> chemistry > solvants-extractions > diethyl-ether > make-diethyl-ether-myst32yt

Make Diethyl ether

myst32YT - 2010-12-01

Diethyl ether, also known simply as ether, is the organic compound with the formula (C2H5)2O. It is a colorless and highly flammable liquid with a low boiling point and a characteristic odor. It is the most common member of a class of chemical compounds known generically as ethers. It is a common solvent and was once used as a general anesthetic. Ether is sparingly soluble in water (6.9 g/100 mL). 

Diethyl ether can be prepared both in laboratories and on an industrial scale by the acid ether synthesis. Ethanol is mixed with a strong acid, in this case sulfuric acid, H2SO4. The acid dissociates producing hydrogen ions, H+. A hydrogen ion protonates the electronegative oxygen atom of the ethanol, giving the ethanol molecule a positive charge:

CH3CH2OH + H+ → CH3CH2OH2+

A nucleophilic oxygen atom of unprotonated ethanol displaces a water molecule from the protonated (electrophilic) ethanol molecule, producing water, a hydrogen ion and diethyl ether.

CH3CH2OH2+ + CH3CH2OH → H2O + H+ + CH3CH2OCH2CH3

This reaction must be carried out at temperatures lower than 150 °C in order to ensure that an elimination product (ethylene) is not a product of the reaction. At higher temperatures, ethanol will dehydrate to form ethylene. The reaction to make diethyl ether is reversible, so eventually an equilibrium between reactants and products is achieved. Getting a good yield of ether requires that ether be distilled out of the reaction mixture before it reverts to ethanol, taking advantage of Le Chatelier's principle.

Diethyl ether is prone to peroxide formation, and can form explosive diethyl ether peroxide. Ether peroxides are higher boiling and are contact explosives when dry.

Justin Hale - 2015-06-27

"We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole multi colored collection of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon."

AJ - 2015-10-19

+Andrew Hale one of the most influential

Hanz Maulwurst - 2016-02-01

+Andrew Hale
you need to read the book

Andrew - 2017-04-24

what a great movie

just lmk - 2018-09-17

loll im watching that movie when i read this

I.M. Shirley Rongh - 2019-01-19

@AJ hey, thanks for the info, too many just wanna say the 'right thing' instead of actually informing anyone of reality beyond the TV ads. Thanks!

KBJ560 - 2013-02-10

This is great, thanks.

Agitating Skeleton - 2012-05-02


kittyvalium - 2014-12-04

Hipsters, tripsters,
real cool chicks, sir,
everyone's doin' that rag.

Atsuke - 2011-10-14


CLOWNED - 2013-06-30

Now i can dry clean my suit at home. Thank you.

Emile Heskey - 2013-01-12

even short term exposure can lead to tempory incapacitation

Leonid Alekseyev - 2014-01-30

Man, fire extinguisher won't help=)

Pat Uszodi - 2014-08-22

Super awesome, very concise and every piece of information shared was useful. 10/10 subbed

Minty Spunkbubble - 2012-08-18

You sort of sound as though you've been imbibing your own concoctions.

Monica Li - 2011-01-16

@myst32YT Where did you get your heating mantle from? I've been trying to find one for a good price to no avail.

Benny Morgan - 2018-04-29

All of these comments seem aged. It is hard to understand the stupidity of much of what the world is made of. By the way, this was a nice video.

hkparker - 2010-12-02

@myst32YT cool, ill be working on that

Kombi4Ever Original - 2014-11-24

Alguem poderia me explicar este processo em português? Eu já sei mais omenos, não compreendo apenas algumas partes...

Mike Ehrmantraut - 2013-03-23

Well, everyday we need Oxygen.

VV Egon Spengler - 2012-02-01

So, you've kept this ether until now? It has been 2 years!

cooldude - 2012-11-16

Keep living the dream. . .

Mai Thủy Tiên - 2013-01-13

hello Mr. I'm a student at department of chemistry in Vietnam. I'm having a project which is English for teaching chemistry . I just only speak English a little. Your video is very useful for my project and could you send me tape script of this clip?

Myster Misterairy - 2018-11-14

Myst32, i love all of your videos and have watched them for some time. If youre out there, please make a new one or check in here and there and let us know your still out there. Keep dong what youre doing brother, and thank you for your contribution ❤️💛💚

TheAmmoniacal - 2012-11-20

Just as a side note, I recommend all people who store this to get and add some BHT. You only need a minuscule quantity, but for safety's sake :)

Jason Brody - 2013-10-08

Can I use a bong for the round flask.

leeja32207 - 2013-02-02

hell yeah!

nigga - 2012-09-08

1:32 BONG

watchmefall555 - 2012-01-10

@Grundalizer Buy it from china its like 35

Sonia1978NYC - 2012-02-28

I thought that the video was highly informative but the BEST part is this! (The comments) are funny as HELL! :-D

Barbara Winters - 2013-10-31

We have done this to demonstrate dehydration of an alcohol. We do get ether but the reaction always turns black. We use 16ml H2SO4 and 20ml ETOH without the addition of more ETOH. Itchanges colour before it reaches 140c Thanks

DR. HOUSE M.D. - 2012-05-02

DAFUQ? FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS FTW! Ether bing @ Circus Circus casino!

Bobby .Digital - 2013-03-27

Hahaha, cancer researcher here.

Michael F - 2020-05-15

Hook a hose to the sidearm of the collection adapter, and lead it outside. Ether vapors gone.

Tommaso Petrella - 2013-08-04

Ether extraction

Aetheon Pro - 2018-05-29

I think you could use this to make a dipping bird

kevjtnbtmglr - 2013-04-28

rude, much?

Christian Alexander Ornelas Lim - 2013-07-11

A sodium hidroxide solution, to neutralize any acid :)

TheOplele - 2012-04-10

Does WD-40 work? can you extract ether from that?

AaronLow1 - 2012-09-22

And where do I get chemicals...

hkparker - 2010-12-02

Great explanation, looks like Ill have to be making more ether so I can attempt your upcoming videos. For super dry purification, is distillation with sodium metal an option?

MountAnalogue - 2014-05-29

Devil ether... nitrous's evil cousin.

iSOisoleucine - 2012-07-11

Everclear? I've been stalking UC235 and a few other amateur - pro chemists, and they can get increased conc. of etoh by salting it out. Is everclear pure enough for most solvations?

8xngc - 2011-10-16

good video- informative, concise and safety was not overlooked. thanks

Bill Lopez - 2011-11-22

@derpguyjohn so where would i get some of this ether?

Ravingmad Manson - 2013-07-12

thanks, since i dont have access to that , is it ok if i used drain cleaner that contains sodium hydroxide ?

John T Schiffer Jr - 2012-07-24

Thanks for teaching me how to make ether. you sound very smart, nice speech here in it's time. I must speak in that people should have made me a personal psychiatrist, the part time job, 44mph sticker on vehicles, say such on waist cans as well as internet, make a space vehicle, Watchman Nee, appreciate the land with positive demonstrating, and The Teleport box Club organization for 12, 13, and 27 yrs respectively.).

hkparker - 2011-07-31

@Matrix29bear You are the foolish one!!! It is recommended that ether is dried by distillation over Na as it is non reactive, so long as it is not distilled to dryness to avoid ether peroxide. Were talking about removing small amounts of water, after its dried with CaCl2. Google: "Solvent drying"...

Ravingmad Manson - 2013-07-06

what did he add at 4:45 ? please more explanation needed on what exactly to add here !

gladdal - 2012-03-16

Rule of thumb: try not to sound like you are on ether when making a video about making of it.

jkfsdahjk - 2011-10-03

What power of water pump for cooling system do you use?

purplemutantas - 2012-01-14

@Grundalizer I got a 500ml 3 neck RBF new on ebay for $40. It's the alchemy brand from Canada. Look for the seller alchemylab.

Josh Walsh - 2013-02-21

Highly regulated? You can buy it by the liter OTC in Canada lol

Konsta Salminen - 2013-01-17

Extremely entertaining.

Matthew Jackson - 2012-06-03

can this render u unconcious?