> mecanical-engineering > laser-pumped-flying-saucer-spacecraft

Laser Pumped Flying Saucer Spacecraft

SpaceRip - 2008-06-22

The "Lightcraft" is a laser-propelled spacecraft concept that could ultimately run on other beamed energies, such as microwave.

baguazhang2 - 2015-05-09

That's interesting. I had the same idea myself, but didn't realize that someone beat me to it by 65 years.

Egon Gefferie - 2019-11-19

Haha ,., yah that,s dark humor aww shot myself !

Danny The Elite - 2014-11-18

Now just build a huge ass laser and make a big version of one of these things and you have yourself a space elevator.

King Jiggah - 2019-10-24

Good idea

dan16000 - 2014-11-03

They now use this technology to shoot down drones.

Ltdeacon - 2010-05-08

2:17 sounds like a M4 on auto. totaly awesome

Josh Herrell - 2020-01-01

ufos stealing energy from the sun was just explained in 6 minutes and 37 seconds

Fellipe Navarro - 2015-03-28

Well, it works great on the Chaparral 2x on Gran Turismo 6!

Mike Hallett - 2009-10-05

@yakomuto: It's highly focused. Interesting technology, bearing in mind the various "lights-in-the-sky" we see so often these days.

Zack Stewart - 2010-08-15

omg this is amazing.. i wanna be an aeorspace engineer

rikdk1 - 2015-01-29

this is perfectly useful in the space

Dmytro Picky - 2014-06-30

now thats what i call having fun))

ImTheDaveman - 2011-08-17

THIS IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! I'm glad I got to see this. I wonder how far they have come with this laser engine since that program aired..., looks promising.

Jon Diotalevi - 2009-07-07

i remember seeing this in middle school

voltixD - 2009-10-27

wow beautiful, this is the future !!

fastunlimited - 2012-07-04

this is the foundation of warp speed

Tyrone Shoelaces - 2009-09-30


ererr11 - 2010-07-15

the first 30 seconds reminded me of the teletubby intro

AMG BOYZ - 2020-02-17

ererr11 it really does !! Damn nearly 10 years ago u made this comment

boog - 2011-01-22

@martinmartiini this was never intended to be used in a vacuum.

KiroX777 - 2011-05-08

@swellpropel i like waffles :)

icarusearthbound - 2010-05-12

@Bugstomper2 it's still good for getting close though and one could easily see adding some conventional chemical boosters to get you to LEO.

Hippoman141 - 2010-12-16

This is amazing

Michael Frontera - 2019-01-17

If war wasn't #1 priority US Air Force could develop advanced space vehicles long before NASA

serpentphoenix - 2010-09-26

U-F ukin-O !!!!!! lol jk , awesome vid btw, Thanks SpaceRip!!!

zhonni - 2012-08-05


SuperDonwhan - 2011-08-15

thats awesome:)

hoolikassoolikas - 2012-01-30

Catch it, keep it:D

matthewakian2 - 2015-08-08

Does anybody have an update on the progress of this project please.

James Behrje - 2016-09-09

it was indefinately.put on hold due to the launch of the iPhone 7 ! ! !

matthewakian2 - 2016-09-09

@James Behrje If they are launching an Emdrive to space shortly, surely they could invest in this.

James Behrje - 2016-09-11

What is an Emdrive? ? ?

matthewakian2 - 2016-09-11

RF resonant cavity thruster. Check it out on Wikipedia.

Tony Zapata - 2018-07-22

matthewakian2 playing games with use

donttazemebro3434 - 2011-06-09

Aliens thought of it first :D

Ishkabo - 2011-03-27

@oryjen I like how you call a real technology expensive and unefficienct (sic) and then claim that a purely fantasy idea is the way.

maddcatone - 2010-03-10

yes, I agree! 8)

sfreak1990 - 2012-10-22

being used by military as we speak :)

XentorAntarix - 2015-06-17

Lovely concept.
To bad born in a society that has no interest in any progress in this direction.
(this concepvideo is now 7 years old and.... listensto the crickets "cirp cirp cirp cirp

XentorAntarix - 2015-12-09

@Didrik Løkken
nods We life on a planet controlled by suicidial idiots.... It would be real easy to solve letsay sure 80 % of all world problems within only 100 years.

C 3 - 2019-05-12

I bet 'they' built an Engine based on this Concept.
Ever heard of that Strange Contrails Folks are saying were made by some kinda Aurora Black Project?
I think Aurora is something like that

Ivan J. Conway - 2019-07-23

It was uploaded seven years ago, but made some 30 odd, years ago from the look of the video itself. This is either, getting willfully, suppressed or grossly, underfunded to the point where it's becoming impossible for the creators to proceed further.

Unless there is concerns with the safety of the lazer beam itself. But that should not stop them from producing and promoting modified versions of it.

My Visionary Space Best. Out.

Ivan J. Conway - 2019-07-23

​@XentorAntarix​ : Or less. I could not agree more.

jefbed - 2019-11-04

@Ivan J. Conway It is very likely that further research in this project was suppressed in the media, but continued in secret. I first saw the prototype pictured here being tested about 20 years ago, but, since then, nothing. It would only take laser tracking and gyroscopic stabilization to make this reach the edge of the atmosphere, before further material would have to be introduced for consumption. This concept has always stayed present in my mind as something very important.

happypap5 - 2009-07-13

LOL! i laugh every time i think of that

bluetorch13 - 2011-03-23

OMG! Where can I buy a laser like that?! : D lol!

lexius editely - 2011-07-16

anyone know the name of the pogect mentioned at the end of the vid, i wanna research it

alf20104 - 2011-01-29

@martinmartiini thought the video said that the theoretical craft would carry compressed helium as its fuel 5:05

naju332 - 2015-12-02

if we humans would concentrate on heath development and science we could achieve something that will be known in the whole universe instate of doing that all we do is kill each other and bother with religion and greed.

Sean Mastro - 2017-07-06

Yep, well said, just ignore all the crap in the world and gather up like minded people and.....do it. oh....and make sure you have balls enough to recognize regulation and prohibitions as what they are.....obstructions. (sweep them to the way side by your actions not hindering them, when needed.) now back to making it happen:........... just do it. enough said.

karen l Smith - 2018-01-07

replace humans

Juno Berries - 2018-06-20

flat earthers ^ and yeah most people cant even make it out of a parking lot safely. space will be an interesting catalyst to separate religious morons from intellectuals. those intellectually castrated bastards will be screaming cakedish at the sky long after we achieve interstellar space flight.

izraul hidashi - 2018-09-09

Trust me... It's much better that we die. Nothing would be worse than spreading our stupidity around the universe. Trying to convert other beings into retarded Hypo-Christians.

Ivan J. Conway - 2019-07-23


Then when true visionaries come along, they are treated as nuts and crazies and silenced as it's always been. The internet now, has merely, taken that worldwide.

Where's the VISIONARY, content over this website, for example, that goes worldwide and has millions of hits, every, damn, day?! Very, very, few and far between. You have to actively, search out such things and get almost, nothing in return. Just an utterly, horrible way to utilize this medium.

My Visionary Space Best. Out.

BAGS_OF_BISCUITS - 2010-03-05

@maddcatone well scientist still arent sure if theres enough ions and electrons to support laser plasma ecceleration, but im sure they will make a way

MabusZero - 2011-01-03

@martinmartiini It would require some sort of reaction mass...though this does remind me of the Orion program, which used a similar method, albeit pulsing with nuclear bombs. This in turn reminds me of the baby-step of a Pulsed Jet Engine during WW2. Funny how things seem so close, and yet then show themselves to be so far beyond our grasp.

Joe Sexton - 2009-08-06


jdmifsud14 - 2010-06-13

@FallacaroBenOfficial or we could send Bruce Willis to save the earth :D

Khoa Tran - 2014-11-30

Problem is.. There won't be any air once it got into space. Another kind of propulsion would be needed once in space.

Khoa Tran - 2015-04-21

The whole point of this design was to reduce loads (weight of fuel). Carrying the oil would make this less effective and more costly.

EnigmaHood - 2015-04-21

@Khoa Tran You are confusing terms. There's a difference between propellant and fuel. Imagine you are in outerspace, and you have a gun. You can move by firing the gun right? The bullets are the propellant, the smokeless powder is the fuel, and the gun itself can be described as the "engine". The advantage of this design is that all you need to carry are the bullets. The fuel and the engine are located elsewhere so the ship doesn't need to carry them, so it still saves mass. I hope that clarifies things.

Agimaso Schandir - 2018-04-03

[tons of hydrogen gas in space,you just pump gas into the cavity behind it and it pushes off the gas]
If you are envisioning the space scoop idea, you need to already be traveling at a high velocity to collect enough hydrogen - and a very large scoop

Agimaso Schandir - 2018-04-03

+Silent Walker
Pressurized air was used to spin the craft, but it is the ionized air created by the laser (or infrared in this case) that propels it

Home made science - 2018-08-03

In vacuum ion propulsion works even better

Wiktor Sings - 2010-12-01

now i know how the ufo`s move !!

WerewolfSlayer91 - 2010-06-02

@rumbles99 Maybe in the feature, or maybe very smal astroides in a few years.

Garry O'Brien - 2011-07-27

@urbandefinition its a working process :)

Brockhad - 2011-01-17

@chickenpoper ...They stay on fire by the fusion reactions that power them...You're thinking of chemical reactions, stars work with nuclear reactions.

Mandraquex3000 - 2014-11-01

Great idea.  Only thing about a space based system is the potential for weaponization as a global mega deathray.

Zachary Windsor - 2014-12-23

He talked about using microwaves as the propulsion for the space-bound aircraft. I don't think microwaves would do much to a person from that distance.

EnigmaHood - 2015-04-19

@Michael Mandril It could, hard to say given this is theoretical stuff, it's possible to construct but we haven't constructed it yet, so we don't know if the orbital microwave can be weaponized or not. If it could, it could still be shot down by anti-satellite missiles which every space faring nation has, but of course if the satellite is lethal to ground targets, it can shoot down missiles too. All in all, I wouldn't be too worried about its military significance any more than what we already have.

Dekker3D - 2010-06-11

this is awesome!

theunderone1 - 2010-06-01

@hmanham Yes

greatsilentwatcher - 2010-08-28

this is a great video! thx

djadja fedja - 2011-01-23

@kurtu5 in the vacuum there is no air- so what we need this for ;)