> chemistry > explosifs > ammonium-picrate-allchemystery

Ammonium picrate- C6H6N4O7

AllChemystery - 2017-08-09

A simple preparation and some burn tests of ammonium picrate.
See more on Bitchute: 
And minds: https://www.minds.com/EnergyUnleashed

Kevin Bauer - 2020-09-22

Incredible crystals! The biggest ones were in the corner where the temperature would have dropped slower.

Edson - 2018-03-07

Great Work ! I realized that carbon double/triple bonds with and nitrogen , such as , organics cyanides , naphthalene, benzonitrile, sodium ferrocyanide etc are excellent fuels for ammonium nitrate, the burning is energetic, it releases a lot of heat ! The interesting thing is also intermolecular mixtures with ammonium nitrate, melt ammonium nitrate and put the fuel to stay homogeneous. This happens with some fuels such as hexamine, pentamines , ammonium salts like ammonium acetate, Ammonium fenolate and look that ! Ammonium Picrate !!!!!! A mixture of AN with intermolecular ammonium picrate should give an execpcional power to an explosive based on AN !!! I go with benzoamine, ammonium benzoate, ammonium dinitrobenzoate with AN soon. What you say about my opnion ?

science_and_anonymous - 2017-08-10


111 - 2017-11-11

You can also dissolve picric acid in water and then slowly add ammonion carbonate (1g for each 4g of TNP) to it. I will produce a lot of foam though, so you need to stir it vigorously.
I can try to find a more detailed synthesis.

I prefer this approach since its more precise and simple, and also because the crystals turn yellowish because of the high PH. :D
There is also no loss of TNP. The yield is always 100% or more if you are careful.

namenlose Held - 2019-03-07

Can you explain the produce fo Picramide form Ammonium picrate?

WAT - 2020-02-23

i've been reading about picric acid recently, its history, specifically, that they nitrated indigo to produce PA, but i can't find anything about it. does it work, indigo as a precursor?

Energetic Perovskite - 2021-10-28

Can it be used as Secondary Explosive ? Plz Guide me 😎 Thankyou 👍

Vivek Kumar Singh - 2017-08-09

Awesome. They look so beautiful

Levi Lastun - 2018-12-06

How much picric acid and ammonia have you used?

Mehmet Koyuncu - 2017-08-09

Perfect, also you can try with ammonium bicarbonate. Simple.

Andrew - 2020-07-06

Someone was claiming to light the powder and confining it and having it detonate. I seriously doubt that. What do you guys think? Dunnite is supposed to be a relatively insensitive secondary and this guy was calling it a primary.

AllChemystery - 2020-07-06

fdnjj 6 um Nope... he’s a liar.

Andrew - 2020-07-06

@AllChemystery Yea that's what I was saying. I'll link the video. He formed a red product which I read in a military paper is undesirable.

Andrew - 2020-07-06

@AllChemystery https://youtu.be/XC_odDEi3p4

d c - 2021-08-04

Tetryl yes, pure picric acid salts maybe, ammonium picrate never. this stuff is practically a tertiary no way you could get DDT even with ridiculous confinement.

ProPyroPower - 2017-08-09

superb lookin crystals!

Cancer Incarnate - 2021-02-04

That is strangely easy to make

Cancer Incarnate - 2021-02-04

You can use a cap with thermite and a little little little bit of tatp to set off the explosive

AllChemystery - 2021-02-04

Not this one. It’s highly insensitive and TATP is pretty weak. It doesn’t have the balls to do it.

JaguarFacedMan - 2021-03-10

@AllChemystery 1g Pure RDX then :P

d c - 2021-08-04

ammonium picrate is a tertiary material, so it requires a booster. What makes the most sense is just using regular picric acid as a booster since you would presumably have it if you were able to make ammonium picrate. Picric acid salt is often compared to tetryl in power/sensitivity and tetryl was the go-to for TNT for years. A certain nitrated sweetener would work great as well. To use the aforementioned organic peroxide you would need a massive cap and though it's sensitivity and storage issues are greatly exaggerated because of its (literal) demonization from the media, making an m-80 sized cap with it would be stupendously unsafe compared to a #6/#8 equivalent and a booster

Dirt Person - 2017-08-09

wow awesome

Darian Ballard - 2017-08-09

Looks very neat

AllChemystery - 2017-08-10

thanks. have you been active lately? much in the pipeline?

I need a better username - 2017-08-09

Haha, how did you know I wanted to see this?

explosivefreak666 - 2017-09-03

Almost a shame to burn such a beautifull structure.! This one of the Kaboomie powders I Néver made... Why.? No reason actually, but the urge to "create", is creeping up on me again lately.. So, why not, as I still have a Shitload of allkinda chems ànd lab equipment (what my son didn'd break sofar..) therefoire, I'm good to go.! Just gotta get a bunch of aspirin to get picrine acid.

yakomuto - 2021-09-01

It doesn't seem very explosive, more of a slow burn.

AllChemystery - 2021-09-01

Put a detonator to it and it’s a completely different story.

pyrotex07 - 2021-09-06

@AllChemystery what happens if u crush the crystals?

AllChemystery - 2021-09-06

@pyrotex07 nothing. They turn orange. It’s highly insensitive So much so that It used to be used in armour piercing explosive missiles in WW2.

pyrotex07 - 2021-09-07

@AllChemystery thanks

pyrotex07 - 2021-09-09

@AllChemystery does ammonium picrate form sensitive salts with metals too?

Edson - 2017-08-27

Compare with TNT pure !

Laboratory of Liptakov - 2017-08-09

Beautyful crystalls. Almost It's a shame to burn it.....but hit on anvil, should by try it. ../huhaha/...:-)

AllChemystery - 2017-08-10

i did. i couldn't get it to go off. it is even less sensitive than picric acid and that takes a solid belt to fire that.

Andrew - 2020-07-03

@AllChemystery Yea dunnite is some very insensitive stuff.

MAGUZ VITRIOLVM - 2018-05-03

To the question: so... Where's the explosion??? (testing)
You said: coming soon... eight months ago.

AllChemystery - 2018-05-03

Cabrondio VITRIOLVM yeah. Well I did test it but it was much more insensitive than I thought. The cap I used was not powerful enough and it scattered the picrate in a nice orange cloud rather than detonate it.

Californium-252 - 2020-01-31

Here before this gets age restricted by YouTube.

AllChemystery - 2020-01-31

Californium-252 it’s been up for ages.

science_and_anonymous - 2017-08-10

and mate, wear gloves with picrate salts, unless you want your fingers to look like homer simpsons Hahaha

Romaine Tomatoes - 2017-08-13

science_and_anonymous I always heard that using lead (II) acetate as a sugar substitute was practiced primarily by the Romans, esp. by the aristocracy or "royal class". That's why Roman emperors became tyrants as they got older. Their ruthlessness was directly proportional to the severity of their own lead poisoning, and since lead is cumulative, they kept getting more cruel, that is, until their lead levels reached lethal concentrations, and died as a result.

This is furthered by recent studies that have come forward with results showing that many violent criminals have dangerous levels of lead in their body. I know this from research I had to do for a paper I wrote last semester.

(I'm in college studying to become a chemical technician)

science_and_anonymous - 2017-08-13

hyvää-elämää-98 that's very cool man, and good luck on that

explosivefreak666 - 2017-09-03

hyvää-elämää-98 : Sounds Véry intresting and I def believe it since we know what effect lead has on the mind & body.! They were indeed cruel ànd Crààààzzyyy as Hell.!!..Immagine : a highly evolved civilisation,; being whiped out due to madness, inflicted by the use of the wrong cutlery... Tragic-commedy levels going true the roof here.!.. "The fork is mightier than the sword"... Monty python would NAIL That shit.!!

science_and_anonymous - 2017-09-03

explosivefreak666 nail it indeed

Shona O'Neill - 2017-11-08

AllChemystery Incredibly beautiful crystals

Erik Persson - 2017-08-09

So... where's the explosion? ??

AllChemystery - 2017-08-10

coming soon. im still a little bothered uploading too many explosions ATM. im trying to spread the videos in with regular chemistry.

explosivefreak666 - 2017-09-03

Good idea.. Nowadays Wé kaboom-fans, are easely looked upon as "terrorists", especialy by Dumbass cops : In other words,the Majority of the blue force :). They càn make your life pretty unplesant, especially in Europe where éverything weapon related is "illegal".. Even a can of mace is considderd  illegal arms possesion... And they CAN and WILL Fuck you up for it... TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE.!! Chemicals are Véry hard to come by, but for Mé - an old fuck - it's more easy due to a lifetime of knowledge & connections of allkinda sorts... Yet it remains dangerous.! Def when there are these dessert- apes terror attacking the shit outof our countrys.! Anyway, looking foreward to your vids, be safe and do NOT get Caught.! Fuck "the man" :))... Peace bro.!

R Smith - 2018-02-27

Erik Persson can see rapid oxidation catalyzed by high heat... Stands to reason...

MysteriusBhoice - 2018-11-26

@Wei Zhao that depends on the usage of the chemical
i notice you have videos on your saved playlist about sodium production using a castner cell.
well if i were to use your logic I would definitely call you out on the same thing!