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Feynman's Lectures on Physics - The Law of Gravitation

L'Universitaire - 2016-05-23


"In this chapter we shall discuss one of the most far-reaching generalizations of the human mind. While we are admiring the human mind, we should take some time off to stand in awe of a nature that could follow with such completeness and generality such an elegantly simple principle as the law of gravitation. What is this law of gravitation? "

"Richard Phillips Feynman (/ˈfaɪnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model."


Amine - 2019-03-03

Tom Hanks would nail this role..if they ever make a biography of him

Nothing\ - 2020-01-06

I always thought he sounded just like Ray Romano. My first exposure to him was listening to his lectures on tape, so I could separate the way he sounds from the way he looks.

Lauren Shriver - 2020-01-14

Please God no. Tom Hanks is a good actor don’t get me wrong. But he’s no Feynman.

FireBird Studios - 2020-01-19

He looks somewhat similar too.

Claudio Horacio Sánchez - 2020-01-28

William Hurt was Richerd Feymman in The Chalenger.

Claire the Loon - 2020-02-18

His friends (Susskind and others) have often called him dangerous to whom he considered fools. That included his students. He could be relentless. I always keep that dark side in the back of my mind, as much as I admire him. And that makes him even more interesting as a subject for a biography.

A B - 2017-12-15

What a fine man

Eric Hilmer - 2019-04-30

Terrible "point." Yes, it is gravity. Yes, it is strong enough.

The atmosphere gradually thins. Therefore, the atmosphere doesn't exist "next" to the vacuum of space, but rather, gradually dissolves into the vacuum as you increase the distance from the surface of the earth. The video you reference shows massive knowledge gaps.

If you want an elementary explanation: https://scijinks.gov/pressure/

Deca Dent - 2019-04-30

@Eric Hilmer
You do know the meaning of CRITICAL THINKING ????
It is easy to recite what we have been taught.
I am asking you to CHALLENGE THIS.

VIDEO "Space is Scientifically Impossible!"

Higher up in the atmosphere the pressure gets less and less, OK.
The effect of gravity is also reduced with distance, OK.
At a certain point the "expansion" due to entropy is sufficient to overcome the effect of gravity.
This experiment PROVES that this POINT is the SURFACE OF THE EARTH with a vacuum of 10^-3torr. ( There is a 14 orders of magnitude difference to the vacuum of space )

Your explanation is like saying that the earths atmosphere EXTENDS OUT TO INFINITY. geocentrism MUCH ?? :)
Right ? isn`t the universe is expanding ? I guess the earth just PRODUCES an infinite amount of "atmosphere" too ?

How would it be possible to do spacewalks outside the ISS at ~250 miles if there was any significant pressure / friction etc ??
The pressure at ~239,0000 miles from earth is apparently 10^-15torr ....
GOOGLE "Atmosphere_of_the_Moon "

At a certain point the ridiculousness of the mainstream science argument, surely, becomes clear ?
Or maybe you are simply a SHILL ... ?
Whichever it is ....
When the SHTF event occurs, I am glad I am not you :)

Qbabxtra - 2019-06-01

Wanted to press like, but its already 256, so I cant.

Deca Dent - 2019-06-02

Read my thread. "WOW! Practically everything stated here is WRONG."
And you might change your mind.
Or simply check out this video (banned by the JTUBE thought police)

2 False - 2019-09-29

I think this is the joke that he has heard most times in his life.

donepearce - 2019-05-10

I was lucky enough to sit in one one of his lectures. It was spellbinding, and I would say that fully half of the people there were not physics majors. They just wanted to hear him.

Rajesh Mastwal - 2019-07-01

Ohhh..soo sad

Sosan Mehmood - 2020-01-16

@donepearce space experimental physics?

donepearce - 2020-01-16

@Sosan Mehmood Measurement instruments to be flown in space craft

Sosan Mehmood - 2020-01-16

@donepearce woah tht is so cool. Im also want to do space engineering - can i get some tips sir?

donepearce - 2020-01-16

@Sosan Mehmood Maths and Physics are your best choices. Try and mix some engineering in there, even if not a full course. Definitely electronics plus basic mechanics. You should carry this through to PhD, and make your interest in space known to your profs and tutors at every stage.

Swaraj Amale - 2018-07-22

I love the frequencies of old mics clear and crisp.

Koloth2000 - 2019-06-21

yeah the old mics were awesome.

Tibs - 2019-11-01

Listening to this, I was thinking, at what point during the past few decades did we lose the ability to record lectures?

DeathsHead Knight - 2019-12-15

@Tibs started buying cheap microphones

Bilal Ansari - 2019-03-18

Video starts at 06:00

Vishnu Ajith - 2020-03-16

but the minutes before it are all gold!!!

Callum E - 2019-02-03

46:15 "Perhaps the inverse square has some deep significance. Maybe gravity and electricity are different aspects of the same thing."

Divyam Tewary - 2019-12-23

big pepe confirmed

Arihant Nayyar - 2020-01-03

We know that both forces are central and conservative and they also behave in similar fashion the only difference is charge exists in two forms + and - while we haven't yet found anti gravity or whatever it's called
But yeah maybe at a very deep level both might be interconnected we just don't have enough knowledge as of now 🙂

Axl Rose - 2020-01-10

@Arihant Nayyar Fully understanding gravity would be such a giant step, and who knows, perhaps in a far future we would be able to create it...

Lauren Shriver - 2020-01-14

Spoiler alert

Huawei is a criminal organization. - 2020-03-09

If that is true ... boy did gravity get ripped off

Aditya Radhakrishnan - 2019-05-26

This video is not one of the Feynman Lectures on Physics, as the title and the link in the description may suggest. This is a recording of one of the Messenger Lectures.

The Feynman Lectures on Physics are not available in video form. There are only audio recordings and books.

Pratik Sonavane - 2018-02-16

I didn't love any woman as much as I love him(no homo)

User Name - 2019-08-24

How about yes homo?

Vampi Mulder - 2019-09-01

I love him with all the homo

Y live on planet X - 2018-10-07

Thanks for recording, converting and uploading this piece of history.

Hirakai Ko - 2018-07-24

And to think Columbia university rejected him because he's Jewish...

David Austin - 2019-02-25

There are standards to be kept up lol

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ - 2019-03-26

IDK why Jewish people are smart. Some of the hardest courses in university are mostly full of Jews. And they fill up an over-proportionate percentage of Nobel prizes.

Mike Dang - 2018-11-03

The cameraman panning must have gotten tired of Feynman pacing

Leo Y Lee - 2019-02-23

In less than an hour, Professor Feynman summarized the observations for the past 2000 years and how it aroused the curiosity of the scientist in describing nature in mathematical language. While this lecture is very basic science, he did it with clarity, efficiency, enthusiasm, and wit. I can see that he is not only a great physicist but also a terrific teacher.

LonelyPianist - 2020-01-01

Im 69 years old now, he is a great teacher, I really love his teachings

Poorna Sasank - 2020-02-23


Koushik H - 2018-02-18

His lectures are still inspiring us. Must see by anybody to renew inspiration to science (physics specially).

Rizwan Sk - 2018-07-08

Just simply amazing , today's teachers and lecturers should see this. Rather than confusing the listeners with complex terms and figures, he uses what is known by all and then takes it the perspective of things that are unknown,as Einstein said once"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." .this purely shows how much deep is his understanding in and about the laws of nature ,sadly we don't see much of these kind of intellectuals anymore, most of them these days has the attitude of 'they don't need to know if they don't know what I've been talking about till now' which simply shows the fact that is they lack the depth they need to have to explain they way this great man did ie. Richard Feynman . RESPECT clap clap more claps

Narayan khuntia - 2019-01-29


R. Dwight - 2019-08-22

With that said, kindly explain to me simply this particular lecture of his 😊

Varghese Ninan - 2019-10-11

Einstein didn't say that. It's misattributed to him.

Vladimir josh - 2019-10-23

@Varghese Ninan Who actually said that, then????

Varghese Ninan - 2019-10-23

@Vladimir josh , Good question. I don't know. Search Google or something. Some smart dude on YouTube said that Einstein didn't say it so that's my source. He didn't say who did though.

AVM 69 - 2019-12-30

30:22 "uranus was doing something funny"

Mo7emed ragab - 2020-01-25

Do I attract you?

Professor Eggplant - 2019-11-05

If there were a time machine, I don't think there's a science nut alive that wouldn't choose to take a seat in his auditorium.

Sampad Barua - 2018-12-31

Even his forehead is bigger than my future

Nitesh Meena - 2019-05-11


The Gaming Hill - 2019-06-08

yeah your future is shit.

Chio Mude - 2019-07-07

@The Gaming Hill My future is shit too

Bob Ross - 2019-12-23

Big brains need a lot of space

Hans Zimmer Official - 2019-08-12

Camera man is now called SHELDON GLASHOW😂

Ko Na - 2018-07-01

Our concentration would not be on how clever we all are to have found it all out but on how clever nature is to pay attention on it

Purnabhishek Muppala - 2020-03-11

"but Uranus was doing something funny" I laughed hard at this when I really shouldn't!

Levizja per dije - 2019-08-21

the camera is better adjusted then from the ones in year 2004

Aditya Nehra - 2019-12-03

This is like watching porn for the physics enthusiast. My respect to one of the greatest minds after Einstein.

Chris Cockrell - 2020-03-21

These Feyman lectures look interesting.

The ICSEhub - 2019-12-15

No apple fell on Newton's head, they told us a lie.

ORagnar - 2020-01-18

37:00 One machine that makes use of gravity is a roller coaster. Maybe that's not "practical," however.

Hamza Abd Almutalib - 2020-01-20

It is 2020 ,I am sitting in my room now clapping at this simple genius.

Lawrence Reitan - 2019-05-08

That perfect semi circumference 20:28

Vanni Zhang - 2019-11-12


alpha sow - 2019-09-30

High level science in easy ways to understand. What a teacher! Amazing

Ardian Ashadi - 2020-02-12

It's deep
He colaborated
Into integral understanding in simple way.
Hats off

Ya Boy Hippy - 2019-12-12

Thank you for this upload 🏅

Wisham Ahmad - 2018-06-21


ramesh chandra - 2019-12-02

I also want to be a teacher like feymann

Ocean Bongdropper - 2020-02-03

Why I chose gravitation I don’t know,because whichever subject I select,you would ask the same question.
Richard Feynmann

Aegon 01 - 2019-04-05

06:10 Skips the intro

Uncle Rick - 2019-01-21

I love how his intro is a roast.


Lol, the original roast

Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of 'Time' - 2018-06-18

This is an invitation to see a theory on the nature of time! In this theory we have an emergent uncertain future continuously coming into existence relative to the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy. Within such a process the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons is forming a blank canvas that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual! The future is unfolding with each photon electron coupling or dipole moment relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. As part of a universal process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life the ‘past’ has gone forever. At the smallest scale of this process the ‘past’ is represented by anti-matter annihilation with the symmetry between matter and anti-matter representing the symmetry between the future and the past as the future unfolds photon by photon. In such a theory the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ with the classical physics of Newton representing processes over a period of time, as in Newton’s differential equations. In my videos I explain how this process is relative to temperature and the phase changes of matter.

Prashant Shukla - 2019-10-24

Starts at 6:11 thank me later

Alexander Dolce - 2020-03-05

Never get tied of watching and listerning Feymann.

dikey y - 2019-09-28

48:30 42 digits:D

Erick Lopes - 2018-04-09

5:18 As a Brazilian, this was specially funny. It's a common mistake.

Qilin Xue - 2018-04-17

Sorry I'm confused. How?

Ed - 2018-04-17

Qilin Xue They speak Portuguese. 😁

Erick Lopes - 2018-04-17

Yeah, both Spanish and Portuguese are romance languages, so Feynman got it close enough lol

alamo 2914 - 2018-06-02

While someone was hitchhiking with him he told him that he should go to South America. Feynman decided to listen, and to learn a South American language. Since the most common South American language is Spanish, he learned it for some time, but then he was in a physics conference in New York, and some guy from Brazil said that he could get him a physics summer job in there. Feynman was happy for the chance, and just then, he started learning Portuguese.

Asindu - 2020-03-07

Lecture starts at 5:56

Captain Azide - 2019-12-26

Mst h sbkE bas ka nAinA 😂✍️

WaveParticleDuality - 2019-10-30

I wish I could meet him in person one day.

Cosmin Solomes - 2018-11-28

Very impressive, a good lecture

VincentDS - 2019-12-04

One of humanity's great geniuses and he sounds like Art Carney doing his Ed Norton character.

Miami Eyes ME - 2019-10-14

you don't think we living in a world of pure confusion ?

Francesco Bucciantini - 2019-11-09

I'll always be thankful to the BBC for recording Feynman lectures. If it wasn't for them, this piece of gold (along with other lectures) would have disappeared. Here I am, a young mathematics student taking physics classes in 2019 and watching Feynman lectures many years after they were published.

Nothing\ - 2020-01-06

It's striking how many of the audience members are wearing glasses. I wonder why that is.

Margaret Poling - 2020-02-01

Nothing\ contact lenses not available