> temp > à-trier > why-is-a-kettle-louder-before-it-boils-thunderf00t

Why is a kettle louder BEFORE it boils?

Thunderf00t - 2018-02-28

So its always bugged the hell out of me why a kettle makes most noise before it boils, then becomes almost silent when it actually boils.  However when you get a high speed camera on it, it becomes very obvious very quickly!  The noise is actually made by the collapse of steam bubbles in colder water.  At about 70 C you have the most number of these bubbles collapsing.  As the temperature of the water gets higher, the steam in the bubbles doesnt condense as well, meaning the bubbles have a longer lifetime.  Finally when the water boils, the bubbles dont collapse at all, and it becomes almost silent!

Cool stuff water does under vacuum:

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Ashish Patel - 2018-02-28

well if the kettle used solar FREAKIN roadways it would make no noise.

because solar roadways dont make enough electricity to power a kettle. =] lol

NathanWilson - 2018-02-28

Just last night I was wondering why the simple act of boiling water has to be so loud!

Setekh - 2018-03-01

xXxMartin96xXx Eh... So you never noticed that when the water is actually boiling the water moves a lot more and more visibly than just before it boils and you never noticed that when the water evidently moves a lot less than when it boils it makes a lot more sound?

I think you may be mistaken on your observation. Water makes more sound before it boils than when it actually boils. That's what this video is about. If your water behaves differently you may want to ask the water supplier to try and filter the pebbles out.

Anvilshock - 2018-03-01

"Im gonna talk a bit out of my arse here." You've been doing that from the very first post in this thread. No offense.

Zacharie Etienne - 2018-03-01

teachers should be armed

Cam - 2018-03-02

It's especially loud for me since I use a gas stovetop kettle. You can hear it getting up to a boil all the way from upstairs.

Martin D A - 2018-03-19

Moving particles are not sound waves...really now, are they.

Bonker - 2018-02-28

Thank you Thunderf00t, this is the content I subscribed to.

Objects in Motion - 2018-03-04

Lol. "near" militant.
Try full on armada.

Ricky - 2018-03-04

Sigh...he just uploaded a non science video

kapachangos - 2018-03-08

Same here.. the rants are ok too.. but it seems they distract TF00t from videos like this one.

Neofizz - 2018-03-10

Yes, I too came for the science and if he could ramp it back up I would resub.

Rolling Thunder - 2018-05-17

Neofizz Why did tfoot's opinions trigger you?

Argamis (SilverComet) - 2018-03-01

In 30 years we may not remember everything, but we will stil know that a kettle makes noise because of poping small bubbles.

Anvilshock - 2018-03-01

Hehehe, well done.

Benjamin Philipp - 2018-03-01

Nice one, David! :D
I was just looking if someone already wrote something - couldn't have put it better myself :)

Pete Lorenzo - 2018-03-06

what does the pope have to do with this?

Anvilshock - 2018-03-06

Read the original: "because of poping small bubbles"

Fahim Saharaiar - 2018-06-28

I'll be back in 30 years see you all then!

Ricky - 2018-02-28

Thanks thunderf00t, keep making more of these science videos

Aviv Rubinstein - 2018-03-07

Scott Johnstone Well whatever

Scott Johnstone - 2018-03-07

Aviv Rubinstein Yeah, exactly...........Let's try and keep Pinocchio from poking his nose eh? 😑

Aviv Rubinstein - 2018-03-26

Scott Johnstone no u the fuckin pinocchio

Scott Johnstone - 2018-03-28

Aviv Rubinstein Ohh, brutal!

Aviv Rubinstein - 2018-03-28

Scott Johnstone u mom gay

Ricky - 2018-02-28

I love how you say "water"

Lyle Crawford - 2018-03-02

Understood; I was merely making fun of my own accent.

Dalendrion - 2018-03-03

Lyle Crawford you might avoid the issue altogether, as many in SE England do. "Wa'er." :D

schuelermine - 2018-03-03

/wɒ̹tə/ instead of /wɒ̜tɘr/, i'd say.

Lyle Crawford - 2018-03-03

Dalendrion Ha, yes, there are many different accents in the UK!

Twinfire - 2018-03-16

war tar, that's how I say it, some others may say whoa durr, wawda, wawta, wata, wot ah, alchohol dilutant

EvilGunRinger - 2018-02-28

A long time ago when i was a kid, i remember asking myself where the bubbles in boiling water actually came from, but i never really got back to it. Now you´ve answered my unasked question.
Thanks Thunderf00t!

Magnificent Golden Beast - 2018-03-03

Evil. T-foot got it wrong. It's evil water leeches.

DMolitor - 2018-02-28

I have actually been wondering about that. Great video, thanks :)

CoCoNO - 2018-03-01

i like when you do science and not drama

kajacx - 2018-03-01

Not all "drama" is bad, a good creationists debunking is always welcomed.

Pentti Hilkuri - 2018-03-01

But science + drama = more better =)

dahitmann - 2018-03-02

Please check Thunderf00t's history. He's been doing "politics" and "drama" videos since the very beginning.

joppe peelen - 2018-03-02

funny i just said the same :)

Random guy - 2018-03-18

when he do a debunked video i learn new thing

Graham Strouse - 2018-02-28

I suspect that the English spend a lot more time thinking about kettles than Americans...

LemmyJackAndCoke - 2018-03-11

Yep, we love our cups of tea.

John Smith - 2018-03-13

1200w? try 3120w

superscatboy - 2018-03-19

Jason Knight Wow, look at your very clever words. You must be very smart and probably good at sex too. We are all very impressed, and do not think you're being at all pathetic.

MidnightSt - 2018-03-22

yeah, you're right, beer and stupidity are not usually being boiled. =D =D

EagleEye Mcgee - 2018-10-01

A standard British tank crew is always provided with a means to boil water. Send the men into fire, but no without tea.

David Parry - 2018-02-28

A BRILLIANT Video. Thanks, Thunderf00t. That has explained something that's bugged me too for YEARS.
Thank you.

Mam Amheus - 2018-02-28

Cavitation is a really interesting effect and it would make an epic video - hint hint!
I've seen wrecked propellers after a single cross-Atlantic trip (at high speed). Also mantis shrimps create one right in front of the claw which "punches". It's so hot in the bubble it creates between it and its target that any moisture in the bubble apparently turns to plasma (think it's that way around. Don't have time to dig it out right now, but I usually remember what I've seen). It's only for a fraction of a second but the temp is the same as the surface of the sun.
(Any errors here I am blaming on Prof B Fox and possibly Sir David Attenborough. I may be mistaken but they are among the DVDs on science I watch the most!)

Matthew Vandeventer - 2018-02-28

Mam Amheus
Now imagine that kind of cavitation on the surface of sodium causing rapid dissolution of sodium, while the dissolved sodium reacts with the water... Don't tell thunderf00t I was here!

kleinjahr - 2018-03-01

I've seen, more than once, pump impellers destroyed by cavitation. Actually seen time lapse microphotos of it occurring. Kind of weird when you see the bubble turn into a little donut. Who'd a thunk it?

Czenda Czendov - 2018-03-01

Ooooh, in WATER.. and here I was wondering why would the propellers on an airplane get wrecked by cavitation just by flying over the Atlantic.

Benoit Avril - 2019-03-24

I always doubted about that plasma shrimp

Bruno Perina - 2018-02-28

I believe that if you make a kettle that follows the fluid dynamics with the convection currents, like that pan that “stirs itself “, I would make less noise.

AguaFluorida - 2018-03-16

Trains aren'y routinely driven through cheese sauce :D

Bruno Perina - 2018-03-16

Hey yall. https://goo.gl/images/AFFGCm

Freedom Talk Media - 2018-03-17

You're right. I'm sure if you put some cheese sauce down, it would stop the train.

AguaFluorida - 2018-03-17

Let's do it! I'm sure it would be great to watch :D

Anvilshock - 2018-03-19

Hahaha, I love how this thread progressed ... "trains aren't routinely driven through cheese sauce" - Thanks for the laugh, lads!

James Peters - 2018-02-28

Now make some nice soothing tea and get over your cold. :)

rrrandommman - 2018-03-01

3:20 Thunderf00t gettin' his meme on, love it.

Clapped Out - 2018-03-01

rrrandommman that was a good one lmao

SuperAtheist - 2018-03-01

I boil my water in a microwave so I was blissfully unaware of the situation.

thanks for answering questions I didn't know I had

Vulgar Phil - 2018-03-01

Amazing! Just amazing! Imma go out of my way to write this idubbbz joke: "The not so low budget slow mow lad"

Jero Toro - 2018-03-04

"I'm British, and I'm a scientist... how can I combine these two facts?"

LlamaWaffles555 - 2018-03-01

So the important question then becomes: How can i make my kettle boil quieter?

Magnificent Golden Beast - 2018-03-03

Put it next to something that makes more noise. Washing machine works well.

AguaFluorida - 2018-03-14

Place your kettle in a vacuum chamber. Boils quicker, almost silent. You'll be thanking me, I know ;-)

Crosti - 2018-03-01

"Warning: Cavitating"

Mazaroth - 2018-02-28


Thank you tf00t, i have wondered this myself for quite some time.

Justin R - 2018-05-22

Hah, I've always called this the "calm before the storm" as with weather. Cool to finally see how it actually happens.

Max - 2018-02-28

I have a whistle on my kettle makes way more noise

Hayekian - 2018-03-01

good old Thunderf00t!! yes!

Sudazima - 2018-03-01

This exact thing annoyed me too for awhile, so like a proper physicist i thought about it for a bit and came to the same conclusion. The way i did so was by noticing that the noise is much less if youve just cleaned out all of the calcium muck, lowering the amount of nucleation sites and thus lowering the amount of noise.

Jason Doe - 2018-03-01

Oh, interesting!

kiffe22 - 2018-03-01

I was wondering this exact question like 2 hours ago when making coffee. This was extremely creepy.
Thanks though

Nooch 86 - 2018-03-01

I was going to buy a new kettle because the one I've had for years is so loud and I'm sick of turning up the volume every time I make a coffee. You really burst my bubble.

Elwood Cope - 2018-02-28

When you can't find a reason to get out the high speed camera, you get this.

jason seed - 2018-02-28

I've wondered about this in a kind of peripheral way for a while...one less thing in the world drives me crazy...i feel better now. thanks

sasja de vries. - 2018-03-01

Make of these videos, this is the real science unlike the beautiful picture as in "seeing electrons with the naked eye".
I also enjoy watching the debunked series, your political, feminist, etc. videos are less (if at all) interesting to me.
Now I at least have a clue how to make a silent kettle, and this knowledge is more useful than it sounds.

Stiffy - 2018-03-04

Sir, you just answered a question i've been asking my hole life. and for this i tip my hat and say thank you

Shaun Patrick O'Jameson - 2018-02-28

Flat bottomed kettles make the rocking world go loud

Blox117 - 2018-03-01

but would a non flat kettle heat the water faster? or does it only depend on power input (for kettles usually around 1500watts)

Stramster - 2018-03-01

I was just a skinny lad. Never knew good tea from bad.

Move Fast - 2018-03-02

Missed an opportunity - should have been 'knocking world' :) As in hydrodynamic knocking.

EvilSearchEngine - 2018-03-06

Ohhh, that was terrible. You are to spend 24 hours in pun jail.

Copper Boltwire - 2018-05-02

In the words of Spock: "Fascinating!"

The Hundredth Monkey - 2018-02-28

loved this, I never thought to ask the question but I'm glad to know the answer!

Johnny BeGood - 2018-03-03

Super interessting, I even thought of it this morning when I made my tea. And I also had to think of you previous video you've shown. Keep the good work up!

PiTdeLyX - 2018-03-04

Wow, this one really was interesting! One of the best ones i've seen from you yet!

AstheaTV - 2018-03-01

Cool, thanks for sharing this! * - * I was thinking about this just yesterday as I was making tea, I'm currently sick with the bad flu that's going around here.

Aaron Cruz - 2018-03-01

3:19 is the best part of the video IMO

Ura Nium - 2018-03-02

3:20 explains it all.

foobarbaz - 2018-03-20

I've just recently started drinking more tea, and this question has been driving me nuts! Thanks for the video!

SecondaryMetabolite - 2018-03-01

Heck yeah, that was exactly my theory why this phenomenon occurs! Lacking a high speed camera I couldn't prove it though. Thanks!

LoC - 2018-03-01

That was actually really interesting, although you forgot to mention how Brexit will make kettles louder.

Felix Reiter - 2018-06-22

The more you know, I always wondered why it's that loud

TruthNerds - 2019-11-10

Question; Why is my kettle loud?
Thunderfoot's Answer: spends hours making a 7 minute video
My Answer: Because you have a loud kettle.

Dylan Stewart - 2018-02-28

That did interest me.

kidXS - 2018-05-27

My brain has been unhappy recently and this helps; Making sense of the everyday mysteries. Thank you :)

I was only pondering this about a week ago, probably for the hundredth time, and never thought to do the research.


Adam Specht - 2018-03-01

Thank you I was courious about this my entire life :) ! Now I can make perfect Tea Coffe Yerba on 70*C without any aparathus sensors etc :)

Rob Houser - 2018-03-01

Thank you! I watched your wdplac as part of my own journey from faith to facts. Many of your videos serve, as Carl Sagan put it, as a “bologna detection kit.” I truly appreciate all you do for science & reason! Please keep the videos, like this & others, coming! Thanks again!

Malcolm Akner - 2018-03-01

This is why I love you Thunderf00t, I've had this question bug me for years. Asked loads of people about it but I've never really been convinced I heard the right answer. This is awesome, thank you!

Tim Silveira - 2018-03-04

The little things in life explained... I love this!