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The Deadliest Wildfire In California History

VICE News - 2019-01-30

California's largest utility company, Pacific Gas & Electric, filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday after facing mounting scrutiny for its role in November's Camp Fire.

While climate change is partially to blame for California's deadliest fire, most residents of Paradise, California almost immediately pointed the finger at the largest utility company in the state. The investigation into what caused the Camp Fire is still ongoing, but PG&E cited “actual and potential liabilities” in its decision to file for bankruptcy.

VICE News was in Paradise immediately after the Camp Fire to meet residents and learn how California can survive a future of deadlier fires.

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VICE News - 2019-01-30

“We know, as a matter of fire science, that high winds and dry weather are some of the most dangerous conditions,” said John Fiske, a lawyer representing residents, cities, and counties against PG&E in multiple wildfires, including the Camp Fire.
WATCH NEXT: The Last Days of Death Row Inmate Scott Dozier - http://bit.ly/2FASiJb

Little Bear - 2019-11-28

@Jan Badinski im a powerline clearance tree trimmer I have more balls in my little finger than most men have between their legs so keep your b.s. about these fires that have been perpetrated by our government honest. I don't think you are that dumb so clearly you need to repent. Your fighting for the lie that is causing misery in many people. Look in the mirror and think about what peoples lives have been turned into. Think about what they must feel knowing government that they pay is doing this with no concern for their lives for their families their pets, livestock, put yourself in their shoes. Do you still want to fight for the lie you have been doing here. If that's the case im truley sorry for you. May God have mercy on us all.

skitzo chik - 2019-12-09

and what did pg&e say??

skitzo chik - 2019-12-09

@John Calveley lol dummy

FuzzyAppleBong - 2020-01-20

When will the California Government step up to save the future of the American people and the American government, And make the #1 cause of wildfires in California CIGARETTES illegal? We lost 84 people in 2019 because our Government is broken and won’t step up for change.

Dave Mcmike - 2020-08-27


LoveEquestria4evet - 2019-10-25

And just today PG&E being investigated AGAIN, for the newest fire.

Ethan Celich - 2019-11-10

Carlos Ruiz if PG&E are held accountable then people in California will just suffer because they will just shut power off whenever it’s windy you want that?

Patrick Smith - 2019-11-11

@reversecourse No you asked about defensible space and I answered. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, all I was trying to say is it wouldn't have mattered in this case. This fire was truly a monster and it jumped 300ft wide lakes, while traveling the distance of 80 football fields a minute. It crossed a massive canyon that separates Concow and Paradise, which no fire had ever crossed before. I've seen the canyon, it's almost the size of the Grand Canyon, so my point is no reasonable amount of defensible space would have saved anyone's houses. Also many, many spot fires occurred from flying, burning embers. I've personally seen these huge embers jump entire 12 lane freeways here in Southern California. Just when you think there is nowhere for a wildfire to go, it jumps the freeway.

Patrick Smith - 2019-11-11

@Kitty Henderson Haha, yeah another Geo engineering watcher! Loved your comment and I love that guy who is always doing the lectures on this topic. All the fake ass clouds in CA, and the planes spraying all day. I've seen the videos of the planes when they switch tanks, the trails stop for a second and then start again lol. If they were actual condensation trails they wouldn't ever have a break haha. Caught red handed now it's no longer a conspiracy!

Nick Milanowski - 2019-12-06

They need to be put on trial

Xinless Vice - 2020-01-10

Carlos Ruiz when a subsidiary handles thier grid better then the main company. Hope thier sounds off and become thier own company.

Roman - 2019-01-30

Im from Chico and I can tell you that it felt like the apocalypse, The sky was blood red and you couldn't see more than 5 feet in front you you. Many people I know lost everything. The environment is trying to tell us something, but we refuse to listen....

FuzzyAppleBong - 2020-01-20

Roman When will the California Government step up to save the future of the American people and the American government, And make the #1 cause of wildfires in California CIGARETTES illegal? We lost 84 people in 2019 because our Government is broken and won’t step up for change.

Lars Hansen - 2020-04-24

Funny that a town is called boy (Chico means boy in Spanish).
In Spanish a "h" is silent (not pronounced).

taz santiago - 2020-04-29

We are listening my brother it’s those corporate fucking companies that want to make make make money without having to spend spend spend on safety. That’s the motherfucking problem without a motherfucking story. I feel so bad for all you guys out there man it’s been a year and I know for a fact that it will take a lot more years for everything to grow back. But peoples lives, homes, memories, families, pets, wildlife etc it ALL Just doesn’t grow back😥😓 I feel so fucking bad man my heart goes out to you guys. I live in Boston all we have to worry about is Irish drunks. I wish you guys all the love and prayers in the world 🌎 be strong keep your head up take it one day at a time. I know what it’s like to be in a apocalypse I was only three streets from 911 when those buildings fell🥺😥😓But years later I’m still trying to deal with what happen so if I could do it you guys can too, much ❤️ from Boston

JohnRox _ - 2020-05-14

I was at school and it got so so so bad we had to leave school 3 hours early and u couldn’t see anything, the sky was so orange that u could look at the sun without burning your eyes off. ALSO I WAS AT OAKLAND AND THATS LIKE 70 MILES FROM PARADISE!!!

Jojo Love - 2020-05-31

I live in Oroville and had to evacuate because we live on the side closer to paradise and cops came by saying this was it either get out now because they won’t be coming back. My daughter couldn’t breathe her oxygen got down to 65% just from the smoke in our home so we went to Reno luckily she got better and all our friends and family got out safely but so many didn’t. I know no one got any sleep I slept 1-2 hours a night I was on the phone constantly trying t help set up donations and trying to make sure everyone made it out it was the most terrible thing ever. The second evacuation we went through first was the dam thankfully that didn’t break.

michael valencia - 2019-10-19

To everyone who lost everything I’m sorry I was one of the many hot shot crews on scene and I can tell you my crew tried our ass off to stop it at the canyon.. it spotted so much over our backs that we couldn’t do anything I am so so sorry...

michael valencia - 2019-12-16

Mike Sacco we have to use our work phones cause there was so much chaos that we only could get out updates three texts we couldn’t listen to anything on our radios

Mike Sacco - 2019-12-17

michael valencia
Dam cell phone company. Lol
It was in the press democrat newspaper.
Firefighters needless to say. Didn’t say nice things.
If I remember correctly.
1 said. They should be ashamed it was like calling 911 and told to please hold and elevator music comes on.

The tubbs Fire was less then 1 mile from me. I seen ridge on fire and within hours it was on other side of town. Fast fire and high winds. One crazy time.
And thank you again. Those times were hard on many.
And everyone who could help or do stuff did what they could.
Well except the city-state. Lol
I guess next year will be fun.
Now if there’s not a fire. PGE turns power off. So far this year I have lost power 19days.
And the funny thing the October fire Pge shut power off and they started that fire also.

Never a dull moment

Lynda - 2020-01-01

We also lost everything in this fire & I want to say thank you for your efforts. We really appreciate the risk & effort you put forth trying to put out what was almost impossible & even more appreciate the fact that you feel for our losses.

Eugene Aye - 2020-01-12

You did your best and God bless you

John Worrall - 2020-07-10

Bless your soul brother !
There wasn't much you could do , it was crazy conditions !!!

Masha Mitchell - 2019-01-30

I feel bad for the pets that were left behind with no chance of escaping.

Jessica.loves.you87 Boyd - 2019-11-11

Can't someone care for both ? I think original commenter cares about the people that lost their lives and loved ones but was just stating that they also were sad for the pets and animals that lost their lives and we're all alone. I think most would genuinely feel sad for the lost lives and devestation of the people, and assume that is a no brainier for others to know when commenting about pets and animals. But, I mean can't you care and feel sad over both? Like come on people stop with the hating and judgement and just love and support one another. I don't understand why this is so hard for people because we are more then capable of it.

juker1 - 2019-11-18

@drippytree mother nature, the end is near

Wilson - 2020-07-05

@Steel Wool To paraphrase Mark Twain, the more I know people the more I like my dog. Get your own priorities straight.

Natalie Elynor - 2020-07-20

Me too. Absolutely devastating.

Internet Gas - 2020-08-15

Jesus Christ, we got some idiots here

KingSamoan OG - 2019-01-31

My good buddy works for pg&e doing gas lines and he told me that they have tons and tons of faulty shit and when its brought to their attention they tell the workers it's not in the budget and they will do it later. He said some of the lines are from the 1930s and they simply refuse to fix it until it's to late.

Cory Monteith - 2019-07-23

@Markus Allen You're taking your frustrations out on the wrong one. If that is even something you care about.

Cory Monteith - 2019-07-23

@Marko Aurelius Microwave radiated lasers, eh? 5G mind control? Seems like you need to get yourself an armadillo hat, yeah? Believe the earth is flat as well, I bet.

Marko Aurelius - 2019-09-30

I have a bad buddy that won't work. He "does" gas lines? Really? Tons of faulty shit? Do you work or do you play? DO you ever get sad?

skitzo chik - 2019-12-09

yours is the comment to say theyve talked to the other side ( PG&E), thanks. they should really get into action and get shit instead pointing fingers & placing blame. if theyre found to be negligent then all the "higher ups" need to serve this company a big ass helping of the justice we all pay for.

Bjt Trevino - 2020-07-23

Bradley I can never read comments

Vw lover - 2019-01-30

I lost everything but the underwear that me and wife ran out of the house in. All my childhood pics/toys everything gone in 45min. This is horrible!

James Farrell - 2019-11-08

I am glad that you made it out safely.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
One step at a time.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Have a wonderful day today.
Greetings from Atlantic City New Jersey.

papalou7171 - 2019-11-11

Vw lover are you getting some sort of help with food and shelter?

jane hylton - 2019-12-29


Melissa Davis - 2020-01-02

So, so , sorry for your loss

FuzzyAppleBong - 2020-01-20

Vw lover When will the California Government step up to save the future of the American people and the American government, And make the #1 cause of wildfires in California CIGARETTES illegal? We lost 84 people in 2019 because our Government is broken and won’t step up for change.

BOSSMusic - 2019-01-31

Rest In Peace for the good folks of Paradise that didn't make it. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. God Bless ❤

Marko Aurelius - 2019-07-26

What was it that they were making?

jeździć na czerwono dostać głowę - 2019-08-09

Markus Allen chill he was just making a statement and showing gratitude, just accept that...

Markus Allen - 2019-08-09

@jeździć na czerwono dostać głowę Just accept your one way ticket to the shit hotel at the end of the universe and be done with it! Are you going to accept it? Hell you should be appreciative of it! Whether you are or aren't...Get used to it now. Because it's mop up time for you shit eating shills! You will live with the rest of the rats! GO eat shit!

Markus Allen - 2019-09-30

Oh..to the ones that didnt' make it. So the ones that did can't rest in peace. That's mighty nice and selfish of you! Oh...you God Blessed them...How divine!

Palmer Organic Farms - 2019-11-07

Socialism: accepting immigrants and giving them free food and money, rich are providing you with wages that are insufficient, the government pushing an ideology that is sinking you.. you love socialism, you praised socialism, now you reap the rewards of socialism...

Owen Brown - 2019-01-31

My house burnt down in Paradise. Times have been though but we will get through it.

jage - 2019-10-26

Yes u will. Pray to our Father for support, strength, and the will to go on. Bless u forever. We love u here in Marysville.

Manny Reyes - 2019-10-28

Owen Brown I’m sorry Owen your going through this we’re praying for you.

Little Bear - 2019-10-30

@Lucky Baldwin freaking land grabbing devil worshipping scum. I hope everyone gets what they deserve.

Jordy Pordy - 2019-11-02

Owen Brown I know how you guys feel! ❤️

top-ical movement - 2019-11-05

God bless you all, and you go through this

Rocks s - 2019-01-30

The world is just depressing

Pavel Alexander - 2019-07-05

you have no idea what depressing is

Tyler Parisi - 2019-07-05

Pavel Alexander How about on FBliveChat that day watching Jason Robinson, his cousin Bobby Collins & a friend escaping a car SCREAMING!!!! Nothing else evere heard !! Go to aplanetruth channel and aplanetruth2 live coverage and drone footage from day one of the D. E. W. FIRES.

Amy - 2019-11-04

Look for the helpers and those doing random acts of kindness 🙏🏼

John Peric - 2019-11-10

It's depressing that people would build towns and cities in ecosystems that require fires to survive.

Tim Nelson - 2020-08-20

"What's the alternative?" That's what my brother used to say to me when I started complaining about life and how bad things were. So either change it, end your life, or accept it.

BuiltByPi - 2019-01-31

The transition from 6:50-6:54 is incredible

Marko Aurelius - 2019-07-26

IT's a little black magic is all.

ashleY bradY - 2019-08-21


Timothy Richter - 2019-08-30

@Markus E no it was honestly like that take it from someone that drove in that fire, as the smoke rolled over the towns surrounding paradise it would just turn to night it would be 2 in the afternoon and just look like it was dusk the smoke was so thick you couldn't see 100 feet in front of you but as soon as you got away from the smoke it would clear up like you just opened a door to another realm. craziest thing i have ever seen and i hope to never have to see it again.

Marko Aurelius - 2019-09-08


Markus Allen - 2019-09-30

@xxitsmeboi_stxckxx are you ok? Is that all you know how to type on here? is yea..? Damn..you are one genius idiot! yea?

Karen Engelhardt - 2019-08-13

Props to all the firefighters that came from southern cal, oregon and washington to help with this. I lived here for many years and will never be back. Can't.

Lotte Bussink - 2019-04-12

Imagine all the animals that died or people where on a vacation and no one took their animals... im so sad for all the people who died because of this.😭

Spike Spiegel - 2019-02-12

great coverage by VICE. I hadn't seen other stories showing the impact like this. It's devastating to see...

Markus Allen - 2019-04-30

How do you get impacted? How and who showed less impacted stories than VICE? Did you cover your eyes and peek through the cracks?

Marko Aurelius - 2019-05-30

Great lies too! Can I lick the bowl before it's poured into the pan?

Markus Allen - 2019-06-01

Great coverup on Vice's part! Keep up with the graet coverage of the coverup Vice! You didnt' fool me and you never will!

Marko Aurelius - 2019-07-26

So you avoid checking for any lies of deception from media...you just go by the impact level of the story. If it's devastating to see, why did you look? Or did you peek through the spaces in your fingers and let on like you didnt see it? I know...Vice would never lie now would they? Hee heee haaa haa hee hee haa aahaaa haaaaa haaaaa

Aaron Vannistelrooy - 2019-02-11

Should start putting power lines underground, like they are doing a lot lately.

Manuel Vasquez III - 2019-02-24

California is earthquakes prone.

Galaxia X - 2019-07-24

Aaron Vannistelrooy working in paradise at the moment on the clean up and Pg&e is building a station on Clark rd precisely to put all utilities underground within the next 5 yrs

john r. - 2019-11-15

I owned a home (it burned in the fire) on Timber Ln. in Paradise off Pentz Rd. near Dean Rd. PG&E just finished putting underground power lines on the whole street maybe a week ago. This represents maybe 30 homes (former homes, anyway).

Bilyboy - 2019-02-10

I have been doing work up there and the pictures and videos don’t do it justice. When you go through town in the 1st days of the cleanup and You see all the abandoned cars on the roads that clearly the people had to run for their live from, you can’t help but break down in tears...

Markus Allen - 2019-04-30

You need to stop peeling onions while you are on here posting dumb ass comments. Oh..people ran for their live? So abandoned cars on roads makes you break down in tears? Perhaps they are tears of joy!

Bilyboy - 2019-04-30

Markus Allen hahaha,troll much? Nice try sweetheart 😘🖕🏻💯

Markus Allen - 2019-05-29

I took a picture of your post and took a video of it too...Oh..nooo..ya don't say? abandoned cars on the roads? SO they didn't have to run for their death....They ran for their life! So you weren't peeling onions that time?

Markus Allen - 2019-06-01

You have been doing work up there? Did you clean the burnt bird shit out of the burnt cuckoo clocks? I broke down in tears once..while using the Popeil brothers dicer slicer....I was peeling onions and broke down in tears of joy!

Marko Aurelius - 2019-07-26

How could it do justice? Justice doesn't exist anymore. Had it still been in existence, you would be in jail too. But you aren't. "Nuf" said! IF you can't dazzle 'em with brains...you can always dazzle 'em with your bullshit!

malia miner - 2019-09-04

But the hope didn’t disappear. The high school was fixed up and the 2019 graduates got to graduate on their field and PG&E did in fact file for bankruptcy

Mavis - 2019-07-03

It breaks my heart knowing memories and nature, animals, dead in just a second.

J&K films - 2019-02-11

seeing stuff like that makes me want to be a firefighter or EMS person.

1WildlandFirefighter - 2019-02-13

Join up. Local, State, Fed, or Private.

Jan Badinski - 2019-02-14

@J&K films They can teach you stuff as a good head start for your (hopefully) new career.

Markus Allen - 2019-04-30

There are toys, story books and time out mats for that stuff. You sound like a beginner so I wanted you to benefit. Time for your ointment ass face!

Markus Allen - 2019-04-30

EMS person? Do you want to be a firefighter person?

Nancy King - 2019-09-25

J&K films Then you should do it, I'm sure they could use you.

B V - 2019-11-07

I was a lucky one. I had just upgraded all my Lighting in my home to LEDs, touched up the paint inside and out. I made it as perfect as I could get Just had the carpets cleaned the day before the fire. The home was vacant. I had planned on turning it into my retirement home. In a flash it was gone.

Hilary Petrella - 2019-04-04

If you ever been there. You know the beautiful scenes we had. Oh I will treasure those years. Good luck to everyone who lost their homes to loved ones also that didn't loose anything God Bless You All. May the new year bring more positive perspectives but most of all enjoy yourself and stay strong.

That One kid - 2019-09-02

I grew up in paradise, we my not get much snow and rain, but the clean air , amazing veiw was worth it

Ctr0n - 2019-02-10

Your Breaker box sparked and lost 8 football fields of land in 1 minute.

Marko Aurelius - 2019-05-30

Did the breaker box ever find the 8 foot ball fields? I'd name that breaker box Sparky now.

Marko Aurelius - 2019-07-26

boy did it ever! Hee hee. No shit sherlock .what was your first clue? I always wanted to say that after a fire that destroyed a whole town in just a few hours. Finally got my opportunity...Hee hee.

ArticNexas - 2020-08-30

Who is still here?

WaTcHiNg ThIs In 2020

MASTER LUXAI - 2019-10-28

Watching this is incredibly sad.. I’m in California and it’s October and Fires are still raging. I’m so scared

Aimee Jupp - 2019-02-15

The guy from 14.15 + broke my heart when he started to breakdown about his childhood at this house 😭😭😭
I’m in New Zealand and in Napier a fire just started and then another 3 happen the world is telling us to be prepared if you don’t change the way, and save the world
RIP California my prayers will go out for all of you

Haleigh George - 2019-10-17

This makes me want to cry, it literally looks like hell on earth

Klaa2 - 2019-11-22

It was so beautiful it would make you sigh.

tiffsaver - 2019-11-06

PG&E is the deadliest UTILITY COMPANY in California history.

Retired Arthritic - 2019-05-05

A Canadian company has been selected to help rebuild Paradise, the northern California community that was almost entirely destroyed by a raging wildfire in November.

Calgary-based Black Diamond Group Ltd. says its U.S. business unit has won a $20-million rental contract to supply portable housing units with 1,584 beds to support reconstruction.

It says the initial term of the contract is for nine months, with an option to extend, and includes transportation costs.

100% Conscious Eternal Light Hologram - 2019-07-20

Do you think this is about "follow the money"?

cvwm - 2019-01-30

That's so sad.

Jules 6022 - 2019-11-09

Well presented. My heart goes out to everyone affected. Love, hugs, & prayers 🙏❤

Auxta - 2019-09-03

This wild fire was soooooo close to where I live, honestly scary.

MinecraftKid74 - 2019-06-27

Im lucky to live in a more urban area of california, hundreds of miles away, and my school was dismissed because of the smoke

Jason Hammang - 2019-05-09

It’s been six months to the day since our town burned down. It’s as painful now as it was on November 8th.

Jeremy Bradley - 2019-05-12

I seriously feel that this incident is up there with Katrina. But yet no one on the east is talking about it. Thank you VICE for youre work. America is such a different place than one it was in the 80s and 90s. We’re all neighbors but also strangers.

John Peric - 2019-11-10

Katrina killed over a thousand people, put one of the largest cities in the U.S. under as much as 20-30 feet of water, and costed over 125 billion dollars. These are nowhere near on the same level.

ACE420 - 2019-02-11

My home town. We will rebuild! R.I.P to the 86 people who never made it out.

forty two - 2019-02-13

I’m not so sure,420.

elenthora - 2019-04-16

Amen to that!

Markus Allen - 2019-04-29

WHO IS WE? Wow..86? Thats good survival skills. It's almost like not losing anyone...as long as it was you that never lost anyone. HUH? Move along now moron!

Markus Allen - 2019-04-29

@forty two Finally someone in here that isnt a shill and is awake to this bullshit illusion these sicko psychopaths are pulling on the people. Dont they make you sick? They are fucking little pathetic demons my friend. They are as insidious as it gets. It's totally mind boggling to see how sick humanity can be to cover this genocide up but here is the proof. They are ust about as bad as being satan themselves and it makes me freaking want to vomit all over them.!

ParadiseConnection530 - 2019-06-29

We are rebuilding

Holly Baker - 2020-08-21

This was the worst day of my life! I lost everything including my cat.... I'm still in Paradise but living in a RV because I can't afford a place to live... I have lived in Paradise for 31 years. It will never be the same... Right now we are in between 2 fires. It's absolutely terrifying...

Nojikuzus - 2019-10-28

Happening all over again right now! =(

Enlightened Hummingbird - 2019-11-10

All planned. Check out stop the crime dot net, deborah tavares, for their version of events, and what we can expect going forward. This is a WORLDWIDE issue.

Invalid Character - 2019-11-05

6:58 My sister recorded that, I still look back at it and thank the heavens that me and my family escaped safely. We were lucky compared to many other people. I escaped my school at about 8:03 AM, and my school started burning at 8:30 AM, from what I know.

Owen Brown - 2019-01-31

My house burnt down in Paradise. Times have been though but we will get through it.

Jacob The Weirdo96 - 2019-04-28

I'm sorry to hear that. Stay strong. 💖

Markus Allen - 2019-04-30

SUre it did you fucing liar! FU! You god damned shills! GTFH!

Markus Allen - 2019-04-30

@Jacob The Weirdo96 Eat Spinach like Popeye! I was serious that time dipshit!

SFV Native - 2019-09-29

I hope so. Don't pay any attention to this Markus idiot. He's insane.

paintballfuego - 2019-04-17

I hope everyone involved finds closure. May God Bless them and their Families.

Chenny Chen - 2019-11-07

The poor slow tortoises :,(

Vee - 2019-07-29

She's on of my favorite vice reporters

Henke Ria - 2019-01-31

could be a good idea to regulate and inspect companies.

Musical mayhem - 2019-10-29

Bless the people of California.

TOASTYCO. AV - 2019-01-30

the lady at the end "i wish you could have been here before"
just ripped through me

Marko Aurelius - 2019-05-30

did you get sewed back up yet? Tee hee...I was floored over that one! Hardy harr harr harr!

oly 73 - 2019-06-09

I’m from paradise ca lost my home 😢

SFV Native - 2019-09-29

I'm sorry. Where did you go and how are you doing now?

Rod Palm - 2019-09-23

When the dry winds come up you can't stop these fires. All you can do is run away.

Edeline Paulet - 2019-02-17

The skies all the way in San Jose were grey for 2 weeks, you could smell the ash from miles away. Wild

kadi koo - 2019-07-05

I’m from Chico the whole entire time this was happening was filled with fear terrible and devastating. Love to all that have been affected 💛

Mariah Rogers - 2019-11-03

Lost everything. definitely the worst day of my life. Rip paradise