> chemistry > organiques-simples > hydrazine > hydrazine-sulfate-tetrazoles-part-4-extractions-ire

Hydrazine sulfate - Tetrazoles Part 4

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-24

There's something strange going on with my camera mic, but I should be able to replace that once the NAB sponsorship comes through.

http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=15091 is the sciencemadness post about this.

The Gayest Person on YouTube - 2018-02-16

I heard from a reliable source that if you would have just added a few more stir bars it would have worked very well. That’s why it’s illegal, the government gets to keep the good shit for themselves.

Beloved Quessia Rissanen - 2019-08-05

I would watch the raping of u if just said no!

Don't Even Bother - 2016-09-11

"any more and that's illegal"

-Slayed me

Beloved Quessia Rissanen - 2019-08-05

Meth.. makes chem difficult

Homemade Chemistry - 2017-10-15

Man, you have a hilarious way of making your vids. You should get much more views....

J H - 2019-10-28


the rougemillenial - 2016-01-14

the precipitate when you added HCl
is likely hydrazine hydrochloride

Extractions&Ire - 2016-01-27

+Nick Viman Good thought, thanks for that!

LAB 137 - 2017-01-11

nice vid, can you make a video about the equipment for a home lab

Sarkazeoh - 2019-04-08

If the gelatin chelates and that helps I wonder if EDTA would work as well.

mark p - 2019-09-08

That dry hydrazine is a hyper explosive too mixed with ammonium nitrate to form an explosive called astrolite, the most powerful non atomic fission explosive, which I would love to see, because it is said that a THIMBLE full WILL be dangerous at 100 yards/ meters at time of detonation. PLEASE shoot some astrolite!!!😃💟💥

LAB 137 - 2016-03-26

thanks for replying to my comment do you know where i can get potassium nitrate and are rockets illegal in australia

Viktor Flodgaard - 2018-07-01

What would happen if you just used straight Ca(ClO)2 instead of making NaClO?

LAB 137 - 2016-02-29

where can i get this glassware and do i need licence

Dennis W - 2019-04-06

You can just buy it on ebay actually. Some governments give you the stink eye when you start buying glassware, but most of the west lets you do it. It comes for $10-40 a piece, so you can gradually build up your assortment

SliP _ - 2019-08-03

Urea and gelatin, YUMMY!

StarvingGeek - 2018-09-04

I have broken so many glass thermometers doing what you are doing

LAB 137 - 2016-02-29

what shops in Australia sell sulfuric acid

Extractions&Ire - 2016-03-25

+Triple Phase Stratco and Mitre 10 both have a rather expensive black sulfuric acid you can buy and use directly

Jonathan Fraser - 2019-07-31

urea endothermic, hydroxide exothermic ...... no problem

David Allen - 2015-11-29

Love the series, I'm personally going via the guanidine nitrate route, but it's nice to have a way using more home-style chemicals. I'm lucky that I can get guanidine nitrate from a pyrotechnics website, apparently it's used as an oxidizer for rocket propellant.

Extractions&Ire - 2015-12-11

+David Allen Oh nice, that would make things easier. I've made a small amount of guanidine nitrate and I thought it wasn't that interesting, have you tried any pyro stuff with it, or just using it as a chemical feedstock? :)

David Allen - 2015-12-11

Nah, haven't found the time to use it yet. Although I can't wait explore all the tetrazole derivatives, especially the green primaries.

Mike Chambers - 2019-08-09

Dude, it’s called a fume hood. Get one!

toothpick993 - 2015-11-24

What brand did you find sulfuric acid as drain cleaner?

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-25

+toothpick993 The one i'm using currently is called Momar Mo-Flo

bob bob - 2015-12-12

+toothpick993 check out your local pool store bro, will be 35%??

Thomas Adams - 2015-12-14

+Extractions&Ire The step where the urea and gelatin solution is added, you and Chemplayer both add it all at once even though it may foam over. What is the reason for doing it this way instead of slowly.

Extractions&Ire - 2016-01-27

+tom adams The reaction needs the heat to proceed, so adding it all at once allows it to get the most energy. Also, any excess hypochlorite will destroy any hydrazine forming, so you need to quickly add an excess of urea

Rik - 2019-10-11

Shoot yeah im getting weird speaker interference from these vids for some weird reason? Testing it on others and nothing so deff the vid?

Extractions&Ire - 2019-10-11

Like static? Yeah, there was an issue with the cameras internal mic

Rik - 2019-10-12

@Extractions&Ire Awww, dang. Ain't that the way the cookie crumbles? Really enjoy your vids anyway. Thanks alot bud. Wouldn't object to more detail/explanation either ;p Keep up the good work.

tom adam - 2016-01-15

excuse, but why you do not use directly the sulfuric acid?
but before you use hydrochloric acid?

Extractions&Ire - 2016-01-27

+tom adam You can, but there's two advantages of using a bit of HCl to start with. Firstly the cost, especially here where HCl is 10x cheaper per ml than H2SO4. Secondly, NaCl is a lot more soluble than Na2SO4 so you're not going to precipitate out lots of Na2SO4 with the hydrazine sulfate like you would if you just used sulfuric. This can be cleared up with a simple recryst but it's easier to avoid it if you can

the rougemillenial - 2016-03-05

considering that the hypochlorite you have is very concentrated, couldn't you just add some water to the lye to avoid the issue with the exothermic dissolution.

Extractions&Ire - 2016-03-25

+the jersey rebel I could, but extra water lowers the yield of hydrazine in the end. Not by much though, so adding a small amount of water to the NaOH and then adding that solution is a way to increase the speed of the synth by sacrificing a little bit of yield

Sam G - 2015-11-24

Is your H2SO4 stored in a plastic bottle? H2SO4 reacts with plastic's espacialy with natural rubbers, It dehydrates them and that gives Carbon witch might be wat you thought was a dye

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-25

+Neds Head Hm, I can rid the acid of the dye, I just have never really needed to. And while it is expensive at $50 a liter, it takes me a solid year to get through a single bottle, so I don't know. Don't think i'd be comfortable with storing 10L of acid around... thanks for asking though!

Ned's Head - 2015-11-25

+Extractions&Ire no worries mate, I usually just buy a 4ltr bottle for $14 and concentrate it, 10ltr is a bit much though, I found some other goodies today, methanol and nitromethane! no clue what I'm going to do with it yet..

Thomas Adams - 2015-12-14

Oh it's dyed for legal reasons. Even the tiniest drop is visible so careless consumers can see were they have splashed it.

Bill Smathers - 2016-01-14

+Explosions&Fire If you want nitromethane and are willing to pay the exorbitant costs of shipping it, you can get almost pure (like 95%) nitromethane from something called Super Solvent on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003L0XBCK/. It's used to dissolving cyanoacrylate glues. For 17.45 USD, you get 2 ounces of it (yes thats a fucking ridiculous price, but its OK in a pinch)

You can find some MSDSes here:


come to think of it you might get it cheaper from the manufacturer, but im too lazy to check lol

Bill Smathers - 2016-01-14

+Explosions&Fire Haha yeah, I actually looked into that as a source but the best I could find here in the US was ~65% pure, and that was for almost a liter. I have no desire to carry so much of something so unfriendly.

But hey, that bottle of Super Solvent came out to about 9 bucks delivered for me, so hey I can't complain too much.

That website has some other cool chemicals too-- 5 ounces of n-propyl bromide is 11.50 USD! (It's apparently a super glue accelerator. But dat alkylation tho...)

NextGenAge - 2016-03-29

The cloudiness is probably due the vacuum filtration. When the mixture is not cooled and under reduced pressure much NaClO is converted to salt (NaCl/NaClO3?) which in cold water again falls out of solution. A better option is to cool it very well and let is stand 2 days in a very cold fridge. Best is to have a cap on a bottle so no gas escapes. Then decant the clear upper layer :)

NextGenAge - 2016-03-29

+Explosions&Fire Hahaha i know that from your explosion videos. But vacuum reduces vapour pressure when a liquid/gas boils, so u lose much product when using high vacuum.