> temp > à-trier > sand-castle-holds-up-a-car-mechanically-stabilized-earth-practical-engineering

Sand Castle Holds Up A Car! - Mechanically Stabilized Earth

Practical Engineering - 2016-05-16

Dirt is probably the cheapest and simplest construction material out there, but it's not very strong compared to other choices. Luckily geotechnical engineers have developed a way to strengthen earthen materials with almost no additional effort - Mechanically Stabilized Earth (aka MSE or Reinforced Soil). If you look closely, you'll see MSE walls are everywhere. Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think!

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Website: http://practical.engineering
Patreon: http://patreon.com/PracticalEngineering
Music: Doctor Vox - Gold (https://youtu.be/VM-hX0BQf40)

Practical Engineering - 2017-03-18

In the narration, I'm using the terms "soil" and "dirt" to mean any earthen granular material (including sands). A lot of non-US viewers have been confused by my mixing those terms. Sorry about that!

Jake Jake - 2020-02-19

Might wanna blur those license plates on the future 😁

Stanley Ehichioya - 2020-02-21

Nice one but I observed this can only help against compressive stress on retaining wall..pls sir how does this support against tensile stress of internal forces

AMULET72 - 2020-03-07

No problem. We call it muck, shlobber, gutter, sputter....etc etc

Greg Dyer - 2020-03-15

Good channel always informational videos 👍

A.D.M Nurseries - 2020-03-17

Yes you should have said sand.

Hydraulic Press Channel - 2016-05-16

I might know one guy that has a hydraulic press...

Ginzo Milani - 2020-01-20

Wow awesome, I get to see the results right away!

That One Renderer - 2020-01-20


paulo cesar - 2020-01-29

Now that IS a avengers level threat

Potatoe Chip - 2020-03-03

Hydraulic Press Channel yes bro!! I’ve been to your channel do it!!

1ndiankapkan - 2020-03-16

Please do

g - 2018-10-17

"I dropped a 25 pound weight from six feet up, to simulate what would happen if you dropped a 25 pound weight from six feet up." That's a perfect example of "engineer humor." Made me LOL, Thanks!

Kerbotr Kerbotr - 2020-01-11

Ah yes the floor is made out of floor

Miloš Golubović - 2020-01-20

He said barbell
And greetings I'm a mechanical engineering freshman

Michael Daley - 2020-01-21

The joke is the literalness of his shake my. To test the effect of 25lb drop from 6ft he did exactly that, but his description would allude to doing something else to mirror that effect. Which he didn't

Rick Klean - 2020-02-16

Had me laughing aswell

Villa Pusa - 2020-02-26

"and almost no damage" yeah it really is I guess

windy kar - 2019-07-24

"Dirt was probably your first construction material"

Flashbacks to my first minecraft house

Ochako Uraraka - 2019-08-02

This is very true lol

GVGVIT1993 - 2019-08-04

But actually this is so true and every single newbie in Minecraft reflects evolution of civilization and goes through same steps which mankind went through in thousands of years. At first newbie finds a cave as first shelter, then he builds a house of sticks and dirt, then he builds a stone house, then he gets metals. Exactly like humanity did. This game is just brilliant.

Atlas the corgi - 2019-09-01


JAFFE KīkëSTEIN BLAHA - 2019-09-09


Alex Snitzer - 2019-09-22

My first house was stone. I now mostly build treehouses.

pensive - 2020-01-05

"if you apply a load, you get a failure" story of me being born

Justin Delacerda - 2020-01-07

If top comment god was on YouTube I'd summon him here

Corey - 2020-01-09

Give this man a standing ovation.

shadyshawn trismegistus - 2020-02-29

Oh fuck ya.. thats hilarious

Hemara Otimi - 2020-03-04

God is a great blocker of Sand , does your comment relate to thee ejaculating on Sand a composite material . God's blessings to you all .

Louis Swanepoel - 2018-10-24

No one laughed at the comment "This is an engineering channel, NOT A SCIENCE CHANNEL". This is the most beautiful line I have ever heard on YouTube.

imemine7 - 2019-09-13

@Mezuzah87 As I was told when I studied physics at university, "engineering uses physics like physics uses mathematics". In other words, the results are taken and used with only a little interest in the processes by which those results came to be.

Lawrence Mayne - 2019-09-14

@MacIn173 Engineers, the willing foot-soldiers of science.... Forever sacrificing themselves for us science peoples grater glory.

albu obscure - 2019-12-27

Engineers don't care about the etiology, only the phenomenology.
Which is why engineering works, but science not necessarily.

albu obscure - 2019-12-27

MacIn173 Engineers know when to ignore academic results, imagine replacing empirical design with fractal theories.

Robert Acorn - 2020-01-09

@Randy Dueck But what about original sin? (forgive, I couldn't resist!)

Spookworm - 2019-05-19

pulls away cup to reveal sand


The Nuggernaut - 2020-02-15

The word sand is copyrighted by dr sand md, creator of sand co.

Saigyl - 2020-02-26

and dirt is copyrighted by sips co

Ricleto Espinosa - 2020-03-07

in engineering, sand is a particle size classification.. along with clay, silt, boulders etc

Jasoon Pittard - 2020-01-09

This reinforced dirt reminds me a lot of what plant roots do to keep the earth together.

Math - 2020-01-13

I was just thinking... how should/can I use this in the garden

lolbosss1325 - 2020-01-17

Now this makes me hate moles

Mitch Gates - 2020-02-10

Exactly, and why trees are so important for the long term sustainability of our soils, especially in areas of sloping country and flowing water.

namAehT - 2020-02-18

Sod houses exploit this principle very effectively.

Alex Savastru - 2020-02-19

Well it's pretty much the same thing. Reinforcing earth with things that grow from said earth. Cool stuff idk

ClockMan - 2019-07-28

Of course dirt is cheap,it's everywhere!
Just punch the ground 3 times.

Nokia - 2019-07-27

Bully tries to kick sand castle

breaks foot cuz reinforced soil

Sweet Potato Loves You - 2019-09-17

I'd like to see that XDDD

Blockcamp - 2019-11-27

can relate

helperbot 2000 - 2019-12-06

Or when one kid kicks my foot, but i have reinforced shoetips!

Kerbotr Kerbotr - 2020-01-11

Reinforced MP5 for the bullies the best song is Run run baby run run

lolbosss1325 - 2020-01-17

laughs in boot

Tomartyr - 2018-05-19

That kid who smashes my sandcastles is in for a surprise.

גלעד ירדן - 2019-11-30

Zivly thanks psychopath we want to make the kid slight pain not to make him die from painful bleeding

John - 2019-12-20

Poop and then build the castle around it.

Passing Stranger - 2020-01-17

Put a landmine

Ryuga Anderson - 2020-03-13

Make the tops pointy as well

He probably won't do that again

John Peric - 2020-03-17

Put broken glass covered in neurotoxins in your sand castle. They'll be in for a surprise then!

Facundo Ribeiro - 2019-07-27

We need cheap constructing material
Minecraft player:
problem solved

Jimmy Two-Times - 2019-07-31

I see now that when Anakin said that sand was coarse and rough, he actually was praising its mechanical engineering properties

Justin Delacerda - 2020-01-07

Contrary to his hatred for granular materials, he sure did appreciate their physical qualities

Darkherring - 2019-04-27

Hi, are you aware that FB page Mashable is using your content on their page?

Skyett - 2019-07-29

This is why watermarks exist; Facebook and Instagram clout chasers.

Oskar Bech-Trueman - 2019-11-26

Oh no! I hate it when good content is stolen. It’s a horrible thing to do

SorryBones - 2019-07-24

“Engineered dirt”
I guess nothing is overlooked when it comes to human ingenuity huh

Mf Tripz - 2019-11-29

SorryBones from dirt to wood homie

John Lawlor - 2017-05-24

"I dropped a 20 lb weight from 6 ft up to simulate dropping a 20 lb weight from 6 ft up."

Nice! - 2019-02-23

"Just like the simulations"

Rob Hatch - 2019-03-24

That made me laugh pretty hard.

Tom R - 2019-09-29

@dasaint0 far out so many people are misquoting him on this. I agree he didn't mean it as a joke

shadyshawn trismegistus - 2020-02-29

You mean 25 pounds... LISTEN MUCH? YOU FOOL. I bet you feel real silly about this mis step. How can we ever forgive you?

ian peligrino - 2020-03-16

Proof that we live in a simulation.

Arcana - 2019-09-04

Now I can finally make my Minecraft dirt house in real life!

Luke S - 2019-10-02

"Dirt is cheaper than just about anything else out there"
Shows sand

Count Cobalt - 2020-01-11

Sand is dirt. Dirt is made of sand, silt, and/or clay.

Tamerlane - 2020-02-05


Mehedi Hasan - 2020-02-22

earth, water, fire, air. what element to master next.

Daniel Sinaga - 2020-03-18

@Mehedi Hasan you must be avatar to master all the element

B. A - 2019-02-02

This shot made me realize mountains are just giant piles of dirt

Adriano Arne-Ritz - 2019-12-04

@Winston Smith No, Winston. The Party expressly states that mountains are giant piles of dirt. Therefore,your opinion is invalid. You have commited a thoughtcrime and you shall be sent to Room 101 where you will be re-educated. Long live Big Brother and Oceania.

Winston Smith - 2019-12-04

@Adriano Arne-Ritz It looks like I am going to have a double plus ungood day...

God - 2020-01-16


shadyshawn trismegistus - 2020-02-29

Technically good sir you are incorrect, the agrogates of multidirt rock materials are hydrichemicaly seraphimaly composed of irregular compacted ailmenting... ya its dirt your right.

A55455In47I0n - 2020-03-14

@shadyshawn trismegistus Technically good sir you are incorrect, the agrogates of multidirt rock materials are hydrichemicaly seraphimaly composed of irregular compacted ailmenting... ya its dirt your right.

A Crustacean - 2018-10-10

"This is an engineering channel, not a science channel" SHOTS FIRED

Lorcan G - 2019-07-27

7:00 I'm dropping this 25 pound weight 6ft up to simulate dropping a 25 pound weight 6ft up

Myconix - 2019-01-08

"Practical engineering" sounds an awful lot like "applied applied science"

uabir - 2018-11-30

Now I know that engineering is not science.
I'll make sure to let my engineer friends know over and over again.

Rapierlynx - 2019-01-27

Of course engineering isn't science. They have completely different goals. Science seeks to learn about the world and universe we live in. Engineering uses what scientists learn to solve practical problems. That's probably oversimplified, but close enough.

Also, an engineer would be satisfied with a "close enough" answer, if a sufficient factor of safety is applied. We don't have to know the exact breaking strength of a bridge, for example, as long as we're pretty sure it's twice as much as the biggest load we expect to be on it.

Sérgio Alves - 2019-09-01

@Rapierlynx What are you talking about, engineering is science, or if you want to be really pedantic about it, it's the practical application of science.

The distinction here, and made in the video, is that when people hear the word "science" they usually take it to mean academic theoretical science. Which often takes a lot of unnecessary extra steps, in this case there is no point in testing what happens to a lump of sand when you try to support a car on it, it's obvious. Or when he dropped the 25lbs weight a scientific paper would have weighed it with some calibrated scales and written down the exact weight which probably isn't exactly 25lbs, but for you and me and anyone making blocks of reinforced sand who cares if it's 24 or 26.

Without engineering science is just a massive waste of time.

Jack Kraken - 2018-07-12

"Mechanically Stabilized Earth" Sounds like extremely complicated stuff, then I saw the video.

William Dye - 2016-05-18

"I dropped this 25-pound barbell from about six feet up to simulate what would happen if you drop a 25-pound weight on the cube from six feet up." :-)

Boyo - 2017-05-14

RoMMeL1337ak47 Ayy, nice

Sacul Eman - 2017-07-15

William Dye if you look it's 20 not 25, he said 25.😁

shingshongshamalama - 2018-02-12

Sign of a true engineer.

Duskears - 2018-02-14


Furri Coat - 2019-02-08

@egg U (potential energy) = mgh = 1/2 mv^2 ==> v^2 = 2gh. This value is the same for both weights. Momentum = mv, so the 25lb weight would have more momentum, and impulse = dL/dt (L is momentum), so since the 25lb weight has more momentum, it would have a larger impulse on the sand block, and impulse is basically force, so the 25lb weight would do more damage.

Ryan M. - 2019-09-10

This sentence sums up what engineering is

Rentaro89 - 2019-09-09

"Dirt was your first construction material." - Sam, 10, Minecraft Player

Stefan 1324 - 2019-04-15

Now everytime I see a elevated highway I will imagine the dirt inside it.

hu jv zhan - 2019-08-28

"This is an engineering channel, not a science channel" big oof

Maestro The Ranger - 2018-10-10

"This is an engineering channel not a science channel, we all know what a car on a sand cube looks like" Thank You!

Ryan M. - 2019-09-10

>building sandcastle
>bully comes over
>kicks my sandcastle
>enjoy my ice cream as he’s wheeled on a stretcher into the back of an ambulance

James Bond - 2019-10-23

Ryan M. I once made a sand mound at the beach by just taking wet sand, packing it, dry sand, packing it, and repeating the process until I had about a 10 inch mound. I then put a soccer ball on it and told my dad to kick it. He broke his foot 😁 guy was an asshole....

oof - 2020-01-20

James Bond I built a gigantic hole in the sand and you could stand in it, it got harder and harder as I got down but eventually, I looked up to see my work, and I couldn’t get out. Little me had to make stairs

James Bond - 2020-01-22

@oof hahaha ive done that before... Good times :)

lollercopterwoot - 2019-05-09

"Mazda Grocery Hauler" lmao

Sudden Cucumber - 2019-01-04

so minecraft dirt houses are actually genius pieces of engineering

Scolar Visari - 2019-07-26

"Engineered Dirt"

Anyone else expect to see a tag that says "Made in Germany"?

lordelliott42 - 2018-11-12

This has been in my recommended videos for about 2 years, and I finally watched it. Nice video. ^_^

Agnoletto - 2019-05-19

Oh jesus. Not even in my surveyors school is explained this amazing thing :O

Snaily - 2019-05-05

This was the video that introduced me to this channel and, looking back, you've got MUCH better at literally everything since then.

Mcofell - 2016-06-04

"I dropped this 25 pound barbell from about 6 feet up to simulate what would happen if you dropped a 25 pound weight on the cube from 6 feet up." This is why I love this channel.

That Bad BLU Spy - 2017-07-06

Perhaps the bar itself was already five pounds.

Nathan Monahan - 2017-07-07

lol, i was gunna say the same thing. we're not doing science, we're doing engineering.

Butter Finger - 2017-07-07

That Bad BLU Spy no the bar is incuded in the 20.

LavaCreeper500 - 2017-07-08

6:59 for anyone that wanna hear it

Jos Geerink - 2017-07-14


Luca Dario Bützberger - 2019-07-26

10 years later: Someone build a skyscraper out of dirt.

The Hølder - 2019-07-27

Plenty of people have already

In a game

Pulsar - 2019-07-28

Im just imagining a fully built and furnished scyscraper in minecraft but made of dirt

Skyett - 2019-07-29

@The Hølder

Abdul Haseeb - 2020-02-25

It's literally
Dirt cheap

Kurtis Saiyo - 2018-10-29

Hello! Great demonstrative content!

I live in California, where earthquakes are not uncommon. I know you've done some demonstrations on shear strength of soils, but think a short demo on how liquification occurs would be neat.

Keenan Fehrenbacher - 2019-08-02

Love holds earth together

mraider94 - 2016-05-21

Should contact the hydraulic press channel and do a colab. See how far different reinforcements will go.

Oosk - 2017-03-19

+Michael Faux They're talking about the one that is literally called "The Hydraulic Press Channel." The one that I believe was the first to do a series on crushing stuff with a press. And then there were many, many copycats.

kleetus92 - 2017-03-19

You are exactly correct. They are into all kinds of neat stuff, would be curious to see the actual difference in surface PSI ratings that could be obtained with this. I'm an engineer, but not geological.

Nak tura - 2017-07-03

THPC definitely wasn't the first channel to crush things, just the best marketed.

zzebra - 2017-07-04

yeah mail a cube of dirt to finland

Feint - 2017-07-11

This is new to me so....

Ronan Clark - 2020-02-02

It's so simple and I was an inch away from never knowing it

alex bolton - 2019-11-06

on todays episode of "i have literally no life and im bored af so im watching the random vids that get recommended to me" show

Z6XO - 2019-09-08

I learned more from this than my 5th grade science class.

Nick Molliger - 2019-07-24

1:17 - Easyest way to explain "Interstellar" logic. I see! They just muddle love and gravity

WhatAreYouBuyen - 2017-06-30

When I was a kid I used to use sea weed and layers of dirt to build my sand kingdoms. But I didn't know why it was always better... Now I know. Thanks

K1naku5ana3R1ka - 2018-10-11

Ding it, I want so give some profound one-line quip in response, but I can’t figure out how to express it!

John Cayenne-McCall - 2019-05-02

My sister and I used to pretend seaweed was like rebar

Pandu Bagus - 2019-05-04

You are natural born engineer brother!

The BakerMaker - 2019-11-09

1:17 Love is the force that holds the world together. That is true engineering. Another great video man 👍

Red Wasp - 2019-07-29

Love is false here....and its sad to know it...