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Why the Muon g-2 Results Are So Exciting!

PBS Space Time - 2021-04-07

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When a theory makes a prediction that disagrees with an experimental test, sometimes it means we should throw the theory away. But what if that theory has otherwise produced the most successful predictions in all of physics? Then, that little glitch may be pointing the way to layers of physics deeper than we've yet imagined. Well, FermiLabs Muon G-2 experiment has been chasing the most promising glitch of all, and they've just announced their results.

Announcement Results

Previous Episode of Space Time To Help Understand Muon G-2:

Quantum Mechanics Most Incredible Prediction

Muon g-2 Playlist

Check out the Space Time Merch Store

Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Dan Garisto & Matt O'Dowd 
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
GFX Visualizations: Katherine Kornei
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRl6-nb4iOnsij-vnpAjp0Q

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al gore - 2021-04-07

Props to the animators too. Being able to depict difficult concepts and animate all those moving parts is never easy.

Zachary Fluke - 2021-11-26

@Science Revolution You seem like a ridiculous person judging by your channel and I am endlessly fascinated by it lol

Three horses XXX - 2022-01-02

CElectrons looped in a circle make make
Magnetic fields. What do the particle muon maķe ?

Three horses XXX - 2022-01-02

You want antigravity well you have it with cold plasma.

koimaster - 2022-01-21

bless you

LEPERCOLONY1 - 2022-04-10

100% agree - respect

Fervidor - 2021-04-17

“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”
-Douglas Adams.

Mr DownBoy - 2022-03-25

So long and thanks for all the fish.
-the dolphins

Osi Fox - 2022-06-17

Draft an experiment based on that observation then we can hypothesize, ain't no such theory.

Paul N - 2022-07-29

Douglas Adams was a very smart guy, I reckon he was pretty physics savvy.

Mark Fields - 2022-09-09

Those arent theories. Theyre fantasies

Fervidor - 2022-09-09

@Mark Fields They are jokes. Adams was a satirist.

stan rusk - 2021-04-13

To the writers of this presentation: A heartfelt thanks for this lucid account, made understandable to those who are not physicists by profession without oversimplification or undertones of condescension. Teaching of the highest order allows your audience to share the wonder of your subject matter, without drawing attention to the effort it takes to make insight effortless.

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

skankhunt420 - 2021-11-01

Speak for yourself, I couldn't understand even half of this.

On a serious note: this channel is definitely a gem. Some of the videos are pretty understandable for the common person (though I'd argue this isn't one of them).

Loturzel Restaurant - 2021-11-04

@skankhunt420 A Gem indeed! BUT not hte only one! OH noooo. Not the only one. May i recommend you some more science-channel? Or would that be too random to be feasable?

SpotterVideo - 2022-01-04

Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules:

When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck's Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. (More spatial curvature). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks. (In the same way twisted electrical extension cords can become entangled.) Therefore, the gluons are actually a part of the quarks. Mesons are made up of two entangled tubes (Quarks/Gluons), while protons and neutrons would be made up of three entangled tubes. (Quarks/Gluons) The "Color Force" would be related to the XYZ coordinates (orientation) of entanglement. "Asymptotic Freedom", and "flux tubes" make sense based on this concept. Neutrinos would be made up of a twisted torus (like a twisted donut) within this model. Gravity is a result of a very small curvature imbalance within atoms. (This is why the force of gravity is so small.) Instead of attempting to explain matter as "particles", this concept attempts to explain matter more in the manner of our current understanding of the space-time curvature of gravity. If an electron has qualities of both a particle and a wave, it cannot be either one. It must be something else. It must be something else. Therefore, a "particle" is actually a structure which stores spatial curvature. Can an electron-positron pair (which are made up of opposite directions of twist) annihilate each other by unwinding into each other producing Gamma Ray photons.

Dimitri Savic - 2021-04-10

Good god, this is #42 on trending right now. We finally did it! Space Time has broken through lol

Danny Bartlett - 2021-06-11

Almost still gravity and dark Matter to explain

Keryck»Totebag - 2021-08-10

The next biggest channel I'm subbed to has half the subs of SpaceTime, and SpaceTime itself is my largest sub.

So SpaceTime's #42 popularity makes me feel less weird in my tastes, which in this case is good bc i want more people to learn quantum physics.

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

Barto Barto - 2021-10-24

I am 29 years old and began to have interest in physics and I feel unhappy because I do law and maybe physics is my destiny. But I am still so bad at math that I can't read symbols on equations like they are distracting me and confuse me. Yes i managed somehow through school but only by imagination and making it feel right or just practicing but always each step learned why I do that. But now I can't solve equations and how could I do physics and leave law at almost 30 years old.

Why Am I telling you this? Because I was always a kid with lots of imagination. And what I saw now what Einstein found out I had exactly this in my mind why objects move through space around other objects.

I even had this imagination that objects fall down with elasticity to break trough the "atmosphere" of space what I think is dark matter over all.
My English is not native but I will try to explain.

The universe is flat plat and it's material is dark matter with dark energy.
there are other universe and each of them are below the other.
This flat universe is elastic. So if something is in it, it falls constantly down. It stretches the universe. Here comes the clue: If the objects falls down and sinks into the abyss of universe it also stretches into the other below universe flat plat. And it sinks and sinks for like trillion and more years.
And Then it breaks and all the content from universe 1 comprehends into a small drop which contains all essence of the universe with all information and it drips into the next flat universe plat causing the big bang which is not Bang or explosion, it's just this small drop intrudes in a new blank universe plat causing to enhance and activate the universe plat and the information in the small blob (like a tear which falls from you eyes) causing to begin processes which led to almost same creation and developing of past universe.

If you ask why? I can explain too. The universe which I think is flat and already a system in itself. It's content is blank because nothing introduded so far. But his material is pure dark energy fields and dark matter which have properties. Properties like a straight system of almost eternity small points of energy fields which wait content to drop into the playing field to activate and work. The universe and is small particles are all connected like you pixels on the screen. Exactly that's how I would describe it. The universe and is particles are like the pixels of your screen. And each pixel is a worker and creator. It only waits for orders and commands. The dark matter and energy is the fuel for all these pixels to work and create all together simultaneously something which you see as objects and atmosphere.

And when this drop comes into the next universe it's like sperm giving life and content to a blank clear system. Then everything will arrange in billion or trillion years and will develop with trial and error a perfect system because each pixel is working while each pixel always connects and communicates with each other pixel and all pixel together in the whole universe as an overall super entity pixel.

Like I sad I see this for the first time but I always thought that we are sinking and falling. And that's why we think we expand but in reality we only fall constantly down and stretch the universe which is elastic. Causing to stretch many other universe flat plates under our universe to stretch.

Think of a elastic something gathered above the same elastic thing. If you put a heavy weight on top all level of the elastic thing will fall stretch down and object will fall.

But then there is a limit were the first on top universe rip apart and all content information of this universe will comprehend back into a single drop which will now fall down and enter a new under neath universe causing to give it live with the informations from the old universe how it is gonna have to work and the pixels which activate because they get information and the dark matter fuelling the dark emergy to work and giving them maybe somehow of consciousness because every pixel like I sad is communicating each mili second (in reality it is real life and it can't be described with a number because it's love without a single delay) and each pixel of full knowledge of each other pixel which is trillions of lightyear away and connected to the whole system as a whole.

We are falling not expending!

And that is why light is always everywhere and for as humans always faster than everything. Because it's everywhere 100% of the universe. It is the light from the energy exchange and interactions from all the pixels which work and the dark energy giving them fuel to work and energyze. That's why it is so fast because it was always everywhere. It's like the ocean contains water and if we humans thought that water=light, we would measure the speed of the water and see that it's faster than anything else when in reality it is not fast its just everywhere before now and after.

And what I forgot each pixel knows over time how to work due the information of the past universe and each pixel will give each atom and particle orders how to work and react and how to behave. Like a switch from a DNA which can't turn on our off. Every little pixel in the universe has orders and properties and behaves like he has too.

So basically the future is always written when we live in the present. The present is the future and there is no time like we humans invented. It's just we are living life and simultaneously with the universe.

And I think if some of pixels get failures and malfunction that's why sometimes we get sick or other accidents happen because some particles failed or got desynchronized and can't connect live without a delay with the other particles in the universe.

I don't know what how I do it but sometimes I can see future events to occur like a soccer game where I know that a team will wijj exactly 5:1 or will winn first halt 3:1 or the bar team will win 2:0 and so on or know which persons I will see next in the next day Whig I didn't see in years.
and other stuff. Call me autistic and hyper sensitive that might be the case. Some friend in school told me in a game where we should say stuff about others and guess who that is that I am a mysterious guy.

I sometimes get answers from someone else or wish something to happen and it happens and in the past I was scared because strange things happened and occurred like I wished or imagined. But i got used to it.

A couple of month before I asked this strange power that he has to show me what it is all about and what we have to do as humans and what's our goal.

The first 2 nights no answer but than on the third night he answered me in my dream and took my hand and showed me what is all about.

In summary if you die you will exist as a conscious of many particles flying around and seeing everything oj earth but you can't interact. You also can't gather knowledge. You only can take everything you gatherer as a human and all your knowledge and education will stay fixed and continue on you new entity beeing which consists of many particles like a invisible cloud connected together.

I REPEAT EVERYTHING YOU DO TILL YOUR LIFE WILL the only thing you can't take with you after death. That's what he shower me. The key and goals of human existing is to gather knowledge and if you for the energy of your consciousness, brain and thoughts is not vanished. It will live in the particles which connect and put everything together and you living on and watching. The bad part is her I REPEAT you stay this way. You are physically trapped and mentally trapped. You can't access new knowledge or make new memory's or train you capacity or whatever You stay as an observer which can think but can't do nothing.
He showed me that a small exception exists. If you connect to the universe it itself in its whole you can make interactions like doing wind blows so people in a room maybe think there is someone there.

Loturzel Restaurant - 2021-11-04

I thought my comment was pretty clear, but here again: Can i, loturzel, recommend you, pixel expedition, some science-youtube-channel and/or education-channel? Cause i like the idea of me spreading education and fun?

Tom tommyL - 2021-04-15

The most exciting thing you hear in the physics lab is not "I figured it out". But: "That's not behaving the way I expected it to"

Robert Coffey - 2021-09-11

As long as it doesn't explode or give the physicists horrific medical complications, that's an exciting outcome for their experiments.

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

J G - 2021-10-20

2001: that’s pretty weird 2021: I agree that’s pretty weird lets gooo

Friendly One - 2022-02-09

Because REAL science is never "settled."

Scratchfan321 - 2022-04-07

Opposite of the programming department

Matthew - 2021-04-08

“Yes, this will be on the test”
As a grown man who has been done with formal education for a few years now, that line caused me more stress than it should have.

Daisy Cutter - 2021-04-19

everyday there is a new test.

humboldthammer - 2021-04-19

@Daisy Cutter Your daily time account receives 84,600 everyday. You can Spend them or Waste them, however you want. But you cannot save even one. (seconds)

DrGrandpa - 2021-04-19

It made me scribble it down real fast.

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

Tori Ko - 2022-06-12

@John lmao same

Avital Zehava - 2021-04-20

Dear Spacetime team- this was an exceptional video imo. I appreciate how well you balanced simple explanations of some complex theoretical concepts with humour and levity, along with linking information from other videos you've made for a more broad and holistic understanding of the science behind this exciting announcement. I always enjoy your content, and this video exemplified perfectly how well y'all communicate science. Thank you for everything you do, with much admiration, ❤️a

PeacockMoss14 - 2021-04-09

What's awesome about how Spacetime has structured their channel is that it's like the One Electron Universe. After a new episode, we the viewers have to go back and forth through the channel's old videos. I like to think that this provides them with slightly more revenue, which allows them more time to make the quality content we get to see.

boreddude123456 - 2021-04-12

When I'm watching videos like these, I'm happy if I understand and piece together 20% of what they're saying. None the less, excited for new discoveries to be made! It would be awesome if it could explain a mystery or two.

Alberto Lusiani - 2021-04-11

Thanks for this very nice video.

I would mention that also for the electron all known forces contribute to its g-factor, non just only QED, exactly like for the muon, but for the electron non-QED contributions are much suppressed and essentially negligible.

At minutes 6:11 to 6:43 you mention the electron g-factor prediction as 2.001159... and similar values over the time. This is incorrect, the correct value is ge = 2.002319... . You took the decimal digits from the correct value of ge / 2, or (g2-2)/2 = the electron anomaly.

PBS Space Time - 2021-04-07

Hey Spacetimers! You may notice different audio at 10:28. In order to get this episode to you as soon as the results were announced, we had to remotely record this audio with a different microphone. We hope this doesn’t interrupt your viewing experience too much!

Sean G #NewPhysics137 - 2021-04-29

No, but don't worry the good news is the model has been shown to be wrong but the model that works is very intuitive and simple. Theres no 5th force, there's only one force, energy free flowing as light or caught spinning in vortices as matter, the other 3 (gravity, strong force and weak force) are the geometrics of the field dictating the path of energy. Physicists just found more of the mounting evidence that says the current models are wrong, excellent mathematics and predictions but they fail to understand the missing link and the hidden variables, the idea of a 5th force is "spin" trying to make terrible news sound positive in the hope ordinary Joe doesn't understand because the muon makes the crisis in science much worse and more complicated, most physicists if they are honest are not "excited" they are very frustrated and saddened by the new findings some even embarrassed because it destroys everything they were sure was right. The truth is much much simpler than any physicists realise, the inequality that solves the double slit experiment is explained in 4 sentences and illustrated in an experiment diagram right at the start of the Theory of Everything that works, it shows that it is always waves travelling through the spacetime fabric/dark matter lattice that is alive and communicates with us. It has Lots of new experiments to further verify the findings. The ToE that unifies Everything into one force, one field, one model, that Unifies Relativity with Quantum Mechanics and physics with metaphysics is linked in every video in my channel. It is here For anyone with the ability to think outside the box and nimble minded enough to rethink everything that they have been taught is fact, that was in 1 dimensional time, in 13 dimensions of spacetime (not as complicated as it sounds) energy is created all the time and the future is unlimited. We can live forever if we are smart and strong enough for love. https://youtu.be/2-dLxdxlTBA
It seems physicists want to find new physics but only if they can keep the big bang and standard model of particle physics too but we cant have it both ways, they are wrong, the numbers are clear, the maths don't lie and this time the maths are so simple that primary children will soon be learning quantum physics, it is so intuitive and simple once put into the model that works, it's been done. Now we are just waiting for physicists to admit and accept they were wrong and embrace the model that works.

Tharunn - 2021-04-29

@Sean G #NewPhysics137 I don't read it...😂😂😂😂

Sean G #NewPhysics137 - 2021-04-29

@Tharunn you will 😂😂😂 everyone is going to read this but hey keep wasting your time on the physics that don't add up, it seems to be making you very happy. 😂😂😂

Launo - 2021-09-23

Why there are no subtitles in this vid

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

Bago Player - 2021-04-10

Muon mean lifespan: 2.2 microseconds.
Physicist: Yea I got time.

Douglas Winters - 2021-10-18

@Science Revolution literally doesn’t answer the question and posting a video claiming things don’t exist with no experiments to back it up is a pretty weak argument. If you can develop an actual experiment(not just you sitting in from of a door)to actually prove your claims, then I’ll take you seriously.

Douglas Winters - 2021-10-18

@Science Revolution you also claim this your theory; yet with no disclosed credentials and no experimental data to back it up, you still flat out say that those with disclosed credentials and experimental data are retards and liars. Lay off the opiates

Barto Barto - 2021-10-24

I am 29 years old and began to have interest in physics and I feel unhappy because I do law and maybe physics is my destiny. But I am still so bad at math that I can't read symbols on equations like they are distracting me and confuse me. Yes i managed somehow through school but only by imagination and making it feel right or just practicing but always each step learned why I do that. But now I can't solve equations and how could I do physics and leave law at almost 30 years old.

Why Am I telling you this? Because I was always a kid with lots of imagination. And what I saw now what Einstein found out I had exactly this in my mind why objects move through space around other objects.

I even had this imagination that objects fall down with elasticity to break trough the "atmosphere" of space what I think is dark matter over all.
My English is not native but I will try to explain.

The universe is flat plat and it's material is dark matter with dark energy.
there are other universe and each of them are below the other.
This flat universe is elastic. So if something is in it, it falls constantly down. It stretches the universe. Here comes the clue: If the objects falls down and sinks into the abyss of universe it also stretches into the other below universe flat plat. And it sinks and sinks for like trillion and more years.
And Then it breaks and all the content from universe 1 comprehends into a small drop which contains all essence of the universe with all information and it drips into the next flat universe plat causing the big bang which is not Bang or explosion, it's just this small drop intrudes in a new blank universe plat causing to enhance and activate the universe plat and the information in the small blob (like a tear which falls from you eyes) causing to begin processes which led to almost same creation and developing of past universe.

If you ask why? I can explain too. The universe which I think is flat and already a system in itself. It's content is blank because nothing introduded so far. But his material is pure dark energy fields and dark matter which have properties. Properties like a straight system of almost eternity small points of energy fields which wait content to drop into the playing field to activate and work. The universe and is small particles are all connected like you pixels on the screen. Exactly that's how I would describe it. The universe and is particles are like the pixels of your screen. And each pixel is a worker and creator. It only waits for orders and commands. The dark matter and energy is the fuel for all these pixels to work and create all together simultaneously something which you see as objects and atmosphere.

And when this drop comes into the next universe it's like sperm giving life and content to a blank clear system. Then everything will arrange in billion or trillion years and will develop with trial and error a perfect system because each pixel is working while each pixel always connects and communicates with each other pixel and all pixel together in the whole universe as an overall super entity pixel.

Like I sad I see this for the first time but I always thought that we are sinking and falling. And that's why we think we expand but in reality we only fall constantly down and stretch the universe which is elastic. Causing to stretch many other universe flat plates under our universe to stretch.

Think of a elastic something gathered above the same elastic thing. If you put a heavy weight on top all level of the elastic thing will fall stretch down and object will fall.

But then there is a limit were the first on top universe rip apart and all content information of this universe will comprehend back into a single drop which will now fall down and enter a new under neath universe causing to give it live with the informations from the old universe how it is gonna have to work and the pixels which activate because they get information and the dark matter fuelling the dark emergy to work and giving them maybe somehow of consciousness because every pixel like I sad is communicating each mili second (in reality it is real life and it can't be described with a number because it's love without a single delay) and each pixel of full knowledge of each other pixel which is trillions of lightyear away and connected to the whole system as a whole.

We are falling not expending!

And that is why light is always everywhere and for as humans always faster than everything. Because it's everywhere 100% of the universe. It is the light from the energy exchange and interactions from all the pixels which work and the dark energy giving them fuel to work and energyze. That's why it is so fast because it was always everywhere. It's like the ocean contains water and if we humans thought that water=light, we would measure the speed of the water and see that it's faster than anything else when in reality it is not fast its just everywhere before now and after.

And what I forgot each pixel knows over time how to work due the information of the past universe and each pixel will give each atom and particle orders how to work and react and how to behave. Like a switch from a DNA which can't turn on our off. Every little pixel in the universe has orders and properties and behaves like he has too.

So basically the future is always written when we live in the present. The present is the future and there is no time like we humans invented. It's just we are living life and simultaneously with the universe.

And I think if some of pixels get failures and malfunction that's why sometimes we get sick or other accidents happen because some particles failed or got desynchronized and can't connect live without a delay with the other particles in the universe.

I don't know what how I do it but sometimes I can see future events to occur like a soccer game where I know that a team will wijj exactly 5:1 or will winn first halt 3:1 or the bar team will win 2:0 and so on or know which persons I will see next in the next day Whig I didn't see in years.
and other stuff. Call me autistic and hyper sensitive that might be the case. Some friend in school told me in a game where we should say stuff about others and guess who that is that I am a mysterious guy.

I sometimes get answers from someone else or wish something to happen and it happens and in the past I was scared because strange things happened and occurred like I wished or imagined. But i got used to it.

A couple of month before I asked this strange power that he has to show me what it is all about and what we have to do as humans and what's our goal.

The first 2 nights no answer but than on the third night he answered me in my dream and took my hand and showed me what is all about.

In summary if you die you will exist as a conscious of many particles flying around and seeing everything oj earth but you can't interact. You also can't gather knowledge. You only can take everything you gatherer as a human and all your knowledge and education will stay fixed and continue on you new entity beeing which consists of many particles like a invisible cloud connected together.

I REPEAT EVERYTHING YOU DO TILL YOUR LIFE WILL the only thing you can't take with you after death. That's what he shower me. The key and goals of human existing is to gather knowledge and if you for the energy of your consciousness, brain and thoughts is not vanished. It will live in the particles which connect and put everything together and you living on and watching. The bad part is her I REPEAT you stay this way. You are physically trapped and mentally trapped. You can't access new knowledge or make new memory's or train you capacity or whatever You stay as an observer which can think but can't do nothing.
He showed me that a small exception exists. If you connect to the universe it itself in its whole you can make interactions like doing wind blows so people in a room maybe think there is someone there.

RicSouza - 2021-11-01

Physicists work with Anime Time

Loturzel Restaurant - 2021-11-04

@EternalDensity I thought my comment was pretty clear, but here again: Can i, loturzel, recommend you, pixel expedition, some science-youtube-channel and/or education-channel? Cause i like the idea of me spreading education and fun?

George12String - 2021-04-11

Question: presumably, the g-factor can be (and is) measured for other particles. Is the hypothesis is that the greater mass of the muon (relative to the electron) creates this signal, is there then a relationship between the mass of particles and the uncertainty of the g-factor?

James Monschke - 2021-04-13

Could the contribution to the "quantum foam" of any of the candidate dark matter particles (or other hypothesized physics for dark matter/energy) be a factor in the anomalous, anomalous moment?
I.e. are the new results at all useful for selecting or eliminating candidates for dark matter/energy?

Kronkite - 2021-04-09

This was brilliant. To put together something of this quality, animations and all, so quickly after the reveal is stunning. A reminder that, along with Fermilab’s own channel (Don Lincoln) and World Science Festival, PBS is the best scientific outlet on YouTube. Or anywhere!

Tubluer - 2021-04-09

Well, that was insanely clear and informative. All I did was first year physics and I understood it. Amazing.

PixelStacker - 2021-04-09

Props to the animators too. Being able to depict difficult concepts and animate all those moving parts is never easy. aye

James Bears - 2021-04-12

Truly excellent presentation and I admire these experimentalists in the team more than just about any other groups ... so challenging to account for everything in a physically manifest experiment!

feh meh - 2021-04-12

If you yank one gluon off of an odderon, would you in theory have 2 odderons, and would all of their properties match each other or would one have a forced expected difference. Could this be used to encode information like alternating binary little odderon information packets? Each yank creating a new one switching like left and right handedness?

clawpuss2 - 2021-04-10

Thank you PBS, for your great work, here and as ever.

Tristan Cleveland - 2021-04-11

Could that non-standard particle be the graviton? That sure would help tie things together.

Juan Goyeneche - 2022-06-22

The Among Us in between the video was great. It attracted my kids to watch the video and expecting to see where else it will pop. I think introducing characters like this will encourage young viewers and even if they don’t grasp the concept at the beginning they will familiarize with the terms and concepts. Great job

John Streithorst - 2021-05-29

This is fascinating! Can you comment on who is already trying to replicate the Experiment (CERN?) and a reasonable timeframe to expect results that lead to 5 Sigma? Thank you for the amazing Series!

Sushi - 2021-04-07

Matt was so excited, he jumped into the higher energy level. Now we need to wait for him to reemit the gamma photon.

Prasiddha Thapa - 2021-04-17

come on Matt, just re emit the gamma photon

Scientific Lies - 2021-07-22

@Prasiddha Thapa Why The SM Is Total BS?

Proton particle and electron particle are impossible to
exist. The smallest particle is hydrogen atom.

So easy to prove, if all the stars are single protons, all the planets are
single electrons, what will happen?

According to proven physics laws, all the single charged particles will
become one big chunk of mass and there would be no stars. Correct?

What is the shape of an atom? Is atom hard or soft? Does atom has solid
indestructible surface? If carbon atoms are not harder than diamond, how
diamond is made?

Clear as daylight?

Atom is structured as a solid indestructible ball that has opposite
charges near equally distributed on the surface.

Two atoms/masses at any distance, their charges repel and attract each
other, the net force is the source of gravity.

Atoms must have moving parts to carry energy.

All energy in atom is electric energy.

If we don't know exactly how atoms are formed, how to know how everything works correctly? Everything is made from atoms. Yes, we have theories, based on what foundation? Solid or not?

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

Sushi - 2021-10-18

@Science Revolution and Epstein didn't kill himself, I know.

TheMedia-Hacker - 2022-01-02


Doug Cutter - 2021-04-10

The clarity of your explanations is great, making tough concepts mush easier to understand - thank-you.

David Hall - 2021-04-11

So what's the probability of moving from 3.9 sigma to 4.2 sigma as a random event? (In other works, what are the chances this is not a better measurement after all?)

Timmy Kenny - 2021-04-16

I was re-watching your "Can we break the universe" video and it made me think back to this video again (or maybe one of the other videos in the recent playlist you provided) and the part in said video where you added more single wavelengths to cancel out others and sharpen the measurement. Even in a positively curved universe, would quantum mechanics allow for the same line to be drawn at one point in spacetime with the same particles without breaking the pauli exclusion principle?

Nick Northcutt - 2021-08-28

Quantum physics is so fascinating, I can't imagine how difficult it must be going through all of those crazy calculations 😫

novakast. - 2022-01-20

Well they enjoy it

aLex Naturalis - 2021-04-07

The work that goes into this is a true human feat. Congrats to all collaborators that dedicate themselves to prove these things. It has to be a lot of work to build the experiments, test, execute, observe, analyze and double check for errors.

Boof - 2021-04-08

It is more work than one can imagine... I'm a PhD physics student and I am still amazed at my professors' knowledge -- it feels so beyond my own capability I am still constantly in awe. These same people spend months to years working 8+ hrs a day just to get the latest results. You can expect the same from the team at the Muon G-2 experiment; they only pay the big bucks to the best ;)

Alan Birdman - 2021-04-08

Why are these people not celebrated in the media? These people change the world with their research. So many times in history a scientist has saved this planet but yet not many people care or even know who they are and what they did.

Veronica Gorosito - 2021-04-09

@Boof maybe is because societies are based on religions instead of science?

Mick Mcknight - 2021-04-12

So the Muon, thanks to its mass, and newly discovered spin factors, can give us a clearer view of other quantum particles, and how they may be influenced by this "Jupiter" of a partice. Am I correct?

Nice Jungle - 2021-04-09

Very good video explaning hard concepts without dumb analogies. Congrats !
Yes it looks very promising. Can't wait for the 5 sigma !

mystilon - 2022-03-22

Love the video, but I was a bit disappointed that you didn’t actually discuss any actual g values for the muon, calculated or experimental, only the relative sigma level for our measurements.

Based on the fact that we hope an undiscovered particle is the cause of the variance, I can assume that the experimental g-value is greater than the predicted one, but would have been nice to have you go through it.

Ken Hoffman - 2021-04-11

Matt expects "a flurry of theoretical papers... in the near future."
Here's a thought. Could this experiment with the muon have crossed the minimum mass level threshold necessary to see a glimpse of the effect from the force of gravity?

theemissary1313 - 2021-04-07

As incredible as this news might end up being, i'm still disappointed there wasn't an April fools video from PBS announcing physicists had proved Pi to be exactly 3.

gaming hunt - 2021-04-10

@Raffaele Di Vora the eucledean geometry doesn't follow the rules of physics.In physics they have smallest unit of space(plank space).so I think the bigger the circle gets the more accurate the pi should be.

This account is dead - 2021-04-10

@Raffaele Di Vora What if instead of a circle you had a spiral (a helix) going off into the distance? - in effect looking down the length of a sine wave. If you draw a semi-circle of radius 1. Then draw a fibonnaci spiral from the outside of the circle such that it touches the centre (achieved by having the first quarter arc of the fibonnaci spiral have a radius of half the 'golden ratio' 1.618...). Then the arc length of the remaining fibonnaci spiral from the centre of the semi-circle is equal to pi/4.

Shawn - 2021-06-04

Wasn’t there some idiot that went to the British Parliament because he thought he proved that pi was rational?

Scientific Lies - 2021-07-22

Why The SM Is Total BS?

Proton particle and electron particle are impossible to
exist. The smallest particle is hydrogen atom.

So easy to prove, if all the stars are single protons, all the planets are
single electrons, what will happen?

According to proven physics laws, all the single charged particles will
become one big chunk of mass and there would be no stars. Correct?

What is the shape of an atom? Is atom hard or soft? Does atom has solid
indestructible surface? If carbon atoms are not harder than diamond, how
diamond is made?

Clear as daylight?

Atom is structured as a solid indestructible ball that has opposite
charges near equally distributed on the surface.

Two atoms/masses at any distance, their charges repel and attract each
other, the net force is the source of gravity.

Atoms must have moving parts to carry energy.

All energy in atom is electric energy.

If we don't know exactly how atoms are formed, how to know how everything works correctly? Everything is made from atoms. Yes, we have theories, based on what foundation? Solid or not?

Science Revolution - 2021-10-18

Top five scientific lies around the earth


Earth has no tide

Earth has no magnetic poles

Earth has no magnetosphere

Earth has no Van Allen Belts

Polar lights are not caused by solar wind

Solar wind does not exist

thesmoke Shark - 2021-05-18

Would this technically be a quantum force ? Since they're at that scale?

Henry Sanford-Crane - 2021-07-02

Could the fact that the difference (less than expected) is due to the fact that in 2.2 us there hasn’t been enough time for all the possible interactions to have occurred or that the number of interaction available in the volume of space that the muon can be influenced by is less than that is available for the long live electron

sietuuba - 2021-04-20

This is the best comprehensive layman introduction I've seen on this topic yet! Thank you.

Tu fon Kin - 2021-04-17

Does the presence of the magnetic field affect the virtual particles responsible for the deviation of g from 2?

The Transformatorium - 2021-04-07

I love this channel. It always makes me feel smarter and dumber simultaneously! 😁

Mr. Atrophy - 2021-04-09

that is a pretty accurate explanation of what happens when science works. I love it.

RJLbwb - 2021-04-10

The more you learn the more you realize what don't know?

Mr_Saint37 - 2021-04-10

Schrödinger's genius.

Zenpai - 2021-04-10

Its so rewarding to at least understand partially what he is trying to communicate!

7IETE *** - 2021-04-28

@Mo Fa 😂😂

ThompPL1 - 2021-04-11

One of the best episodes of PBS-ST on how SA-Physics is actually done these days . . . Nice delivery Dan G., Matt O. & FX Team !

Felicity Jackson - 2021-04-09

So, I am still wondering what this could be predict. What other kinds of particles could be out there that are effecting the neuons (sorry I don’t know how to spell) in such a small but significant fashion and why. Theoretically, for us not to have discovered these particles yet, and for they cause such a small impact on the neuon they must be tiny. I am excited to see what you guys find and hope that you will go more in depth with the closets we have every gotten to a theory of everything in terms of subatomic particles and gravity.

Gareth Dean - 2021-04-11

All particles are tiny, these would be more heavy, something like 300GeV perhaps. That's as heavy as some atoms and so probably very unstable. It'd keep them out of our detection, at least if we don't know what we're looking for, but the game may have changed now.

Dean Lawson - 2021-04-12

Hahaha... I like the tiny little bit of humor at the very end of this where the credits proclaim that, "Matt was so excited about G-2 that he spontaneously dissolved into a cloud of non-standard model particles..." Hilarious!! Nice humorous way to segue out of this intensely technical subject!!
Very nicely done guys! Thanks for the awesome video!!

Jack Syke - 2021-04-09

This is great cuz he perfectly summarised and explained complex sub-atomic quantum physics that I (a physics postgrad) had to study for my degree. No point in going to college when you can learn it online now-a-days.

Robert Coffey - 2021-09-11

I would imagine that you're much better versed in the maths behind this conceptual explanation than I am.

Daniel Jensen - 2021-04-07

"I expect a flurry of theoretical papers, perhaps this time some of them will be right"
Love that line

Victor Blaer - 2021-04-08

It's good, Sabine has also been throwing some shade in a similar fashion.

PC. Corey Thomas Palmer - 2021-04-09

This channel is unique in that I'll watch a video from start to finish, having understood nothing at all. And I've been subbed for years 🤦🏻‍♂️

Charles Manning - 2021-04-09

Let's hope scientist try to prove them all wrong.

Kamil Ziemian - 2021-04-09

Very true statement.

Craig Wall - 2021-04-10

Well, jeez, whadda ya want? Egg in your beer?

The Devil’s Advocate - 2021-04-09

Simply amazing. Another great discovery for Physics!

Jeff Wells - 2021-04-09

Thanks for a wonderful clarification of this concept, which has mystified me for some time!

Rocksite1 - 2021-04-15

What he's saying is muon measurements are off those calculated by theory based on known particles, and that difference should indicate interaction with unknown particles. Fermilab is accelerating muons to see if those measurements are indeed accurate to ever greater greater degrees of confidence; but they need five standard deviations of confidence to claim a discovery. They're at 4.2; so it looks like it will soon tend to indicate unknown particles.

Graynox GNX - 2021-04-10

i do think that these "Muon G2" its actually dark energy... and they actually can "sense" the expansion and dilation of time... thats why they spin faster and faster... matter (negative charged) that falls in blackholes (positive charged) make them larger and denser making them bend more "time" around them... the Gluons can't interract with them and so they are positive "Charged" and released back to the universe making all galaxies grow apart (Muon particles), since all blackholes make this "entropy reaction" it works like a magnet... + with + = Grow apart and + with - makes them get together thats why matter is falling constantly towards the blackholes in the center of every galaxy... so hubble contant its a contant force... but in fact is a variable energy that depends of the matter that fall's inside blackholes... Matter is fuel to the universe expansion and time dilation... im not a scientist just a curious mind trying to solve the universe...

MasterMazeProductions - 2021-04-07

Matt and the team really bent spacetime itself to get this episode out within hours of the press conference ending, kudos to the whole team! :)

AchDeToni - 2021-04-08

Mosg of it was produced beforehand. Really not that hard

DannyDevito - 2021-04-08

@AchDeToni shut up dude

Big D's Gaming - 2021-04-09

500 you tube dollars in only one day shows it is a winner Video .

esecallum - 2021-04-09

Today the Standard Model of particle physics organizes all the known elementary particles into these patterns (or “representations”), but it takes a combination of three Lie groups to account for how the particles can interact via three fundamental forces (electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces). Lisi’s insight was that he could place all these particles onto a representation of E8 with only a small number of spots left empty. This process is not just a matter of putting particles in nice-looking patterns in some arbitrary fashion; several properties, such as the electric charges of the particles, have to match up exactly with the relevant quantities in the representation. Furthermore, the patterns include particles that produce the four fundamental forces—including gravity. Hence the optimistic use of “theory of everything” in the title of Lisi’s paper.

Closer examination, however, revealed a few Jurassic-size flies in the ointment. For instance, the theory combines the matter particles and the force-carrying particles, referred to in the trade as fermions and bosons, in a way that at first appears fundamentally inconsistent. Various “supersymmetric” theories (including superstring theory) do combine fermions and bosons as well—but only with a detailed mathematical underpinning that E8 does not provide. One way of stating the problem is that if the new theory really describes bosons and fermions, then the structure it places them in cannot possibly be a Lie group at all.

Lisi argues that he is using a “mathematical trick” from what is called