> chemistry > divers-organiques > cubane-chemistry > cubane-synthesis > cubane-ep-9-actually-forming-the-monoketal-extractions-ire

Cubane Ep 9 - *Actually* forming the MonoKetal

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

Some NMR results, planning out the UV cyclisation step and finishing off deprotecting the ketal. Are we actually achieving our goals?? Wild. Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Join the Discord!! https://discord.gg/VR6Fz9g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire

Music is from the Aphex Twin soundcloud dump, track names are: 
- m11stN lon
- 1 chunk 101

References: 1997 Lab scale paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/244572672_Dimethyl_Cubane-14-dicarboxylate_A_Practical_Laboratory_Scale_Synthesis
2013 Pilot Scale: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/op400181g
"Cubane Derivatives for Propellant Applications" 1989

Billy Gallagher - 2021-06-04

The tar is now tricking Tom into thinking that it's the product, it's getting smarter.

Californium-252 - 2021-07-03

The tar will take over Tom's mind.

Sidhant Tomar - 2021-07-05

oh my fucking god lmao

Pedaling Papa - 2021-10-26

@Californium-252 it hasn’t already?

Chemistry of Questionable Quality - 2022-06-28

Organic chemistry is the art and science of creating large amounts of unidentifiable tar and a small amount of the intended product.

Damien - 2021-06-04

“Nothing but f***ing net.” Tom becoming the Ramsay of chemistry.

Pst Mory - 2021-12-25

@Julius Raben at least he doesn't need the recipe book to make ice like some of the morons I've had to work for in 20 something years of being a line cook.

Julius Raben - 2021-12-25

@Pst Mory in that persons defense, i would need a recipe to to make choco of pistachio ice.
But i fear.... thats not what you are talking about......

Pst Mory - 2021-12-25

@Julius Raben no I'm talking about freezing water. Some guys are put in positions they have no business being in. Gordon Ramsay sure is a douchebag and most of the places I've worked one of us would have taken him out back, beat him unconscious and threw him in a dumpster. In Florida there's nothing but ex. cons and dopeboys working in kitchens. I've seen some violent shit go down and being a condescending prick with a questionable skill set would definitely get a foot at least half way in your ass. One time a guy was pissing me off and I left a fry basket in hot oil for a while and hit him with it. His arm looked like graph paper the next day. I've also burned people with saute pans. I've seen kitchen managers get choked out and chased around with knives. It was always interesting, but now that I'm in my 40s I can't deal with the stress and as fun as violence was it's lost its luster.

Emyr Derfel - 2022-09-16

@unknow unknown because gun-type fission weapons are archaic and inferior to modern Teller-Ulam staged fission-fusion devices.

unknow unknown - 2022-09-16

@Emyr Derfel I think we should make one and a breeder reactor

Ryan Claerhout - 2021-06-05

Me, trying to do a simple synthesis in a state-of-the-art lab, doing my best to be as careful as possible: gets absolute shit yield and shit purity.
This absolute madlad, doing a complicated as all hell synthesis in his fucking shed without a care in the world and super sketch methods: gets perfect purity and massive yields.
Fuck me mate, the fact that you got any product at all amazes me. Those ENEMA spectra are god-like tho. Fuckin get this man a Nobel prize already, jeez.

Toby Beattie - 2021-07-05

@Jeoshy as stupid as it sounds, that type of step by step chemistry is what you have to do if you want to do the stuff he does. In my undergrad of college I thought I could do all this chemistry and that "easy" labs which taught me the basics were a waste of time. Looking back, it allowed me to learn all the skills I need with a safety net of not dying. Chemistry, especially inorganic can be extremely dangerous and the techniques like TLC can be expensive and dangerous to mess up. Not to mention even extractions&ire is following "steps" but is able to put his own twist on it because he understands the background chemistry. Trust me, if you stick with it you'll be able to do the cool stuff.

bromiso valum - 2021-07-09

@Jeoshy Yeah, I understand safety is necessary but nowadays people go insanely alarmist on it. For example a school here called the fire-brigade to evacuate a room where someone dropped a 50ml bottle of ethyl bromide. A whole show was put on for nothing, they could just have vented the room for a day and it would be ok.

Yannyy - 2021-07-26

@bromiso valum H351? Ethyl bromide may cause cancer. What are you talking about?

Alexander Vowles - 2021-12-30

@Toby Beattie how is thin layer chromatography dangerous? Fumes?

Stefan Gadshijew - 2022-04-15

@Alexander Vowles I recently remembered that if you dry your TLC plate with a hot air blower, you should let it cool before dipping it into a spotting reagent that is mostly made out of flamable solvents.

Luckily, it didn't burn, but it did fizzle dangerously.

But I think the biggest danger in TLC is that you fuck it up and waste your time. If I'm doing TLC, I need a completely different mindset from my usual "I'll just wing it, lol"-attitude of doing organic chemistry, and actually use gloves so I don't get my sticky hand juice on the plate.
(I'm doing research and development, so I don't always have steps to follow, so if something goes wrong, I can just pretend that it's the chemistry and not me that is the issue. :D)

Neill Coetzer - 2021-06-04

Mate. I'll be honest. I thought you would abandon us like everyone else, lmao

He left for cigarettes and actually came back

Alex - 2021-06-08

And cans of Somersby apple cider.

Neill Coetzer - 2021-06-08

@Alex not to forget the trusty Strongbow

Mowinckel - 2021-07-10

I keep seeing comments like this. Why would he leave? Who "others"?

Hobo Sullivan - 2021-07-19

@James Reilly If I ever manage to travel to Australia, I'm gonna have to try this mystical Victoria Bitter.

tyler roberts - 2021-11-07

and not asking for bail money

T3kk1e 101 - 2021-06-04

The emission spectrum of your reptile light might change as it warms up, so u could try taking another spectrum after a few minutes. Who knows, you might have more UV than you think!

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

You re probably right! Would explain why my spectrum and the spectrum on the box don't like up super well

Basement Science - 2021-06-04

@Extractions&Ire Yeah always let gas discharge tubes warm up. It makes a huge difference.

Rufus Connolly - 2021-06-25

I'm glad someone said this already

Commander Arto - 2021-06-04

It's good to have you and your hate of yellow back in our lives. We have missed you.

The Ecocosmos - 2021-06-06

@Commander Arto Issa joke man

Commander Arto - 2021-06-06

@The Ecocosmos I know man :)

The Ecocosmos - 2021-06-06

@Commander Arto Aww man :)

Ryan Gilmour - 2021-06-07

Down with yellow

Luke - 2021-06-15

I love this f******g channel!!!!

RainBianca - 2021-06-04

"HD extractions&ire doesn't exist, it can't hurt you"
HD extractions&ire:

Gregory Ford - 2021-07-11

So disconcerting

Brian Hanson - 2021-06-04

I love seeing him excited about his purity

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-05

A rare moment, I'm so used to being disappointed

Brian Hanson - 2021-06-05

@Extractions&Ire I'm a struggling chemist, I know the feeling. That's why I related with you. It's the best when your shit is the tits.

Ktaldoxx - 2021-06-07

@Extractions&Ire Man, the Dikethal NMR is beautiful, the tribromine, as you said is f*cking net

Drakkar Calethiel - 2021-06-04

Wouldn't be one of those UV water sterilizer or germicidal lamps be perfect? They usually spit out a crapton around 310nm.

Basement Science - 2021-06-06

@WaffleStaffel The reptile lamp he measured was not at operating temperature, which makes a big difference. (was mentioned in another comment)

WaffleStaffel - 2021-06-08

@Basement Science Interesting, I was not aware of that. Could temperature cause a very significant difference in comparison to the Hg and other peaks?

Basement Science - 2021-06-08

@WaffleStaffel Short answer: yes.

Essentially how it works is these tubes contain mercury and argon gas. At room temperature the mercury is mostly not in vapor form yet, so when you power it on, current passes through a lot of Argon gas and a little mercury vapor.

As everything heats up, all the mercury evaporates and so the concentration of it increases. Additionally this increases the pressure, and of course the temperature increases the pressure by itself as well.

Because of all this, the spectrum of these lamps changes in several ways while heating up. Mercury itself has peaks across the UV and visible spectrum, Argon has its own emmissions. So the total output shifts from more Ar emmissions to mostly Hg emmissions. The pressure itself also changes things like the magnitude of the peaks related to each other, although I'm not exactly sure why (free path length of the ions maybe).

WaffleStaffel - 2021-06-17

@Basement Science I understand how the technology works. We're talking about after warm up. I suspect the minuscule peak in UVB in his spectrograph above suggests the UVB is dwarfed in respect to the other peaks, and will remain dwarfed across temperatures, and only diminish as time passes. The graph provided by the manufacturer is, like all other marketing graphs, a blatant lie.

Basement Science - 2021-06-17

@WaffleStaffel You're not making any sense at all bro.

Lord Ghastly - 2021-06-04

ahh, the TLC shenanigans and stuck stoppers really hit that synthesis lab course PTSD spot.

Girvo - 2021-06-05

@Jonathan Lässig Always exciting when you find a fun new unique way to fail a synthesis!

Sid - 2021-06-05

Btw what is the difference between TLC and chromatography, if any?
Edit: I'm a fucking idiot I'll just google it rip

mafiacat88 - 2021-06-05

@Sid If you haven't googled it or what have you, (and assuming I'm not as big a moron as I think I am), Chromatography is just separating stuff by dissolving it and seeing where the layers go-could be in a liquid, solid, whatever.
TLC is Thin Layer Chromatography, so it's specifically those plates.

Sid - 2021-06-05

@mafiacat88 Yeah you're half right. TLC is those plates plus a thin layer of solvent on the plate, which makes it basically ubiquitous.

Lukas Bolini - 2021-06-10

@1224ChrisNg ok now i'm triggered

Psychx - 2021-06-04

Nice to have you back! There's nothing better than an Australian doing cladestine Youtube chemistry in his shed.

J R - 2021-06-04

The further I get through my chemistry undergrad, the more I enjoy these videos!

M L - 2021-06-04

Same tho

svnhddbst - 2021-06-04

'congratulations, i'm sorry'

Rain - 2021-06-04

I still don't know what Cubane is or does but this is just too entertaining.

Up That Vote - 2021-06-05

@Eldritch quite quite explosive

Necroby Nerton - 2021-06-05

@Eldritch so, a substance for explosions&fire?

Benjamin Linck - 2021-06-05

@Necroby Nerton im fairly certain that this part of his youtubes where he does all the cool chemistry has just become the factory for making more explosions&fire content. He has created his own infinite content loop!

jared garden - 2021-07-07

@Eldritch No cubane is not explosive, it is in fact very stable. It is instead a highly strained molecule with a lot of energy stored in its structure.
If you tacked on some more reactive and oxidizing functional groups like some nitro groups then you would have something energetic.

M. Otto - 2021-07-11

cubane is the bane of Cubans

Hydraulic Systems - 2021-06-04

It's ok. We don't know how reptiles work either. They are a little four legged mystery.

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

Mysteries science will never answer

James - 2021-06-04

I'm 99% sure reptiles are spy droids operated by soviet sleeper agents. That's why they have to warm up in the morning to move. The old 1980s computer software they run on takes a while to boot up.

The CIA invented birds to counter the Soviet reptile bots, which is why the soviets began making snakes.. Venom is actually produced by a small chemical mixing system which synthesises novichok.

LFTRnow - 2021-06-06

I actually got inspired to look up why they need UVB and the answer was interesting:

• UVA light helps regulate behaviors such as feeding, diurnal movement, mating and similar activities.
• UVB light allows the synthesis of vitamin D3, which helps to absorb calcium.
• UVC light is not required for reptiles, but it can help kill bacteria. It’s important to note that at high levels of exposure this light can be harmful to most animals.

Source: https://www.zillarules.com/articles/understanding-uva-uvb-uvc-reptile-lighting (though google has many links for this)
....the more you know :)

Woo Six - 2021-07-08

@LFTRnow thanks m8 you ruined the mysteries of reptiles for us.
(I am not actually this a joke)

dungeonseeker - 2021-07-03

"I sometimes call it enemahr, I've had lots of people commenting they hate it, so I'm going to continue doing it" 🤣🤣🤣

Please never change

Mad Max - 2021-06-05

Had a Cubane question on an organic chemistry exam this morning. Only knew what it was from your videos, cheers!

Edward Elizabeth Hitler - 2021-06-04

You should be really careful putting various chemicals in the enema machine, the bowel is quite a vulnerable gateway to the body...

Henry DeShazo - 2021-06-04

I'm so freaking excited to watch this video 😍!
Since your "I'm back" vid I went ahead and rewatched your entire cubane series in anticipation that you just might drop another in the series soon.

Mono-Si Engineering - 2021-06-04

HE'S BACK! It's good to see that you're still alive!

headbasher456 - 2021-06-04

was scrolling through my recommended and nearly shat myself when i realized this was a new cubane video

Dave - 2021-06-04

That's the enemahr effect.

Lisa - 2021-06-13

@Dave underrated comment

xGhale - 2021-06-04

Uhhhm DCM and UV are not usually very good friends, I'd stay away from DCM and use methanol personally.

As to the UV step, I think your idea is great. You might want to consider actually running 2 or even 3 lamps (if they don't get too blisteringly hot) since you'll have much more secured coverage of the flask all around + consider doing this one inside due to the sunlight, might cause an issue (unsure on that one). If sunlight is mentioned in the paper as only being problematic if you only use sunlight for the cyclisation then it's probably fine to do this outside.

Good luck, and very glad to have you back!!!

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

Yeah maybe methanol is a better choice? The boiling point being higher is an advantage too

Moronic Pest - 2021-06-04

Here's a reaction I never figured out that came about by chance decades ago, that anyone growing tomato plants could try, unrelated to things that go boom. At the end of the growing season when the vines are still green, tear up a handful or two of tomato vines in a kitchen blender with water added. Filter the mixture and save the filtrate. Add a small amount, maybe a few tablespoons or less of DMSO to the filtrate and you should get a green precipitate you can filter on a paper towel and let air dry for a couple of days. What might the product be and whether it would have any uses, I don't know.

Christian Norf - 2021-06-04

Welcome back :)
I've got a tip for your KMnO4 TLCs. Either make it a bit more concentrated or don't blast it with your heatgun quite as much. In your compilation shot, on the bottom right is what you get when you get it right. With the complete palte staying purple and only the spots brighten up.
Since they already look like that when you take them out of the solution I'd say increase the concentration a bit.

Hydroxy moron - 2021-06-04

As usual i hardly understand any of it but i love watching ALL of it

Michael D #2 - 2021-06-04

Same here! Half of this sounds like Charlie browns teacher. But im addicted to it!

ParadigmUnkn0wn - 2021-06-05

Random thought I had when watching you handle the stuck stopper that you didn't lube up, and having just watched your previous video about starting up video production again. I think the reason almost everyone you meet that has seen your channel is impressed is because you show stuff like that. No one is perfect. It's better to show that you catch your own mistakes, fix them, and learn from them than to be an egotistical a**hole that pretends they piss excellence and sh*t gold. That and watching other people struggle is kinda amusing, and a great learning experience.

Daniel Willems - 2021-06-04

What a legend the person who ran your samples. For free in the end?

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

For free like an absolute legend. Was happy to pay but nope

Daniel Willems - 2021-06-04

@Extractions&Ire pay them in beers or spirit of their choice!

That analysis at a commercial lab would have been a pretty penny. Fucking analytical chem the bane of many a PhD students research!

You Туп - 2021-06-04

@Extractions&Ire Like an absolute legend that he is.

Izzie - 2021-06-04

This isn't a series of videos, this is a saga.

Laird Cummings - 2021-06-04

It's a QUEST!

mrdarklight - 2021-06-26

It's an Epic!

Teyras Iridae - 2021-06-04

I'm using that exact UVB reptile lamp with one of my students for a photochem project. It worked really well for us

Cristian Walter - 2021-06-04

the quality really improved, looks like a movie

Tim Leadbetter - 2021-06-04

Worlds apart! Good to see the Cubane synthesis hasn’t died a death!

Michael D #2 - 2021-06-04

Your life is the movie, your just watching a commercial

Alpha Dog - 2021-06-04

Cubane Crisis - in cinemas near you

Rildav - 2021-06-04

He just bought a new camera that's 4k

Good Vibes - 2021-06-04

I love how unreasonably excited I get for a chemistry video not being involved at all. Always neat shit tho 🤙

Californium-252 - 2021-06-04

Finally, Tom is back in making the cube!

LegitGopnik - 2021-06-04

This series began last August, when I was just starting my series of organic chemistry. Last week I finished the two semesters and I feel so different! I actually understand functional groups, NMR, TLC, and lots more

George Janzen - 2021-06-05

Ochem rly does make you understand chemistry as a whole.

twothreebravo - 2021-06-06


HammerTh - 2022-02-10

I'm honestly impressed by how well the tribromination worked. There must be some quantum fuckery going on which makes the tribrominated form the most stable.

Owen - 2021-06-07

I did my chemistry masters on UV induced meta-photocycloadditons and I can confirm that cheap reptile bulbs are the best option for this situation. You touched on limiting the reaction time for clean products which is spot on. The way we did that was by pumping the solution through a thin transparent tube which we wrapped around the bulb (at a distance to prevent overheating). This way we got high intensity UV exposure over a short period which is designed to give high yield without too many side products forming from the product. I can recommend looking up flow setups for this. Also degassing your solution with nitrogen may help with your yield as dissolved dioxygen can get excited at those wavelengths and potentially run amuck with your reagents. Good luck and I look forward to your upcoming work :)

Henry Cowell - 2022-02-12

Replying so this comment gets bumped up, even tho it's been 8 months lmao

Aggro Gator - 2021-06-04

"I don't really know how reptiles work"
Better to keep your edge, don't let the Lab Lizard hear you say that. Through his reconnaissance he probably knows more about you than you do of him.

Commander Arto - 2021-06-04

"Nothing but fucking net." That legit killed me

Peleg Bar Sapir - 2021-06-04

I would think that in Australia you have enough UV radiation from the sun to push the reaction. Maybe go to the outback and perform it there, will make for a great chemistry+travel video.

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

True! Shame it's winter at the moment, but there's still probably enough sun

Ze_Epic_Llama - 2021-06-04

Travelling to the middle of the desert to do chemistry sounds kinda familiar...

Peleg Bar Sapir - 2021-06-05

@Extractions&Ire right, you live in the bizarro world

Etnn - 2021-12-31

@Peleg Bar Sapir South hemisphere is the "bizarro world" lmao love it

twothreebravo - 2021-06-04

"Sorry, I'm getting excited" - Mate, it's okay, you did this in your shed and had it confirmed by an enemar machine

Woo Six - 2021-07-08


Psychx - 2021-06-04

I've read somewhere that DCM promotes the formation of radicals and free radical reactions. Isn't this kinda unvafourable compared to Methanol when doing the UV step as it theoretically leads to more side products being formed?

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-04

@almani maxim one of the papers used benzene for the photochemical step. Look, I love Benzene much more than the ordinary man but even I think doing a UV photochemical step in it seems super wack

almani maxim - 2021-06-04

@Extractions&Ire hm indeed, i mean its quite absorbing at the range of the reaction ,isnt? however:⌬⌬⌬Benzene is back!⌬⌬⌬

Anton Helsgaun - 2021-06-06

⌬⌬⌬ Benzene gang rise up ⌬⌬⌬

Chris S - 2021-06-06

omg where are you guys getting the benzene emojis!!

Anton Helsgaun - 2021-06-06

@Chris S it's a unicode character, not an emoji.

⌬⌬⌬ Benzene gang rise up ⌬⌬⌬

Diego Bravo Troncoso - 2021-06-06

Man it's damn good to see you back, damn youtube didn't notify me at all so I'm a few days late. Watched the other video too, hope everything goes well with your thesis too <3

Extractions&Ire - 2021-06-06

Thank you!! Is great fun to be back posting videos again

Psychx - 2021-06-04

An enemahr a week keeps digestion in check!

Christian Bley - 2021-06-04

There are also UV Tubes for water treatment in filtering systems for garden ponds.
You can buy them separately.

Just googled them. Seems to be UV C :/
But maybe there are others

Basement Science - 2021-06-04

Only a small part. There are practically no pure UVC sources out there.

Mari Onette - 2021-06-04

you need to get a UV lamp for a water purifier.
They'll also give your eyeballs a serious sunburn in a matter of seconds so if you do get one... be careful with it. seriously.

Sentient lemon clock - 2021-06-04

Mmm crispy eyes.

Nobody Noone - 2021-06-15

Yup, and be aware any real UV lamp will be crystal not glass (glass filters UV!), so take care in handling.

word - 2021-07-08

"2 out of 3 Australians will get skin cancer before 70"

Woo Six - 2021-07-08

"that's bloody c o o k e d "

All Science - 2021-06-04

It's like every chemist has tourette's syndrome, they can't help but shake the flask.

Beardwhip - 2021-06-05

They also can't keep from sniffing their reaction products, even if it's str8 up ether

Rob Mckennie - 2021-07-09

@Beardwhip could be worse, there's a guy on the e&f subreddit who likes to taste stuff, including carbon tet

Jansen Art - 2021-06-04

See, the clamped mic is ICONIC for E&F/E&I. As much as PUSA.

Cezar Catalin - 2021-06-04

You can but nail dryer UV lamps.
Some reach fairly intense levels of 350nm UV.

Basthord - 2021-06-09

One kind of cheap way to get a lot of relatively pure UV light could be to stack different spectrum filters on a lens and use sunlight.

Richard W. - 2021-07-02

The polarity of DCM in TLC and LC is so underrated! Combining EtOAc with DCM is combining polar with polar on a polar TLC plate - no wonder you got such bad separation results on your TLC

Alexa Hill - 2021-06-09

Hey there! I used to be a scientific glassblower for a university, and had to un-seize ground glass joints all the time. Take a gentle sooty orange flame like a candle (bunsen burner is ideal) and put it right on that joint. Keep rotating it to evenly distribute heat. With a little convincing, it will eventually come loose.... if its being stubborn tap it with something rigid but not metal. Use oven mitts ^-^

benburn5 - 2021-11-03

I am binging your channels. I am 40 years old, have no knowledge of chemistry at all, and really haven’t a clue what you are making but I am totally mesmerised. The way you explain everything makes it easy to understand and exciting. I am amazed that you started most of this with chemicals I can buy at Bunnings. You are a legend mate and I hope you don’t stop these videos.

Extractions&Ire - 2021-11-03

Thanks a lot mate, glad you like the videos!