> recherche-refl > which-planet-is-the-closest-asking-the-right-question-cgp-grey

Re: Which Planet is the Closest?

CGP Grey - 2019-10-30

Main video: https://youtu.be/SumDHcnCRuU

Mercury is the closest planet to all seven other planets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDgbVIqGADQ

Is Pluto a Planet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_2gbGXzFbs

Discuss on the reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/comments/dp5tx6/which_planet_is_closest/

DunnoAUsername Dunno - 2019-10-31

can't believe he actually went to mercury for this video

HDTomo - 2020-12-26

@Dankster and because you hate a term that says you didnt get the joke your also an idiot

Dankster - 2020-12-26

@HDTomo ??? Hayk3000 made an extension to the OP’s post and 3 people didn’t get his joke and wooshed him when in reality they were the ones being wooshed. If you had more than 5 braincells you would have understood it. Perhaps you’re as dumb as those three.


Torian Caldwell - 2021-01-03

@hayk3000 Not agree. They liked your comment because they got someone to laugh at for taking the internet too seriously. Also, heat of the sun is one of many ways you would die on Mercury.

CuddlyBubbles 69 - 2021-01-08

@minecraft_steve its wooosh with 3 o’s

Alden Heino - 2021-03-11

@hayk3000 r/woooosh

imicca - 2019-10-30

if anyone is interested: Grey is in Natural history museum in London

David Watson - 2020-08-23

@Wol not any more - apparently it made too many people dizy and quesy

Wol - 2020-08-23

@David Watson that's not surprising! I hated it! 😂

STACKYY - 2020-11-07

Science museum not history

Jacobius Pineconalhotra - 2021-01-06

No, he’s in the science museum I am in their adverts 😂

Æons - 2021-01-29

I thought that lol ive been there its a great place

VulpLupi - 2019-10-30

"which planet is closest"
thumbnail shows moon
me: confused noises

CFLancer Gamer - 2020-05-25

@Anonymous Fellow hell no 😂

thunder sheild - 2020-05-31

There are two main proposed definitions for a moon vs binary planet system. First, some people recommend a comparing the ratio of mass between the two bodies, and if it meets some set threshold, it's a binary system or planet-moon system. The second definition is to use the barycenter of the system. If it lies inside one of the bodies, it a plant-moon. If it lies outside of both bodies, it's a binary system. The moon currently fails both definitions. However, the moon is very slowly drifting away from earth, which means eventually, at some point in the future, the barycenter will move out of the earth, making the earth-moon system a binary by at least the second definition.

Elek Buday - 2020-06-03

@Michael Hodgden It's with reference to the stars as a background - the stars travel in fixed paths on human timescales, while the planets do not.

V Facure - 2020-08-22

@DrSwib Definitely not. Earth is almost axially still, while the Moon does a complete orbit around Earth. It's a rather large satellite, but it's a satellite nonetheless. This is certainly not a Charon-Pluto relationship since the center of gravity of the Moon-Earth orbit is literally inside Earth.

Lord Omacron - 2021-02-20

well one can argue that the Earth and Moon are a Binary Pair of planets

Payden Taylor - 2019-11-04

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” -Jay Atman

Pub x Stompa - 2020-10-14

@Sean Monahan
Actually it was Max Planck (1918 Nobel prize in physics recipient) who originally said it.

Tabeeb Rahman - 2020-11-16

When you spin a wheel the wheel starts to spin

Ica Rue - 2020-11-25

@Void Gaming And yet the proverb you invented is not false. "As how can you love if you don't love yourself?" it's what you are saying. Which is something not a lot of people do (loving one self, yet a crutial part to be happy).

Logically speaking, the saying is kinda if (A->B) then (B->A). And this is logical nonsense and you can find better examples.
Like, if you put water in your bucket, you should put bucket in your water.
If you put fish in your pan, then you must put a pan in your fish.

logical nonsense

Suman S - 2020-12-22

Remember, Perception Is Reality.

Т1000 Youtube - 2021-03-03

*Looks at change intensively

omegafighters - 2020-06-03

You missed "Which planet is closest, at this exact moment?"

Åland Mapping - 2020-11-10

@Seal Pup jeez so aggressive, calm down

Seal Pup - 2020-11-11

@Åland Mapping Nah, This is aggressive, my previous statement was quite friendly, YOU calm down.

Åland Mapping - 2020-11-11

@Seal Pup I interpreted it as satirical insulting, which can be objectively considered aggressive. If that was not your intent then I apologize for misinterpreting your previous statement.

That One Guy - 2021-02-01

@Åland Mapping erebody gangsta til a baby seal and a land mapin get in an almost fight

Åland Mapping - 2021-02-01

@That One Guy lmao

Aries The Ram - 2019-11-24

2:51 imagine being at the national history museum and you just see a guy facing the wrong way on an escalator recording his shoulder while talking about philosophical shit to himself

Joshua Rellick - 2020-07-03

I'm wondering if he just recorded himself walking and then recorded the talking later and overlapped the new sound with the old video.

Thermal Ions - 2020-08-22

@Joshua Rellick That's definitely what is sounds like, as I'd expect more background noise were the audio recorded on location.

Will Weichman - 2021-03-12

@Thermal Ions well if he had a mic on him, then the background noise would be minimal

Synalla - 2020-09-21

I have discovered my aesthetic, and it's a glowing, house-sized, detailed model of the moon suspended a meter above my head.

Ottery Lexa - 2019-11-05

Q: Which planet is closest?
A: Earth, it's right there under my feet.

Swamp Donkey - 2020-09-01

The sports guy when I’m in your mom I’m probably the closest person to her except a few weeks ago that was pretty wild.

Espartanica - 2020-09-01

@Swamp Donkey Isn't it past your bedtime?

Ishaan Jain - 2020-09-02

@warmschnee even if you do not jump, you're not touching earth at the molecular level due to electron electron repulsion

William Michaels - 2020-10-31

The closest planet is the imaginary planet used to say something such as "They're in their own planet" because I am infinitely close to that planet, it being a portion of my brain, which is than the distance between the two closest atoms to each other in myself and the earth

「Funny Rock」 - 2020-11-19


Nathan - 2019-10-30

Somehow CGP's addendum videos are more interesting than most channels main content

Ajay Ramachandran - 2019-10-31

Kind of reminds me of Tom's talk

The Math Hatter - 2019-10-31

And that knowledge leads me to an interesting question: Why, despite ringing the bell, was I not notified of this video's existence?

Ky0dar - 2019-11-01

Yes. It is great

Oleksandr Rabinovych - 2019-11-01

Do you mean that an average video on CGP's addendum is more interesting than an average most channels' main content video? Or that the most interesting video on CGP's addendum is more interesting that the most interesting main video?

MynameisCarlosjr _ - 2020-11-07


12Me21 - 2019-10-30

"which planet's orbit is closest to earth's?" is probably what people mean

George Fan - 2020-06-13

Yeah, it all depends on how one define “the closest”. Mine was always the average distance between the orbits. IMO this is just a common sense that mercury spends the most of its time being closer to earth compared to Venus because of its much shorter orbital period.

Arcade - 2020-08-31

That question has a helluva lot more parts if you take even a second to dig into what the hell it even means geometrically.

LimeCyanizer - 2020-09-21

The answer is Earth, which can get as close as 0 km and as far as 0 km, with an average distance of 0 km.

Ekvitarius - 2020-11-11

@Kofi Mills' Videos it has the same answer as question 1 (Venus) which Grey acknowledges is what most people are probably asking. But then you’re asking about the distances between planets, you’re asking about the distance between paths traced by planets

KasabianFan44 - 2021-02-03

@Chris Z clown

Adin Reed - 2020-06-02

Grey hand writing Lorem Ipsum text five seconds in for a short clip needs more recognition.

Nicholas Greene - 2019-11-02

Grey walking into the international space station: "guys can I just grab a quick look at mercury"
The astronauts: "wtf"

Isaiah Dobesh - 2020-05-25

Mmm, yes, “walking”

ThePCguy17 - 2020-06-06

"How the hell did you get here?"

Blade 5786 - 2020-08-13

@ThePCguy17 rocket go brr

Andrew Benoit - 2020-01-26

“Sound like a completely different person” *proceeds to sound exactly the same

Joshua Rellick - 2020-07-03

The two sections of the video doe sound noticeably different.

Harrison - 2019-10-30

I feel like if I saw his arm and in public I feel like I’d recognize him as that’s all I’ve ever known.

ReasonableRadio - 2019-10-31

I feel like you might also recognize him because he's talking in the CPG voice and wearing the CPG logo on his chest though

Aidan303 - 2019-11-03

There are ways to see his face. You need to use a little brain power, but you can find it.

Ryan Otteros - 2019-11-21

If you want to ruin it for yourself you can, but suggest you don't, Google image him.

GloomGaiGar - 2019-11-25

or you know, the logo on his jacket

LightSagaFilms - 2019-12-31

ander jr wtf

Paul Miller - 2019-11-01

"Thanks for getting old models out of my head" ----Is an interesting sentence

RealSpaceModels - 2019-10-31

Brilliant. 60 years of being a space nerd and this never occurred to me. Thanks.

Ed - 2019-11-01

Can't count the times I've said "don't know enough to ask a good question". Oh well...

No Stop it - 2019-11-02

This is the first time I’ve seen “re:” in a video title and it being someone just praising something else

Ilyootha - 2019-10-30

0:03 Did you seriously just write the standard "Lorem ipsum" dummy text by hand just for this video?

Sodium Bicarbonate - 2020-01-17

0:06 He also made up a few corrections (the red ink). In sample-text Latin. For the sake of a few frames. What a legend.

3ghin5 - 2020-01-31

I translated ipsum loram on google translate thru like 10 languages and this is what i got:
In Loram, the toilets in the garden diaphragm, the saddest house of Ahmed following the elite, are inexperienced, not eliminated, and beltless. Dlebu.ti. So for years, I have to end. Someone has to stop the party without a prescription. Ahmed homework and chairmanship, digital photography, or any Magna and combination of Vero Sell.


In Loram, the toilets in the garden diaphragm, the saddest house of Ahmed following the elite, are inexperienced, not eliminated, and beltless. Dlebu.ti. Ahmed homework and chairmanship, digital photography, or any Magna and combination of Vero Sell.

The section name. Favorites, Elite, CAC, Diameter, Numbers, NIB, AVISON, Herpes Shingles, UT Loretta Dollar, Magna, Arikum.

(1) Loram has carrots. (2) Developer of the Faculty of Hydrogen. (3) According to Offset, NIBH Osmod Lorette is a great weekend. (4) Thank you for coming. (Lorem et al. 14)

The variant of Southern LIBER TEMPER ELEPHANT is a fake dirty arch identifier. Unusually, you can invest in french fries. Other types of vaccination are unknown. Used for readability by readers. Their reading reveals that these people often come to my son. Ahmed homework and chairmanship, digital photography, or any Magna and combination of Vero Sell.

The section name. In Loram, the toilets in the garden diaphragm, the saddest house of Ahmed following the elite, are inexperienced, not eliminated, and beltless. Dlebu.ti. Ahmed homework and chairmanship, digital photography, or any Magna and combination of Vero Sell.

in conclusion

In Loram, Ahmed's sad home after the elite, the garden diaphragm toilets are inexperienced, unremoved, and unbelted. Dlebu.ti. So for years, I have to end. Someone has to stop the party without a prescription.

The variant of Southern LIBER TEMPER ELEPHANT is a fake dirty arch identifier. Unusually, you can invest in french fries. Other types of vaccination are unknown. Used for readability by readers. Their reading reveals that these people often come to my son. Ahmed's homework, or the magic of President, Digital Photography, or Vero Cell is a combination of both.

Works quoted

Pain, L.I. Loram, recorded in 1998, is a sad place for Ahmed.

Pain, L.I. One development student took Loram stored in a carrot and was compensated by Z-NIBH. New York: Columbia UP, 1998. printing.

D E, B. John. Loram held a carrot, lifted the student's body, and was offset by a 1998 seal.

Yama - 2020-02-20

Thats why he’s the best.

thenakedcableguy - 2020-03-01

@Aereto I was bored and wanted to see if it was hard to convert from letters to ASCII then binary, to octal in my head for anything I'm writing.
It kinda stuck.

wojtekpolska - 2020-03-17

@pesadjo you cant because its not the text
tablet he was writing on dont know this is text, for it its just drawings
tablet only knows something is text when you write it with keyboard (wether screen keyboard or physical one)

KohakuAmber22 - 2019-10-31

Whenever we discussed which planet was closest growing up I always thought of it as which planet's orbit is closet to our planet's orbit, which as orbits aren't perfectly circular could still lead to other answers with some planets, but was still a better question imo than which planet is closest in general as that varies whereas the orbits vary much less.

bobafettjr85 - 2019-10-31

Where are you at in this video? That looks like a neat museum.

History Nut - 2019-11-02

The Natural History Museum in London.

bobafettjr85 - 2019-11-02

@History Nut I need to visit London sometime.

Darkwiccawillow - 2019-10-30

Imagine this question on a test (short answer) and having to write pretty much an essay explaining why the answer you put down is the correct one even though it’s totally not the answer the teacher intend

Petrico94 - 2019-10-31

"You're not thinking 4th dimensionally"

therealpapercat - 2019-10-30

I feel that there should be a 5th part too: which planet is closest to earth right now.

Lyri Metacurl - 2019-11-05

Right here, right now

Lyri Metacurl - 2019-11-05

@Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen the answer to that would be Mercury also because the other planets' greatest distance is when they're on the opposite side of the Sun

Jaxweby43 - 2019-11-06

Aleksandra Burger-Roy Mercury is in retrograde.
Hasn’t Jshlatt already said?

Deep Space Angel - 2019-11-07

Which is a stupid idea since it will not stay true :D

Evan Nibbe - 2020-11-25

Right now, Mars.

BandanaDrummer95 - 2020-10-21

Seeing the moon in the thumbnail, I almost thought this was going to be a video about how the ESA, Asimov, and others have argued for recognition that the Moon is not actually a moon but rather Earth's partner in a binary planet system.

Spinlop - 2019-10-30

I always thought of the 'closest' planet being the planet that it takes the least amount of fuel to reach, which now that I think about it, probably isn't linear either when you take into account gravitational slingshotting

Rainbow Hyphen - 2019-10-31

"The universe awaits with more knowledge for you to find" is the kind of sentence that gives me chills. Great videos!

Dermit Dembrot - 2019-11-24

1:21 really bugs me: why is Venus not even close to being the second closest to Jupiter? Doesn't the geometric effect with Mercury generalize to other pairs of planets like Venus vs Mars?

KasabianFan44 - 2021-02-03

I think it actually is — these aren’t just top 3 lists, they’re more like comparisons between Mercury and the planets that are “seemingly close” to the given planet.

Dermit Dembrot - 2021-02-03

@KasabianFan44 thanks for the "confirmation"

Matt Patterson - 2019-11-01

I love how all of his recommended videos are just BOTW episodes

Shadoweb EB - 2019-11-01

I love the Natural History Museum in London, I used to live right next to it.

Zoykzmc - 2019-10-30

Whenever someone asks which planet is closest, I have always thoughtabout it in terms of distance between orbits...

God of nothing - 2019-11-26

Love the “almost vlogs” keep it up grey

BlameItOnGreg - 2019-10-31

I definitely interpret “which planet is the closest to earth”, without a time frame, as “which planet ever gets the closest to earth”.

Also really bummed by the lack of the other dwarf planets in these videos; if you’re including Pluto then at least include a few others.

Creative side of Srinika - 2021-01-03

Fun fact : Your whole childhood was a lie

CallMe'Q - 2020-06-01

“Get a physics degree” I did that but it didn’t help haha

RiverMund Catradora - 2019-10-30

Fascinatingly enough, the order of the planets in the Geocentric model is:

the Moon
the Sun

RiverMund Catradora - 2019-11-07


don't worry, i'm just well read

Josh Garver - 2019-11-07

@RiverMund Catradora I didn't really think you we're a geocentrist don't worry.

But it is an interesting fact.

mim zim - 2019-12-04

sun closer than mercury no?

Evan Chow - 2020-05-04

mim zim they could see the transits of mercury and Venus across the sun, so they knew it was farther than those two

Wizard Suth - 2020-09-03

Does it matter how some people incorrectly model a system?

Superbun - 2019-10-30

"Which planet is closest to Earth?"
QI Klaxon Sounds

Snizzbut - 2019-11-01

@robin morrison It already has! ;)

Matthew Randell - 2019-11-02

@Talhah Hussain what

Matthew Randell - 2019-11-02

@Talhah Hussain what

Doubtful Guest - 2019-11-03

@Jon Carlo Soriano
- Alan Davies

You're going to have to pick one, pal.

fname lname - 2019-12-13


Tony Kohanek - 2020-04-03

"In my old video about pluto, where I sound like a completely different person" Wow I love that he is aware of how his voice or narrating ability changes

Robert H - 2019-11-01

I always though that "wich planet is closest?" implied distance to the orbital radius and i dont think thats a failed assumption to make. If people want to be more specific they can just explain further AND people that assume things can just be open to the fact that several interpretations is possible.

Nobody talks hyperspecific anyway in their normal life.

nemodos - 2019-10-30

seems like "Venus' orbit is the closest to Earth's orbit" is about as close to "Venus is the closest planet to Earth" that we can get

Isaac Supeene - 2020-02-09

"Model-induced blindness" is one of the topics discussed in "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Kahneman

Micheal Webster - 2019-10-30

Me: How to pronounce "Uranus"?
CGP: lol get a Physics degree

Dumb Comment - 2019-11-04

I would pronounce it You-ran-us to avoid stupid jokes

Dan Schwartz - 2019-11-04

@Dumb Comment That's what I meant. (Are you trying to live up to your name?)

Dumb Comment - 2019-11-04

@Dan Schwartz wait ...what I didn't see your comment I just click the reply on the top without clicking the "read more comment" button

Dan Schwartz - 2019-11-04

@Dumb Comment OK. I've said this before, I wish there was a way to get notified only when someone responds directly to your comment, and not about all comments added to a thread.

Dumb Comment - 2019-11-04

@Dan Schwartz YouTube acting dumb

Tess Aurea - 2020-10-06

So here's the thing, I'd tend to think about "who's the closet" in terms of orbits. It makes the line work.

thatguyoverther - 2020-11-29

I remember when my dad would take me to that museum when i was really young. The earthquake simulator thing always terrified me

Abhishek Datta - 2019-10-31

When we generally ask The question, we actually mean closest to the Earth's orbit.

Stephen Gregg - 2020-10-19

Knowledge yields questions, and those questions yield knowledge.

martijn van weele - 2019-11-04

"My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions."

Thanos - 2019-11-02

Did anyone else mispronounce the title as “Which planet is the closet”?

Forgiven Sinner - 2020-09-01

I've always understood this question to mean "Which planet is closest at perihelion? What is the planet's closest approach to Earth?" With that precise meaning (which is the natural meaning people assume), the answer is Venus. Which you state in question 1 in the video. The other questions are interesting, but not what people assume or mean.

DynestiGTI - 2019-10-30

The Moon, duh!