> chemistry > organiques-simples > hydrazine > hydrazine-sulfate-extractions-ire

Small hydrazine accident

Extractions&Ire - 2017-01-17

https://youtu.be/JCrDttuw5co Is the video on hydrazine sulfate that I copied, brilliant stuff. 

Oh and the current plan is to do the unboxing livestream on my Wednesday afternoon, will do more updates/testing of how I can actually livestream. Any suggestions of software?

CelesteTheDreamer - 2018-12-06

Small accident
Two phrases I've never expected to see together.

Leonid Volkov - 2020-01-13

You described my reaction to seeing the title

Rhodanide - 2017-01-17

Nile Red logo slowly rises from corner of screen

rogerdotlee - 2017-09-26

I remember that. He called it a 'catastrophe' or something similar.

J H - 2019-08-25

Haha... That's right! Totally forgot about that.

Justin Puglisi - 2019-08-31

No the real problem was that the chemistry went yellow

Matt Hunter - 2017-01-17

If you put a pinprick in the glad wrap you can exclude oxygen from the reaction while releasing the gas, also car stores sell high temp ceramic paint in spray cans, should work for your corroded hotplate

AllChemystery - 2017-01-18

Extractions&Ire wouldn't you be better off just removing the last of the paint for better heat transfer from the bare Al?

TissuePaper - 2019-08-01

@AllChemystery but then it doesn't look as nice and the glassware on the bare aluminum is like nails on a chalkboard in my experience. these are both very stupid problems to worry about but problems nonetheless.

CAMSLAYER13 - 2019-10-07

@AllChemystery it's all fun and games until you get something too reactive on the bare metal

Eligh B - 2019-10-30

@CAMSLAYER13 My thoughts exactly.

Sedit T - 2020-02-01

I tend to use the Paint one gets to paint wood stoves. It generally is a flat black but you can surely get it in other colors and it withstands the heat. At the car stores I get High temp silicon for various sealant needs, it works relatively well in my opinion. It looks like a red caulk.

mechadrake - 2017-01-17

I 'm not a chemist, but didn't somebody good in chemistry recommended not to use more than a third of a flask for reactions that may foam? actually this may have not helped being pressurized and all:)

Rhodanide - 2017-01-17

Keep the bleach for any stale memes you may come across

Extractions&Ire - 2017-01-17

I always keep my memes fresh. If a meme has gone stale, no point trying to save it

Eddie Van Horn - 2017-10-28

Rhodanide kek

Shadow Winter - 2017-01-17

Imagine all of the contamination that little shed absorbs.
If it ever catches on fire well.......

Extractions&Ire - 2017-01-17

It might just catch fire on its own one day

mechadrake - 2017-01-17

not everything is flammable. lots of chemicals actually dissapointingly not flammable. just do not eat the shed - some of these actually not good for you ;)

Shadow Winter - 2017-01-17

I realise that and that's not quite what I meant.
what I meant is that if it catches fire then they may end up needing to cordon off the cancer causing smoke.
many of our little chemistry sheds" labs as us amateur chemists love to call them"
are like carcinogenic sponges that would send the local fire department running the other way if ever an accidental fire took place.

Think Chernobyl type consequences particularly with some people I can think of Lol.

mechadrake - 2017-01-17

really sad that uc235 stopped making videos being concerned about his safety. mostly internet safety, like swating: ( and a bit of dying from chemz

Extractions&Ire - 2017-01-17

Yeah they were really good videos, shame

Aidan Baird - 2019-07-29

Pour a bottle of ammonia into the bleach and then go out for lunch😂

Krisztián Szirtes - 2017-01-18

15 liters of bleach? Sodium chlorate for years

William Ford - 2019-08-20

Sodium hypochlorite you mean?

etbase 1 - 2019-10-16

William Ford he meant he could make a lot of sodium chlorate with it using an electrolytic cell.

Gink Tingle - 2018-07-05

I think you grossly overfilled the flask.

95rav - 2019-07-31

1: from hydrazine, make and test Astrolite A and G
2: use excess hypochlorite to make chloroform which could be useful down the track.

Sionso Schwalts - 2019-08-12


Hypnotic Moai - 2019-10-15

0:43 how many times does the bleach need to be kicked?

Seth Purifoy - 2019-08-05

It's concerning to me how chill he sounds considering that he had a small accident with rocket fuel.

rogerdotlee - 2017-01-17

WOOT! On the Azide trail!

And that's how you break in a new bench!

Extractions&Ire - 2017-01-17

rogerdotlee Slowly getting back on that train. And no, I loved the nice clean white bench! All that hardwork painting!

Lamron333 - 2019-10-10

Are you sure there is a "Small hydrazine accident",....? I think any accident with hydrazine, is not "small",...

indigo - 2017-01-17

You could make a lot of chloroform from the bleach for a bulk solvent.

Jackson Porter - 2019-01-02

Extractions&Ire it all turned into phosgene

fireworkstarter - 2019-07-18

@J H but if he has 13 liters of a product he doesnt have a use for and he can make it into a usefull solvent why not?

J H - 2019-07-18

@fireworkstarter i suppose. And he might not be able to get chloroform so easily.

Greger Holmes - 2019-07-21


Jim C. - 2019-09-18

@Greger Holmes , hey baby, does this rag smell like chloroform to you? lol

Bee H. - 2019-09-26

"Small hydrazine accident" ..for a second there I thought I was watching a history video on the Me-163 Komet(Hydrazine was a component in its fuel.)

Your Local Idiot - 2017-01-17

Ever thought of doing some uranium chemistry?

Creatureofday - 2020-01-13

I read the title and thought, "there is no such thing as a SMALL Hydrazine accident."

The Ultimate Demon rat - 2019-04-12

Love the aphex twin lol

Daniel Matthews - 2017-01-17

Can you make a more chemically robust bench top by soaking the surface of cement fibre board in sodium silicate then hitting it with calcium chloride to form a calcium silicate surface? Add a bit on inert titanium white to the mix if the result is not white enough for you?

Scythe Dedin - 2019-04-08


hanelyp1 - 2019-09-27

From the title I was expecting suited for the other channel.

Van dam Lightningman - 2020-01-11

Platinum recovery from catalytic converters. From what ive seen sree tips. Look it it up. I know it not part of the normal but hey. Cheap easy right.

-- - 2019-10-27

I saw accident and Hydra zine and :/

Anonymous Anonymous - 2019-07-28

now react the hydrazine with the calcium chromate you made in the other video

Nothing\ - 2019-04-06

It's nice to see failures as well as successes. Thanks for sharing.

My Nigga - 2019-08-17

There are no “small accidents” with hydrazine

Travis Ashley - 2018-02-17

great channel! you're really good looking too.

Franky boy - 2020-02-27

Should always be working with hydrazine in a fume hood!

Josh Taylor - 2019-07-21

You can prepare iodoform from sodium hypochlorite and I think acetone, wastes some of the bleach if you still need ideas

Lee Jones - 2018-10-29

whispers m a r k w a t n e y

Hush HushBee - 2019-11-20

At 02:41 i thought there is someone with big hair😅

William Edwards - 2019-08-08

Well you could condense it some more and add potassium chloride while still warm and make a crapload of potassium chlorate.

A_Lonely Proton - 2017-01-17

Maybe use the bleach to make potassium chlorate? Idk, I figure you already have enough of that stuff, but that's an idea.

Extractions&Ire - 2017-01-17

A_Lonely Proton It would be a lot of chlorate! I do have a bit, but if I ever needed a lot, that would be a good option

LFTRnow - 2019-10-07

What did you wind up doing with the bleach? I was going to suggest it makes chlorates, but curious what you did with it?

zdrastvutye - 2018-09-04

it was in the german news years ago. Does this hydrazine react with water?

LFTRnow - 2019-10-07

What was the concentration of the bleach in the blue container?

Sandro - 2019-07-28

I hear 28 organ

William Volkmann - 2018-01-12

i always enjoy the mad scientist demo

fireandcopper - 2017-01-17

All you really need is white engine enamel. Just like my highschool shop teacher would use

James Sheridan - 2019-10-11

child, and I share this with love and most serious, you have produced many vids, the one above is the first of your line that populated via a search, and my last. stay with me, exercise should you desire to understand just what it is that we the viewing peeps are seeing and hearing when we stumble upon your work. so sit alone, with no av phone, tv etc, and listen to about five to ten of sky or the bbc news via yt, dont look at screen, just listen. then take a brown paper bag and make a crude mask with just small eye openings and now sit say five feet from your viewing screen and put bag over your head and begin streaming your content, now just quietly watch and listen to the material and hopefully you will understand why some dont ever get the status that could but for a slight change be within their grips. I know it sounds strange with the bag, its good sound science if done right, the material will be presented by not entirely you and sound as we hear you. with room for improvement but a room with a fresh view. the sky or bbc presentation you should have not needed to see the screen to clearly understand from the wisely chosen clearly spoken in a calm well timed pace not rushed, you were not lacking for the lack of seeing, the seeing is secondary to the spoken, your Gramps and Granny, Irish here, grew up without any visual, all listening, and they did great in life. now find a ut flick on topic you know nothing about, and chances are the flick has no vocals and if so just mute it, now fry to extract something from the flick the you feel was worth the time and effort to gain, most likely not. So lesson, diction is not me being funny, timing, planing, notes, remember tv peeps have their notes, your should be up on wall for to see you following and thus we are to with confidence in you and the outcome.Peace.

WWW. - 2019-12-18

You could make a shot ton of chloroform with it!

CRAZYkoolman55 - 2019-10-02

drink the bleach?

cannagorilla - 2017-10-24

I can't believe this is all the subs you have. It should be way more!

Dan Bryan - 2019-08-02


masterlab LAB - 2017-01-17

Next time you can prevent this type of accident, by putting a junction on the top of the flask , and attaching a rubber tube to it. The other side of the tube can be placed inside a beaker. If an overflow would happen again , the liquid got safely in to the beaker :-) an idea

Konstantin Heinz - 2019-07-19


kieran O'dea - 2019-08-26

make a butt load of chloroform with the left over bleach

Random Fandom - 2019-10-08

transfer the bleach to a different container, and collect the trade in credits