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Semiconductors - Physics inside Transistors and Diodes

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Bipolar junction transistors and diodes explained with energy band levels and electron / hole densities.  My Patreon page is at https://www.patreon.com/EugeneK

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

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--If you believe that the translation in the subtitles can be improved, please send me an email.

Quastrend 10 - 2020-04-08

A big fan of your videos. Hope your future video will cover on Quantum Computing, Mechanics of Block chains, Shor Algorithms, etc

Cosmos San - 2020-11-25

Eugene please upload a vid on why breakdown occurs in reverse bias in diode

Irin Ghosh - 2021-05-12

Ma'am please make vdos on big Bang theory🙏

Eugene Elkin - 2021-06-23


shirshak - 2020-04-08

Eugene is back. I started watching him 5 years ago and still watch today :D thanks for this experience .

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Glad you like my videos. Thanks.

WTPPALUK - 2020-04-11

@Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky hah ! i was one of the first subscribers my Lord and Savior :) love this channel and im really grateful for your hard work, your huge fan !

First Commenter - 2021-03-16

He or she?

Miles Prower - 2021-04-04

@First Commenter The videos are made and narrated by two different people.

xyzct - 2020-04-09

Brilliant, as always. This, and 3blue1brown, are two of the most enlightening channels on YouTube. Thank you, sir!

xyzct - 2020-07-05

@Arun Sukumar, great, thanks! I just subscribed.

am mess - 2020-12-21

checkout Veritasium explaining how transistors work! Also amazing

xyzct - 2020-12-21

@am mess, I'll check that out right now. Thanks!

Bunu Kala Shrestha - 2021-06-14

Thanks for informing about 3blue1brown.......I have been searching for that type of channel for ages......

xyzct - 2021-06-14

@Bunu Kala Shrestha, you're most welcome.

Chan Kok Keong - 2020-04-08

I put my heart and my soul into Physics after watching this channel.
Nothing's boring in this universe if you tell a good story.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

I am glad to hear that my videos have made such a big impact. Thanks.

Physics Lover - 2020-04-09

Sir Eugene make videos that are so spiritual and soothing for my heart and mind. We had forgotten about the beaty of this universe but sir Eugene changed your thinking and made us see the beauty of universe in his animations

Marik Zilberman - 2020-04-10

I think you meant 'if you tell a good story'.

Chan Kok Keong - 2020-04-10

@Marik Zilberman You’re right! It sounds more correctly.

Sean Dafny - 2020-04-16

YES !!

Chadzilla IV - 2020-04-08

Our lord and saviour has posted once more

Chadzilla IV - 2020-04-17

@Araf H Raaj Damn dude I guess you're just smarter than every intellectual who has studied any of the topics you're talking about for their whole lives day in day out contemplating. You must be really smart to come up with a viewpoint shared by millions of people who don't know what they're talking about

Araf H Raaj - 2020-04-17

@Chadzilla IV, Yes, I can realize that you are smarter than 8 billion people in the world because you live in the world of fantasy... Come on... Except pure one heavenly book, you will find lots of mathematical error in all other books. Do you think God doesn't know a simple math? Come to the true path... You will never ever be able to see light if you remain in the dark and will not understand what millions of people are talking...

Brijendra Mishra - 2020-04-18

@Araf H Raaj you follow your path. And let others follow their path.

Hochspannung Lebensgefahr - 2020-05-13

People in the comments really ignored the video and started discussing god's existance .
No one cares if there is a god or not , just don't be an idiot and enjoy your life

Dmytro Dieiev - 2021-02-07


Apoorv Bagal - 2020-04-08

Stay safe Eugene!We need you

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Thanks. I hope you stay safe too.

akh345 - 2020-04-08

This is absolutely amazing!! I wish this video existed a few years ago when I was studying this. I wanted to point out that this electron level stacking visualization thing shown by Eugene is MUCH deeper conceptually than it may seem. Say, see some electrons "falling down" at 9:05? this is how LED works!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Thanks for the compliment about my video.

Sean Dafny - 2020-04-16

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky Eugene u are truly amazing

Heisenberg's Dog - 2020-04-09

I love the quantized aspect of the visualization. Between the energy levels, but also between the available positions the electrons and holes can take in space.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-09

Thanks. I am glad you like my visualization.

GStar - 2020-04-08

This is what I wanted!
Please make a video for LASER also if possible

Rykehuss - 2020-04-08


Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Thanks. Lasers are on my list of topics for future topics.

Chris - 2020-04-08

I thought the same thing before reading your comment! Would love to see his style of explanation for laser/maser

Physics Lover - 2020-04-09

O yes laser. Seriously I also wanted that video as soon as possible .

William Dye - 2020-04-09

It helps me to think of the bigger picture: the goal is to control the flow of electricity with... electricity. Mechanical switches are slow, so we need a device that can change states between conducting well and conducting badly, and the change of state must be set using only electricity.

KB Tek - 2020-04-08

Physics is one of my favorite subject 😍😍😍 animation that you are making is great

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Thanks for the compliment.

Hajar Mouqadem - 2020-09-30

The music on your videos personally keeps me more concentrated and curious throughout the length of the videos. Thank you so much for this extraordinarly instructive content!

Muhmmed Mahdi - 2020-04-08

Plz more on semiconductors! I adore this channel🥰 i hope you all are safe and healthy!♥️♥️

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Yes, I plan to eventually make more videos dealing with semiconductors. Thanks. I hope you and your family are safe and healthy too.

Muhmmed Mahdi - 2020-04-08

Thanks a lot ♥️


Ohh thank you so much for this video!
I´m studying semiconductor physics and ill have an exam soon.
Your videos are amazing, they help me understand physics and see the beauty of it.
Best regards!!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-16

I am glad my videos are helpful. Thanks.

Lit3 Plumber - 2020-04-10

These are the fundamental mechanics of physics... And I was never taught about this in school!

prophetYeast - 2020-04-17

Ahhh this gets released just as I'm finishing my semiconductor module! Great visual aid to see what's going on behind the maths and models!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-17

Glad my video was helpful. Thanks.

角翼 - 2020-04-08

I wish I had met this video in my student days...

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Glad you liked my video. Thanks.

Ravindra Sahu - 2020-04-08

You are super creative Eugene! The best intuitive video ever watched about the PN junction diode and NPN transistor. keep creating this kind of content to solidify the base of upcoming science students.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Thank you very much. More videos are on their way.

Physics Lover - 2020-04-09

Ravindra Sahu Yes i haven't seen such a professional teacher like sir Eugene. Very crystal clear concepts.

Kartik Kulkarni - 2020-04-30

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! this is exactly what I wanted I could never visualize why the base current was always lesser in comparison to the collector current thus made my day.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-30

Glad my video was helpful. Thanks.

Ruben Iraheta - 2020-06-07

Great video! I started watching you in my undergrad and continue to do so well into my career. Your videos help make things so intuitive!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-06-07

Thanks. I am glad you like my videos.

Víctor Hugo López Lugo - 2020-06-15

Very good job in performing the simulations to explain the physical principles of different systems. Could you please do one where you explain how the LED works?

Alexandros Karagiannis - 2020-04-08

Thank you for this video! I struggle so much with this topic. Is there somewhere where you list the music you play in these videos? Great work

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Glad you liked my video. The music in this video is from the free YouTube audio library, and the names of the songs are the following.

darrylkid - 2020-04-16

5:10 So just to get this clear, the sporadic presence of holes gives the appearance of moving positive charges although the protons stay fixed?

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-16

Yes, that is correct.

Jithin Paulson - 2020-05-14

Protons and holes are unreleted... holes are just representations of absence of electrons. Pls correct me if im wrong..

Tess Del Rio - 2020-08-26

im passing chemistry because of you 😭 thank you so much for your time and energy. you've helped inspire my passion for physics more than i could've ever imagined. now im looking at material scientist grad school programs !!

would love more semi conductor videos, maybe colligative property videos, thermochemistry, or similar phase change chemistry topics from a physics perspective.

take care!!!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-08-26

I am glad my videos have been helpful. I plan on making additional videos on semiconductors and the other topics. Thanks.

Nothing\ - 2020-04-17

I love the new graphics format you've used for this video. I would definitely like to see more videos in this style. Especially a video about the different mechanisms of electrical breakdown.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-17

Thanks. I plan to make more videos dealing with semiconductors in the future, using this format.

Dante Ramirez - 2020-04-10

I love the way you explain, is simply perfect and detailed <3

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-10

Thanks for the compliment about my explanations.

Rigorous Electronics - 2020-04-13

I love the fact that I took this course at the same University as Eugene.

Chris - 2020-04-08

Thank you for your awesome work!! Any possible videos on lasers/masers physics?

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Thanks for the compliment. Yes, this is on my list of topics for future videos.

jkinkamo - 2020-04-10

Thanks, this is an essential lecture indeed! For the newcomers as well as for the folks from the valve era. The latter ones (like me) have probably forgotten the "voltage model" of the bipolar devices and instead are dealing only with the current model. And that does not explain enough the base region behaviour. Back in the 80's they taught us valves first thus probably easier to jump directly to the PNP-bipolars (e.g. 12AX7A => AC128). Were this video available that time it would have been much easier to understand the working of a transistor, i.e. without the valve analogue. I truly recommend this video, especially the requirement for a thin P-type base region biased to conduct (at 11:00) in order to get the device working.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-10

Glad you liked my video. Thanks.

Taylor Langley - 2020-11-02

Thank you this video helped me understand so much vs just looking at diagrams in the textbook.

Cosmos San - 2020-11-25

Eugene please upload a vid on why breakdown occurs in diode in reverse bias

Christopher Kebenei - 2020-04-09

School without going to school. Thank you so much for taking your time to educate world wide curious minds 😊

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-09


RustyBolts - 2021-02-01

Having experienced a traumatic childhood and lousy education; I am one of many recovering ignoramuses or egnorolics even, cause most get turned off physics and math for life. Thanks to brain plasticity and the net, we can recover. Cannot thank Eugene and team enough for their great service to humanity, now and for generations yet unborn...

First Commenter - 2021-03-16

This is a very superb video.
Hopefully can see more other type of semiconductor devices.

subramanian ganesan - 2020-04-25

Great to see a video from you after a long time..... May your service reach new heights ...
...... It would be nice if you put more videos on Nuclear Physics.....

Nora Tarek - 2020-04-20

Yay! Just when i needed a video for semiconductors! 😇
Lots of thank yous! 😍 love your videos!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-20


Hassan Ali - 2021-04-07

I wish this was around when I was still an undergrad. I feel so jealous.

Usefz89 - 2020-04-22

Remember the Quantum explanation from this channel, it was awesome. glad you are back. with another great video. Keep it up

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-23


Siddharth Jain - 2020-06-23

This staircase animation seemingly gives a sense of thrill. Seems like we are watching a classic movie or game of unpredictable stairs.

skun406 - 2020-04-09

Thank you, I was just wondering how the transistor works, and actually what is a semiconductor. Amazing!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-09

Glad it was helpful. Thanks.

Mayank - 2020-04-08

just at the time when i am struggling to self study semiconductor electronics while classes are cancelled. thanks 🥰

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Glad I made the video just in time.

Mayank - 2020-04-08

@Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky you actually are a hero. 🥰🥰 i can watch your videos all day.

semmering1 - 2020-04-15

You are so excellent. We love your videos all over the world, it´s united fascinations. Greetings from Vienna.. Stay healthy and thank you for hours of beautiful physics lessons.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-15

Thanks for the compliment and I am glad that you like my videos. I hope you and your family stays healthy too.

Arun S - 2020-04-08

Thanks for such a wonderful explanation!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

Glad you liked it. Thanks for the compliment.

Tlelkina - 2020-04-24

I was watching videos about electromagnetism from playlist "Electricity videos in order", and all of them were like five years ago. And then I stumble across this video, that was posted only two weeks ago. I feel lucky to see it now when it is relevant to me.

t fuka - 2020-04-09

Hello, Eugene
I'm happy to see your new video!
And thanks for approving my translation

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-09

Thank you very much for providing the translation for this video and for all the other videos.

Leon Fretter - 2020-08-21

Just curious, did you program the simulations yourself? :)
Btw, very clear explanation and visualization!

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-08-22

For this video, I programmed the motions of the electrons myself. Thanks for the compliment.

Venkataramana Rishikesan - 2020-04-25

Wonderful video! But do conductors also have an energy gap?

Nima Amini - 2020-04-16

I wish I could support your channel and your awesome videos!
I love this channel
Never disappointed me with content!
Videos like this make me feel like I've found some gold mine!
Just thank you🤗

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-16

Thanks. I am glad you like my videos.

Qaxeem Butt - 2020-04-09

Can you please add a topic of quantization of energy in you photoelectric effect video and can we have wavelengths less than plank length . I heard that when the wavelength getts smaller than the plank length the light is converted into mass. So please also explain thr mass energy relation in terms of quantum mechanics in your photoelectric effect video . Tell us what are these fundamental constants of plank length ,plank time, plank energy and plank temperature.

Nondescript - 2020-10-09

One great visualization and clear explanation after another. You sir make the most useful and efficient educational videos I've ever seen.

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-10-09

Thanks for the compliment about my videos. I am glad you like them.

faruk - 2020-04-08

Very nice visualization, Eugene could you please make a video explaining superconductivity and levitation?

Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky - 2020-04-08

That is on my list of topics for future videos. Thanks.