> temp > à-trier > loneliness-kurzgesagt


Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - 2019-02-17

Everybody feels lonely sometimes. But only few of us are aware how important this feeling was for our ancestors - and that our modern world can turn it into something that really hurts us. Why do we feel this way and what can we do about it?


Books mentioned in the endcard:
'Emotional First Aid' by Guy Winch
'Loneliness' by John Cacioppo & William Patrick

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Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - 2019-02-17

We designed a poster on this topic as well. You can find it here: https://shop-us.kurzgesagt.org/collections/all-kurzgesagt-products/products/in-a-nutshell-loneliness-poster?variant=28928293503024

Peter - 2020-08-10

@not noob tf is accident greek?

not noob - 2020-08-10

@Peter accient

Enlightening soul - 2020-08-19

Right from decades this felling become so chronic😭😭

Enlightening soul - 2020-08-19

@Lycheus Dow yup !

LAZAR BEAM - 2020-08-31

Modern loneliness you're never alone but always depressed.- LAUV

BROSKY DOODLE - 2019-04-18


Recommended for you

TheWaterMelonKid - 2020-08-30


Ismawati Ismail - 2020-08-31


Andrew Scherer - 2020-09-01

Same but I kind of found it helpful

Calvin & Hobbies - 2020-09-01


Happy Chair - 2020-09-01

Angry upvote

ujaan15 - 2020-07-04

The pandemic puts a whole new spin on this.

beserk - 2020-08-31

Not really alone people don't care lonely people dont care cause they dont have to talk to nobody

Santiago Munoz - 2020-09-01

Not really

Banana Fana - 2020-09-01

@Mr. Know it all no it's not, Karen is the bitch who always well, BITCHES. She is the annoying customer at a restaurant or the "tattletale," worrying about what other people are doing opposed to focusing on bettering herself. Always looking for something to complain about. I bet you're a Karen and don't even know it Mr. Know it all. Lol 😆😉

Mr. Know it all - 2020-09-01


Austin Richard - 2020-09-01

It makes no difference for me

daffa mutaqin - 2020-07-04

loneliness makes your immune system weaker

coronavirus: thank you loneliness

CREATIVE BROs - 2020-08-18

Actually corona made me lonely.
Wait a sec. Everything was planned.
Corona=loneliness=weak immune system. wow

Suha Hussain - 2020-08-23

oh no

AARON FARRIS - 2020-08-30

So if you quarantine you make yourself weaker to it

gapple * - 2020-08-31

All those absurd claims with no proof whatsoever to back them up. It's like saying your brain change your looks when you stare at the mirror, its just stupid

Banana Fana - 2020-09-01

@gapple * lol go do some research opposed to resorting to calling their comment stupid. There are plenty of scientific studies proving that human interaction is very good for your immune system.👍to deny it would be well, to give u a taste of your own rotten medicine...stupid.

Skid Skid - 2020-08-04

When you’ve been lonely for 5 years so the pandemic is nothing new to you

Aryan Sigrid - 2020-08-27

25 yrs of lonely suffering for me!

Marwah Rorro - 2020-08-28

Same 4 years

Raj 284 - 2020-08-28

9 years lonely 😢

Roberto Murillo - 2020-08-29

Same... everyone they're like we all gonna die by the covid19 in self isolation

Me: Hold my Loneliness

Roberto Murillo - 2020-08-29

@oZAP Prime I have discord, you can add me if you want.

My name is "Hyber Konawa"

AsherX14 - 2020-08-07

Him: humans have dropped from having 3 - 2 friends
Me who has 0 friends:

[AZ] PUNSPOWER - 2020-08-19

Im your friend

Neon boy - 2020-08-24

I have lots of friends but I only have 2 very special friends with which I usually hang together and love being with them.

Sean Leung - 2020-08-27

Come here. I am going to give you a hug, and you can do nothing about it.

Unknown person - 2020-08-30

You can take corona

Deepanshu Sharma - 2020-08-31

*close friends😬

axkira - 2019-09-11

Conversations that I have:

4% with real people
96% in my mind

Lone Wolf - 2020-08-31

Always loved to talk to my shadow for some reason

Taylor Hope - 2020-09-01


Kalyn B - 2020-09-01

@Justice Warrior nirvannaaaa fuck yeah my dude

Armstrong Canon - 2020-09-01

its because you are a weeb.

G. Hippie - 2020-09-01

I talk out loud to my imaginary friend.

potaterjim - 2020-07-13

Boomers at a job: "You're not here to make friends, you're here to work!"
"No, I'm here to be a human being."

Mitri - 2020-08-23

no one will solve your problem for you. so dont talk about it, work it out yourself. plus friends at work is rather superficial. I think its best that people try to separate work and life from one another. work friends are just people you bullshit around sometimes at work.

A Pizza Noob - 2020-08-24

@Asa Goldsmith that's basically what school tries to teach you

superm530 - 2020-08-28

Lol, life as a human being is suffering. Get your shit together and get prepared: Things are going to be worse ... Much worse....

Raj 284 - 2020-08-28

@superm530 😐

Roberto Murillo - 2020-08-29

Boomer: "You don't need friends or someone besides you... grow up."
Meanwhile he lives with his dog, after his wife passed away.

Equinox Omega - 2020-08-06

This video makes sense but it makes me even more sad that I wasted all my childhood

Armstrong Canon - 2020-09-01

anime profile picture?
Ofcourse you wasted ur childhood.

Excuse you, - 2020-09-01

@Armstrong Canon yikes, get some therapy

Armstrong Canon - 2020-09-01

@Excuse you, lol. See other comments man. Most of them describing loneliness and not accepted by society have anime profile pic.
That includes me too.

Excuse you, - 2020-09-01

@Armstrong Canon does it really matter reason they feel this way? You know you're projecting and I know you're just joking around. Whether you're wrong or right, kicking people while they're down with self-deprecating humor is a double-edge sword. You're hurting yourself more by doing this.

Armstrong Canon - 2020-09-01

@Excuse you, well i thought it must be the one of the reasons. Even my friends who were obsessed with anime behave like that(i am not saying all of then who watch anime...but weebs mostly. its just my prediction). They were the ones who showed me how awkward it was. Once i looked at them from outside of the circle. I can see why people dont get friendly. I dont want to hurt anyone. Sorry if it was offensive.

Rick- Wwe - 2020-07-03

Loneliness is twice as deadly as obesity and as deadly as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day."

Obese introvert while smoking a cigarette: wait a min...

QIANQIAN LI - 2020-08-30

I am lonely sometimes, Acommpany is requested. but not easy to get one unfortunately

gapple * - 2020-08-31

@David Still I don't know. I do almost all the things listed in this video but this is just me being an introvert, yet this video claims it means loneliness. Then what is it?

SFC - 2020-08-31


JFB - 2020-08-31

This was funny

Taylor Hope - 2020-09-01

I read this as it was said in the video lol

Fawn - 2020-08-03

I remember when I was younger I was so scared of the dark in my bedroom. The light is opposite from my bed and back then I'd waste maybe an hour planning on how I'd get there without disturbing the demons. I'd talk to the darkness asking it if we could make deals that if I did "this" the darkness wouldn't do "this".

When I got older and I started dating- well let's just say they weren't nice people. I cried at night. A lot. And I still do, but at least less than then. I remember I had a long-distance relationship with a boy that in the beginning seemed like a wonderful guy until he said something about the fact that we were going too fast? I was just going along with what he wanted the whole time. We decided we should slow things down, but what I didn't expect was for him to for the next 5 MONTHS ghost me and whenever I got to talk to him he'd only harass me. He'd say I was too boring for him, or too ugly, or that he wished I did this or that...

I started talking to the darkness again, only this time differently. I made friends with the darkness and I'd talk to the darkness about how I felt because nobody in my family were willing to let me rant to them about it, and even if they did, they would always dismiss my feelings like how I felt wasn't a big deal to them. Not even my own mother was willing to try help me through this. The darkness was the only person there for me. An imaginary being that I was TERRIFIED of for the entirety of my life up till then was the only person there for me. Lovely.

Now I am dating an amazing person who's always understood me, given me a shoulder to cry on, and in my opinion is pretty smokin' hot. But he started working again. It's been pretty much a week or two maybe three since I've had contact with him through TEXT. I'm... extremely worried that he'll turn out to be a copy of that guy who hurt me. I know it's childish to feel like this, but I feel so alone. I have no-one left. I'm alone... again. Even if I try talk to people, I'm still alone. I don't want to feel this way anymore but I don't want to sound "emo" trying to express the feelings I'm bottling up inside. It's like this world only wants perfect. I'd consider myself decently attractive, but oh sorry, attractive people can't be depressed, because that's only looking for more attention.
"Looking for attention"
but that's what people do when they're lonely. They need attention so they can converse and speak and thrive in this unforgiving world.
To all those who read through all of this, thank you. I really mean it.

Isabella - 2020-08-26

talk to him about this! if he’s work your time, he would collaborate with you on how to set
up more communication. Maybe a daily text or
two, a call every other day, or at least once a week.

Fawn - 2020-08-27

@Isabella He has been texting me now. It's alright. Although he isn't very likely to call me. He has to take care of his father and doesn't want to disturb him by laughing too loudly, or speaking too loudly. His father broke his foot and is in a lot of pain. Yes he is taking pain killers.

Isabella - 2020-08-27

Fawn Aw, that’s good. Oh okay. The only solution I’d pose to that is you both go on a walk and talk on the phone. Good luck!

Dr. Gloutsch - 2020-08-29

@Fawn Hum, where are the yt dms ? :O Cause you probably talked to me here, but didnt see it x)

Lone Wolf - 2020-08-31

Hmmmm talking to darkness interesting i am talking to my shadow

Sylvester Mueller - 2019-10-19

I'm at the point where I'm so lonely that I spend a majority of my days fantasizing about my ideal friendships and romantic partner.

batman - 2020-06-30

Just wait simulation is coming

Lily Zhou - 2020-07-05

Anime characters intensifies

Arsenios k - 2020-07-13

@rider bull if it was that easy as to write it

lxllyflower - 2020-08-30

it’s hard for me to keep trying to make friends because I’ve been alone for a while because of quarantine and it’s like I just don’t know how to speak to people anymore

Un Chiste Con Nombre Y Vida - 2020-09-01

Just like me :(

Daniel Lagos - 2020-08-09

Loneliness is being a Redditor

Minimize - 2020-08-10


ChiefSosa - 2020-08-27

Deleting that app has only made my life better in every single way.

That Guy Levi - 2020-07-01

Honestly, I think I'd rather be an animal...

Neo2266 - 2020-08-30

and get eaten? what kind?

Mr Content - 2020-08-31

Like a elephant

Micayla - 2020-09-01

Watching because of Garrett Watts, but this actually is beautifully done.

marsu - 2020-07-19

Loneliness is... when you haven’t talked to another soul in months.
Loneliness is... when the thing you want most is a hug.
Loneliness is... when you want someone to understand you.
Loneliness is... when you feel your mind deteriorating but no one else notices.
Loneliness is... when you feel like you don’t belong anywhere.
Loneliness is... when everyone judges you for things you haven’t done.
Loneliness is... when you sit in a room filled with people but somehow you are the only person with a whole empty two meter radius around you.
Loneliness is... when people look at you and say that they cannot see a single good trait in you.
Loneliness is... when you say something to a group of people but not a single soul acknowledges it.
Loneliness is... when no one laughs about your joke but when someone else says it the are suddenly the funniest person around.
Loneliness is... when you heart hurts in you chest. When all you want is to be understood and acknowledged as person rather than a pest taking up too much room. When you think that the only way to stay sane is to hurt yourself in unspeakable ways to take away the pain. When you are all alone. When no one cares. When you are desperate to do whatever it takes to rid you of this god-forsaken feeling. When you dreams are deemed as unimportant by those around you. And promises made to you are broken because they believe you are not important enough to keep them. Loneliness is when you wish you could just take a knife to your throat and die but you don’t because you know that nobody would grief and instead be happy to have you out of their way.
Loneliness is when you search the word lonely on YouTube hoping to find something interesting and end up typing all your feelings into the comment section knowing that no one would even care to read it or care to change it.
That is loneliness.

marsu - 2020-08-20

@facial supremacy hehe it might be.

Navint Abrar Oliver - 2020-08-30

Nice comment mate :D

marsu - 2020-08-30

Navint Abrar Oliver haha thanks

Lone Wolf - 2020-08-31

I dont have to lie I was always a guy that had lots of friends but for some reason I still feel alone I even have 2 dogs and a fish and still feel alone sometimes. All of this because the only thing in life I never had was a gf I just want to know how it is to love someone to watch the moon with her etc but girls dont like me for some reason I mean they like me but only as a friend no one would like to be my gf... Tbh I never asked someone out but ik I ll be refused

marsu - 2020-09-01

Lone Wolf
It is totally understandable though.
I think it is very possible that you are missing signals from some of the girls.
Or none of them have ever really thought about you in that way. I think great relationships can come out of friendships.
You see, many people need to get their eyes opened to new possibilities. If you don’t make your feelings aware, you can’t expect anyone to make a move. Some girls just try to hide their feelings if they feel that they are unrevoked. Also I know from personal experience That sometimes you need to show another person that you might want more. I remember once I had a guy friend who I didn’t think of in that way, in fact I never even was attracted to him until he started flirting with me and I then started realizing all those great things about him.
Maybe you should also just have a heartfelt conversation with your friends. Don’t be afraid of seeking out new people too. Also signing up for classes with your interest would be a great way to find people you could get along with. (Don’t be afraid to look abroad sometimes distance is the best cure)
I hope that any of this advice helps you and that you can feel better soon.

Dragoș Micu - 2020-01-14

"I think my biggest problem is that I love being alone but I hate being lonely."

José - 2020-08-13

People cant understand that
I like to be alone but that doesn't mean that I don't need people.

Will - 2020-08-15

have a hobby, like reading,watch tv shows,etc

Edward Cullen - 2020-08-20

Absolutely exact same feeling

Dodong Xander - 2020-08-21


Lone Wolf - 2020-08-31

I like to think myself as a lone wolf and my mom s friend told me wolves hate being alone even the lone ones

Bogey X - 2020-08-10

The worst feeling of it all is realizing how much it did cost you. I'm depressed and (kinda) lonely for many years now but i always could handle it (or not since i never found a "cure"). But last year i regognized how much it made me lose. Growing up, having fun times with friends, finding your first love, you name it, experience life in all the ways it offers... I missed all that and can't ever get it back and realizing this hit me harder than depression ever could. Not in the I gotta start doing something way but totally giving up the hope.

Grande Ghazi - 2020-08-24

@A Pizza Noob I am certain you will find someone or a group of person like you to be friend with. If it happened with me it will with all of you

A Pizza Noob - 2020-08-24

@Grande Ghazi Ya.. but that's kinda hard right now

Grande Ghazi - 2020-08-24

@A Pizza Noob yes I know how it is but I believe you can do it. Everyone can (;

A Pizza Noob - 2020-08-24

@Grande Ghazi thank you

F MB - 2020-08-27

hey,look forward. The past is a story to tell, the future is one you! make, not be made by others. I liked the video. Writing a friend right now. :)

Put That tongue up - 2020-07-15

I don’t fit with any group of friends in high school

MarloSoBalJr Gaming - 2020-08-26

I see but do you feel more connected & social with those of us in the comment section of these YouTube videos cos we all have the interest?

Put That tongue up - 2020-08-26

MarloSoBalJr Gaming if we had to talk in real life it would be awkward as shi

Roberto Murillo - 2020-08-29

Same... and often people not interested to cooperate with me with cool projects or any hobbies or something to connect.

I'm kind of extrovert and introvert at the same time.
I like to go outside more often but depending on what I find, And I stay must of time at home playing videogames, building stuff at my garage, homemade projects DIY, studying and other stuff.

I do like going partying but depending on the people, environment and who invites me.
I do not party hard such as getting drunk more often, neither attending on every weekends cuz is weird.

I have skills: I play drums&percussion I build stuff at my garage using powertools, and machinary for metal working and wood working and electronics, such as Arduino, computers, Photoshop and more electronic devices.... well kind of like a tradesman and some engineering background and even medical as well cuz I also like growing food and vegetable outside my garden and create recipes and remedies other types of medicine or anything that allows to heal the person physically and psychologically mind.

Basically I love helping people.

Also I lift heavy weights cuz I'm kind of a big buff guy lifting about 190 pounds bench-press and often 45 plates in each hand and etc. And still trying to burn my belly fat on cycling classes.

I'm Catholic and my family and I we are a music church band ministry to worship God and play concerts.... and... that's it... that's my life.

I have no friends, I'm lonely and I wish I could met people who are interested to cooperate with me.

Just like Videogames when you are recruiting Clan Members on MMORPG or any videogame.

Every player are looking for "Support" or "Healers" to help the team grow.

Well... I consider myself as a support healer and even a tank support to protect my allies and keep them alive
That's how I play my role in videogames and in real life!

You want weapons... I can give you weapons,
You want Healing.... I can give you Healing,
You want protection.... I can give you Protection.

Support Role satisfieds me and defeats my loneliness.

I'm not lonely in Gaming
but I'm completely Lonely in real life! Even if I'm a better support or a good team player because no one wants to recruit me.

Put That tongue up - 2020-08-29

Roberto Murillo some people may find that gaming stuff to be “lame” or not cool. But I think everyone plays video games. Its just that when u identity as a gamer you would come off as a nerd. Its so weird how we gotta do some things to impress people so they become friends. Like i dont got the guts to even be myself around people so how im supposed to do something impressive or something that would get eyes on me. Like talking with confidence or saying jokes or playing for the team infront of people and families. But time will heal those things. Time will tell you whats wrong with your technique. I just wanna know how kids like me have the right techniques to talk to someone. And why I wasn’t born like that. Ugh its no good to envy someone but I truly can’t stop thinking about those people

Neo2266 - 2020-08-30

Yes exactly

GARYSE - 2020-08-21

2017 : 6 friends.
2018 : 4 friends..
2019 : 1 friend...
2020 : I don't have any friends now :)

Thank you YouTube for this recommendation

Dylan Weinrich - 2020-08-22

YouTube: no prob 😄😄😄

aboudy Gado - 2020-08-30

Do you actually have no friends

Advik Malwa - 2020-08-31

no friends
no problem

KingDauiel 2430 - 2020-08-31

Okay but here from Garrett Watts

JackoJarz - 2020-09-01


Jan Eire - 2020-09-01


Farid Heidary - 2019-07-08

The worst part of loneliness is when you watch a movie and want to share your opinion with someone but you have nobody
and you end up talking to yourself

Vorachith Vongdeuane - 2020-08-27

For me the worst part is I can talk to my friends but I choose not to for some reasons.... ;(

CarolynJane Sutton - 2020-08-29

@Mayank Not possible. Don't have anyone to discuss it with.

Malcom Summers - 2020-08-30

@Vorachith Vongdeuane Why not?

Vorachith Vongdeuane - 2020-08-30

​@Malcom Summers Because I know my friends wouldn't like what I want to talk about or I assume they would . I once tried to talk about what I like (with out telling them) and they trashed and joke about it so I can not stand it and decided to keep it to myself. ;)

3ikhu - 2020-09-01

There will be always the comment section

deinfa kio - 2020-07-05

Sending everyone that is reading this love and light ❤💕

alego 723 - 2020-08-28

wtf is light gonna do for being lonely as shit lmao

Neo2266 - 2020-08-30

Yeah it's kinda late and I'm really gonna need the opposite of that 2nd part

Juriulia - 2020-09-01

Garrett wants made me here. So I came. Hi everybody.

JackoJarz - 2020-09-01


LoveYouNoMore9 - 2020-08-20

"Nothing can protect you from loneliness, because it's part of your biology"
Me: ☹

Amber Malinowski - 2020-08-31

Garrett watts sent me here

JackoJarz - 2020-09-01


Jacqueline Martinez - 2020-09-01

The ice cream man sent me here

Generic Username - 2019-02-18

Free virtual hugs for my lonely people.

シJenfyy - 2020-08-28

thank you :)

Kunal Kr. - 2020-08-29

Thanks 🤗

I was the one who crashed you're WiFi HAHAHA - 2020-08-30

Thank you :")

ANKIT YADAV - 2020-09-01

My loneliness after reading this : why do i hear boss music

Un Chiste Con Nombre Y Vida - 2020-09-01

Thanks ❤️

Felix.mp3 - 2020-09-01

The ice cream man sent me here

Haechannie - 2020-09-01

Same bro

Felix.mp3 - 2020-09-01

@Haechannie bROoo happy birthday to jungkook hehe

JackoJarz - 2020-09-01


hellulinka - 2020-09-01

Let’s play high five guys 😁🖐😊

Eli-Xaphan Lucifel - 2020-08-31

"Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other." - John Stenbeck, Of Mice and Men

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin

"Then Yahweh God said: "It is not good for the man to continue to be alone." - Gen. 2:18a

I know writing quotes from works of antiquity and yore is kind of cliché, but I just wanted to illustrate that we're in this together; that, through time and history, the idea of our needing each other is far from being alien---no, it is what makes us most human. If any reading this are struggling with hurt feelings and a broken heart, I wish to say that I've been there. And you know what? I'm still here. I love you.

h3lix86 - 2020-08-16

this perfectly describes me...i have ZERO friends, because i've been stabbed in the back so many times by alleged close friends, and every romantic relationship I've ever had. distrust is all i have left that i can trust. when all you know is being treated badly, you just assume that's how it will always be, and you just put up a wall/shield, and never even consider lowering it again for any reason. yes, im so lonely i liked my own comment, since nobody else ever does.

Buzzy - 2020-08-17

ill be your friend!

Ksalarang Fortis - 2020-08-18

Man, don't be so dramatic.. You have 9 likes already, including mine

keikoいい娘 - 2020-08-15

To that lonely person out there:...

I've survived so long alone in the darkness and so can you. You may be thinking we aren't same, etc. Yes we ain't same but we may have a few things in common like we both are lonely hahawkwkw. Jk. Aaa I'm bad with words, I'm bad at my studies, I'm bad in sports, I'm not interested in anything. It's about time for me to become responsible but idk what i like or what i want. But lately i realized that i just want peace. I want to live in a forest all alone with a dog lol it's so strange i started with something else and ended up talking about myself lol aaaugh I'm so stupid. I have 0 social skills so i like commenting on random videos on YT lol. Well good luck, i hope we all survive this beautiful world with cruel humans.

keikoいい娘 - 2020-08-24

@Nidhi Singh aaa I don't want to bother others or I just don't like being a burden, I just love Japan so I'm planning to go there to study after a few years only if it's possible

who cares - 2020-08-24

keikoいい娘 u can dm me on insta if u want , @simxpai 🥰🥰

Nidhi Singh - 2020-08-24

@keikoいい娘 great everything can be possible just believe in yourself 👍❤️

Questee - 2020-08-25

Scatman can do it so can you

Kalyn B - 2020-09-01

Get rats. Rats are amazing. Cages may be expensive but they are so sweet hehehee

karstdeviz - 2019-08-17

Here's a tip: If you watch a horror movie at night alone, I guarantee you won't feel lonely anymore.

Atharv Sharma - 2020-07-26

lol hahahah so trueeeeeeeeeeee

Илья Витцев - 2020-08-17

sad but true

ILOVEMEME - 2020-08-24

Listen here you little s

carlos blondiswall - 2020-08-24

Yay someone to hang out with in my closet!

Un Chiste Con Nombre Y Vida - 2020-09-01


Yohannan Allen Costales - 2020-08-06

who else here gets ignored by one of their friends like if you could relate.

Vincent Hynes - 2020-08-29

Same even at the moment? U ok? Looking for a chat?

Anushilan Dahal - 2020-07-10

Feeling lonely all the time + Having severe social anxiety
My life is basically hell

boi - 2020-08-16

i really feel you im not joking, but mine works like: loneliness + social anxiety + everyone i know in my life have people or friends who care about them

CertifiedSunglass - 2020-08-18

oh shut up we all think that our lives are hell, but believe me there are people who have it much worse than you

Anushilan Dahal - 2020-08-19

​@CertifiedSunglass disregarding people's problems because "other people have it worse"

Krystal Rio - 2020-09-01

CertifiedSunglass how in the actual fuck would you know how hard someone’s life has been off of a comment on the internet? You shut up!

boi - 2020-09-01

@CertifiedSunglass We already know that there are lots who have had it worse than us, having a problem isn't a comeptition.
You're making it look honestly like "oh this guy who lost his family has problems, but thats really nothing because there are people who felt worse lol"
Loneliness may not sound dangerous to you or others, but it all depends on the person, change is hard for some too and of course there is definitely someone who has had their life worse, but it seriously doesn't mean you can bring that up suddenly then disregard problems and tell them to shut up

molko824 - 2020-07-04

0:53 "if you feel lonely, you are lonely"
the floor here is made out of floor

Black Out - 2020-07-01

I love how you build trust with “friends” for years just to be ignored so much that it feels like you dont know eachother anymore. Truly the best feeling.

رَيحَانَ` ة - 2020-08-17

I have been there :(((

Sahra Al Jaghsi - 2020-08-26

I had a best friend who always bragged about how rich she is. I confronted her and we got into a big fight.
I later on went to her best friend who I didnt actually like. Idk why but I started feeling very secure and trusted her with my insecurities and secrets.
When me and my ex best friend fought again, she used the secrets I told her best friend to push me off the cliff to the point where I cant even trust my diary to keep secrets for me

His Holiness Pope Julius II. - 2020-08-26

@Sahra Al Jaghsi I never understood the human need to tell someone their secrets, I never did, and I know secrets of a lot of people. Its funny when you get to an argument and the other person has nothing to use, yet you just remind him what you know (never spill it, just remind him to shut it). Never tell anyone your secrets, thats why you call them secrets.

alego 723 - 2020-08-28

@His Holiness Pope Julius II. what? like borrowing money?

His Holiness Pope Julius II. - 2020-08-29

@alego 723 for example yes

10k subs with no videos please? - 2019-02-19

who else is scrolling through the comments while laying on their bed

Blah land - 2020-08-06

While laying on bed and crying silently because it hits home

Selim Sert - 2020-08-11

You earned a sub

yogendra nagarkar - 2020-08-16

Awesome coincidences

I dont know What to call myself - 2020-08-26


LamePlayer - 2020-08-29

Stop stalking me

Jack Pistone - 2020-07-13

the main problem now that wasnt really discussed is what social media is doing to the younger generations. because of instagram and tiktok more and more people are pursuing an alter ego that simply seperates themself from being vulnerable and friendly with new potential friends + social media is a synthetic replacement for actual emotional connection. it becomes harder and harder to find people that will just see you for who you are and not be worried about clout, wealth, and status. of course I'm 20 so my perspective is of my generation and younger, but I really do detest social media :0

Betty Unicorn - 2020-07-20

Jack Pistone hi

Daisy Uscanga - 2020-08-22

100% agree

Diana Diaz Veloz - 2020-09-01

i'm here watching this video again because of Garett

JackoJarz - 2020-09-01

Me too!

Neo2266 - 2020-08-30

Finally, a place where people like me congregate

canaljkt - 2020-08-22

Should I start smoke a pack a day and join a group of friends so that neutralise the tobbaco effect?

Mysterious Snowball - 2019-07-24

The sad part is most of the people watching this are lonley

Darryl Job - 2020-03-24


Radical __noble - 2020-04-11

@Luiza Leontios the scary part is


Todoroki Shoto - 2020-08-15


t0xicinfused - 2020-08-15

no fuck u

CREATIVE BROs - 2020-08-18


Illamnuti - 2020-08-28

Everyone is selfish,no matter how selfless you become...that hurts me the most.Though someone like me try not to show this pain to others but inside it eats so much of me
Edit:- not talking about general people around you but for the ones who you may say close friends and all.

Elias D - 2020-07-15

4:26 made me depressed when I thought about it. I have 0 people in my life that I can call a close friend. I spent some time thinking about it, and I don't. I kinda feel most people just politely tolerate me until I go away honestly

Vincent Hynes - 2020-08-29

@Miray Kdkdkkdks turkey??!!😄 we live in two different places. I'm in Ireland and it probably like 12 o clock there

Miray Kdkdkkdks - 2020-08-29

@Vincent Hynes it's 10 pm here 😂

Vincent Hynes - 2020-08-29

@Miray Kdkdkkdks 😅🤭theres a difference now between does times. But damn Turkey on the bridge between Europe and Asia beautiful country hope to one day visit.

Miray Kdkdkkdks - 2020-08-29

@Vincent Hynes Ye it's nice place as location 😀 I don't know much things about Ireland 😅

Vincent Hynes - 2020-08-29

@Miray Kdkdkkdks well if I had to summarise Ireland I would say we have a leprechaun as a president. The government think during the coronavirus to throw a golf party but tell every else to not have partys. U can go from one place to another and the people the accent will change so much that won't understand anyone. And well lots of farmers and rain and teenagers in dodgy clothing for no reason. But apart from that not bad place with friendly people if you look in the right place of course. And you must like tea and potatoes. Or else you'll starve as thats all we eat. That's Ireland pretty much for ya.

MooTheRainbowFuzz • - 2020-08-31

Here from Garrett 😳

JackoJarz - 2020-09-01


Doshi Deshi - 2020-08-29

I was a actually afraid of having friends because there's one time that my friend found another friend and immediately forgot me. I was thankful but at the same time, I feel broken inside.

I was lonely even today that I know how to prevent it from going to the depression stage.

By using imagination at the fullest, I gained courage to help people who need help at something.

ZENO - 2019-12-15

The worst thing is being around people and feeling like you are invisible

Kaoru Kato - 2020-07-30

I always feel that,

Sam Gupta - 2020-08-09

same brother

Green Panther - 2020-08-12

This sometimes happens to me when I get shy and don’t know how to communicate but I have autism the functioning kind

Estephanieville - 2020-08-12

I felt this way at my own birthday party

ZENO - 2020-08-13

@Estephanieville sorry to hear that

Dual Blaster - 2020-08-31

I found a really good friend half a year and we got to know more than i do with 6 years old frienships

Xian Tobias - 2020-09-01

The Ice cream man sent me here

ThatEpicBunny V2 - 2020-08-19

It's like YouTube just knows how you're feeling lol