> chemistry > explosifs > making-tetryl-from-dimethylaniline-nitration-allchemystery

More Bad Yellow Chem Obsession......

AllChemystery - 2019-11-10

Hmmmm this obsession with yellow chemistry has gone too far.....
nitration of n,n Dimethylaniline to form Tetryl. 
This synthesis was not much fun! it would truly be one for the hardcore nitration fans!
And the End product has the highest brisance  of all the modern explosives of its time. it just was replaced by less toxic compounds.

AllChemystery - 2019-11-10

This experiment was done a couple of years ago now and I wouldn’t ever want to repeat it. was a horrible experience I and must say and it’s easy to see why this substance was replaced with much greener alternatives.
Still it holds a Hall of Fame position as beating its replacement In shattering power. And being the number one conventional military explosive for years despite its toxicity and being known to cause skin and respiratory symptoms on exposure to dust and residues.
Not sure how long this will be up as I may remove it in a week or two if the AI doesn’t do so first.
but as is my style I like to show processes not seen here before and push the envelope.....
more new content to come soon!

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2019-11-10

This compound is a beast! Great video. First on YouTube congratulations!

GEOSPATIAL SKY - 2020-06-24

Wow ! Now if I can only find a good smoothie recipe.😊

Krystian Jabłoński - 2020-12-07

please add new video
your channel is amazing

MrMidnight - 2021-02-14

Yeah, I also would realy like to see a new experiment, over the years you made a lot of realy interesting stuff.

Kerstin - 2019-11-11

Just found your channel today after extractions&ire mentioned you. I guess your comment section is where all the chemistry channels hang out that are near impossible to find otherwise :p

grovermatic - 2019-11-15

This music! I feel like I'm watching a video on top secret government technology or something. :-)

KvantaNet - 2019-11-10

Welcome back Mr.! Your videos are always appreciated.

science_and_anonymous - 2019-11-10


ReactiveChem - 2019-11-10

Nice video, very interesting to watch. However I don’t think I’ll try this one :)

Rhodanide - 2019-11-11

A very nice aesthetic on this one!

xerolad - 2019-11-11

Very nice work! Excellent video, and nicely paired with great music. Good to see you're back.

M F - 2019-11-10

You make things like this look easy! Great vid and great music for it, thanks 👍🏻

AllChemystery - 2019-11-10

greasy fastspeed Ha! Thanks. But trust me it looked easy but it was terrible. The stuff stinks strongly and is very unpleasant to use and is pretty toxic.
Hot nitrations of This nature usually suck.
Couple that with copious amounts of potentially deadly NO2 fumes and vaporised HNO3 it makes for a very un fun time.

PbN3 2 - 2019-11-10

AllChemystery I’d bet your phalanges were sans-fingernails after this synth. Lol.

KClO3 - 2020-07-02

New shaped charge video when?

PbN3 2 - 2019-11-10

Nicely done 😎 Tu estas uno hombre con màs grande cajones! My Spanish sux, but I didn’t wanna post that in English for fear of offending someone.

gh aliraqi - 2019-11-11

Hi are you have Facebook or Instagram ?

Crazy____lab - 2020-04-24

Yellow chem is dangerous😂😂😂

PoorMans Chemist - 2019-11-10

Very nice man! Beautiful piece of work.

M kn - 2019-11-10

Nice work!

Георгий Дюрич - 2020-12-10

what is ration for that ?

shahyar chemistry - 2020-03-25

how much nitric acid did you use?

Islam Mekk - 2020-02-11

Hi , I want to know How silver mercury turns into red mercury

LordShaXX UwU - 2020-02-15

You mean metalic Hg to HgO?
This happens when Mercury is stored for long time, the air starts to make an oxide layer, you can remove this getting off the oxide and heating It(warning... Do this outside, it may produce Hg toxic vapors)

jared garden - 2019-11-13

Curious. with all mixed acid nitrations i have done, ive always prepared the mixed acid solution of nitric and sulfuric acid before hand and added this to the substrate to be nitrated.
Is there a reason why you did it differently? as the slight blackening of your DMA/acid mixture i suspect is due to slight decomposition.

AllChemystery - 2019-11-13

jared garden generally in nitration of Aromatics, the start compound needs to be Sulfonated first. And they require heating.
Mostly to protect them from oxidation and destruction froM HNO3.

SoberAddiction - 2021-01-06

Where'd you go m8?

AllChemystery - 2021-01-06

Still around just haven’t had time to create anything new recently. My lab is boxed up, but in the near future I’ll be starting up again

SoberAddiction - 2021-01-07

@AllChemystery Glad to hear! I was just worried about the radio silence.

Jestem Mistrzem - 2020-10-14

I have a question. How do somebody know how much detonator and primer is needed to fully detonate something? I meant for detonation for example 1lbs anfo and 30lbs you must for sure use different amounts. How do you know exactly how much is enough? (i've given anfo just as an example)

AllChemystery - 2020-10-14

It’s on the basis of sensitivity of the charge.
Sensitive explosive will only require small detonator yet less sensitive Anfo will use same detonator but a sensitive booster charge

[][][] - 2019-11-14

Highest brisance? Man, HNB have the highest brisance, not the tetryl!

AllChemystery - 2019-11-15

I mean conventional military explosives. HNB is but it’s too expensive to mass produce.

[][][] - 2019-11-15

@AllChemystery maybe you can do HNB synthesis? That would be cool af!

AllChemystery - 2019-11-15

[][][] I’m not sure if it can be done In a home lab. If I recall the synthesis is complicated and lengthy. - but hey- when has that ever stopped me?
I may take a fresh look at it and see if it’s plausible.

IO - 2020-12-09

@AllChemystery probably requires some nutty nitration agents like Nitronium tetrafluoroborate.

TM Fan - 2019-11-10

y put music to mask the explosive sound effect?!! 5:50 stop the music and let us hear the explosions!!!

الجزائر الجديدة ابشع من الخرا - 2019-11-10

Hi men i wan to extracted a phosphors from "npk" pouder !

Mercury - 2019-11-10

What are you planning on doing with the phosphorus

BackYard Science 2000 - 2019-11-10

With the content that you upload, I don't think anyone would want to tell you how to do anything.

piranha031091 - 2019-11-10

Putting that stuff on Youtube is how you get into serious trouble mate.

Nigel Johnson - 2019-11-10

@piranha031091 given the nature of the precursor chemicals, the risk of this being made by an amateur is relatively small.
They will simply not be able to acquire the raw materials, and if they can then there are other EMs they might make.
YouTubes reaction to this type of video verges on irrational hysteria. Terrorists do not seem to have any difficulty obtaining explosives and many have been trained in their manufacture. I consider these videos as educational, highlighting this very interesting aspect of chemistry, while performing the experiment at a safe distance. Most youg boys are attracted to the chemistry of things that go bang, and some start a career in chemistry as a result. I doubt if any such your potential chemists could procure the precursor chemicals anywhere in Western Europe without ring alarm bells in the national security agencies.

PoorMans Chemist - 2019-11-10

@piranha031091 That's why we have BitChute. Just the other day YT came out with some change where now they can axe your channel if it isn't "commercially viable" which means they can strike down anyone's channel just because they feel like it. They want to turn the platform into cable TV online. That being said I did a search on "make nitroglycerine" and 3 of the first 6 videos that pop up are how-tos and they've been there for years. YT is much more interested in censoring people for saying that there aren't 14 genders right now. Besides, do you honestly think that the next time some kid blows their hand off playing with stuff no matter where the info came from that some "journalist" isn't going to "expose" YT as some kind of haven for home chemists? Journalists don't have a conscience or souls. They don't care how many lives they wreck so long as their story gets clicks. I would bet any amount of money the scenario you are worried about is coming no matter what we do.

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2019-11-10

@piranha031091 speak for yourself!

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2019-11-10

@PoorMans Chemist well said

PoorMans Chemist - 2019-11-10

@Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla Thanks man. I hope I am wrong in my prediction but the way these click-driven "news" agencies/organizations are these days I am pretty damn sure that the only reason we haven't seen a story like that yet is simply because no one has thought to do it. The current moral panic is all about identity politics and loving or hating it is what drives the most clicks (that and Trump). But as soon as Trump isn't president and these dying news agencies start casting about for the next moral panic to create to keep people afraid and drive clicks we (or someone like us) will inevitably end up in the spotlight. You can't play nice and expect to win this fight; you cannot be reasonable with an unreasonable opponent. I think we can all agree that YT is pretty goddamn unreasonable these days!