of fear. Perhaps even more so than the average person because i know exactly how dangerous chemicals are.

jogandsp - 2018-08-09

Yeah but I want to see a synthesis of dimethylmercury ;)

NurdRage - 2018-08-09

And i want to date supermodels, we can't always get what we want in life.

Poutník? - 2018-08-05

Can i use KBr instead of NaBr?

NurdRage - 2018-08-05

go for it,