> chemistry > métaux-alcalins > nurd-rage-lab-notes-making-sodium-metal > rushed-vlog-may-9th-sodium-discovery-and-youtube-strike-nurdrage

Rushed Vlog May 9th - Sodium Discovery and Youtube Strike

NurdRage - 2018-05-09

Had to rush this vlog out before youtube gets to me. I have made sodium! and i also got a strike on my channel. 

In case i vanish, you can still reach me by the follow social media accounts:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NurdRage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NurdRageYoutube/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nurdrageyoutube/

NurdRage - 2018-05-10

Wow, i just noticed the surge of redditors coming in. Just want to reel-in the outrage: I'm not that important, this is just some minor youtube drama. Yeah it hurts and i like the popularity, but objectively, i'm a drop in the bucket and internet outrage is more productively directed at more noble causes. I'm anything but noble. Go back to your daily lives, the world is wonderful! Nonetheless i appreciate everyone coming out and supporting me. Thanks.

R O M C H O M P A - 2018-05-14

What is wrong with the video to get your channel fucked with?

Eugene Sanderson - 2018-05-16

Hey, just because you don't have a lot of common ass Bieber supporters, don't think for one second you're not a noble person, you swear, fuck up but you are one of the few people that gave me passion for chemistry! Seriously, don't underestimate yourself NurdRage.

Peter Fox - 2018-05-29

I just started using reddit 3 days ago, how have I not discovered this amazing website sooner

Donald Sleightholme - 2018-08-01

NurdRage does sodium react with heavy water 🤔😯

John Sheppard - 2018-10-15

I know another way to produce sodium!
You need to mix sodium hydroxide and the same mass of iron powder-than seal them and heat up to 500-600 Celsius!Due to the fact that formation of iron oxide by removing oxygen from NaOH is thermodynamically favourable-you will get sodium metal!I first seen that effect when during fusing some e-waste with molten NaOH(U-A-HA-HA!😈 BTW I even made couple of videos on that)in iron dish-I observed sodium fire almost every time!

Danilo Pinheiro Muller - 2018-05-09

YouTube strikes a science channel and promotes adults behaving like teenagers dunking themselves in tubs filled with Nutella...

Danilo Pinheiro Muller - 2018-05-11

juan2049 never used or even accessed any Reddit page or post so your comment and your hate is useless and childish.

Captian Morgan - 2018-05-11

It makes as much sense as their "as you may know [because they think you are a moron] our community guidlines describe which content we allow - and don't allow -" and then you go and read the guidelines and they tell you FUCK all. And not only does it not tell you anything, NO ONE tells you anything. They just try and refer you the the useless and yet holy Community Guidelines.

Tadesan - 2018-05-11

Danilo Muller there are videos of crush fetishes and eating disorder advice too.

If somebody made a video hosting site that wasn't porn and wasn't youtube I would stop using youtube.

It's a monopoly right now.

Jehu McSpooran - 2018-05-17

And producing lifesaving medications that some douchbag cranked up the price to stupidly high levels warrants a strike?

Chaos - 2018-10-02

Cant have the population taught a dark art like chemistry, lol

Yacob Gugsa - 2018-05-09

Logan Paul shows a dead body: nothing happens
NurdRage does educational science videos: gets a content strike

Mike Guitar - 2018-05-10

Right? Seems like KingofRandom teaches kids how to make weapons on the majority of vids, lol.

MhDaMaster - 2018-05-09

Damm it's hard to not be angry at YouTube when they are attacking a purely educational channel. They are doing the modern equivalent of burning books which is annoying to put it mildly.

Dream Services International - 2018-05-09

Pretty much. The fact that untrustworthy parties act predictably doesn't excuse their behavior. Nobody should stoop to implicitly apologizing for YouTube's bullshit.

dog doggman - 2018-05-10

Try bitchute

Dream Services International - 2018-05-10

Maybe NR just wants to keep a theme of positivity around his work. Awareness and honesty is important, but it's easy to see all forms of discontent as similar.

I think it's appropriate to be angry, and at least regard contemptible behavior as such. On the other hand, thinking that you're going to be able to change the minds of people who currently demonstrate zero respect for your opinion or will is simply misguided.

xvxv xvxv - 2018-05-13

Yeah, youtube really dumb on this one

Alex H - 2018-05-09

Have you heard of the YouTube Union? It's a group made by Joerg Sprave from The Slingshot Channel to band together educational content creators to try to leverage the numbers to force YouTube to change.

vx-iidu 9000 - 2018-05-10

>band together
lol puns xd

Peter Houlihan - 2018-05-10

Waste of time imho. That's like begging apple not to engage in IP trolling. Just switch platform.

My argument is completely invalid But - 2018-05-13

Peter Houlihan they have had meetings with youtube

Peter Houlihan - 2018-05-13

Youtube isn't going to meaningfully change their tune. Google as a whole are committed to a particular political product which isn't compatible with guns, explosions or most fun things.

CoolKoon - 2018-05-16

Dmfkrk Dkke "they have had meetings with youtube" - And yet obviously all their pleas fell on deaf ears (as is usualy with corporations). They are not gonna care until their stock price crumbles.

*iTs STill ME* V-i-P - 2018-05-09

Logan Paul is toxic and can kill more brain cells in one video than you could with a litre of fuming nitric acid and boiling water sprayed on after. LOL

Maybe i should just - 2018-06-22

Hi fellow redditor. I don't have an account, is their anyway i could get one?

Hah get it, cause you the L I A R

SushiKarasumori - 2018-06-22

If you have to explain your joke that means it's bad. people on reddit do that

Maybe i should just - 2018-06-22

I love you. I really i do. You throw stereo types. And no that's no true. I didnt explain. I just threw in the terrible punch line.

SushiKarasumori - 2018-06-22


Maybe i should just - 2018-06-22


NurdRage - 2018-05-09

Don't worry TOO much about it. This has happened in the past and usually i'm okay. I didn't even bother making videos on it. Just this time i actually have a cool discovery that i wanted to make sure was public. No need to get the pitchforks or go after youtube.

Geemonster - 2018-05-10

It still sucks though, i admire you for sharing it when you could have kept it to yourself.

CuckerSpaniel'89 - 2018-05-11

Youtube is destroying anything of substance

Anthony Smith - 2018-05-12

Not uh need more proof how do we know it really you posting these comments

Chris Dad - 2018-05-15

Have you considered opening a second channel so you can hop between the two if the temp' strike hammer falls, like Cody? I'm sure your followers wouldn't mind keep an on both.

Lithium Ferrate - 2018-05-17

Can you make a torrent of all your videos?

Aussie Chemist - 2018-05-09

YouTube is getting so disgusting recently still couldn’t believe that chem player is gone, it happened just too quick

john doe - 2018-05-10

They need to protect us from learning about chemicals, but disturbing videos featuring Elsa, Spiderman, poop, needles, beer, and dry-humping need to be shown to our children as often as possible.

Paul Habib Jr - 2018-05-09

Speak with LinusTechTips. They’ve started a new video platform called Floatplane in direct response to YouTube issues.

Frank Sandow - 2018-05-10

Floatplane is subscription based and will reduce views a lot.

Kowboy USA - 2018-05-10

Frank Sandow thanks. In financial straits, I can't afford to sub to anything else, and most people I know either can't either or won't.

SilverSkyes - 2018-05-11

yes! I subscribe to LTT, I would definitely consider subscribing to you if you were on there.

Eric Pham - 2018-05-09

NurdRage: Fans, i don't feel so good

Benjamin - 2018-05-09

Got to love how YouTube aims to be "family friendly", but is banning educational videos in the process.

Dru Bradley - 2018-05-09

To think, chemistry is something that used to be taught in high school, now, the powers that be, fear the common public knowing a single thing, let alone to simply pick up a book from the library, they document you there as well... insane...

Frank Sandow - 2018-05-10

You don't have chemistry in high school now? What country are you from?

Carcharoth - 2018-05-09

"Home made" malaria cure=BAD, thanks YouTube I was in danger of learn something besides the wage gap...

Mike Guitar - 2018-05-10

It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.

Carcharoth - 2018-05-10

By "home made" I mean not store bought and my comment was sarcasm ;) BTW the strike to the channel can be because "copyright" of the molecule?

Carcharoth - 2018-05-25

I am a Shoe0nHead, Forgotten Weapons, Taofledermaus, ... subscriber, I am way too informed about the latest feminism and YT crap. BTW that girl is a Twitch... "Can we copystrike Carcharoth's comment?" ;)

Random Experiments Int. - Experiments and syntheses - 2018-05-09

Damn it! Please don't die! We already lost chemplayer a few weeks ago and others before...

user255 - 2018-05-10

Probably publish videos in bitchute and collect money with patreon etc.

XXCoder - 2018-05-10

No caption support at all.

Michael Mantion - 2018-05-11

has chemplayer uploaded anywhere else.

canal canal - 2018-05-11

Astral chemistry is going out he explains in a recent video, jezz chem community in yt need to team up

AguaFluorida - 2018-05-13

Michael Mantion - Chemplayer is here now: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/chemplayer/ Please spread the word!

Katherine Clairmont - 2018-05-09

I am angry at youtube.

Exemplary Ligas - 2018-05-10

Katherine Clairmont dissapointed

Audr Verinenkasi - 2018-05-09

Have you considered uploading all your videos in vimeo or something in case you got banned?

mechadrake - 2018-05-10

But alternative sites have much lower audiences and it is not the same viewership because of that. And last time I used bunch of those they had terrible user experience. And creators cant be paid or are they?

styropyro - 2018-05-10

Awesome work there, this looks like a great method to make sodium metal! 30% is still a good yield IMO, and I'm curious to see if you're able to improve it.

As for the strikes, it really is a shame that YT is striking/banning so many of the chemistry channels on YT. I nearly got banned a couple months ago due to chemistry vids too. TrustedFlagger on Twitter was able to get my strikes removed for me (although with 18+ age restriction) so I'd recommend contacting him if you want to try appealing that strike.

Great work as always!

Ethan Wayne Cootter Henderson - 2018-05-10

styropyro dude when will you upload next? Want to see what kind of crazy shit you build next time lol

NurdRage - 2018-05-10

Thanks,. i'm certain higher yields can be obtained since potassium yields are in the 60-80% range.

I'll look into trustedflagger, thanks!

canal canal - 2018-05-11

styropyro another chemistry channel is going out, he is german I think, channel name is Astral Chemistry, he just upload a yt rant video, he has some good vids on Pt catalysis.

Garry Greenfingers - 2018-05-09

Thankyou utube for playing your part in the Dumbing Down of Western society. You are required to pack up your glassware, dust off your TV and catch up with the latest Kardashians episode.

mechadrake - 2018-05-10

All hail Kards ass! Or something, Iäm not in the us never saw the show, sry :)

dr.rockzo - 2018-05-09

Awesome to see you succeed on the sodium synthesis.

It's a shame that YouTube is hell bent on regulating itself out of existence. I remember when it was like a video forum and not the video safe-space, dictatorship it has become.

Tungsten Tony - 2018-05-09

YouTube please don't shut down this channel. Lohan Paul is far more toxic then any experiment conducted on this channel.

Gerko - 2018-05-10

Logan Paul is a toxic substance

vx-iidu 9000 - 2018-05-10

>implying jewtube will listen to you at all

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2018-05-09

Congratulations brother you have found the (Holy Grail). Time to discover Minds.com. forget YouLube

Craig Cain - 2018-05-09

NurdRage ,will follow you wherever you decide to go

Exemplary Ligas - 2018-05-10

Craig Cain yeah he needs to say where he pretend to move before youtube decide ban his channel and forget all the shit musical videos with nudes and stupid lyrics instead something useful to learn practical chemistry, thank youtube go ahead to lose cientific community, what a shame

Martins A little bit of everything! - 2018-05-09

Really love your channel!
Start getting really tired of Youtube chasing everything I like about Youtube.😡

DrSnap23 - 2018-05-10

I love how Youtube doesn't like you succeeding at something you struggled on for years, but making cyanide is perfectly fine for them

Dominik Schütz - 2018-05-09

Just store the recipes on a website and present how awesome these are. Would be much easier to handle :)

mickenoss - 2018-05-09

No wonder youtube gave a strike and removed the video
...you showed how to save lives for next to nothing, instead of putting insane amounts of money in criminal hands.

Mike Guitar - 2018-05-10

Yeah, why would anyone want to make a compound on the world heath organization's list of essential medicines when you could just buy it for $750 a pill? /s

Peter Hamilton - 2018-05-10

"...the yield right now us utter crap..."

He says as we're looking at a couple of grey poos in a conical flask. XD

Eyland 1082 - 2018-05-09

To get strike from Youtube you only have to fart in the video.

MatVenture - 2018-05-10

Eyland 1082 No, because the sad thing is, people are farting in videos just for views these days, and YouTube is completely fine with it

Eyland 1082 - 2018-05-10

good point :)

Matt Dallass - 2018-05-10

Because a fart contains METHane.

TieMan - 2018-05-12

No cuz I bet Logan Paul does that all the time yet no strikes. Science is just not allowed

Doublesanta - 2018-05-14

Just make a video filming a dead body in the suicide forest and that strike will dissappear

CyresBlackSoul - 2018-05-09

Holy... That is fu**ing amazing man.
Big love from Ger. and big respect.

Totes Muh Goats - 2018-05-10

This is an amazing discovery. It's a damn shame that you and YouTube are constantly at odds with one another, actual science is happening here.

Gravel Left - 2018-05-11

Looks like the pyrimethamine video is back now, so there's that, at least ^^

zker666 K - 2018-05-10

Damnit. This has been one of my favorite channels for the probably 10+ years I have been on youtube. Keep up the good fight, N. Butyl; myself and all of my fellow logically-minded youtubers are with you.

Nepu-Tech USA - 2018-05-10

This is the first step in making the Ironman Armor! :D

Jesse Parker - 2018-05-09

YouTube probably received a complaint about the pyremethamine video based on a) patent infringement or b) drug synthesis. Hope you stick around!

Gigs - 2018-05-09

Jesse Parker more likely because some idiot saw the methamine part and thought it was methamphetamine.

Jeff - 2018-05-10

That ball of sodium looks so awesome, did it fit out of the flask neck? lol
btw, picked up the twitter feed :)

Dawson Taylor - 2018-05-10

I’m angery. YouTube censoring all my favorite channels for little reason, none of it good or logical reasoning at that. Elated to hear you’ve made sodium metal from NaOH without electrolysis! Honestly have enjoyed your Grignard reagent videos. The one on the tertiary alcohols was like nothing I’ve ever seen or read. Keep up the amazing work NurdRage!

Lambda Videos - 2018-05-10

I've backed up your entire channel in case you need to reupload the videos elsewhere. Hit me up if you need them.

Dan Manaig - 2018-05-16

This is awesome. First time to comment in youtube, because this is really amazing.

99 problems - 2018-05-09

Great I actually had a notification

EmethMatthew - 2018-05-10

That sodium ball looks awesome though! Thanks for sharing!

sirwilliam51 - 2018-05-09

Nurd Rage, come over to MeWe and run your videos from anywhere just need to let us know when you upload them.

Inner Paths 2 Outer Space - 2018-05-10

Wow, this is amazing your like an alchemist 🙌.
Keep up the Great Work, you have one of the best channels when it comes to safe practice👍.
I love chemistry & at least you demonstrate how to do each procedure properly & safely within a lab unlike a lot of other channels still active that teach people how to basically blow themselves up by taking short cuts in safety.
(eg. Ever seen someone with no protective clothing & equipment smoking a cigarette while working inside a non-ventilated room heating a liquid that produces flammable vapors or simply someone using a Bunsen burner in place of say an electric hotplate ⚠️💥🤯, ) takecare guys & be safe.

aecheon95 - 2018-05-13

There are videos on youtube. That literally teach you to make actual meth. Wtf

John Starkey - 2018-05-11

Awesome things happen in your flasks and on your channel keep up the efforts!

NetRolller3D - 2018-05-09

0:39 at first I read that word as "hypergolic".

zubmit - 2018-05-09

Can't wait to see how this discovery processes.

Chlorate - 2018-05-09

Let me guess, the strike was because you were making a drug... context doesn't seem to matter to these people.

Scott Bragdon - 2018-05-09

Great video even though it is short. Thanks for keeping us informed of your possible YouTube problem. I just followed you on Twitter just in case something goes horribly wrong. Have a great day.

Gertrude Filthbasket - 2018-05-10

DISCOVERIES!!! great job NR!

Jose - 2018-05-12

Upload on fullsend? Anyone know what I'm talking about?🙄🤔