> politique > dépression > living-in-the-sewers-of-colombia

Living in the Sewers of Colombia

VICE - 2012-05-18

Aside from literally sleeping in feces, these people are dodging rats, flash floods and drug addicts. What's worse, the sewer dwellers are constantly under attack by local "death squads," who fire open rounds and pour gasoline into their underground homes, then set them ablaze.

Hosted by Thomas Morton | Originally released in 2007 at http://vice.com

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Nola - 2016-09-04

And meanwhile little kids are complaining about the color of their iphones, man... this world is fucked up

Kgan - 2017-10-17

yea because that is their world, you cannot judge human nature because they do not know the world outside theirs.

Tyler Williams - 2017-11-09

Or lambos

f - 2017-11-09

Nutpoo Well they should be informed about stuff like this. I’ve seen kids cry about not getting what they wanted for Christmas and they’re the age of 12-14. They SHOULD know about stuff like this. There’s a world outside of their house.

crazy gardener - 2017-11-15

Poor crack heads liveing in a sewer

Sunni Dropp - 2020-03-07

Angel_2214 it doesn’t it’s the priest. They’re in little boys butts

Skeet Starr - 2019-11-25

I feel like a lot of these vice reporters didn't know what they were getting into.

Ole 8 - 2020-02-06

They should take the one from the libraria cannibal docu every time he is the greatest

phoneflipp - 2020-02-19

they kinda know but not all the details. not until it's too late to back out. 😂
source : my friend works for vice indonesia

Google User - 2020-03-03

@Ole 8 He's the co-founder of vice.

Ole 8 - 2020-03-11

@Google User Damn i didnt know that thats awesome

Fabrice ngabo - 2018-08-23

lord forgive me if I ever been ungrateful....

Balls Deep - 2020-01-14

You smell that Julian? Shitstickles! There's a shit storm coming!

Sean - 2020-01-15

Amen I so agree we are blessed.

SAH123 - 2020-01-31


Nikki C - 2020-02-10

@Balls Deep Thats the way the shit winds 💩 blow Randy!😁


Maybe try praying instead of actually commenting on a video

the sexiest man alive - 2018-07-23

Living in the woods suddenly doesn't sound so bad

Monochrome - 2019-10-08

@Liquor Snurf True but the witches and crazy cultists won't kill you because they are in a higher class than you, they'll kill you because they want sacrifices. Same with wild animals. At least they'll probably eat you. Here ya just get shot, burnt, or yer balls blasted off by fire-hoses.

Muffy Chao - 2019-12-11

@Liquor Snurf check out David Paulides missing 411 if you don't already know about the creepy Abductions in our National Parks and Forrest

contrary cd man - 2019-12-11

Har mate have a bet off a repck for thos poore pepel ok or C IRA COME you bot no what your facer will be like in 5 or 10years time ok C IRA STILL AT WER FOR A UNEIT 32 IRELAND CONTRYS OK LAD

Daily Sandwich - 2019-12-13

Its cold

Green X - 2019-12-14

It's good place to live It's just the paranoia that sets in because your alone

Brolando - 2019-01-04

The government of that country is seriously due for a cleansing.

arianasfungus - 2020-01-05

Jacobo Londoño Omg same, The United States also has a horrible president!

JPX64 - 2020-01-09

uribism is responsible... but this is something that is unlikely to change soon...

Jake - 2020-01-17

arianasfungus shut the fuck up moron they are not even comparable and to do so is disrespectful you clown

Randolph Ross - 2020-01-21

The US is heading in this direction especially if the democrats get back in total power, its coming.

vaporub - 2020-02-11

Lucci Thank you for sharing this. Never knew

M. Williams - 2019-11-21

God dammit the guy who lost his wife....
That's miserably sad.
Poor guy.

Antonio Bennett - 2020-01-05

She probably made it out and decided to make smarter life decisions. Jaja

THATpower 11 - 2020-01-06

Yea like fucking hell the couple must have gone through serious deep shit and stayed together and now he is the only one left

Fabian Trejo - 2020-01-17

bruh what you mean that shit was funny lol they could make a movie about that called "The Shitty Life of The Shitters"

Cyclical Cynic - 2020-01-23

@Fabian Trejo it could be written by a piece of shit named Fabian Trejo

Adam Dollars - 2020-02-02

All he could was her little head getting dragged away . man i felt that

Gary Bynoe - 2019-01-22

Just imagine...Just being born in a different place in the world where this could have been our lives! It costs us absolutely nothing to be grateful folks!

urian poisonblade - 2019-11-23

Lol this happens in the us too. Look it up fool

barbalalla2003 - 2019-12-03

I am so incredibly lucky. It is very unfair.

🌹Paifu™🌹 - 2019-12-17

I am very grateful but I won't be satisfied until we get rid of capitalism and the state

jose loves skating - 2020-01-22

That’s not the point of the video... you can’t just feel grateful for your life and think everything’s gonna be okay... this shit I’m Colombia is still happening...

RICK MARTIN - 2020-01-24


Anonymous Annie - 2019-02-07

Jesus, imagine being hunted everyday by your own society

Great Mao - 2019-11-24

@Juan Castaño castaño
Lol, wannabe gangsters are ultimate contras, ultimate capitalists, ultimate tool of USA to stomp us thirdworlders down.
Because they are being ultimate level miserable.
Just like these firstworld spoiled gay eunuchs in comment section, rofl.

Juan Castaño castaño - 2019-11-29

Trifectors The G O D im in Colombia just come here

richard hero - 2019-12-15

yes crazy people eh

Trifectors The G O D - 2020-01-23

@Kamo actually those are typically over crowded and or full

Scruffy - 2020-01-29

eliminate the threat an you'll have nothing to worry about

Elisa M.O - 2019-02-10

Setting a little girl on fire as part of social cleansing? I can’t even believe the world I live in

Jessie B - 2020-01-20

But its not really the world you live in is it? Not even close these people mine as well be on mars

H O N K H O N K - 2020-02-12

Lol imagine taking the word of a crackhead who lives in the sewers.

465marko - 2019-01-21

When I was a kid I wanted to live in a sewer, just to be like the ninja turtles.
But I see now, that plan had some flaws.

Anonymous - 2020-02-13

lmao, right!..

kodeman 21 - 2020-02-14

465marko funny joke marko funny joke

Latosha - 2020-02-16

Wow Rafael

MrWeedWacky - 2020-02-19

well you might actually mutate O.o

83delgado - 2020-03-02

Me too

shane phelan - 2019-09-23

back when vice still made good videos.

Kendra Moore - 2019-11-19

When I found this channel 4 years ago I would literally spend all my free time binge watching. Now I only watch their videos once in awhile.. only the old videos like this one.

drunkensailor112 - 2020-02-09

They recently did the wrestling documentaries. They were good

Maria de la Torre - 2018-06-25

Thank God for people like Jaime Jaramillo who is the ONLY person helping them and providing them with food, medical attention and NON JUDGEMENTAL SUPPORT. If it wasn't for his pioneering work, nothing would have been done, he has saved many lives, especially when these poor kids were soaked in gasoline and set fire to. He was the one who risked his life to get them to the hospital in their agony and the one who continues to risk his life in order to provide them with food and basic amenities.

David Torres - 2019-02-23

He isn't the only person, we actually have large groups of people that help this homeless people in Medellín. It is very common to see people helping this guys with food or blankets. This documentary shows him but it doesn't mean he is the only one. Myself and some friends do this kind of things somewhat often. Greetings!

Felix Platt - 2019-09-02

@David Torres That is inspirational. I hope Colombia becomes a very successful country. You and other brave Colombians deserve it.

nymersic - 2019-09-04

Dr. Jaime Jaramillo is a goddamn saint.

Jackie Johnson - 2020-01-20

@David Torres Are there any charities that people in other countries could donate to?

Adriano Haryo - 2018-11-30

I watched these in my bed with a comfy pillow and blanket, a hot chocolate and pizza on my side, it's cold and raining outside. Grateful man....grateful

shino88 - 2020-01-08

@Stewart Saldana A grateful grateful man 🤣

Bin1 - 2020-01-17

Should've gotten a soda bruh.

Mashiris - 2020-01-23

Pizza and hot chocolate? 😷😷 don’t you get thirsty?

TOP SHOTTA - 2020-01-26

The qweerest mix iv ever heard

I am Jean Pierre, the Evil Puppet! - 2020-01-28

@Stewart Saldana future diabetes patients.

S. Restrepo - 2019-11-24

I live in Medellín, Colombia's second largest city, and I had to learn through foreign journalism that there are people living in sewers in Bogota

carlos andres conrado - 2019-12-07

Así es el "periodismo" de este país, nunca escucharás nada de esto en RCN y caracol

I have no mouth and I must shitpost - 2020-01-23

Yo también, yo nunca sabia hasta ahora.

pupú cacack - 2020-01-24

@carlos andres conrado Lo que pasa es que Colombia aún no tiene libertad de expresión completa, si Los medios de comunicación quieten seguir funcionando tienen que adherirse a Las reglas :(

duMb biTCh - 2020-01-24

l live in Bogota, and i had to learn through foreign journalism that there are people living in the sewers and that there are death squads.

Dogs Sing - 2018-09-01

So amazing how those people still have a sense of humor. I hope things work out for them one day.

ARCTURUS - 2019-06-27

Mirth over Misery

Sean Russell - 2018-07-15

The purge is real

donna81082 - 2019-09-04

@-COLOMBIANCHANNEL-TM in 1st world countries it doesn't happen and when it does once every about 6 months they r arrested for murder

donna81082 - 2019-09-04

@-COLOMBIANCHANNEL-TM in 1st world countries it doesn't happen and when it does once every about 6 months they r arrested for murder

Johnny Bravo - 2019-11-23

At least the Columbians know how to deal with that problem... but when you have a stroll in Paris o Calais you will think French are stupid beyond reasonable doubt.

HysT PGidk211 - 2019-11-25

Right now yes

Peggi 18 - 2019-12-28

-COLOMBIANCHANNEL-TM my country’s shit hole but that deffo doesn’t happen here

الإسلام هو تحفة الشيطان - 2019-12-31

Why TF they would kill HOMELESS and helpless children at night? T_T

JPX64 - 2020-01-09

some people are fucking evil, some places of colombia arent a good place to live.... paramilitares all the way arround ready to killl you with the help of the government

الإسلام هو تحفة الشيطان - 2020-02-05

@Candy Texture they're godless people... Father help us!! 😭

Skinny Buddha - 2020-02-10

Because you're not gonna do it during the day right?

الإسلام هو تحفة الشيطان - 2020-02-10

@Skinny Buddha Buddha would be disappointed with you

Pascual Smith Valdés - 2020-02-15

Money and greed

Austin Cu - 2016-04-07

I bet anyone who watches this won't complain about their life in a few hours but when the days goes by we will go back to normal 😄

Johnny Bravo - 2019-11-23

Austin, you still don't know the feminists...

el cucuy - 2019-11-23

Living in the sewer is hard but when the sewer is inside Ur mind it's even harder

Bloodthirsty Vegan - 2019-11-24

1.6 thousand likes? This comment is barely literate.

Great Mao - 2019-11-24

How about you overthrow rightwingays in your cushy firstworld cuntry to finally join proletariat and help those poor people with machinery, construction materials, canned food, etc?
Nah, you westerners prefer to "oh, I so glad I can live off my welfare/parents/wife" self-brainwashing. Eunuchs.

Royed King - 2019-12-01

Austin Cu shut the fuck up

TheAlexx3c - 2018-07-14

7:42 eleven stabs, lives in the sewer, drug addict, but perfect teeth.

Sandra S - 2020-01-16

when the woman in the "sewer apartement" said she was cold, i really hoped the camera team would give her an extra sweater. i hope with all my heart her circumstances has changed for the better, and for all of the other people living like that too.

Jessie B - 2020-01-20

Why would you give her a sweater ? She's the one living in a sewer she should probably get use to if

Cyclical Cynic - 2020-01-23

Unfortunately a sweater won't fix her addiction. Very few clean and sober people would stay in this environment. But also, this environment creates addicted people. Very sad all around

Christiaan Haesen - 2019-06-26

DAMN.. To think I was born there.. adoption saved me I recon

el cucuy - 2019-11-23

Christiaan Haesen could u explain in detail bro

Rillwill - 2019-12-13

I adopted him

Fabrizio de Mari - 2020-01-18

na bro Colombia is a beautiful place to live

H O N K H O N K - 2020-02-12

Tell us about how you escaped the sewer

Kim Jong-un - 2018-08-25

And I felt upset because I cannot afford a car, and have to take the bus, I should never complain about that again, these people have it so bad, there should be more done to help these people. This is even worse than living on the streets, at least they have fresh air and sunlight.

MrBluemanworld - 2019-10-05


Griffith Williams - 2019-10-11

Well I can't drive so I'm happy to walk but long distance il catch the bus

Austin King - 2019-10-19

thetraveller0415 people like u make me laugh y are u so concerned what other countries are doing if their country is shit that’s on them it’s fine to contain the worst thing u can be in America is homeless which isn’t even that bad if your smart

Vic Hairyman - 2020-01-20

says the biggest dictator of all time

Noah Majka - 2020-02-21

Are you the real Kim jong un

HA AS - 2020-01-14

As someone with hygienic problems, seeing you touching everything in the sewer made it even harder to watch..

Deb_Hobbs - 2018-12-23

Felt terrible when the guy described how he lost his wife 😭😭

1 Life - 2018-06-30

The government and the elite should be tried for human right atrocities.

Tyler Turgeon - 2019-12-17

Hahah and so should the states and every other fucking country if anyone thinks human rights truly exist your fucking stupid we don’t have rights were goddam enslaved by our own governments wake up

suki - 2019-12-17

Tyler Turgeon your absolutely right people keep saying they are grateful because of our rights yea we aren’t living in sewers were on phones but technology and a bit of other consumerism is one of many forms of slavery we face.

MobileAlabama - 2019-12-28

For what killing a bunch of crackheads living in the sewers?
No they should get a payraise

dumpster fire - 2020-01-15

doesn't matter, corrupt government

Ryan Amie - 2020-01-16

@MobileAlabama ......... Attention seeker, ok we see your ignorant ass. You happy now

Kay LoveBug - 2020-01-26

Back when vice did actual journalism.

Ionlymadethistoleavecoments - 2016-10-11

Is this real? No matter how many times I remind my self this is real, I just can't imagine people so heartless so as to even burn children alive.

bestgreensguaranteed - 2019-12-12

@Tim Slee becaus people love to bang when they high

Tim Slee - 2019-12-12

@bestgreensguaranteed Good point.

relog - 2020-01-01

Ionlymadethistoleavecoments you’re still in childhood phase then, even if you’re a “adult” you don’t know what 3rd world country is like, it’s hell

frida kraljica - 2020-01-03

you have been living on some other planet? because mankind been doing this kind of shit since the dawn of time

Calebe Priester - 2020-01-20

You are very naive if you think that human beings aren't capable of such things like burning children alive. Do yourself a favor and never research about the occult and what people in power did to gain power and what they do to maintain their power.

Kaitlyn Rosa - 2019-06-12

Oh my heart 😢. How anyone could be so cruel is beyond me. I can’t understand murdering anyone, let alone children. That’s so vile.

Liudas Steponavičius - 2019-06-24

Probably because you are a woman. Men feel less guilt. Violence is built in their psyche.

Digital Bear Productions - 2019-09-04

I do agree that us men are violent by nature when it comes to survival or certain beliefs.

Rumpel Stiltskin - 2019-11-02

Liudas Steponavičius Yeah, except when a woman divorces a man for pettiness...taking with her his possessions, kids, and forcing him into a situation where he has to pay child support, and in some cases alimony, effectively rendering him unable to live, while she’s off already sucking another cock getting ready to ruin another man. Women are just as heartless.

horse sabre - 2019-11-14

Rumpel Stiltskin holy shit that’s incel as hell

ya boi richard - 2019-12-11

@Rumpel Stiltskin hey man, are you okay? do you want to talk about something?

selena reeves - 2020-01-15

I can’t but help but to wonder how she’s gonna get out of that small entry with a full pregnant belly :(

Gustavo A Ramirez - 2019-07-28

Even through all that struggle, they are still people with amazing hearts.

jbzhummerh2gamer - 2019-11-02

Gotta admire a person who can make jokes even when living in a situation like that.

Kgamer - 2016-09-09

That doctor is the closest thing we get to a real life super hero

martin nielsen - 2019-08-10

@John Doe haha the guy who kills thies people? no doubt you and your president are the scum of the earth

Hypnotoad - 2019-08-13

And he looks a bit like Burt Reynolds.

Austin King - 2019-10-19

Cyber Demon typical liberal

Austin King - 2019-10-19

String Up The Maoist typical retard liberal putting other people above themselves we shouldn’t do shit for Mexico their country went to shit helping them will cause us to do the same learn ur shit before u type anything

Austin King - 2019-10-19

martin nielsen lol I can just tell ur a pussy liberal who’s never fucked a girl trump is doing things that are great including extra jobs for all the fucking bums that don’t wanna work and keeping al illegals out Trump is gonna win 2020 and I can’t wait to see u liberals cry

Beautiful Diva - 2019-12-16

I will never complain about the things I don’t have.

La Novas - 2019-12-18

Beautiful Diva ikr I’m with

Brendan Ziegler - 2019-11-25

My god, I’m a high schooler and I thought I knew what hell was, hell was getting my ass beat if I got in really big trouble, hell was midterms hell was finals but my god, I couldn’t have been farther from the truth. I am not an emotional person but when he talked about the little girl being set on fire, I cried a bit. I cried again when I saw the puppy.😢 WTF is wrong with people? Why are these innocent people and animals threats?

AdhitYa Dwinggasmara - 2019-03-20

Hey, do you notice the puppey.
Damn i can imagine they live in totally darkness.

Sandra S - 2020-01-16

actually cried when i saw them.

Gamer_Gawd - 2019-06-15

When he pointed out the "shitsickle" hanging off of the sewer ceiling it instantly reminded me of the Barnacle from the Half Life games

Hillary Mack - 2018-10-01

I am truly blessed. God help those poor souls 🙏

henry - 2019-11-25

6:48 that was kinda scary

Naweed Omar - 2019-12-17

H o m i e O z b e e like a scary movie type shit

Simantini Sinha - 2019-06-16

Sewer people with heart of gold ♥. They 😍 those puppies and taking care of them too. The wife is third time pregnant but where are her two older kids?

OverLord 666 - 2019-10-13

" don't worry" " yeah but we should go though" 😂

peoplevsradio317 - 2019-07-12

Every Vice report always shows a random shoe sitting somewhere. Now that I've told you you will see it in every single report.

PurplySilveryHaze - 2019-09-26

Woah, where'd the n word come from

The Appliance Guru - 2019-09-29

I noticed that too It's was incorrectly translated. The exact translation was "where's the big black Mother effer"

Shinta Kikuchi - 2020-01-16

I’d rather ask a stranger to live with me

Goldenguard - 2020-01-05

6:18 when u fart out loud but u act like it wasn't u

AnimalHouseforReal - 2015-12-29

Thomas deserved a huge bonus for reporting this story!

Nicolas Gomez - 2017-06-10

ALERTTTT, comie in the comments

TOMAS CARRILLO - 2017-06-29

AnimalHouseforReal but he still very pu55y, you need to get deep in the story risking your own integrity, and he just didnt do it

Not a FBI Agent 26 - 2017-08-04

TOMAS CARRILLO what else could he have done

Tallon Burnz - 2017-10-16

He actually didn't bitch out

Red Vitamins - 2019-11-12

I'm really tired of woman being synonymous with cowardice.

Chandan Bhowal - 2019-02-01

Ah yes, ending poverty by killing the poor. Totally works!!

Juan Pablo Rojas W. - 2019-08-20

2019... Many people still living in sewers. There was a place in downtown called "The Bronx" that was dismateled thanks to the efforts of the Mayor of Bogota, Mr. Enrique Peñalosa and his Staff. Many outsiders got a better life, others went to look for other sewers; now, with the exodus of Venezuelans to many big and medium size cities in Colombia, the situation has gotten worse. Many foreigners are taking the place of the "Disposables" (which should not be the word for them) and somehow the ones in the sewers are moving a notch up in the social system. (You may see many undocumented Venezuelans in the Public bus system called "Transmilenio". At the bus stops, you may see two guys exiting the doors of a bus an then four get inside the bus to sing or sale candies to get their living. Since I came back to Bogota 6 years ago I haven't heard about any social cleanups or whatsoever but yet safety outside the streets is at high risk any time of the day.

Jake Bolger - 2019-12-13

Thanks for the update on the situation!

Cordelia Spraggins - 2019-01-01

"Social cleansing" in other words the purge!!

MobileAlabama - 2019-12-28

Purging crackheads... Nothing wrong with that

Rowan Melton - 2020-01-05

@MobileAlabama You heartless piece of shit. Do you have a conscience? Or are you just too stupid to understand thing's more than at face value? You think if you'd have been born into their situation, you'd be any different?

Chasity Toney - 2018-12-26

Why get pregnant though?

dankypanky - 2019-09-23

@aleco678 if you dont have birth control dont have sex?

Sara Liliana Buitrago Aguilar - 2019-09-25

@K Core these are sewer people who constantly shoot up drugs they are born in it. They don't know better. Bogota used to have free birth control for them but they stopped funding it. You can't stop them from having sex people always will no matter how miserable they are. I've seen it first hand

- asteri - - 2019-12-21

Ikr you can choose to be pregnant

Josh Fay - 2020-01-08

Well you know, the timing was right and they weren't getting any younger. They had that spacious crevice with wall to wall recyclable floors. Plus their financial planner said it would put them into a more advantageous tax bracket.

c crex - 2020-01-09

@aleco678 just cum against the wall

samspace81 - 2017-02-02

lets get acupuncture before we hit up the sewers, nothing protects from infection like open cuts

Aden hui - 2019-01-22

acupuncture needles are very fine so the wound isn't even that big its like the head of the smallest needle in the kit at most, also, its only needs to touch the nerve in the skin so its doesn't pierce all the way.
dont r/wooosh me

K M - 2019-06-12

@TonyMon16 nice pseudo science

Dio Brando - 2019-10-05

@Mellissa Harvel >neo-nazi flat earthers
because those are related in any way

c crex - 2020-01-09

Cause the doctor is an idiot too.
Acupunture magice doesnt even work

Jackie Johnson - 2020-01-20

Also, potentially dirty needles... so ridiculous.