> temp > à-trier > i-make-c2n14-in-my-shed-azidoazide-azide-explosions-fire

I make C2N14 in my shed (azidoazide azide) - Ex&F

Explosions&Fire - 2019-03-03

A famed compound that is 89% nitrogen and 100% feared. But does it live up to the hype? I take on a few years of chemistry experiments to try and find out. 

Synthesis Video (Second Channel): https://youtu.be/uNhVK-2mh6w
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ExplosionsandFire
Discord: https://discord.gg/VR6Fz9g
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExplosionsAndFire/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Explosions_Fire

oh also check out my band on Spotify, we just put out a new Single a few days ago! (not a joke lol, fuccin listen to it ok): 
or watch on youtube: https://youtu.be/fe6fr9ydw-M

2011 German paper: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201100300
Same authors, more detail: https://doi.org/10.1002/asia.201100632
Paper showing open form doesn't exist at room temp:  https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201209170

I didn't mention it, but a lot of the tetrazole stuff was established by a Russian called Engager, published onto the Sciencemadness forums. It is truly an incredible body of work he established.

Here is a huge list of names of some of the people who made this video possible. Thanks for sponsoring my trips to the hardware store:

Craig M.
Roger -Dot- Lee
John Doe
Oliver Toth
Daniel Coleman
Dan Kaplan
John Libal
mirgp... Azide Fox! (I remembered your request hell yeah look at those memory skills)
The Gayest Person on Patreon
Isaac Paciga
Gabriel J.
Luke McGoggan
Luke McGoggan
Grant Trent
Michael Kavulich
Oz Sabina
Zachary Chapin
Leon Schutte
Thomas Abbott
Aussie Chemist
Gregory Wong
Nile Red
Christopher Stillson
Jacob Tierney

sorry the audio is so bad. I spent money on a good mic and then talked into it from behind rather than the proper way and the audio was all clipped ehh

I should write more nonsense in the description like I used to do. but maybe the nonsense (read: shitposting) is now in the video rather than being in the description?? ok nah, that's just a lame excuse. I've just got no bonus content for people to ignore this time.

NileRed - 2019-03-03

Nice video, man! I find that the "fear" you described is somewhat common across chemistry. All it takes is a few people to claim a somewhat niche chemical is "super dangerous" and everyone else just kind of believes it. And since nobody has a reason to use or try it, the fear just keeps propagating. But it only takes one (maybe slightly crazy) person to try it and show otherwise.

ONy-tAy E-may - 2020-07-16

I love you

Aggro Gator - 2020-07-20

@Wesson Smith Jr. Whew buddy not the smartest place to be peddling your own videos lol

Asha Andrew - 2020-08-07


Davis Peterson - 2020-09-13

@indefinity Ooh! Ooh! I have a possible recipe for homemade ClF3 if they wanna try that

Ls Hn - 2020-09-28

Yeah like with cyanide

Corn of Copia - 2019-07-24

This is like the shitposting of the science community and I love every second of it.

roy rogers - 2020-01-03

Corn of Copia proof that everything is made better with alittle shitposting

Ethelana Talbot - 2020-03-29

He makes it fun. I wish he was a chem prof he would be fun

SevScout - 2020-03-30

Friggin' beautiful.

Federico Basso - 2020-05-19

Hope he becomes a professor. University students need this.

social_ assassin88 - 2020-08-23

6.02 he yells 'oi cunt' at the compound. I absolutely lost my shit

Sarkazeoh - 2019-03-03

You know it's scary when it's slightly yellow.

A fat burn victim • 14 years ago - 2020-03-15

TheApexSurvivor, German empire intensify

Luis P. - 2020-04-06

@Neill Coetzer Yeah. Azides are actually terribly toxic most of the time, if your specific compound doesn't detonate the moment you touch it.

not_ herobrine - 2020-07-06

@Explosions&Fire As they say, never eat yellow snow

Craig MacDonald - 2020-08-24

@TheApexSurvivor Chlorine is green not yellow. The word is fron Greek I believe. Also, the Pale horse from the Bible was the Chloros horse.

Justin Hughes - 2020-08-28

That kind of had an orange tint... good chemical... we must tell them so we can source it from an ACE hardware... make them believe.

Joshua Hunt - 2019-08-09

"not boiling your own piss" subtle shade at NR haha

Robert Chappell - 2019-10-14

But piss urea is the best urea :(

Harrison Fnord - 2020-02-11

But it's yellow chemistry!!!

Shakespearean - 2020-07-21

Homemade, free, non gmo, all natural piss

Candyman - 2020-09-12

@Harrison Fnord Not if you're a hydro homie.

Donald Bowins - 2019-09-18

I remember my Ochem lab coordinator describing a master's student who spent two years making some coordinated metal compound (though I can barely remember what I tried to learn back then so it might have been something else, but it was based on one of the heavier elements) that was made using such unstable reagents, and was so unstable itself, that the entire synthesis needed to be performed at -40*C under nitrogen and protected from light. Any breach of any of these conditions and it instantly exploded/ He fought with this thing for years, finished it, presented it, and then quit chemistry forever.

HallowedSilence - 2019-11-22

Absolute power move

client comun - 2020-01-07

After all that work and his absolutely mindblowing result this mad lad just quits?the fuck?

TheMooseFromTheRoom - 2020-01-17

@client comun welcome to the world of science :p When you defeat your archnemesis, just quit while youre ahead

DamienDarksideBlog - 2020-04-16

@client comun When you've hunted your White Whale, you stop fishing in the ocean. He toppled his challenge, time to move on.

AZio Pistazien - 2020-09-20

light sensitivity! Must be something relavant with perchlorate, possibly with nickel...

Deadman's deed - 2019-03-03

I have a feeling, this is like the combination of maxmoefoe,idubbz,William ossman and Micheal reeves, but chemistry.........well..... And explosion

Explosions&Fire - 2019-03-03

i taught them everything they know

Dylan Hinegardner - 2019-07-07

An individual of culture, I see.

Alex Forrester - 2019-08-10

Don’t forget StyroPro

Siem van Soest - 2020-04-02

Alex Forrester i dont see this guy shoot gigantic illegal lasers

phoneflipp - 2020-04-23

delete idupps plz... this guy is a super alpha chad.
and idipss is ghaye

Aquiverof - 2019-07-21

To be fair - this compound was made by an Aussie so calling it a C$%& is sometimes like saying hi - it could have happily said hi C$%& back to you and you'd have a beer together. Maybe you need to get an American sourced Azidoazide azide and then re-attempt the swearing induced reaction again just to be sure.

MrGrimsmith - 2019-07-31

Sounds reasonable. You'd also have to exclude British synthesised compounds as it would depend on which part of the country they were made in. Some areas would have a beer with you, others would try to rip your face off. Also no French sourced compounds as they'd likely explode if someone simply spoke near them in English. Or go on strike so the results would also be a touch unpredictable :D

Darthplagueis13 - 2019-08-06

You need to insult it in german, otherwise it doesn't understand....

Ian Parrish - 2019-08-11

Specifically from an urban area of a large city.

Trenton Zelley - 2019-03-19

Is that a Bad Dragon logo I see on the board...

Grant Flippin - 2019-11-28

@hamstsorkxxor Agreed, Source: I'm not furry

Chaos Dragon - 2020-03-13

Looks like it, makes me like this guy even more

Dexter Foxy - 2020-03-27

we are arming ourselves

John Beauvais - 2020-08-19

Project Overturn aka RareBeeph I’d believe it, I’ve seen some weird shit man

Candeo - 2020-08-29

i thought i was half asleep already

Connor - 2019-07-15

The michael reeves of Nile red

Sophia Astatine - 2020-03-30

A combination more than twice as legendary as its components

Oliver's Complexes - 2019-03-02

I'm in a restaurant bathroom watching this the second it came out

Oliver's Complexes - 2019-03-02

@Explosions&Fire it was 100%worth it

TheIdeanator - 2019-03-03

Taking a shit, watching your videos, same difference. Both will get you on a list somewhere.

Mothman - 2019-05-07

@Explosions&Fire Level of defecation*

Suggestive Eclipse - 2019-05-09

Lol no.

Jameson 1776 - 2019-07-11

Explosions&Fire2 careful I think he is doing yellow chem!

realblakrawb - 2019-09-28

Meme chemistry is the most entertaining genre of recent memory.

Aerys Bat - 2019-03-08

Is anyone going to comment about the bad dragon logo on the chalkboard, lmao

Zach Thomas - 2019-07-22

Jesus thankyou for pointing that out

El Sakamoto que duerme - 2019-07-23


Mini Feebas - 2019-09-25

@ATAGOISMYWAIFU username checks out

Dexter Foxy - 2020-03-27

@Mini Feebas it does lmao

Akiyo Minase - 2020-04-16

Lol, fellow perv

Vojtěch Pešl - 2019-03-03

Is this the sharpest compound in your shed ?

Harry Peterson - 2019-03-23

400 kbar?... Isn't RDX well under 400 at TMD?

nehorlavazapalka - 2019-03-23

yes, RDX has 349 kbar at TMD and 290 kbar in practice when used (95/5 RDX/wax). Melt cast ETN has 300 kbar in practice and HMX has 390 kbar at TMD and 370 kbar in most advanced pressed compositions for shaped charges (anti-tank weapons).

Ishzark Klyon - 2019-06-16

Lol there's a compound that spells cuntz?

kader gumus - 2019-12-15

@Ishzark Klyon Yes, copper (I) 5-nitrotetrazolate (technically)

Ishzark Klyon - 2019-12-15

@kader gumus lmao

Jad Azido - 2019-03-03

I have a feeling you have a biproduct of the synthesis that is not azidoazide azide but actually the more stable tautomer which links the nitrogens in the azide to the tetrazole side leading to a nitrogenous polymer called azido-polyazidazole which has been made amd tested in the 80's. Sorry to burst your bubble but if this was the pure monomer your synthesis wouldve ended 1 step before completion. Also the actual explosive is far too polar to form stable crystals in water so what youve made is the hydroxonium catalyzed polymer.

hyoenmadan - 2020-04-04

Time to ask @ChemicalForce for some Triaminoguanidinium Chloride and try this experiment with it again :-P.

KingHalbatorix - 2020-04-29

@Dan that's entirely incorrect, I know a lot of things that I've never heard of because british people keep making up fake words for them. I know what a shoehorn is despite never having heard of a 'slippy-dippy-cobbler-stick' and not knowing what a loo is doesn't preclude me fron flushing my shit down a toilet. nomenclature is a social construct (literally) we need to dismantle the scientific elites and ruling class (metaphorically (in minecraft (gone sexual)))

sticler21 - 2020-05-01

Then make it bitch

fnu - 2020-06-10

@KingHalbatorix your comment is a trainwreck. love it

Donald Holben - 2020-06-22

@Jad Azido well said!

NetRolller3D - 2019-07-14

The name "azidoazide azide" was coined by Derek Lowe as a joke.

Fox D - 2019-09-10

And Derek Lowe is clearly the source Hank Green is working from, since the other chemicals in that SciShow episode were all covered by Lowe as well in his blog.

yobro manson - 2020-05-25

Derek Lowe who went on to be founder of a very successful hardware store competing with House Deposit

rafii6311 - 2019-07-29

for these cases of failing fuses you should get one of these "burning laser pointers". they work great for igniting something from a distance

Rohan Hine - 2019-10-22

Just buy a "1mw" laser off of Ebay, they can't do anything about it beside confiscate it.

Ommy - 2019-10-22

​@Rohan Hine You're missing the point, nothing he's doing is illegal, using one of those lasers would be illegal.

I really don't think it's a good idea to draw unwanted attention by doing something illegal when there's no need.

TheMagicalC - 2019-11-28

He should hit up styropyro for some high power lasers to set off explosives.

DiabloMinero - 2020-01-23

@Ommy So mount it on a stand then

Ivan Timofeev - 2020-05-19

like eyeballs
so illegal on several countries


Azidoazide azide: I'm the best explosive!
Octanitrocubane: hold my nitrates!!!!

NothingXemnas - 2019-09-20

"wow so sensitive compound ever known so sensitive it explodes just by looking at it"

laughs in nitroglycerin

Sándor Vas - 2019-10-06

one of the profs at uni slammed it to a wall while it was in a small plastic bottle and nothing happened.

Chiese The New - 2019-12-02

@Sándor Vas too rich to explode?

CR - 2020-01-08

Tell him to freeze it first, then retry that experiment.

ajshell2 - 2019-08-18

Comment fro 12 seconds in:

Oh god. Anything with THAT Much nitrogen in it is NOT GOOD.

bageldog_ - 2019-07-20

Aww Hank why’d you do me like this, I thought this shit was true for ages now.

not insane - 2019-07-23

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpD4PXg_BKg scishow are classist xenophobic cunts.

Fox D - 2019-09-10

Never forget that the forward march of science involves experiments and learning that what we previously thought was true isn't anymore.

If it weren't for Hank, there wouldn't be the desire in goofy potty-mouthed Aussies to do more science.


Simon Clarkstone - 2019-09-24

It's unclear. There is another comment thread here with an argument about whether the two compounds are actually the same thing, or if one is a related but more stable compound.

CR - 2020-01-08

@Simon Clarkstone there was no proof provided that this isn't the compound, nor could anyone find anything anywhere to refute his claim that it's C2N14. So that just seems like some dick in the youtube comments trying to sound smart. Because, ya know, proof is somewhat important in science.

Anodyne Melody - 2020-09-23

@not insane No, the SciShow hosts are not "xenophobic" in any way, they do work with many different peoples from many different nations and treat everyone with respect. Stop spreading misinformation. Also, SciShow is a science communication educational channel and they do a good job of communicating the scientific information and discoveries from academic journals and papers to lay viewers so the general public can more easily think critically and better comprehend science. That's an admirable goal and science communication is sorely needed around the world to keep people better informed. Their mistake with this compound is perfectly forgivable, considering they did cite their source of the information properly and the paper's authors wrote somewhat ambiguously.

science_and_anonymous - 2019-03-04

I'm intrigued and slightly aroused...

Martinas Piscikas - 2019-07-20

Can somebody tell me why I didn't discover this channel earlier!?!?!?

Tushar Sadhwani - 2019-07-22


Bolorbold Ariguun - 2020-07-10

YouTube is becoming more and more shite

Nova Mays - 2019-07-21

Bad dragon logo on the chalkboard tho

CRM-114 - 2019-03-03

Awesome video! Laughed out loud at the French azidoazide azide pronunciation 🤣👍

piranha031091 - 2019-03-04

I'm french, and I cringed so bad...

Explosions&Fire - 2019-03-19

What do they say in the French bit btw? I assume it's just "this is the most sensitive explosive" but I put it in my video without even checking what the guy actually says haha

piranha031091 - 2019-03-19

@Explosions&Fire Pretty much!
"Azidoazide azide, the most unstable of substances.

Azidoazide azide is an explosive so unstable it explodes in all circumstances. It's the craziest chemical the world has ever seen"

Daniel Kane - 2019-07-21


Lucas - 2019-09-18

Taking notes.
"and do something moronically stupid..."
Got it.

jogandsp - 2019-03-03

I love your chemistry, but I watch your videos just as much for your humor. Never stop this madness

eri - 2019-07-22

LMAO I just noticed the Bad Dragon logo

just vibing - 2020-08-26


eri - 2020-08-26

@just vibing behind him on the chalkboard

PocketDrummer - 2019-08-18

4:53 - I don't know why, but that sound makes me instantly happy.

eessppeenn001 - 2019-08-24

I remember seing a computer simulation of the molecule, seeing that it folds itself and will eventually randomly fold in such a way that it reacts with itself. However, that computer simulation may have been wrong.

Tim Kurz - 2019-12-03

in my first semester of studying pharmacy in munich i had 2 of the professors that discoverd this shit and it seemed to me that this klapötke guy is beyond crazy

Greggory Woods - 2019-07-20

Love the vid! Though I'm dying over the fact you have the bad dragon logo on your bord XD

Greggory Woods - 2019-07-20

Why though?

Oliver's Complexes - 2019-07-21

@Greggory Woods it was a patreon dare😂

Alex - 2019-03-04

Great job man. Definately a long chemical trip resulted in sucess :) It's been a while since i last checked out Sciencemadness forums and you still use my old tetrazole document from what i've heard in your videos. Anyway, i got some interesting info for you i found way after i made that old tetrazole guide. I found publication focussed on enstablishing structure of this material: Angew Chem, V. 52, Is 12; March 18, 2013 ; pp. 3499–3502. "Well Known or New? Synthesis and Structure Assignment of Binary C2N14 Compounds Reinvestigated" ; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/anie.201209170. It was found during replication of original synthesis that simple tetrazide probably does not exists, instead it cyclizes to tetrazole ring containing derivative with same composition. This substance also can be obtained by another route from triaminoguanidine, here is the ref: Angew. Chem. V. 50, Is. 18, April 26, 2011, pp. 4227–4229. "C2N14: An Energetic and Highly Sensitive Binary Azidotetrazole" ; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201100300 . I had those downloaded for you: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cKE0Iy9L9UQT7m9uurtScb5UZXih2Uy5. Those ones are only a few of the many publications on advances in tetrazole based materials and where is still many substances up where you never heard about yet, just keep doing nice science videos and try to be on the safe side :)

TM Fan - 2019-03-03

If 1 of the C in C2N14 cyclicizes into tetrazole why wont the other?

Explosions&Fire - 2019-03-04

Good question. It is not a big molecule, so when one side does something, it affects everything else. Having that tetrazole ring form really dramatically shifts the electronic structure of the molecule (as in the initial German paper), so that the molecule is stable once one ring is formed. Seems weird, but that's just the way it be

GeeksWithFeet - 2019-03-05

I would imagine its from steric effects, as one side condesates it provides a much greater distance to bridge the other whilst reducing significantly any degree of motion or rotation to meet at all.

Aaron Silas - 2019-07-27

I feel like this is Nile Reds crazy anarcho brother.

GRBTutorials - 2019-07-20

7:14 Actually, I can see it.

Patchyst - 2019-05-25

This channel is under rated

William Ford - 2019-08-12

As a chemist, I greatly thank you for clearing up the misconceptions I initially had about this compound.

Quite Indeed - 2020-04-26

"on a scale I can't even measure because my scale doesn't work well."

slight exhale from chuckle

TheeFritz - 2019-07-22

Has anyone noticed the bad dragon image

Vlad - 2019-08-12

Killer Queen already touched that chemical compound

Rhodanide - 2019-03-02

The best of videos

Franglaiscophone's Locks - 2019-03-04

It is

DinkleDigeroo - 2019-03-03

You need more subs, these were some epic memes.

matthew frederick - 2019-08-04

This guys needs more recognition man he’s hilarious

Poogle - 2019-07-22

I swear Bunnings warehouse and Mitre ten would have more casualties chalked up then most arms dealers.

Godfrey Poon - 2019-07-24

That is an absolute certainty.
Mitre ten fingers before I started but only 9 now.

Kylemsguy - 2020-08-16

“That’s a lot of red”
...what red? —me who is colour blind

(okay fine I can barely see the red)

TheDavo10001 - 2019-07-21

“God bless you Bunnings” 😆

Rasta Jeff - 2019-03-03

Seeing that you've uploaded seriously makes my day. Love you man. Never stop doing you. Nohomo. Promise.

BAMA BOY SMITH - 2019-09-14

Have u gotten good scales yet,if not,i will send you a set for free.nice ones

Sophia Astatine - 2019-11-11

I love the silly bashes at Hank Green, and then ending on the patreon thing, since Hank created subbable, which was bought later and became patreon.

Some Guy Online - 2020-06-05

"I think someone said something mean about it somewhere and it was like f-"

- Experiment Time
Tom: Says hello in Australian